16 research outputs found

    The economic enterprise risk management innovation program for healthcare organizations : E2RMhealthcare

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    A Gestão de Riscos Corporativos (ERM), a partir das publicações da ISO 31000 em 2009 e do guia do COSO em 2007, vem sendo aplicada e adaptada às especificidades de múltiplos mercados. O contexto hospitalar, caracterizado pela necessidade de avanços em sistemas e métodos gerenciais que permitam maior acurácia de informações e sustento na orientação à tomada de decisão, passou a, também, interessar-se pelo valor da ERM. Influenciado pelos programas de qualidade e segurança do paciente e de gestão de riscos assistencial, presentes na cultura hospitalar mundial, gestores estratégicos à frente de organizações de saúde começaram a procurar por metodologias que possam ser adaptadas à complexidade de um hospital e apoiem a implementação da ERM. A literatura prévia ao desenvolvimento desta tese não apresenta um modelo que consolida e orienta a operacionalização da ERM em organizações de saúde, mas destaca em múltiplas publicações a necessidade que os hospitais têm de atentar a metodologias que permitam gerir de forma proativa e estratégica seus negócios, que estão expostos a riscos internos e externos. Motivada pela lacuna descrita, esta tese explorou o mercado brasileiro e norte americano através de entrevistas, estudos de caso e survey, e propôs um modelo global de ERM para organizações de saúde: o E2RMhealthcare. Este sugere requisitos para a operacionalização global da ERM e é fragmentado em 4 níveis: risk baseline, education, quantitative e governance que orientam uma implementação gradual, considerando a maturidade de gestão da organização. Formas de como explorar as características do hospital e capital humano para exercer a ERM também foram estudadas, sendo proposto uma relação entre as equipes de avaliação de tecnologias de saúde hospitalar e de ERM no processo de criação de valor da organização através de um mapa de causa e efeito. Como destaque do negócio saúde, essa tese inova propondo o primeiro inventário de riscos corporativos orientado a organizações de saúde que foi validado por gestores de múltiplos países, identificando o risco de ataques cibernéticos como o principal. Por fim, o uso de métodos de análise multicriterial e de custeio por atividade são aplicados como soluções inovadoras para a priorização e avaliação econômica de riscos ao longo dos níveis Baseline e Quantitative do E2RMhealthcare. O avanço do E2RMhealthcare com estas metodologias incorporadas para um software com capacidade de inteligência artificial é deixado como sugestão de trabalhos futuros além da sua real aplicação em múltiplos casos.Since the ISO 31000 publication in 2009 and the COSO guide in 2007 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has been applied and adapted to the specificities of different business markets. The hospital context characterized by the demand for advances in management systems and methods that allow to improve information accuracy and to support the decision-making process, also became interested in the value of ERM. Influenced by quality and patient safety and healthcare risk management programs presents in the global hospital culture, managers at the top of healthcare organizations started to look for methodologies that can be adapted to the hospital management complexity to support the ERM implementation. The literature, prior to the development of this thesis, does not present a model that consolidates a guide to operationalize ERM in healthcare organizations. Although emphasizes, in multiple publications, the urgency for methodologies that enable proactive and strategic management of healthcare businesses, which are exposed to internal and external risks. Motivated by the described gap, this thesis explored the Brazilian and American healthcare market through interviews, case studies and survey, and proposed a global ERM model for healthcare organizations: E2RMhealthcare. It suggests requirements for global operationalization of the ERM and is organized in 4 levels: risk baseline, education, quantitative and governance that guide a gradual implementation, considering the maturity of the organization management. Different manners to explore the features of the hospital and human capital to operate the ERM were also studied, and it was proposed a relation between the hospital healthcare technology assessment teams and the ERM in the value creation process of the organization through a cause and effect map. Focusing on the healthcare business, this thesis innovates by proposing the first enterprise risk inventory aimed at healthcare organizations that was confirmed by risk managers from different countries. Cyber-attack was identified as the main enterprise risk in healhtcare. Finally, the use of multicriterial analysis methods and activity-based costing are applied as innovative solutions for prioritization and economic assessment of risks throughout the Baseline and Quantitative levels of E2RMhealthcare. The progress of E2RMhealthcare with these incorporated methodologies for a software with artificial intelligence capacity is left as a suggestion for future studies, in addition to its actual application in multiple cases

    Caracterización de la oportunidad de atención en la consulta de urgencias en el sector de clínicas de la ciudad de Barranquilla

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    Ingeniería IndustrialCurrently the health sector is one of the sectors that present the greatest problem worldwide, the emergency service being one of the areas most affected by problems such as increased mortality rate and overcrowding, which generates system saturation and delays in the Care, this is reflected in patient satisfaction, so the purpose of this degree work is to characterize the opportunity for urgent care consultation in the clinic sector of the city of Barranquilla. In order to comply with this objective, a methodology of 5 phases was proposed that allowed to collect information regarding the behavior of the attention of the emergency service at world, national and local level. In the first phase, a normative and regulatory analysis of the emergency consultation service was carried out in Colombia. Among the information used in this phase is the one entered in the SISPRO (Comprehensive Information System for Social Protection) database of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, which made it possible to meet semester and semester in a period of 2012 - 2015 how was the opportunity for care and patient satisfaction of the emergency service in the country and the department of the Atlantic, and resolution 5596 By which the technical criteria for the system of selection and classification of patients in the emergency services "Triage", among others, are defined.In the second phase a list of clinics was organized, which were chosen by means of a test of randomness in the software Microsoft Excel 2010 and a survey was designed which was applied in the selected clinics in order to identify operational problems of the Emergency centers attached to the clinic sector of the city of Barranquilla. In the third phase, an analysis of the satisfaction indicators of the clinics of the city of Barranquilla was carried out in the period between 2012 and 2015, which shows an increase of the nonconformity by the patients treated in the emergency centers of The clinics. In the fourth phase an analysis of indicators of opportunity for care in the emergency department was carried out using the six sigma methodology, which shows that the system is below the quality standards, for which it is necessary to analyze the whole process And improve activities or procedures that produce delays; Finally, the fifth phase is a compilation of cases in which strategies and methodologies to reduce the time of care in the emergency department worldwide will be presented, in order to compare them with those used in clinics in the city of Barranquilla. Among the main results of this degree study we have that between 22% and 70% of the patients that enter the emergency department use it improperly, a proportion that is part of the majority of patients classified in level IV and V, which It means that most of the time the urgencies are occupied by patients who do not require an urgent assessment and could directly go to priority consultation or external appointment; We also find that among the critical factors that do not guarantee a correct opportunity in the attention of the emergency service are lack of authorization by the EPS, lack of care staff, overcrowding, among others. And the strategies and methodologies most used worldwide to reduce the time of attention such as the addition of a doctor to the service, addition of a trained nurse who performs the triage classification procedure, implementation of a classification methodology, Infrastructure and increase of resources in the emergency service, contractual relationship with EPS to guarantee priority appointment and faster addressing of triage levels of less urgency.Actualmente el sector salud es uno de los sectores que presentan mayor problemática a nivel mundial, siendo el servicio de urgencias una de las áreas más afectadas por problemáticas como aumento en la tasa de mortalidad y hacinamiento lo cual genera saturación en el sistema y demoras en la atención, esto se ve reflejado en la satisfacción de los pacientes, por tanto el propósito del presente trabajo de grado es caracterizar la oportunidad de atención en consulta de urgencias en el sector de clínicas de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Para dar cumplimiento a este objetivo, se planteó una metodología de 5 fases que permitieran recolectar información referente al comportamiento de la atención del servicio de urgencias a nivel mundial, nacional y local. En la primera fase se realizó un análisis normativo y regulatorio del servicio de consulta de urgencia en Colombia, entre la información utilizada en esta fase se encuentra la consignada en la base de datos SISPRO (Sistema integral de información de la protección social) del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, la cual permitió conocer semestre a semestre en un lapso de 2012 – 2015 cómo se encontraba la oportunidad de atención y la satisfacción de pacientes del servicio de urgencias en el país y el departamento del Atlántico, y la resolución 5596 por la cual se definen los criterios técnicos para el sistema de selección y clasificación de pacientes en los servicios de urgencias "Triage", entre otras. En la segunda fase se organizó un listado de clínicas, las cuales fueron escogidas por medio de una prueba de aleatoriedad en el software Microsoft Excel 2010 y se diseñó una encuesta la cual fue aplicada en las clínicas escogidas con el fin de identificar problemáticas operativas de los centros de urgencias adscritos al sector de clínicas de la ciudad de Barranquilla. En la tercera fase se realizó un análisis de los indicadores de satisfacción de las clínicas de la ciudad de Barranquilla en el lapso comprendido entre 2012 y 2015, lo cual manifiesta un aumento de la inconformidad por parte de los pacientes atendidos en los centros de urgencias de las clínicas. En la cuarta fase se realizó un análisis de indicadores de oportunidad de atención en la consulta de urgencias por medio de la metodología seis sigma la cual evidencia que el sistema está por debajo de los estándares de calidad, para lo cual es necesario analizar todo el proceso de atención y mejorar las actividades o procedimientos que producen demoras; y por último la quinta fase es una recopilación de casos en donde se presentaran estrategias y metodologías para reducir el tiempo de atención en el servicio de urgencias a nivel mundial, con el fin de compararlas con las utilizadas en las clínicas de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Entre los principales resultados de este trabajo de grado tenemos que entre el 22% y el 70% de los pacientes que ingresan al servicio de urgencias lo utilizan inadecuadamente, proporción que hace parte en su mayoría de pacientes clasificados en nivel IV y V, lo cual quiere decir que la mayoría del tiempo las urgencias se encuentran ocupadas por pacientes que no requieren una valoración urgente y bien podrían dirigirse directamente a consulta prioritaria o cita externa; también encontramos que entre los factores críticos que no garantizan una correcta oportunidad en la atención del servicio de urgencias están falta de autorización por parte de la EPS, falta de personal asistencial, sobrecupo, entre otras. Y las estrategias y metodologías más utilizadas a nivel mundial para reducir el tiempo de atención como son la adición de un médico al servicio, adición de una enfermera capacitada que realice el procedimiento de clasificación por triage, implementación de una metodología de clasificación, ampliación de la infraestructura y aumento de recursos en el servicio de urgencias, relación contractual con EPS para garantizar cita prioritaria y direccionamiento más rápido de lo niveles de triage de menor urgencia

    Use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer in the Netherlands

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    Use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer in the Netherlands P.E.R. Spronk1, A.C.M. Van Bommel1, S. Siesling2,3, M.J.T. Baas- Vrancken Peeters4, C.H. Smorenburg5. 1Leiden University Medical Centre, Surgery, Leiden, Netherlands; 2Comprehensive Cancer Centre the Netherlands IKNL, Epidemiology, Utrecht, Netherlands; 3University of Twente, MIRA Biomedical science and Technical Medicine, Twente, Netherlands; 4Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Surgery, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 5Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Medical Oncology, Amsterdam, Netherlands Background: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is the treatment of choice for patients with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC). The aim of this study is to examine the use of NAC for LABC in all Dutch hospitals participating in breast cancer care and to assess what patient, tumour and hospital characteristics influence its use. Material and Methods: Data were derived from the national multidisciplinary NABON Breast Cancer Audit (NBCA), regarding all women aged >18 years and newly diagnosed with LABC from January 2011 to September 2013. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess the association between the use of NAC and patient, tumour and hospital related factors. Results: Of 1419 woman diagnosed with LABC, 70% were treated with NAC. This percentage varied from 12.5% to 90% between hospitals and did not increase over time. Factors associated with the use of NAC included young age, large tumour size, more advanced nodal disease and triple negative or hormone-receptor negative tumours. Also patients treated in hospitals with a multidisciplinary preoperative work-up and participation in neoadjuvant studies were more likely to receive NAC. However, considerable variation between hospitals remained after casemix correction. Table 1. Multivariable odds ratios (ORs) for receipt of NAC among 1419 stage III patients 2011 through 2013 OR 95% CI P-value Age 0.000 5 cm 5.68 2.34−13.79 Clinical nodal status 0.000 cNx/N0 ref. cN1 1.32 0.86−2.04 cN2 2.93 1.18−7.29 cN3 10.28 4.18−25.25 Receptor status 0.000 Triple negative 2.35 1.40−3.93 HR−, Her2+ 3.37 1.67−6.78 HR+, Her2+ 0.91 0.51−1.60 HR+, Her2− ref. Type of surgery 0.026 Breast conservation therapy 2.05 1.09−3.84 Mastectomy ref. Multidisciplinary team 0.021 Yes 1.98 1.11−3.53 No ref. Type of hospital 0.569 General 1.20 0.73−1.98 Top clinical ref. Academic 1.50 0.64−3.47 Hospital surgical volume 0.729 200 1.27 0.70−2.31 Study participation 0.005 Yes 1.80 1.20−2.70 No ref. Conclusions: There is considerable variation in the use of NAC for LABC in the Netherlands. Although various patient, tumor and institutional factors are associated with the use of NAC in LABC, these can only explain part of the observed variation in treatment patterns between hospitals

    Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Meeting Stakeholder Interests

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    This book collects together 46 papers presented at the Third Biennial Conference of i-Rec, International Group for the Diffusion of Research and Information on Post-Disaster Reconstruction. The various sections of the book cover the technical and administrative aspects of housing and other buildings after disaster. The approach to post-disaster shelter and reconstruction exemplified by this volume is fully interdisciplinary. A very wide range of perspectives is covered, including the disciplines and sub-disciplines of seismic and structural engineering, architecture, applied geography and geology, environmental psychology, paediatrics, development studies, economics, medicine and public health, management studies and political science. The volume is also intended to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the floods that severely damaged Florence in 1966 and did terrible damage to priceless art treasures