3 research outputs found

    Waveform Advancements and Synchronization Techniques for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    To enable a new level of connectivity among machines as well as between people and machines, future wireless applications will demand higher requirements on data rates, response time, and reliability from the communication system. This will lead to a different system design, comprising a wide range of deployment scenarios. One important aspect is the evolution of physical layer (PHY), specifically the waveform modulation. The novel generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) technique is a prominent proposal for a flexible block filtered multicarrier modulation. This thesis introduces an advanced GFDM concept that enables the emulation of other prominent waveform candidates in scenarios where they perform best. Hence, a unique modulation framework is presented that is capable of addressing a wide range of scenarios and to upgrade the PHY for 5G networks. In particular, for a subset of system parameters of the modulation framework, the problem of symbol time offset (STO) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation is investigated and synchronization approaches, which can operate in burst and continuous transmissions, are designed. The first part of this work presents the modulation principles of prominent 5G candidate waveforms and then focuses on the GFDM basic and advanced attributes. The GFDM concept is extended towards the use of OQAM, introducing the novel frequency-shift OQAM-GFDM, and a new low complexity model based on signal processing carried out in the time domain. A new prototype filter proposal highlights the benefits obtained in terms of a reduced out-of-band (OOB) radiation and more attractive hardware implementation cost. With proper parameterization of the advanced GFDM, the achieved gains are applicable to other filtered OFDM waveforms. In the second part, a search approach for estimating STO and CFO in GFDM is evaluated. A self-interference metric is proposed to quantify the effective SNR penalty caused by the residual time and frequency misalignment or intrinsic inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI) for arbitrary pulse shape design in GFDM. In particular, the ICI can be used as a non-data aided approach for frequency estimation. Then, GFDM training sequences, defined either as an isolated preamble or embedded as a midamble or pseudo-circular pre/post-amble, are designed. Simulations show better OOB emission and good estimation results, either comparable or superior, to state-of-the-art OFDM system in wireless channels

    Optimization of 5G Second Phase Heterogeneous Radio Access Networks with Small Cells

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    Due to the exponential increase in high data-demanding applications and their services per coverage area, it is becoming challenging for the existing cellular network to handle the massive sum of users with their demands. It is conceded to network operators that the current wireless network may not be capable to shelter future traffic demands. To overcome the challenges the operators are taking interest in efficiently deploying the heterogeneous network. Currently, 5G is in the commercialization phase. Network evolution with addition of small cells will develop the existing wireless network with its enriched capabilities and innovative features. Presently, the 5G global standardization has introduced the 5G New Radio (NR) under the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It can support a wide range of frequency bands (<6 GHz to 100 GHz). For different trends and verticals, 5G NR encounters, functional splitting and its cost evaluation are well-thought-out. The aspects of network slicing to the assessment of the business opportunities and allied standardization endeavours are illustrated. The study explores the carrier aggregation (Pico cellular) technique for 4G to bring high spectral efficiency with the support of small cell massification while benefiting from statistical multiplexing gain. One has been able to obtain values for the goodput considering CA in LTE-Sim (4G), of 40 Mbps for a cell radius of 500 m and of 29 Mbps for a cell radius of 50 m, which is 3 times higher than without CA scenario (2.6 GHz plus 3.5 GHz frequency bands). Heterogeneous networks have been under investigation for many years. Heterogeneous network can improve users service quality and resource utilization compared to homogeneous networks. Quality of service can be enhanced by putting the small cells (Femtocells or Picocells) inside the Microcells or Macrocells coverage area. Deploying indoor Femtocells for 5G inside the Macro cellular network can reduce the network cost. Some service providers have started their solutions for indoor users but there are still many challenges to be addressed. The 5G air-simulator is updated to deploy indoor Femto-cell with proposed assumptions with uniform distribution. For all the possible combinations of apartments side length and transmitter power, the maximum number of supported numbers surpassed the number of users by more than two times compared to papers mentioned in the literature. Within outdoor environments, this study also proposed small cells optimization by putting the Pico cells within a Macro cell to obtain low latency and high data rate with the statistical multiplexing gain of the associated users. Results are presented 5G NR functional split six and split seven, for three frequency bands (2.6 GHz, 3.5GHz and 5.62 GHz). Based on the analysis for shorter radius values, the best is to select the 2.6 GHz to achieve lower PLR and to support a higher number of users, with better goodput, and higher profit (for cell radius u to 400 m). In 4G, with CA, from the analysis of the economic trade-off with Picocell, the Enhanced multi-band scheduler EMBS provide higher revenue, compared to those without CA. It is clearly shown that the profit of CA is more than 4 times than in the without CA scenario. This means that the slight increase in the cost of CA gives back more than 4-time profit relatively to the ”without” CA scenario.Devido ao aumento exponencial de aplicações/serviços de elevado débito por unidade de área, torna-se bastante exigente, para a rede celular existente, lidar com a enormes quantidades de utilizadores e seus requisitos. É reconhecido que as redes móveis e sem fios atuais podem não conseguir suportar a procura de tráfego junto dos operadores. Para responder a estes desafios, os operadores estão-se a interessar pelo desenvolvimento de redes heterogéneas eficientes. Atualmente, a 5G está na fase de comercialização. A evolução destas redes concretizar-se-á com a introdução de pequenas células com aptidões melhoradas e características inovadoras. No presente, os organismos de normalização da 5G globais introduziram os Novos Rádios (NR) 5G no contexto do 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). A 5G pode suportar uma gama alargada de bandas de frequência (<6 a 100 GHz). Abordam-se as divisões funcionais e avaliam-se os seus custos para as diferentes tendências e verticais dos NR 5G. Ilustram-se desde os aspetos de particionamento funcional da rede à avaliação das oportunidades de negócio, aliadas aos esforços de normalização. Exploram-se as técnicas de agregação de espetro (do inglês, CA) para pico células, em 4G, a disponibilização de eficiência espetral, com o suporte da massificação de pequenas células, e o ganho de multiplexagem estatística associado. Obtiveram-se valores do débito binário útil, considerando CA no LTE-Sim (4G), de 40 e 29 Mb/s para células de raios 500 e 50 m, respetivamente, três vezes superiores em relação ao caso sem CA (bandas de 2.6 mais 3.5 GHz). Nas redes heterogéneas, alvo de investigação há vários anos, a qualidade de serviço e a utilização de recursos podem ser melhoradas colocando pequenas células (femto- ou pico-células) dentro da área de cobertura de micro- ou macro-células). O desenvolvimento de pequenas células 5G dentro da rede com macro-células pode reduzir os custos da rede. Alguns prestadores de serviços iniciaram as suas soluções para ambientes de interior, mas ainda existem muitos desafios a ser ultrapassados. Atualizou-se o 5G air simulator para representar a implantação de femto-células de interior com os pressupostos propostos e distribuição espacial uniforme. Para todas as combinações possíveis do comprimento lado do apartamento, o número máximo de utilizadores suportado ultrapassou o número de utilizadores suportado (na literatura) em mais de duas vezes. Em ambientes de exterior, propuseram-se pico-células no interior de macro-células, de forma a obter atraso extremo-a-extremo reduzido e taxa de transmissão dados elevada, resultante do ganho de multiplexagem estatística associado. Apresentam-se resultados para as divisões funcionais seis e sete dos NR 5G, para 2.6 GHz, 3.5GHz e 5.62 GHz. Para raios das células curtos, a melhor solução será selecionar a banda dos 2.6 GHz para alcançar PLR (do inglês, PLR) reduzido e suportar um maior número de utilizadores, com débito binário útil e lucro mais elevados (para raios das células até 400 m). Em 4G, com CA, da análise do equilíbrio custos-proveitos com pico-células, o escalonamento multi-banda EMBS (do inglês, Enhanced Multi-band Scheduler) disponibiliza proveitos superiores em comparação com o caso sem CA. Mostra-se claramente que lucro com CA é mais de quatro vezes superior do que no cenário sem CA, o que significa que um aumento ligeiro no custo com CA resulta num aumento de 4-vezes no lucro relativamente ao cenário sem CA

    Advanced signal processing concepts for multi-dimensional communication systems

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    Die weit verbreitete Nutzung von mobilem Internet und intelligenten Anwendungen hat zu einem explosionsartigen Anstieg des mobilen Datenverkehrs geführt. Mit dem Aufstieg von intelligenten Häusern, intelligenten Gebäuden und intelligenten Städten wächst diese Nachfrage ständig, da zukünftige Kommunikationssysteme die Integration mehrerer Netzwerke erfordern, die verschiedene Sektoren, Domänen und Anwendungen bedienen, wie Multimedia, virtuelle oder erweiterte Realität, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) -Kommunikation / Internet of Things (IoT), Automobilanwendungen und vieles mehr. Daher werden die Kommunikationssysteme zukünftig nicht nur eine drahtlose Verbindung über Gbps bereitstellen müssen, sondern auch andere Anforderungen erfüllen müssen, wie z. B. eine niedrige Latenzzeit und eine massive Maschinentyp-Konnektivität, während die Dienstqualität sichergestellt wird. Ohne bedeutende technologische Fortschritte zur Erhöhung der Systemkapazität wird die bestehende Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur diese mehrdimensionalen Anforderungen nicht unterstützen können. Dies stellt eine wichtige Forderung nach geeigneten Wellenformen und Signalverarbeitungslösungen mit verbesserten spektralen Eigenschaften und erhöhter Flexibilität dar. Aus der Spektrumsperspektive werden zukünftige drahtlose Netzwerke erforderlich sein, um mehrere Funkbänder auszunutzen, wie zum Beispiel niedrigere Frequenzbänder (typischerweise mit Frequenzen unter 10 GHz), mm-Wellenbänder (einige hundert GHz höchstens) und THz-Bänder. Viele alternative Technologien wie Optical Wireless Communication (OWC), dynamische Funksysteme und zellulares Radar sollten ebenfalls untersucht werden, um ihr wahres Potenzial abzuschätzen. Insbesondere bietet OWC ein großes, aber noch nicht genutztes optisches Band im sichtbaren Spektrum, das Licht als Mittel zur Informationsübertragung nutzt. Daher können zukünftige Kommunikationssysteme als zusammengesetzte Hybridnetzwerke angesehen werden, die aus einer Anzahl von verschiedenen drahtlosen Netzwerken bestehen, die auf Funk und optischem Zugang basieren. Auf der anderen Seite ist es eine große Herausforderung, fortschrittliche Signalverarbeitungslösungen für mehrere Bereiche von Kommunikationssystemen zu entwickeln. Diese Arbeit trägt zu diesem Ziel bei, indem sie Methoden für die Suche nach effizienten algebraischen Lösungen für verschiedene Anwendungen der digitalen Mehrkanal-Signalverarbeitung demonstriert. Insbesondere tragen wir zu drei verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten bei, d.h. Wellenformen, optischen drahtlosen Systemen und mehrdimensionaler Signalverarbeitung. Gegenwärtig ist das Cyclic Prefix Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CP-OFDM) die weit verbreitete Multitragetechnik für die meisten Kommunikationssysteme. Um jedoch die CP-OFDM-Nachteile in Bezug auf eine schlechte spektrale Eingrenzung, Robustheit in hoch asynchronen Umgebungen und Unflexibilität der Parameterwahl zu überwinden, wurden viele alternative Wellenformen vorgeschlagen. Solche Mehrfachträgerwellenformen umfassen einen Filter bank Multicarrier (FBMC), ein Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM), einen Universal Filter Multicarrier (UFMC) und ein Unique Word Orthogonal Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (UW-OFDM). Diese neuen Luftschnittstellenschemata verwenden verschiedene Ansätze, um einige der inhärenten Mängel bei CP-OFDM zu überwinden. Einige dieser Wellenformen wurden gut untersucht, während andere sich noch in den Kinderschuhen befinden. Insbesondere die Integration von Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) -Konzepten mit UW-OFDM und UFMC befindet sich noch in einem frühen Forschungsstadium. Daher schlagen wir im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit neuartige lineare und sukzessive Interferenzunterdrückungstechniken für MIMO UW-OFDM-Systeme vor. Das Design dieser Techniken zielt darauf ab, Empfänger mit einer geringen Rechenkomplexität zu erhalten. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Anwendbarkeit von Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) auf UW-OFDM und UFMC-Wellenformen. Zu diesem Zweck stellen wir neue Techniken zusammen mit Detektionsverfahren vor. Wir vergleichen auch die Leistung dieser Wellenformen mit unseren vorgeschlagenen Techniken mit den anderen Wellenformen des Standes der Technik, die in der Literatur vorgeschlagen wurden. Wir zeigen, dass raumzeitblockierte UW-OFDM-Systeme mit den vorgeschlagenen Methoden nicht nur andere Wellenformen signifikant übertreffen, sondern auch zu Empfängern mit geringer Rechnerkomplexität führen. Der zweite Anwendungsbereich umfasst optische Systeme im sichtbaren Band (390-700 nm), die in Plastic Optical Fibers (POFs), Multimode-Fasern oder OWC-Systemen wie der Kommunikation über Visible Light Communication (VLC) verwendet werden können. VLC kann Lösungen für eine Reihe von Anwendungen anbieten, einschließlich drahtloser lokaler, persönlicher und Körperbereichsnetzwerke (WLAN, WPAN und WBANs), Innenlokalisierung und -navigation, Fahrzeugnetze, U-Bahn- und Unterwassernetze und bietet eine Reihe von Datenraten von wenigen Mbps zu 10 Gbps. VLC nutzt voll sichtbare Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) für den doppelten Zweck der Beleuchtung und Datenkommunikation bei sehr hohen Geschwindigkeiten. Daher verwenden solche Systeme Intensitätsmodulation und Direct Detection (IM / DD), wodurch gefordert wird, dass das Sendesignal reellwertig und positiv sein sollte. Dies impliziert auch, dass die herkömmlichen Wellenformen, die für die Radio Frequency (RF) Kommunikation ausgelegt sind, nicht direkt verwendet werden können. Zum Beispiel muss eine hermetische Symmetrie auf das CP-OFDM angewendet werden, um ein reellwertiges Signal zu erhalten (oft als Discrete Multitone Transmission (DMT) bezeichnet), das im Gegenzug die Bandbreiteneffizienz verringert. Darüber hinaus begrenzt die LED / LED-Treiberkombination die elektrische Bandbreite. Alle diese Faktoren erfordern die Verwendung spektral effizienter Übertragungsverfahren zusammen mit robusten Entzerrungsschemata, um hohe Datenraten zu erzielen. Deshalb schlagen wir im zweiten Teil der Arbeit Übertragungsverfahren vor, die für solche optischen Systeme am besten geeignet sind. Insbesondere demonstrieren wir die Leistung der PAM-Blockübertragung mit Frequenzbereichsausgleich. Wir zeigen, dass dieses Schema nicht nur leistungsstärker ist, sondern auch alle modernen Verfahren wie CP-DMT-Schemata übertrifft. Wir schlagen auch neue UW-DMT-Schemata vor, die vom UW-OFDM-Konzept abgeleitet sind. Diese Schemata zeigen auch ein sehr überlegenes Bitfehlerverhältnis (BER) -Performance gegenüber den herkömmlichen CP-DMT-Schemata. Der dritte Anwendungsbereich konzentriert sich auf mehrdimensionale Signalverarbeitungstechniken. Bei der Verwendung von MIMO, STBCs, Mehrbenutzerverarbeitung und Mehrträgerwellenformen bei der drahtlosen Kommunikation ist das empfangene Signal mehrdimensional und kann eine multilineare Struktur aufweisen. In diesem Zusammenhang können Signalverarbeitungstechniken, die auf einem Tensor-Modell basieren, gleichzeitig von mehreren Formen von Diversität profitieren, um Mehrbenutzer-Signaltrennung / -entzerrung und Kanalschätzung durchzuführen. Dieser Vorteil ist eine direkte Konsequenz der Eigenschaft der wesentlichen Eindeutigkeit, die für matrixbasierte Ansätze nicht verfügbar ist. Tensor-Zerlegung wie die Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition (HOSVD) und die Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD) werden weithin zur Durchführung dieser Aufgaben empfohlen. Die Leistung dieser Techniken wird oft mit zeitraubenden Monte-Carlo-Versuchen bewertet. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit führen wir eine Störungsanalyse erster Ordnung dieser Tensor-Zerlegungsmethoden durch. Insbesondere führen wir eine analytische Performanceanalyse des Semi-algebraischen Frameworks für approximative Canonical polyadic decompositions Simultaneous matrix diagonalizations (SECSI) durch. Das SECSI-Framework ist ein effizientes Werkzeug zur Berechnung der CPD eines rauscharmen Tensor mit niedrigem Rang. Darüber hinaus werden die erhaltenen analytischen Ausdrücke in Bezug auf die Momente zweiter Ordnung des Rauschens formuliert, so dass abgesehen von einem Mittelwert von Null keine Annahmen über die Rauschstatistik erforderlich sind. Wir zeigen, dass die abgeleiteten analytischen Ergebnisse eine ausgezeichnete Übereinstimmung mit den Monte-Carlo-Simulationen zeigen.The widespread use of mobile internet and smart applications has led to an explosive growth in mobile data traffic. With the rise of smart homes, smart buildings, and smart cities, this demand is ever growing since future communication systems will require the integration of multiple networks serving diverse sectors, domains and applications, such as multimedia, virtual or augmented reality, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication / the Internet of things (IoT), automotive applications, and many more. Therefore, in the future, the communication systems will not only be required to provide Gbps wireless connectivity but also fulfil other requirements such as low latency and massive machine type connectivity while ensuring the quality of service. Without significant technological advances to increase the system capacity, the existing telecommunications infrastructure will be unable to support these multi-dimensional requirements. This poses an important demand for suitable waveforms with improved spectral characteristics and signal processing solutions with an increased flexibility. Moreover, future wireless networks will be required to exploit several frequency bands, such as lower frequency bands (typically with frequencies below 10 GHz), mm-wave bands (few hundred GHz at the most), and THz bands. Many alternative technologies such as optical wireless communication (OWC), dynamic radio systems, and cellular radar should also be investigated to assess their true potential. Especially, OWC offers large but yet unexploited optical band in the visible spectrum that uses light as a means to carry information. Therefore, future communication systems can be seen as composite hybrid networks that consist of a number of different wireless networks based on radio and optical access. On the other hand, it poses a significant challenge to come up with advanced signal processing solutions in multiple areas of communication systems. This thesis contributes to this goal by demonstrating methods for finding efficient algebraic solutions to various applications of multi-channel digital signal processing. In particular, we contribute to three different scientific fields, i.e., waveforms, optical wireless systems, and multi-dimensional signal processing. Currently, cyclic prefix orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) is the widely adopted multicarrier technique for most of the communication systems. However, to overcome the CP-OFDM demerits in terms of poor spectral containment, poor robustness in highly asynchronous environments, and inflexibility of parameter choice, and many alternative waveforms have been proposed. Such multicarrier waveforms include filter bank multicarrier (FBMC), generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), universal filter multicarrier (UFMC), and unique word orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (UW-OFDM). These new air interface schemes take different approaches to overcome some of the inherent deficiencies in CP-OFDM. Some of these waveforms have been well investigated while others are still in its infancy. Specifically, the integration of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) concepts with UW-OFDM and UFMC is still at an early stage of research. Therefore, in the first part of this thesis, we propose novel linear and successive interference cancellation techniques for MIMO UW-OFDM systems. The design of these techniques is aimed to result in receivers with a low computational complexity. Another focus area is the applicability of space-time block codes (STBCs) to UW-OFDM and UFMC waveforms. For this purpose, we present novel techniques along with detection procedures. We also compare the performance of these waveforms with our proposed techniques to the other state-of-the-art waveforms that has been proposed in the literature. We demonstrate that space-time block coded UW-OFDM systems with the proposed methods not only outperform other waveforms significantly but also results in receivers with a low computational complexity. The second application area comprises of optical systems in the visible band (390-700 nm) that can be utilized in plastic optical fibers (POFs), multimode fibers or OWC systems such as visible light communication (VLC). VLC can provide solutions for a number of applications including wireless local, personal, and body area networks (WLAN, WPAN, and WBANs), indoor localization and navigation, vehicular networks, underground and underwater networks, offering a range of data rates from a few Mbps to 10 Gbps. VLC takes full advantage of visible light emitting diodes (LEDs) for the dual purpose of illumination and data communications at very high speeds. Because of the incoherent nature of the LED sources, such systems employ intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD), thus demanding that the transmit signal should be real-valued and positive. This also implies that the conventional waveforms designed for the radio frequency (RF) communication cannot be directly used. For example, a Hermitian symmetry has to be applied to the CP-OFDM spectrum to obtain a real-valued signal (often referred to as discrete multitone transmission (DMT)) that in return reduces the bandwidth efficiency. Moreover, the LED/LED driver combination limits the electrical bandwidth. All these factors require the use of spectrally efficient transmission schemes along with robust equalization schemes to achieve high data rates. Therefore, in the second part of the thesis, we propose transmission schemes that are best suited for such optical systems. Specifically, we demonstrate the performance of PAM block transmission with frequency domain equalization. We show that this scheme is not only more power efficient but also outperforms all of the state-of-the-art schemes such as CP-DMT schemes. We also propose novel UW-DMT schemes that are derived from the UW-OFDM concept. These schemes also show a much superior bit error ratio (BER) performance over the conventional CP-DMT schemes. The third application area focuses on multi-dimensional signal processing techniques. With the use of MIMO, STBCs, multi-user processing, and multicarrier waveforms in wireless communications, the received signal is multidimensional in nature and may exhibit a multilinear structure. In this context, signal processing techniques based on a tensor model can simultaneously benefit from multiple forms of diversity to perform multi-user signal separation/equalization and channel estimation. This advantage is a direct consequence of the essential uniqueness property that is not available for matrix based approaches. Tensor decompositions such as the higher order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) and the canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) are widely recommended for performing these tasks. The performance of these techniques is often evaluated using time consuming Monte-Carlo trials. In the last part of the thesis, we perform a first-order perturbation analysis of the truncated HOSVD and the Semi-algebraic framework for approximate Canonical polyadic decompositions via Simultaneous matrix diagonalizations (SECSI). The SECSI framework is an efficient tool for the computation of the approximate CPD of a low-rank noise corrupted tensor. Especially, the SECSI framework shows a much improved performance and comparatively low-complexity as compared to the conventional algorithms such as alternative least squares (ALS). Moreover, it also facilitates the implementation on a parallel hardware architecture. The obtained analytical expressions for both algorithms are formulated in terms of the second-order moments of the noise, such that apart from a zero-mean, no assumptions on the noise statistics are required. We demonstrate that the derived analytical results exhibit an excellent match to the Monte-Carlo simulations