10,153 research outputs found

    A study and experiment plan for digital mobile communication via satellite

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    The viability of mobile communications is examined within the context of a frequency division multiple access, single channel per carrier satellite system emphasizing digital techniques to serve a large population of users. The intent is to provide the mobile users with a grade of service consistant with the requirements for remote, rural (perhaps emergency) voice communications, but which approaches toll quality speech. A traffic model is derived on which to base the determination of the required maximum number of satellite channels to provide the anticipated level of service. Various voice digitalization and digital modulation schemes are reviewed along with a general link analysis of the mobile system. Demand assignment multiple access considerations and analysis tradeoffs are presented. Finally, a completed configuration is described

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    Prediction of performance of the DVB-SH system relying on mutual information

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    DVB-SH (Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Handled) is a broadcasting standard dedicated to hybrid broadcasting systems combining a satellite and a terrestrial part. On the satellite part, dedicated interleaving and time slicing mechanisms are proposed to mitigate the effects of Land Mobile Satellite (LMS) channel, based on a convolutional interleaver. Depending on the parameters of this interleaver, this mechanism enables to split in time a codeword on duration from 100 ms to about 30s. This mechanism signi?cantly improves the error recovery performance of the code but in literature, exact evaluation at system level of this improvement is missing. The objective of this paper is to propose a prediction method compatible with fast simulations, to quantitatively evaluate the system performance in terms of Packet Error Rate (PER). The main dif?culty is to evaluate the decoding probability of a codeword submitted to several levels of attenuation. The method we propose consists in using as metric the Mutual Information (MI) between coded bit at the emitter side and the received symbol. It is shown that, by averaging the MI over the codeword and by using the decoding performance function g such that PER=g(MI)determined on the Gaussian channel, we can signi?cantly improve the precision of the prediction compared to the two other methods based on SNR and Bit Error Rate (BER). We evaluated these methods on three arti?cial channels where each codeword is transmitted with three or four different levels of attenuations. The prediction error of the SNR-based (resp. the input BER-based) method varies from 0.5 to 1.7 dB (resp. from 0.7 to 1.2 dB) instead of the MI-based method achieves a precision in the order of 0.1 dB in the three cases. We then evaluate this method on real LMS channels with various DVB-SH interleavers and show that the instantaneous PER can also be predicted with high accuracy

    Analysis and Simulation of the Signals Transmission in the DVB-H/SH Standards

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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá analýzou, simulací a měřením zpracování a přenosu signálů digitální televize pro příjem mobilního TV vysílání ve standardech DVB-H a DVB-SH. Tyto standardy vycházejí z předpokladu, že příjem signálu je charakterizován modely přenosových kanálů s vícecestným šířením. Tyto, tzv. únikové kanály, jsou charakterizovány hlavně zpožděním a ziskem jednotlivých cest. V závislosti na dalších parametrech (rychlost přijímače, Dopplerovské spektrum), je možné rozdělit únikové kanály do třech hlavních skupin: mobilní, přenosné a fixní. Dá se předpokládat, že v různých modelech kanálů bude přenášený signál různě ovlivněn. Proto je potřebné najít optimální parametry systémů (DVB-H/SH) pro kvalitní příjem vysílaných služeb mobilní televize, což je hlavním cílem této disertační práci. Pro tento účel byly vytvořeny dvě vhodné aplikace (jedna pro DVB-H a jedna pro DVB-SH) s GUI v prostředí MATLAB, které umožňují simulovat a analyzovat míru zkreslení signálu v případě mobilních, přenosných a fixních scénářů přenosu. Navíc, tyto aplikace obsahují i druhý samostatný simulátor pro nastavení a modifikaci parametrů jednotlivých přenosových cest. Díky tomu je možné zhodnotit vliv parametrů celého systému a kanálových modelů na dosaženou chybovost (BER a MER) a kvalitu přenosu. Ve všech přenosových scénářích (v závislosti na poměru C/N) byly získané, vyhodnocené a diskutované zkreslení signálů. Navíc, u standardu DVB-H, všechny získané výsledky ze simulací byly ověřeny měřením. Rozdíly mezi dosaženými výsledky (simulace a měření) byly rovněž podrobeny diskuzi. Tuto disertační práci je možné rozdělit do čtyř hlavních částí. První část disertační práce se zabývá rešerší současného vývoje v oblasti digitálního televizního vysílání na mobilní terminály ve standardech DVB-H/SH. Na konci této části jsou jasně popsány cíle této disertační práce. Druhá část práce je zaměřená na stručný popis blokového diagramu vysílačů v obou standardech DVB-H/SH. Dále jsou stručně popsány modely přenosových kanálů, které se používají pro modelování přenosu signálu. Stručný popis vytvořených aplikací, i s vývojovým diagramem, které jsou vhodné pro simulaci a analýzu přenosu v DVB-H/SH, jsou popsány v třetí části práce. Čtvrtá a nejdelší část této disertační práce se zabývá vyhodnocením získaných výsledků ze simulací a měření.This dissertation thesis deals with the analysis, simulation and measurement of the signal processing and transmission in DVB-H and DVB-SH standards. These standards are based on the assumption that signal reception is characterized by the transmission channels with echoes. These, so called fading channels, are mainly characterized by the path delays and path losses. Depending on the other, additional features (speed of the receiver, Doppler spectrum, etc.), it can be possible divided these channels onto three main groups: mobile, portable and fixed. Of course, signal transmission in different transmission channel models are affected differently. Therefore, it is needed found the optimal system parameters in both, DVB-H and DVB-SH standards, for the quality reception of the broadcasted mobile TV services, which is the main goal of this thesis. For this purpose, two appropriate applications (one for DVB-H and one for DVB-SH) with GUI were created in MATLAB, which enable simulated and analyzed the signal distortions in mobile, portable and fixed transmission scenarios. Moreover, these applications also contain a second application with GUI for the easy set and modification of the parameters of the used channel models. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate the effect of parameters of whole system and channel models on the achieved error rate (BER and MER) and quality of the transmission. In all mentioned transmission scenarios, the signal distortions (depending on the Carrier-to-Noise ratio) were obtained, evaluated and discussed in this dissertation thesis. Furthermore, in case of DVB-H, all obtained results from the simulations, were verified by the measuring. Differences between the obtained results (simulation and measuring) are also discussed. This dissertation thesis can be divided into four main parts. The first part of this dissertation thesis, after the short introduction, deals with present state-of-the-art and literature survey in mobile broadcast DVB-H/SH standards. At the end of this part are clearly outlined the main aims of this dissertation thesis. Second part is focused on the brief description of the functional block diagram of transmitters in both, DVB-H/SH standards. Furthermore, there are briefly described the transmission fading channel models, which are commonly used for the modeling of the signal transmission. The brief description of program applications with flowcharts, appropriate for the simulation of the transmission in the DVB-H/SH standards, are presented and described in the third part of this thesis. Finally, the fourth and longest part of this thesis is focused on the evaluation and comparison of obtained results from the simulations and measurements.

    MIMO CDMA-based Optical SATCOMs: A New Solution

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    A new scheme for MIMO CDMA-based optical satellite communications (OSATCOMs) is presented. Three independent problems are described for up-link and down- link in terms of two distinguished optimization problems. At first, in up-link, Pulse-width optimization is proposed to reduce dispersions over fibers as the terrestrial part. This is performed for return-to-zero (RZ) modulation that is supposed to be used as an example in here. This is carried out by solving the first optimization problem, while minimizing the probability of overlapping for the Gaussian pulses that are used to produce RZ. Some constraints are assumed such as a threshold for the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). In down-link, the second and the third problems are discussed as follows, jointly as a closed-form solution. Solving the second optimization problem, an objective function is obtained, namely the MIMO CDMA-based satellite weight-matrix as a conventional adaptive beam-former. The Satellite link is stablished over flat un-correlated Nakagami-m/Suzuki fading channels as the second problem. On the other hand, the mentioned optimization problem is robustly solved as the third important problem, while considering inter-cell interferences in the multi-cell scenario. Robust solution is performed due to the partial knowledge of each cell from the others in which the link capacity is maximized. Analytical results are conducted to investigate the merit of system.Comment: IEEE PCITC 2015 (15-17 Oct, India