288 research outputs found

    Chatbot for training and assisting operators in inspecting containers in seaports

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    The paper presents the chatbot applicability for the health and safety of workers in the container transportation context. Starting from a literature review of risks and hazardous activities in sea container terminals, the paper underlines the need of innovative systems to ensure the lowest level of risks for labours. An analysis of the 4.0 technologies solutions in sea container terminals shows the lack of empirical application of chatbots in such a context. Focus is given to the current chatbot applications, and on the conceptual methodology for the chatbot design, defining five models and presenting a taxonomy for the chatbot feature definition. A case study shows the possible application of the conceptual methodology and the taxonomy, introducing the Popeye chatbot, consisting of a voice service, spoken language understanding component and an image processing app, to cope with the hazards in the process of examining freight and containers in dock areas. The main application of Popeye is the training of new employees involved in container safety-critical quality inspection and controls operations

    Critical Information for Vietnamese Economy Aiming at a Strategic Breakthrough as Approaching the Industry 4.0

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    Chances, and challenges always are created in the fourth industrial revolution that has never faced in the past. Changing and renewing are necessary unless enterprises will come out of “playground” of the fourth industrial revolution. Currently, the navigational field, which has not been outside the “playground”, has suffered from numerous challenges. Although the possible advantages of marine industry only include the seaport system and government support, the challenges and barriers are the majority. Labor, database management, digital technologies, infrastructures, investment, and customer’s attractions are the existent trials of the maritime field. Improvement and renewing the educational program are compulsory. Furthermore, managing the database effectively is not easy. In Vietnam, the lack of synchronous infrastructures is also the enormous challenges of all industries in general and navigational field in particular. Moreover, the investment and customer attractions play the primary role to exist in the revolution. Some of the aspects of the maritime major in the fourth industrial revolution will be mentioned in the article. Also, supporting from Vietnam government as well as current challenges are thoroughly presented and analyzed to find the solutions for approaching the Industry 4.0. Among emerging challenges, the investment attraction, infrastructures, labor, database management, modern digital technology, and customer attraction may be considered as critical information for Vietnamese economy. Importantly, the challenges are analyzed to reveal that if these challenges can be transformed into the motivations, gaining achievements in 4.0 industrial revolution is not difficulty

    Future Greener Seaports:A Review of New Infrastructure, Challenges, and Energy Efficiency Measures

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    Recently, the application of renewable energy sources (RESs) for power distribution systems is growing immensely. This advancement brings several advantages, such as energy sustainability and reliability, easier maintenance, cost-effective energy sources, and ecofriendly. The application of RESs in maritime systems such as port microgrids massively improves energy efficiency and reduces the utilization of fossil fuels, which is a serious threat to the environment. Accordingly, ports are receiving several initiatives to improve their energy efficiency by deploying different types of RESs based on the power electronic converters. This paper conducts a systematic review to provide cutting-edge state-of-the-art on the modern electrification and infrastructure of seaports taking into account some challenges such as the environmental aspects, energy efficiency enhancement, renewable energy integration, and legislative and regulatory requirements. Moreover, the technological methods, including electrifications, digitalization, onshore power supply applications, and energy storage systems of ports, are addressed. Furthermore, details of some operational strategies such as energy-aware operations and peak-shaving are delivered. Besides, the infrastructure scheme to enhance the energy efficiency of modern ports, including port microgrids and seaport smart microgrids are delivered. Finally, the applications of nascent technologies in seaports are presented

    A method to establish a trade-space of system requirements and life cycle cost

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    —Systems engineering traditionally approaches the design of systems through determination of requirements for and implementation of a system. The system is conceived as something to enable achievement of an effect with the tacit assumption that the system to be designed must achieve technical performance, including availability characteristics, which enable delivery of the whole of the intended effect. This approach determines the technical requirements of the system to ensure achievement of the system purpose under assumptions about how the system, or fleet, would be deployed to provide the intended service. Usually, cost is addressed after requirements, either to find the cheapest method to achieve the requirements or as one dimension of a trade-space analysis. In this paper, we explore a different philosophy for finding the system requirements; starting with the required system level service provision, but agnostic about the technical quality needed.We investigate a trade-space including the life cycle cost (LCC) of service provision as a contribution to determining subsystem requirements. We model the life cycle, for many variations of technical composition, using a Monte Carlo method, and show that a trade-space of LCC and requirements is likely to produce a cheaper solution than starting with sub-system requirements

    Цифровізація процесів морських вантажних перевезень

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 21.01.2020 р. №008/од "Про перевірку кваліфікаційних робіт на академічний плагіат 2019-2020 р.р. навчальному році" . Керівник проекту: ст.викладач Молчанова К.М.Up to 90% of world’s merchandise are carried by sea and the reason is that there are multiple benefits for foreign trade compared with air, rail or road transport. In an ever-growing globalized economy, the necessity for shipping bigger volumes of cargo in the less time possible is increasing. This has led to the construction of the so-called mega vessels, with the capacity to carry huge amounts of goods into thousands of shipping containers at once. This dynamic benefits the economy of scale and foreign trade, import, and export of all kinds of merchandise and raw materials. Shipping is present in the development of our daily lives, even if we are sometimes unaware of this fact. There are you four reasons why shipping is the favourite way of transport: ‒ It´s cheaper: Shipping industry has the most competitive freight costs, as is one of the most cost-effective ways of goods transportation through long distances. ‒ It´s the ideal way to move big volumes of cargo: Vessels are built to carry huge amounts of goods and raw materials in comparison with the capacity of airplanes or trucks. In addition, shipping allows the movement of liquids, gas and dangerous cargo. For this matter, there are certain regulations to keep the safety of the vessel, the crew, and the cargo. ‒ It´s safe: The percentages of losses caused by incidents during transport by sea have dropped until it lowest since a decade according to reports from Allianz. ‒ It’s eco-friendly: In comparison with the road transport, the maritime industry is less dangerous for the environment. The shipping industry is responsible for only 12% of the total of pollution generated by human economic activities. Digital transformation showed platform-operated companies such as UBER, Airbnb or Facebook to be digital disruptors. In many industries, we state that, in the blink of an eye, digital platforms dis-intermediate entire industries. We can see the same platform hype at clients from the transportation industry, where many players aspire to disrupt a market of a multi-billion industry worldwide. Forwarders as intermediaries were expected to become redundant and a bare platform model was expected to allow for direct interaction between carriers and shippers. Yet, despite numerous efforts, all platform wannabes have failed to generate game-changing effects and the market is as hyperfragmented as ever. Digital connectors may have the potential to reduce the need for freight forwarders to organize shipments for multiple parties manually. Direct interaction between shippers and carriers is technologically feasible with digital connectors and makes economic sense if a certain platform is able to bring together a critical mass of players in its realm. As a consequence, the intermediary function of freight forwarders is threatened by dis-intermediation and suggests that they are the predecessor of a multi-sided (industry) platform without transport liability. The purpose of bachelor thesis is justification of digital technology implementation project and project proposals development whose aims are increasing of quality of service and, consequently, competitiveness. The following scientist and researchers focused their efforts on developing digital technologies on transport: Konstantinos Gkoumas, Mitchell van Balen, Anastasios Tsakalidis, Ferenc Pekar [51], Dmitriev A.V [52], Plastunyak I. A. [53], Markus Fruth and Frank Teuteberg [54], Leonard Heilig, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Stefan Voss [55]. In accordance with purpose of thesis was defined and formed the follow tasks: 1. Consider theoretical basics of international sea transport organization. 2. Breakdown of legal basics of freight forwarder functioning. 3. To study global modern marine technology trends. 4. Study current situation of transport market in Ukraine. 5. Describe general characteristic of freight forward company Navis. 6. Carry out analysis of the Navis business indicators. 7. To carry out of SWOT analysis of Navis company. 8. Explore the possibility of implementation the digital technology in the process of maritime transport organization. 9. Carry out calculation of the economic efficiency of the digital transformation. The object of research was the processes of sea transport organization, the impacts on this process and the ways to improve customer service. During the performance of the thesis was used general scientific methods: system analysis, induction and deduction, analyze and synthesis, expertise. During calculation of economic effectiveness of the project was used project performance indicators. The information sources during thesis research were: – regulations and legal documents; – scientific and methodological development whose connect with sea transport organization by freight forwarder; – statistics and financial report of Navis company, internal documents that describe company’s activity; – Internet sources.До 90% світових товарів перевозяться морським транспортом, і причина полягає в тому, що зовнішня торгівля має багато переваг порівняно з повітряним, залізничним або автомобільним транспортом. У постійно зростаючій глобалізованій економіці зростає потреба в перевезенні більших обсягів вантажу в найкоротші терміни. Це призвело до будівництва так званих мега суден, здатних перевозити величезні обсяги товарів у тисячі транспортних контейнерів одночасно. Ця динаміка приносить користь економії масштабу та зовнішній торгівлі, імпорту та експорту всіх видів товарів та сировини. Доставка присутня у розвитку нашого повсякденного життя, навіть якщо ми часом не знаємо про цей факт. Є чотири причини, чому доставка є улюбленим видом транспорту: - Це дешевше: судноплавна галузь має найбільш конкурентоспроможні транспортні витрати, як і один із найбільш економічно вигідних способів перевезення вантажів на великі відстані. - Це ідеальний спосіб перевезення великих обсягів вантажів: судна побудовані для перевезення величезної кількості товарів та сировини порівняно з місткістю літаків або вантажівок. Крім того, судноплавство дозволяє переміщувати рідини, газ та небезпечні вантажі. З цього приводу існують певні правила, що забезпечують безпеку судна, екіпажу та вантажу. - Це безпечно: відсотки втрат, спричинених інцидентами під час морського транспорту, впали до найнижчого рівня з десятиліття, згідно з повідомленнями Allianz. - Це екологічно безпечно: у порівнянні з автомобільним транспортом морська промисловість менш небезпечна для навколишнього середовища. Судноплавна галузь відповідає лише за 12% від загального забруднення, спричиненого господарською діяльністю людини. Цифрова трансформація показала, що компанії, що керують платформами, такі як UBER, Airbnb або Facebook, є цифровими руйнівниками. У багатьох галузях промисловості ми стверджуємо, що в один мить цифрові платформи розгалужують цілі галузі. Ми можемо спостерігати той самий ажіотаж на платформі у клієнтів з транспортної галузі, де багато гравців прагнуть порушити ринок багатомільярдної галузі у всьому світі. Очікувалося, що експедитори, як посередники, стануть зайвими, а гола модель платформи передбачає пряму взаємодію між перевізниками та вантажовідправниками. Проте, незважаючи на численні зусилля, усі платформи не спромоглися на ефект, що змінює гру, і ринок настільки ж гіперфрагментований, як ніколи. Цифрові роз'єми можуть потенційно зменшити потребу експедиторів в організації перевезень для кількох партій вручну. Пряма взаємодія між вантажовідправниками та перевізниками технологічно здійсненна за допомогою цифрових роз’ємів та має економічний сенс, якщо певна платформа здатна об’єднати критичну масу гравців у своєму світі. Як наслідок, посередницька функція експедиторів перебуває під загрозою посередницької діяльності та припускає, що вони є попередником багатосторонньої (галузевої) платформи без транспортної відповідальності. Метою бакалаврської роботи є обґрунтування розробки проекту впровадження цифрових технологій та проектних пропозицій, метою яких є підвищення якості обслуговування, а отже, і конкурентоспроможності. Наступні вчені та дослідники зосередили свої зусилля на розробці цифрових технологій на транспорті: Костянтинос Гкумас, Мітчелл ван Бален, Анастасіос Цакалідіс, Ференц Пекар [51], Дмитрієв А.В. [52], Пластуняк І.А. [53], Маркус Фрут та Франк Тейтеберг [54 ], Леонард Хайліг, Едуардо Лалла-Руїс, Штефан Восс [55]. Відповідно до мети дипломної роботи були визначені та сформовані наступні завдання: 1. Розглянемо теоретичні основи міжнародної організації морського транспорту. 2. Розбиття правових основ функціонування експедитора. 3. Вивчити світові тенденції сучасних морських технологій. 4. Вивчити сучасну ситуацію на транспортному ринку в Україні. 5. Охарактеризуйте загальну характеристику експедиторської компанії Navis. 6. Провести аналіз бізнес-показників Navis. 7. Провести SWOT-аналіз компанії Navis. 8. Дослідити можливість впровадження цифрових технологій в процес організації морського транспорту. 9. Провести розрахунок економічної ефективності цифрової трансформації. Об’єктом дослідження були процеси організації морського транспорту, вплив на цей процес та шляхи вдосконалення обслуговування споживачів. Під час виконання дипломної роботи були використані загальнонаукові методи: системний аналіз, індукція та дедукція, аналіз та синтез, експертиза. Під час розрахунку економічної ефективності проекту використовувались показники ефективності проекту. Джерелами інформації під час дисертаційного дослідження були: - нормативно-правові документи; - науково-методична розробка, пов'язана з організацією морського транспорту експедитором; - статистика та фінансовий звіт компанії Navis, внутрішні документи, що описують діяльність компанії; - Інтернет-джерела

    Agent-based inter-organizational systems in advanced logistics operations

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    “Agent-based Inter-organizational Systems (ABIOS) in Advanced Logistics Operations” explores the concepts, the design, and the role and impact of agent-based systems to improve coordination and performance of logistics operations. The dissertation consists of one conceptual study and three empirical studies. The empirical studies apply various research methods such as a multiple-case study research, coordination mechanism design, and predictive analytics using big data. The conceptual study presents a theoretical exploration and synthesis explaining the demand for inter-organizational systems (IOS) and the corresponding IOS functionalities. The first empirical study presents a multiple-case study exploring real

    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions

    Innovation and labor in the port industry: A comparison between Genoa and Antwerp

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    With the advancement of innovation initiatives in the port industry, port labor has fundamentally changed in terms of new tasks, skills required, professional profiles, training, employment relations, work organization, and number of jobs. Current literature often focuses more on the assessment of investments in this particular sector rather than on the evaluation of innovative processes and the interaction with employment issues. In this article, the authors assess the relationship between innovation and employment in the port industry by comparing two distinct case studies—the ports of Antwerp and Genoa—which are characterized by partially common features and different socio-institutional contexts. Based on qualitative research conducted between 2016 and 2019, the comparative study finds that incremental innovative solutions produce a polarized port labor market in both cases, as previous studies assess. Nevertheless, the findings show that, in the case of Antwerp, a mediated and structured bargaining system interacts positively with employment issues and incremental innovative solutions, while in the case of Genoa, a disarticulated and less structured context reflects a weaker ability to influence virtuously the intertwine between innovation and employment

    A Literature Review, Container Shipping Supply Chain: Planning Problems and Research Opportunities

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    This paper provides an overview of the container shipping supply chain (CSSC) by taking a logistics perspective, covering all major value-adding segments in CSSC including freight logistics, container logistics, vessel logistics, port/terminal logistics, and inland transport logistics. The main planning problems and research opportunities in each logistics segment are reviewed and discussed to promote further research. Moreover, the two most important challenges in CSSC, digitalization and decarbonization, are explained and discussed in detail. We raise awareness of the extreme fragmentation of CSSC that causes inefficient operations. A pathway to digitalize container shipping is proposed that requires the applications of digital technologies in various business processes across five logistics segments, and change in behaviors and relationships of stakeholders in the supply chain. We recognize that shipping decarbonization is likely to take diverse pathways with different fuel/energy systems for ships and ports. This gives rise to more research and application opportunities in the highly uncertain and complex CSSC environment.</jats:p