151 research outputs found

    HPC Cloud for Scientific and Business Applications: Taxonomy, Vision, and Research Challenges

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) clouds are becoming an alternative to on-premise clusters for executing scientific applications and business analytics services. Most research efforts in HPC cloud aim to understand the cost-benefit of moving resource-intensive applications from on-premise environments to public cloud platforms. Industry trends show hybrid environments are the natural path to get the best of the on-premise and cloud resources---steady (and sensitive) workloads can run on on-premise resources and peak demand can leverage remote resources in a pay-as-you-go manner. Nevertheless, there are plenty of questions to be answered in HPC cloud, which range from how to extract the best performance of an unknown underlying platform to what services are essential to make its usage easier. Moreover, the discussion on the right pricing and contractual models to fit small and large users is relevant for the sustainability of HPC clouds. This paper brings a survey and taxonomy of efforts in HPC cloud and a vision on what we believe is ahead of us, including a set of research challenges that, once tackled, can help advance businesses and scientific discoveries. This becomes particularly relevant due to the fast increasing wave of new HPC applications coming from big data and artificial intelligence.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, Published in ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR


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    Heterogeneous multi/many-core chips are commonly used in today’s top tier supercomputers. Similar heterogeneous processing elements — or, computation ac- celerators — are commonly found in FPGA systems. Within both multi/many-core chips and FPGA systems, the on-chip network plays a critical role by connecting these processing elements together. However, The common use of the on-chip network is for point-to-point communication between on-chip components and the memory in- terface. As the system scales up with more nodes, traditional programming methods, such as MPI, cannot effectively use the on-chip network and the off-chip network, therefore could make communication the performance bottleneck. This research proposes a MPI-like Message Passing Engine (MPE) as part of the on-chip network, providing point-to-point and collective communication primitives in hardware. On one hand, the MPE improves the communication performance by offloading the communication workload from the general processing elements. On the other hand, the MPE provides direct interface to the heterogeneous processing ele- ments which can eliminate the data path going around the OS and libraries. Detailed experimental results have shown that the MPE can significantly reduce the com- munication time and improve the overall performance, especially for heterogeneous computing systems because of the tight coupling with the network. Additionally, a hybrid “MPI+X” computing system is tested and it shows MPE can effectively of- fload the communications and let the processing elements play their strengths on the computation

    Improving Performance of Transactional Applications through Adaptive Transactional Memory

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    With the rise of chip multiprocessors (CMPs), it is necessary to use parallel programming to exploit computational power of CMPs. Traditionally, lock-based mechanisms have been used to synchronize shared variables in parallel programs. However, with the complexity associated with locks, writing a correct parallel program is a huge burden for programmers. As an alternative, Transactional Memory (TM) is gaining momentum as a parallel programming model for multi--‐core processors. TM provides programmers with an atomic construct (transaction), which can be used to guarantee atomicity of accesses to shared variables, as the synchronization is handled through the underlying system. Transactional memory comes in two variants: Software transaction memory (STM) and Hardware transaction memory (HTM). Both STM and HTM systems have advantages and disadvantages that either enhance or penalize performance in transactional applications. In this thesis, the focus is on implementing an adaptive system that exploits both STM and HTM at transaction granularity. The goal is to achieve performance gain by incorporating the benefits of both TM systems. A synchronization technique is developed to seamlessly switch between HTM and STM based on the characteristics of a transaction. We exploit decision tree to predict the optimum system for each transaction in a given application. The decision tree is a form of supervised machine learning to classify transactions based on parameters such as transaction size, transaction write ratio, etc. From the evaluations using STAMP, NAS, and DiscoPoP benchmark suites, the proposed adaptive system is able to improve speed of transactional applications by 20.82% on average

    Improving the performance of parallel scientific applications using cache injection

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    Cache injection is a viable technique to improve the performance of data-intensive parallel applications. This dissertation characterizes cache injection of incoming network data in terms of parallel application performance. My results show that the benefit of this technique is dependent on: the ratio of processor speed to memory speed, the cache injection policy, and the application\u27s communication characteristics. Cache injection addresses the memory wall for I/O by writing data into a processor\u27s cache directly from the I/O bus. This technique, unlike data prefetching, reduces the number of reads served by the memory unit. This reduction is significant for data-intensive applications whose performance is dominated by compulsory cache misses and cannot be alleviated by traditional caching systems. Unlike previous work on cache injection which focused on reducing host network stack overhead incurred by memory copies, I show that applications can directly benefit from this technique based on their temporal and spatial locality in accessing incoming network data. I also show that the performance of cache injection is directly proportional to the ratio of processor speed to memory speed. In other words, systems with a memory wall can provide significantly better performance with cache injection and an appropriate injection policy. This result implies that multi-core and many-core architectures would benefit from this technique. Finally, my results show that the application\u27s communication characteristics are key to cache injection performance. For example, cache injection can improve the performance of certain collective communication operations by up to 20% as a function of message size

    Efficient openMP over sequentially consistent distributed shared memory systems

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    Nowadays clusters are one of the most used platforms in High Performance Computing and most programmers use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library to program their applications in these distributed platforms getting their maximum performance, although it is a complex task. On the other side, OpenMP has been established as the de facto standard to program applications on shared memory platforms because it is easy to use and obtains good performance without too much effort. So, could it be possible to join both worlds? Could programmers use the easiness of OpenMP in distributed platforms? A lot of researchers think so. And one of the developed ideas is the distributed shared memory (DSM), a software layer on top of a distributed platform giving an abstract shared memory view to the applications. Even though it seems a good solution it also has some inconveniences. The memory coherence between the nodes in the platform is difficult to maintain (complex management, scalability issues, high overhead and others) and the latency of the remote-memory accesses which can be orders of magnitude greater than on a shared bus due to the interconnection network. Therefore this research improves the performance of OpenMP applications being executed on distributed memory platforms using a DSM with sequential consistency evaluating thoroughly the results from the NAS parallel benchmarks. The vast majority of designed DSMs use a relaxed consistency model because it avoids some major problems in the area. In contrast, we use a sequential consistency model because we think that showing these potential problems that otherwise are hidden may allow the finding of some solutions and, therefore, apply them to both models. The main idea behind this work is that both runtimes, the OpenMP and the DSM layer, should cooperate to achieve good performance, otherwise they interfere one each other trashing the final performance of applications. We develop three different contributions to improve the performance of these applications: (a) a technique to avoid false sharing at runtime, (b) a technique to mimic the MPI behaviour, where produced data is forwarded to their consumers and, finally, (c) a mechanism to avoid the network congestion due to the DSM coherence messages. The NAS Parallel Benchmarks are used to test the contributions. The results of this work shows that the false-sharing problem is a relative problem depending on each application. Another result is the importance to move the data flow outside of the critical path and to use techniques that forwards data as early as possible, similar to MPI, benefits the final application performance. Additionally, this data movement is usually concentrated at single points and affects the application performance due to the limited bandwidth of the network. Therefore it is necessary to provide mechanisms that allows the distribution of this data through the computation time using an otherwise idle network. Finally, results shows that the proposed contributions improve the performance of OpenMP applications on this kind of environments

    Adaptive Prefetching and Cache Partitioning for Multicore Processors

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    El acceso a la memoria principal en los procesadores actuales supone un importante cuello de botella para las prestaciones, dado que los diferentes núcleos compiten por el limitado ancho de banda de memoria, agravando la brecha entre las prestaciones del procesador y las de la memoria principal. Distintas técnicas atacan este problema, siendo las más relevantes el uso de jerarquías de caché multinivel y la prebúsqueda. Las cachés jerárquicas aprovechan la localidad temporal y espacial que en general presentan los programas en el acceso a los datos, para mitigar las enormes latencias de acceso a memoria principal. Para limitar el número de accesos a la memoria DRAM, fuera del chip, los procesadores actuales cuentan con grandes cachés de último nivel (LLC). Para mejorar su utilización y reducir costes, estas cachés suelen compartirse entre todos los núcleos del procesador. Este enfoque mejora significativamente el rendimiento de la mayoría de las aplicaciones en comparación con el uso de cachés privados más pequeños. Compartir la caché, sin embargo, presenta una problema importante: la interferencia entre aplicaciones. La prebúsqueda, por otro lado, trae bloques de datos a las cachés antes de que el procesador los solicite, ocultando la latencia de memoria principal. Desafortunadamente, dado que la prebúsqueda es una técnica especulativa, si no tiene éxito puede contaminar la caché con bloques que no se usarán. Además, las prebúsquedas interfieren con los accesos a memoria normales, tanto los del núcleo que emite las prebúsquedas como los de los demás. Esta tesis se centra en reducir la interferencia entre aplicaciones, tanto en las caché compartidas como en el acceso a la memoria principal. Para reducir la interferencia entre aplicaciones en el acceso a la memoria principal, el mecanismo propuesto en esta disertación regula la agresividad de cada prebuscador, activando o desactivando selectivamente algunos de ellos, dependiendo de su rendimiento individual y de los requisitos de ancho de banda de memoria principal de los otros núcleos. Con respecto a la interferencia en cachés compartidos, esta tesis propone dos técnicas de particionado para la LLC, las cuales otorgan más espacio de caché a las aplicaciones que progresan más lentamente debido a la interferencia entre aplicaciones. La primera propuesta de particionado de caché requiere hardware específico no disponible en procesadores comerciales, por lo que se ha evaluado utilizando un entorno de simulación. La segunda propuesta de particionado de caché presenta una familia de políticas que superan las limitaciones en el número de particiones y en el número de vías de caché disponibles mediante la agrupación de aplicaciones en clústeres y la superposición de particiones de caché, por lo que varias aplicaciones comparten las mismas vías. Dado que se ha implementado utilizando los mecanismos para el particionado de la LLC que presentan algunos procesadores Intel modernos, esta propuesta ha sido evaluada en una máquina real. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el mecanismo de prebúsqueda selectiva propuesto en esta tesis reduce el número de solicitudes de memoria principal en un 20%, cosa que se traduce en mejoras en la equidad del sistema, el rendimiento y el consumo de energía. Por otro lado, con respecto a los esquemas de partición propuestos, en comparación con un sistema sin particiones, ambas propuestas reducen la iniquidad del sistema en un promedio de más del 25%, independientemente de la cantidad de aplicaciones en ejecución, y esta reducción en la injusticia no afecta negativamente al rendimiento.Accessing main memory represents a major performance bottleneck in current processors, since the different cores compete among them for the limited offchip bandwidth, aggravating even more the so called memory wall. Several techniques have been applied to deal with the core-memory performance gap, with the most preeminent ones being prefetching and hierarchical caching. Hierarchical caches leverage the temporal and spacial locality of the accessed data, mitigating the huge main memory access latencies. To limit the number of accesses to the off-chip DRAM memory, current processors feature large Last Level Caches. These caches are shared between all the cores to improve the utilization of the cache space and reduce cost. This approach significantly improves the performance of most applications compared to using smaller private caches. Cache sharing, however, presents an important shortcoming: the interference between applications. Prefetching, on the other hand, brings data blocks to the caches before they are requested, hiding the main memory latency. Unfortunately, since prefetching is a speculative technique, inaccurate prefetches may pollute the cache with blocks that will not be used. In addition, the prefetches interfere with the regular memory requests, both the ones from the application running on the core that issued the prefetches and the others. This thesis focuses on reducing the inter-application interference, both in the shared cache and in the access to the main memory. To reduce the interapplication interference in the access to main memory, the proposed approach regulates the aggressiveness of each core prefetcher, and selectively activates or deactivates some of them, depending on their individual performance and the main memory bandwidth requirements of the other cores. With respect to interference in shared caches, this thesis proposes two LLC partitioning techniques that give more cache space to the applications that have their progress diminished due inter-application interferences. The first cache partitioning proposal requires dedicated hardware not available in commercial processors, so it has been evaluated using a simulation framework. The second proposal dealing with cache partitioning presents a family of partitioning policies that overcome the limitations in the number of partitions and the number of available ways by grouping applications and overlapping cache partitions, so multiple applications share the same ways. Since it has been implemented using the cache partitioning features of modern Intel processors it has been evaluated in a real machine. Experimental results show that the proposed selective prefetching mechanism reduces the number of main memory requests by 20%, which translates to improvements in unfairness, performance, and energy consumption. On the other hand, regarding the proposed partitioning schemes, compared to a system with no partitioning, both reduce unfairness more than 25% on average, regardless of the number of applications running in the multicore, and this reduction in unfairness does not negatively affect the performance.L'accés a la memòria principal en els processadors actuals suposa un important coll d'ampolla per a les prestacions, ja que els diferents nuclis competeixen pel limitat ample de banda de memòria, agreujant la bretxa entre les prestacions del processador i les de la memòria principal. Diferents tècniques ataquen aquest problema, sent les més rellevants l'ús de jerarquies de memòria cau multinivell i la prebusca. Les memòries cau jeràrquiques aprofiten la localitat temporal i espacial que en general presenten els programes en l'accés a les dades per mitigar les enormes latències d'accés a memòria principal. Per limitar el nombre d'accessos a la memòria DRAM, fora del xip, els processadors actuals compten amb grans caus d'últim nivell (LLC). Per millorar la seva utilització i reduir costos, aquestes memòries cau solen compartir-se entre tots els nuclis del processador. Aquest enfocament millora significativament el rendiment de la majoria de les aplicacions en comparació amb l'ús de caus privades més menudes. Compartir la memòria cau, no obstant, presenta una problema important: la interferencia entre aplicacions. La prebusca, per altra banda, porta blocs de dades a les memòries cau abans que el processador els sol·licite, ocultant la latència de memòria principal. Desafortunadament, donat que la prebusca és una técnica especulativa, si no té èxit pot contaminar la memòria cau amb blocs que no fan falta. A més, les prebusques interfereixen amb els accessos normals a memòria, tant els del nucli que emet les prebusques com els dels altres. Aquesta tesi es centra en reduir la interferència entre aplicacions, tant en les cau compartides com en l'accés a la memòria principal. Per reduir la interferència entre aplicacions en l'accés a la memòria principal, el mecanismo proposat en aquesta dissertació regula l'agressivitat de cada prebuscador, activant o desactivant selectivament alguns d'ells, en funció del seu rendiment individual i dels requisits d'ample de banda de memòria principal dels altres nuclis. Pel que fa a la interferència en caus compartides, aquesta tesi proposa dues tècniques de particionat per a la LLC, les quals atorguen més espai de memòria cau a les aplicacions que progressen més lentament a causa de la interferència entre aplicacions. La primera proposta per al particionat de memòria cau requereix hardware específic no disponible en processadors comercials, per la qual cosa s'ha avaluat utilitzant un entorn de simulació. La segona proposta de particionat per a memòries cau presenta una família de polítiques que superen les limitacions en el nombre de particions i en el nombre de vies de memòria cau disponibles mitjan¿ cant l'agrupació d'aplicacions en clústers i la superposició de particions de memòria cau, de manera que diverses aplicacions comparteixen les mateixes vies. Atès que s'ha implementat utilitzant els mecanismes per al particionat de la LLC que ofereixen alguns processadors Intel moderns, aquesta proposta s'ha avaluat en una màquina real. Els resultats experimentals mostren que el mecanisme de prebusca selectiva proposat en aquesta tesi redueix el nombre de sol·licituds a la memòria principal en un 20%, cosa que es tradueix en millores en l'equitat del sistema, el rendiment i el consum d'energia. Per altra banda, pel que fa als esquemes de particiónat proposats, en comparació amb un sistema sense particions, ambdues propostes redueixen la iniquitat del sistema en més d'un 25% de mitjana, independentment de la quantitat d'aplicacions en execució, i aquesta reducció en la iniquitat no afecta negativament el rendiment.Selfa Oliver, V. (2018). Adaptive Prefetching and Cache Partitioning for Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/112423TESI

    A Survey on Thread-Level Speculation Techniques

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    Producción CientíficaThread-Level Speculation (TLS) is a promising technique that allows the parallel execution of sequential code without relying on a prior, compile-time-dependence analysis. In this work, we introduce the technique, present a taxonomy of TLS solutions, and summarize and put into perspective the most relevant advances in this field.MICINN (Spain) and ERDF program of the European Union: HomProg-HetSys project (TIN2014-58876-P), CAPAP-H5 network (TIN2014-53522-REDT), and COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)