878 research outputs found

    Experimental characterization of UAV-to-car communications

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    [EN] Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), popularly known as drones, can be deployed in conjunction with a network of ground vehicles. In situations where no infrastructure is available, drones can be deployed as mobile infrastructure elements to offer all types of services. Examples of such services include safety in rural areas where, upon an emergency event, drones can be quickly deployed as information relays for distributing critical warning to vehicles. In this work, we analyze the communications performance on the link between cars and drones taking into account the altitude, the antenna orientation, and the relative distance. The presented results show that the communication between a drone and a car can reach up to three kilometers in a rural area, and achieves at least a fifty percent success ratio for the delivery rate at a 2.7 km range. Finally, to allow integrating the communications link behaviour in different network simulators, the experimental results were also modeled with a modified Gaussian function that offers a suitable representation for this kind of communication.This work was partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competividad, Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2014", Spain, under grants TEC2014-52690-R and BES-2015-075988.Hadiwardoyo, SA.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano, J.; Manzoni, P. (2018). Experimental characterization of UAV-to-car communications. Computer Networks. 136:105-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2018.03.002S10511813

    Construction of a real vehicular delay-tolerant network testbed

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    Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks (VDTNs) appear as innovative network architecture, able to outline communication challenges caused by issues like variable delays, disruption and intermittent connectivity once that it utilizes the store-carry-and-forward method to allow that in-transit messages (called bundles) can be delivered to the destination by hopping over the mobile vehicles even that an end-to-end path does not exist. Since messages are stored persistently in a buffer and forward to the next hop, a new communication infrastructure is created allowing low-cost asynchronous opportunistic communication under the most critical situations like variable delays and bandwidth constraints. VDTN introduces a layered architecture, acting as an overlay network over the link layer, aggregating incoming IP packets in data bundles (large IP packets), using out-of-band signaling, based on the separation of the control plane and planes. This dissertation presents and evaluates the performance of a real VDTN testbed, demonstrating the real applicability of this new vehicular communication approach. It includes an embedded VDTN testbed created to evaluate safety systems in a real-world scenario. It was used cars with laptops to realize terminal and relay nodes. A real testbed is very important because some complex issues presented in vehicular communication systems can be treated with more realism in real-world environments than in a laboratory environment. The experiments were performed on the internal streets of Brazilian Fiat Automobile manufacturing plant. Performance measurements and analysis were also conduct to verify the efficiency of the system. The results obtained show that safety applications and services can be executed with the actual proposal VDTN architecture in several environments, although notable interference as fading and characteristics of the radio channel, require the use of more modern, appropriate and robust technologies. Thus, the real deployment of VDTNs confirms that VDTNs can be seen as a very promising technology for vehicular communications.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Modelling and Real Deployment of C-ITS by Integrating Ground Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    [ES] Para proporcionar un entorno de tráfico vial más seguro y eficiente, los sistemas ITS o Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte representan como una solución dotada de avances tecnológicos de vanguardia. La integración de elementos de transporte como automóviles junto con elementos de infraestructura como RoadSide Units (RSUs) ubicados a lo largo de la vía de comunicación permiten ofrecer un entorno de red conectado con múltiples servicios, incluida conectividad a Internet. Esta integración se conoce con el término C-ITS o Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte Cooperativos. La conexión de automóviles con dispositivos de infraestructura permite crear redes vehiculares conectadas (V2X) vehículo a dispositivos, que ofrecen la posibilidad de nuevos despliegues en aplicaciones C-ITS como las relacionadas con la seguridad. Hoy en día, con el uso masivo de teléfonos inteligentes y debido a su flexibilidad y movilidad, existen varios esfuerzos para integrarlos con los automóviles. De hecho, con el soporte adecuado de unidad a bordo (OBU), los teléfonos inteligentes se pueden integrar perfectamente con las redes vehiculares, permitiendo a los conductores usar sus teléfonos inteligentes como dispositivos de bordo a que participan en los servicios C-ITS, con el objeto de mejorar la seguridad al volante entre otros. Tópico este, que hoy día representa un tema relevante de investigación. Un problema a solucionar surge cuando las comunicaciones vehiculares sufren inferencias y bloqueos de la señal debidos al escenario. De hecho, el impacto de la vegetación y los edificios, ya sea en áreas urbanas y rurales, puede afectar a la calidad de la señal. Algunas estrategias para mejorar la comunicación vehicular en este tipo de entorno consiste en desplegar UAVs o vehículo aéreo no tripulado (drones), los cuales actúan como enlaces de comunicación entre vehículos. De hecho, UAV ofrece importantes ventajas de implementación, ya que tienen una gran flexibilidad en términos de movilidad, además de un rango de comunicaciones mejorado. Para evaluar la calidad de las comunicaciones, debe realizarse un conjunto de mediciones. Sin embargo, debido al costo de las implementaciones reales de UAV y automóviles, los experimentos reales podrían no ser factibles para actividades de investigación con recursos limitados. Por lo tanto, los experimentos de simulación se convierten en la opción preferida para evaluar las comunicaciones entre UAV y vehículos terrestres. Lograr modelos de propagación de señal correctos y representativos que puedan importarse a los entornos de simulación se vuelve crucial para obtener un mayor grado de realismo, especialmente para simulaciones que involucran el movimiento de UAVs en cualquier lugar del espacio 3D. En particular, la información de elevación del terreno debe tenerse en cuenta al intentar caracterizar los efectos de propagación de la señal. En esta tesis doctoral, proponemos nuevos enfoques tanto teóricos como empíricos para estudiar la integración de redes vehiculares que combinan automóviles y UAVs, así mismo el impacto del entorno en la calidad de las comunicaciones. Esta tesis presenta una aplicación, una metodología de medición en escenarios reales y un nuevo modelo de simulación, los cuales contribuyen a modelar, desarrollar e implementar servicios C-ITS. Más específicamente, proponemos un modelo de simulación que tiene en cuenta las características del terreno en 3D, para lograr resultados confiables de comunicación entre UAV y vehículos terrestres.[CA] Per a proporcionar un entorn de trànsit viari més segur i eficient, els sistemes ITS o Sistemes Intel·ligents de Transport representen una solució dotada d'avanços tecnològics d'avantguarda. La integració d'elements de transport com auto móvils juntament amb elements d'infraestructura com Road Side Units (RSUs) situats al llarg de lav via de comunicació permeten oferir un entorn de xarxa connectat amb multiples serveis, inclusa connectivitat a Internet. Aquesta integració es connex amb el terme C-ITS o Sistemes Intel·ligents de Transport Cooperatius , com ara els automòbils, amb elements d'infraestructura, com ara les road side units (RSU) o pals situats al llarg de la carretera, per a aconseguir un entorn de xarxa que oferisca nous serveis a més de connectivitat a Internet. Aquesta integració s'expressa amb el terme C-ITS, o sistemes intel·ligents de transport cooperatius. La connexió d'automòbils amb dispositius d'infraestructura permet crear xarxes vehiculars connectades (V2X) vehicle a dispositiu, que ofreixen la possibilitat de nous desplegaments en aplicacions C-ITS, com ara les relacionades amb la seguretat. Avui dia, amb l'ús massiu dels telèfons intel·ligents, i a causa de la flexibilitat i mobilitat que presenten, es fan esforços per integrar-los amb els automòbils. De fet, amb el suport adequat d'unitat a bord (OBU), els telèfons intel·ligents es poden integrar perfectament amb les xarxes vehiculars, permetent als conductors usar els seus telèfons intel·ligents com a dispositius per a participar en els serveis de C-ITS, a fi de millorar la seguretat al volant entre altres. Tòpic est, que hui dia representa un tema rellevant d'investigació. Un problema a solucionar sorgeix quan les comunicacions vehiculars ateixen inferències i bloquejos del senyal deguts a l'escenari. De fet, l'impacte de la vegetació i els edificis, tant en àrees urbanes com rurals, pot afectar la qualitat del senyal. Algunes estratègies de millorar la comunicació vehicular en aquest tipus d'entorn consisteix a desplegar UAVs o vehicles aeris no tripulats (drones), els quals actuen com a enllaços de comunicació entre vehicles. De fet, l'ús d'UAVs ofereix importants avantatges d'implementació, ja que tenen una gran flexibilitat en termes de mobilitat, a més d'un rang de comunicacions millorat. Per a avaluar la qualitat de les comunicacions, s'han de realitzar mesures en escenaris reals. No obstant això, a causa del cost de les implementacions i desplegaments reals d'UAV i el seu ús combinat amb vehicles, aquests experiments reals podrien no ser factibles per a activitats d'investigació amb recursos limitats. Per tant, la metodologia basada en simulació es converteixen en l'opció preferida entre els investigadors per a avaluar les comunicacions entre UAV i vehicles terrestres. Aconseguir models de propagació de senyal correctes i representatius que puguen importar-se als entorns de simulació resulta crucial per a obtenir un major grau de realisme, especialment per a simulacions que involucren el moviment d'UAV en qualsevol lloc de l'espai 3D. En particular, cal tenir en compte la informació d'elevació del terreny per a intentar caracteritzar els efectes de propagació del senyal. En aquesta tesi doctoral proposem enfocaments tant teòrics com empírics per a estudiar la integració de xarxes vehiculars que combinen automòbils i UAV, així com l'impacte de l'entorn en la qualitat de les comunicacions. Aquesta tesi presenta una aplicació, una metodología de mesurament en escenaris reals i un nou model de simulació, els quals contribueixen a modelar, desenvolupar i implementar serveis C-ITS. Més específicament, proposem un model de simulació que té en compte les característiques del terreny en 3D, per a aconseguir resultats fiables de comunicació entre UAV i vehicles terrestres.[EN] To provide a safer road traffic environment and make it more convenient, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs) are proposed as a solution endowed with cutting-edge technological advances. The integration of transportation elements like cars together with infrastructure elements like Road Side Units to achieve a networking environment offers new services in addition to Internet connectivity. This integration comes under the term Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS). Connecting cars with surrounding devices forming vehicular networks in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) open new deployments in C-ITS applications like safety-related ones. With the massive use of smartphones nowadays, and due to their flexibility and mobility, several efforts exist to integrate them with cars. In fact, with the right support from the vehicle's On-Board Unit (OBU), smartphones can be seamlessly integrated with vehicular networks. Hence, drivers can use their smartphones as a device to participate in C-ITS services for safety purposes, among others, which is a quite interesting research topic. A significant problem arises when vehicular communications face signal obstructions caused by the environment. In fact, the impact of vegetation and buildings, whether in urban and rural areas, can result in a lower signal quality. One way to enhance vehicular communication networks is to deploy Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to act as relays for communication between cars, or ground vehicles. In fact, UAVs offer important deployment advantages, as they offer great flexibility in terms of mobility, in addition to an enhanced communications range. To assess the quality of the communications, a set of measurements must take place. However, due to the cost of real deployments of UAVs and cars, real experiments might not be feasible for research activities with limited resources. Hence, simulation experiments become the preferred option to assess UAV-to- car communications. Achieving correct and representative signal propagation models that can be imported to the simulation environments becomes crucial to obtain a higher degree of realism, especially for simulations involving UAVs moving anywhere throughout the 3D space. In particular, terrain elevation information must be taken into account when attempting to characterize signal propagation effects. In this research work, we propose both theoretical and empirical approaches to study the integration of vehicular networks combining cars and UAVs, and we study the impact of the surrounding environment on the communications quality. An application, a measurement framework, and a simulation model are presented in this thesis in an effort to model, develop, and deploy C-ITS services. More specifically, we propose a simulation model that takes into account 3D terrain features to achieve reliable UAV-to-car communication results.I want to thank the Spanish government through the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Union Commission through the European Social Fund (ESF) for co-financing and granting me the fellowship to fund my studies in Spain and my research stay in Russia. In addition, I would to thank the National Institute of Informatics for granting me the internship fund and the Japanese government through the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for supporting my research work in Japan.Hadiwardoyo, SA. (2019). Modelling and Real Deployment of C-ITS by Integrating Ground Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118796TESI

    Coverage and Connectivity Analysis of Millimeter Wave Vehicular Networks

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    The next generations of vehicles will require data transmission rates in the order of terabytes per driving hour, to support advanced automotive services. This unprecedented amount of data to be exchanged goes beyond the capabilities of existing communication technologies for vehicular communication and calls for new solutions. A possible answer to this growing demand for ultra-high transmission speeds can be found in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands which, however, are subject to high signal attenuation and challenging propagation characteristics. In particular, mmWave links are typically directional, to benefit from the resulting beamforming gain, and require precise alignment of the transmitter and the receiver beams, an operation which may increase the latency of the communication and lead to deafness due to beam misalignment. In this paper, we propose a stochastic model for characterizing the beam coverage and connectivity probability in mmWave automotive networks. The purpose is to exemplify some of the complex and interesting tradeoffs that have to be considered when designing solutions for vehicular scenarios based on mmWave links. The results show that the performance of the automotive nodes in highly mobile mmWave systems strictly depends on the specific environment in which the vehicles are deployed, and must account for several automotive-specific features such as the nodes speed, the beam alignment periodicity, the base stations density and the antenna geometry.Comment: In press of Elsevier Ad Hoc Network

    A Multi-hop Mobile Networking Test-bed for Telematics

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    An onboard vehicle-to-vehicle multi-hop wireless networking system has been developed to test the realworld performance of telematics applications. The system targets emergency and safety messaging, traffic updates, audio/video streaming and commercial announcements. The test-bed includes a Differential GPS receiver, an IEEE 802.11a radio card modified to emulate the DSRC standard, a 1xRTT cellular-data connection, an onboard computer and audio-visual equipment. Vehicles exchange data directly or via intermediate vehicles using a multi-hop routing protocol. The focus of the test-bed is to (a) evaluate the feasibility of high-speed inter-vehicular networking, (b) characterize 5.8GHz signal propagation within a dynamic mobile ad hoc environment, and (c) develop routing protocols for highly mobile networks. The test-bed has been deployed across five vehicles and tested over 400 miles on the road

    A Comparative Survey of VANET Clustering Techniques

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    © 2016 Crown. A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a mobile ad hoc network in which network nodes are vehicles - most commonly road vehicles. VANETs present a unique range of challenges and opportunities for routing protocols due to the semi-organized nature of vehicular movements subject to the constraints of road geometry and rules, and the obstacles which limit physical connectivity in urban environments. In particular, the problems of routing protocol reliability and scalability across large urban VANETs are currently the subject of intense research. Clustering can be used to improve routing scalability and reliability in VANETs, as it results in the distributed formation of hierarchical network structures by grouping vehicles together based on correlated spatial distribution and relative velocity. In addition to the benefits to routing, these groups can serve as the foundation for accident or congestion detection, information dissemination and entertainment applications. This paper explores the design choices made in the development of clustering algorithms targeted at VANETs. It presents a taxonomy of the techniques applied to solve the problems of cluster head election, cluster affiliation, and cluster management, and identifies new directions and recent trends in the design of these algorithms. Additionally, methodologies for validating clustering performance are reviewed, and a key shortcoming - the lack of realistic vehicular channel modeling - is identified. The importance of a rigorous and standardized performance evaluation regime utilizing realistic vehicular channel models is demonstrated