818 research outputs found

    Decentralized brokered enabled ecosystem for data marketplace in smart cities towards a data sharing economy

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    Presently data are indispensably important as cities consider data as a commodity which can be traded to earn revenues. In urban environment, data generated from internet of things devices, smart meters, smart sensors, etc. can provide a new source of income for citizens and enterprises who are data owners. These data can be traded as digital assets. To support such trading digital data marketplaces have emerged. Data marketplaces promote a data sharing economy which is crucial for provision of available data useful for cities which aims to develop data driven services. But currently existing data marketplaces are mostly inadequate due to several issues such as security, efficiency, and adherence to privacy regulations. Likewise, there is no consolidated understanding of how to achieve trust and fairness among data owners and data sellers when trading data. Therefore, this study presents the design of an ecosystem which comprises of a distributed ledger technology data marketplace enabled by message queueing telemetry transport (MQTT) to facilitate trust and fairness among data owners and data sellers. The designed ecosystem for data marketplaces is powered by IOTA technology and MQTT broker to support the trading of sdata sources by automating trade agreements, negotiations and payment settlement between data producers/sellers and data consumers/buyers. Overall, findings from this article discuss the issues associated in developing a decentralized data marketplace for smart cities suggesting recommendations to enhance the deployment of decentralized and distributed data marketplaces.publishedVersio

    Blockchain and personal data : In search of digital identity management solution

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    Tutkielman aiheena ovat lohkoketjuteknologia, henkilötiedot ja sähköinen identiteetti. Tutkielman tavoitteena on löytää sellainen sähköisen identiteetin hallintaratkaisu, joka hyödyntää lohkoketjuteknologiaa henkilötietojen tallennuksessa ja on henkilötietojen käsittelyyn soveltuvan kansainvälisten sääntelyn mukainen. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi, tutkielma antaa vastauksen siihen, 1) voidaanko henkilötietoja tallentaa suoraan lohkoketjuun tai, 2) miten lohkoketjuteknologiaa voitaisiin muuten hyödyntää henkilötietojen säilyttämisessä, 3) mitkä ovat soveltuvat kansainväliset tietosuojalainsäädäntökehykset ja 4) mitä vaikutuksia soveltuvalla sääntelyllä on lohkoketjuteknologian ja henkilötietojen tallentamisen yhteensovittamisessa sähköisen identiteetin hallinnassa. Tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään postposivistista lähestymistapaa, joten de lege lata -tietosuojalainsäädäntöä ei pidetä itsestäänselvyytenä ja sen sijaan lainsäädäntöä on pidettävä muuttavana ja suhteessa teknologiseen kehitykseen. Sisäisen kritiikin avulla pyritään purkamaan jännitettä kehittyvän teknologian ja tietosuojalainsäädännön välillä ja tunnistamaan lainsäädännölliset aukot ja ristiriidat. Tärkeimmät tutkimusaineistot ovat henkilötietoihin sovellettavat kansainväliset tietosuojakehykset sekä kehitteillä olevat kansainväliset identiteettiä koskevat lainsäädäntökehikot, ratkaisut, ohjeet ja teknologiset standardit. Edistyksellisistä hajautusalgoritmeista huolimatta, lohkoketjuun tallennettuja henkilötietoja pidetään pseudoanonyymina tietona, ja lohkoketjuun tallennetut henkilötiedot kuuluvat kansainvälisen siten aina tietosuojalainsäädännön piiriin. Lisäksi, koska muuttumattomuus on erottamaton osa lohkoketjuteknologia, henkilötietoja ei voida tallentaa suoraan lohkoketjuun rikkomatta kansainvälisen tietosuojalainsäädännön periaatteita, joista keskeisimmät ovat oikeus tietojen oikaisemiseen ja poistamiseen ja oikeus tulla unohdetuksi. Yksityinen lohkoketju tarjoaa kuitenkin lohkoketjuun muutettavissa olevan lisäkerroksen, joka mahdollistaa lohkoketjuteknologian hyödyntämisen henkilötietojen tallentamisessa ja sähköisen identiteetin hallinnassa. Kun kyvykkyydet ja esteet lohkoketjuteknologian soveltamiselle on tunnistettu, tutkielma analysoi itsehallittavan identiteetin hallintamallia, joka mahdollistaisi rekisteröidylle henkilölle sekä keinot luoda ja hallita sähköisen identiteetin muodostavia yksilöllisiä tunnisteita, että puitteet henkilötietojen tallentamiseen, aikaansaaden paradigman muutoksen

    Data protection on blockchain in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation

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    Reversing the Irreversible: Mitigating Legal Risks of Blockchain-Based Data Breach through Corporate Governance

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    The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) embodies a set of enforceable data subject rights, data controller and processor obligations, and compliance requirements. The GDPR outreach is extraterritorial and impacts US blockchain-based businesses that collect and process personal data of individuals from the EU. Given the ambiguities of the law itself surrounding what is considered as personal data on blockchain, and who data controllers and processors are, this research examines the corporate governance response to the GDPR as a bottom-up solution for compliance. To secure the sustainability of the business models based on blockchain solutions there is an immediate need to revisit traditional agency theory of corporate governance. Modern theory of corporate governance must inevitably integrate Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental, Social, and Governance standards into its policies and procedures to mitigate risks and hedge against breaches of data security and privacy

    #Blockchain4EU: Blockchain for Industrial Transformations

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    The project #Blockchain4EU is a forward looking exploration of existing, emerging and potential applications based on Blockchain and other DLTs for industrial / non-financial sectors. It combined Science and Technology Studies with a transdisciplinary policy lab toolbox filled with frameworks from Foresight and Horizon Scanning, Behavioural Insights, or Participatory, Critical and Speculative Design. Amid unfolding and uncertain developments of the Blockchain space, our research signals a number of crucial opportunities and challenges around a technology that could record, secure and transfer any digitised transaction or process, and thus potentially affect large parts of current industrial landscapes. This report offers key insights for its implementation and uptake by industry, businesses and SMEs, together with science for policy strategic recommendations.JRC.I.2-Foresight, Behavioural Insights and Design for Polic

    Attestation by Governing Bodies: Literature review

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    Preface This preface was written by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) to provide context and background to the report which follows, Attestation by Governing Bodies: Literature review. The Commission contracted the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to prepare the literature review, as part of the review of the Australian Health Service Safety and Quality Accreditation (AHSSQA) Scheme. Background The Commission’s role is to lead and coordinate national improvements in the safety and quality of health care. The Commission works in partnership with the Australian Government, state and territory governments and the private sector to achieve a safe and high-quality, sustainable health system. In doing so, the Commission also works closely with patients, carers, clinicians, managers, policymakers and healthcare organisations. The Commission is responsible under the National Health Reform Act 2011 for the formulation of standards relating to healthcare safety and quality matters and for formulating and coordinating national models of accreditation for health service organisations. The Commission developed the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards in consultation with the Australian Government, state and territory governments, technical experts and stakeholders. They aim to protect the public from harm and to improve the quality of health service provision. To become accredited, health service organisations must pass assessments to show they have implemented the NSQHS Standards. The assessments are conducted by independent accrediting agencies approved by the Commission as part of the AHSSQA Scheme. However, state and territory regulators and chief executives of health service organisations have raised concerns about several aspects of the accreditation process. The Commission is undertaking a review to update and improve the accreditation process. In May 2017, the Commission contracted four literature reviews to provide an evidence base to inform the Commission’s review of the AHSSQA Scheme. The reviews explored the potential use of the following methods to improve the veracity of health service organisations: • Attestation by a governing body • Short-notice and unannounced surveys • Patient journey and tracer methodologies • Safety culture assessment. The report that follows this preface presents the findings of a literature review that explored the potential use of attestation by governing bodies during accreditation of health service organisations. Key findings The report on attestation by governing bodies includes a definition of attestation, a review of the evidence of the effectiveness of attestation by governing bodies as part of accreditation in healthcare, and examples of the use of attestation in practice

    Blocks\u27 Network: Redesign Architecture based on Blockchain Technology

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    The Internet is a global network that uses communication protocols. It is considered the most important system reached by humanity, which no one can abandon. However, this technology has become a weapon that threatens the privacy of users, especially in the client-server model, where data is stored and managed privately. Additionally, users have no power over their data that store in a private server, which means users’ data may interrupt by government or might be sold via service provider for-profit purposes. Furthermore, blockchain is a technology that we can rely on to solve issues related to client-server model if appropriately used. However, blockchain technology uses consensus protocol, which is used for creating an incontrovertible system of agreement between members across a distributed network. Thus, the consensus protocol is used to slow all member down from generating too fast in order to control the network creation pattern, which leads to scalability and latency problems. The proposed system will present a platform that leverages modernize blockchain called Blocks’ Network. The system is taking into consideration the issues related to privacy and confidentiality from the client-side model, and scalability and latency issues from the blockchain technology side. Blocks’ network is a public and a permissioned network that use a multi-dimensional hash to generate multiple chains for the purpose of a systematic approach. The proposed platform is an assembly point for users to create a decentralized network using P2P protocols. The system has high data flow due to frequent use by participants (for example, the use of the Internet). Besides, the system will store all traffic of the network overtly via Blocks’ Network

    UniFlexView : a unified framework for consistent construction of BPMN and BPEL process views

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    Process view technologies allow organizations to create different granularity levels of abstraction of their business processes, therefore enabling a more effective business process management, analysis, interoperation, and privacy controls. Existing research proposed view construction and abstraction techniques for block-based (ie, BPEL) and graph-based (ie, BPMN) process models. However, the existing techniques treat each type of the two types of models separately. Especially, this brings in challenges for achieving a consistent process view for a BPEL model that derives from a BPMN model. In this paper, we propose a unified framework, namely UniFlexView, for supporting automatic and consistent process view construction. With our framework, process modelers can use our proposed View Definition Language to specify their view construction requirements disregarding the types of process models. Our UniFlexView's system prototype has been developed as a proof of concept and demonstration of the usability and feasibility of our framework. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd