9,602 research outputs found

    Supervision and Early Career Work Experiences of Estonian Humanities Researchers under the Conditions of Project-based Funding

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    We analyze a series of interviews with Estonian humanities researchers to explore topics related to the beginning of academic careers and the relationships with supervisors and mentors. We show how researchers strive to have meaningful relationships and produce what they consider quality research in the conditions of a system that is very strongly oriented towards internationalization and project-based funding, where their efforts are compromised by a lack of policies helping them establish a stable position in academia. Leaving researchers to face these obstacles alone places a great burden on them and may lead to a loss of talent in academia. Identifying and addressing these issues is thus important for both the well-being of early career researchers and the future of academia

    Investigating the interplay between fundamentals of national research systems: performance, investments and international collaborations

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    We discuss, at the macro-level of nations, the contribution of research funding and rate of international collaboration to research performance, with important implications for the science of science policy. In particular, we cross-correlate suitable measures of these quantities with a scientometric-based assessment of scientific success, studying both the average performance of nations and their temporal dynamics in the space defined by these variables during the last decade. We find significant differences among nations in terms of efficiency in turning (financial) input into bibliometrically measurable output, and we confirm that growth of international collaboration positively correlate with scientific success, with significant benefits brought by EU integration policies. Various geo-cultural clusters of nations naturally emerge from our analysis. We critically discuss the possible factors that potentially determine the observed patterns

    Monografijų leidybos tendencijos Lietuvos socialiniuose ir humanitariniuose moksluose: duomenų bazės „Lituanistika“ analizė

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    The aim of this article is to reconstruct and analyse scholarly book (or monograph) publication patterns in Lithuanian Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) registered in national database “Lituanistika”. Database “Lituanistika” provides a good starting point and repository of empirical data as it indexes and abstracts different types of scholarly publications in SSH, monographs included. The empirical part of the research consists of finding registered monographs, attributing them to the individual SSH disciplines, comparing the number of monographs and scholarly articles in various SSH, and retracing the timeline of registered monographs across different disciplines etc. The analytical approach of our research is based on an idea of (social) constructivism. We aim at reconstructing the motives behind the publishing of scholarly books or abstaining from such practice. In this article we argue that the motives to publish (or not to publish) a scholarly book are a product of a broader Lithuanian social, institutional and disciplinary context, which influences and regulates the actions of individual SSH researchers.Straipsnyje siekiama rekonstruoti mokslinių monografijų leidybos modelį Lietuvos socialiniuose ir humanitariniuose moksluose. Sociologinei analizei pasirinkta nacionalinė duomenų bazė „Lituanistika“, kurioje indeksuojamos įvairios mokslo publikacijos ir pateikiamos jų santraukos. Jos duomenys leidžia identifikuoti ilgalaikes publikavimo praktikas skirtingose disciplinose. Straipsnyje vadovaujamasi socialinio konstruktyvizmo perspektyva, padedančia atsekti motyvus, verčiančius mokslininkus rašyti knygas arba vengti tai daryti. Savo analize ir svarstymais norime parodyti, kad individualus apsisprendimas publikuoti monografiją pirmiausia yra nulemtas platesnio socialinio konteksto, kuriame svarbus vaidmuo tenka institucinio ir disciplinarinio režimų sąveikai, įgalinančiai tiek subordinacinį, tiek rezistencinį mokslininkų santykį su mokslo administracine aplinka

    Publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities in Flanders and Poland

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    The authors would like to thank Ewa A. Rozkosz for her useful suggestions and remarks.This paper investigates internationalization patterns in the language and type of social sciences and humanities publications in non-English speaking countries. This research aims to demonstrate that such patterns are related not only to discipline but also to each country’s cultural and historic heritage. We used data from Flemish and Polish databases collected between 2009 and 2014. In Flanders, on the one hand, we found that changes in the use of languages and publication types were moderate and occurred gradually over several years. In Poland, on the other hand, we found significant shifts in the use of certain publication types, sometimes from year to year. Examining the social sciences and humanities literature both as a whole and broken down by discipline, we observed similar variability over time in the proportion of work published in English and in article form. However, we found remarkable differences between Flanders and Poland regarding the most commonly used languages and publication types. Overall, we found few similarities between Flemish and Polish social sciences and humanities publication patterns.The work of EK was supported by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities in Poland [grant number 0057/NPHR3/H11/82/2014]. The authors are indebted to COST Action CA1537 “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” for supporting this work

    A framework for monitoring scientific production behavior in Research evaluation systems based on journal ranking lists the brazilian case

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    A extensão e a qualidade dos resultados de pesquisa tornaram-se fatores-chave para a avaliação do desempenho da universidade. Vários países introduziram sistemas de avaliação de pesquisas que vinculam financiamento a indicadores de desempenho como forma de aumentar a prestação de contas. Em geral, classificações de periódicos são parte integrante desses sistemas. Esta tese aborda o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de um framework para monitorar o comportamento da produção científica em contextos em que as listas de classificação de periódicos estão no centro da avaliação. O principal objetivo do framework é permitir a identificação de padrões desejáveis e adversos na produção acadêmica. Considerando que o Brasil utiliza um sistema de classificação de periódicos (QUALIS) há mais de duas décadas, o framework foi aplicado numa análise de dez anos da produção científica brasileira em oito áreas distintas, tomando o banco de dados da Scopus como referência. Os resultados mostraram um declínio na proporção de artigos indexados na Scopus nas áreas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (SSH). Um número restrito de periódicos, que permaneceu no sistema durante o período estudado, concentrou um número maior de artigos. No geral, esses periódicos tiveram sua classificação QUALIS inalterada ou melhorada ao longo das avaliações periódicas. Entretanto, na maioria, houve uma diminuição significativa no impacto de citação desses. Além disso, aqueles de menor impacto passaram para as categorias QUALIS mais altas ao longo dos anos, o que ocorreu simultaneamente com um aumento no número de artigos em periódicos de baixo impacto em todos as áreas. Esses resultados mostraram que o uso de listas de classificação de periódicos pode levar professores e alunos a publicarem em periódicos de alta classificação, apesar de terem um baixo impacto de citação. Quando os periódicos de baixo impacto alcançam uma classificação alta, eles também podem concentrar uma grande quantidade de artigos publicados. De certa forma, esses padrões são semelhantes a outros resultados encontrados na literatura, nos quais um aumento significativo de publicações foi seguido por um declínio no impacto. O efeito potencial desses modelos de avaliação é que eles podem incitar as pessoas a selecionar meios de publicação com uma pontuação mais alta de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos, independentemente de sua visibilidade. Além disso, esses efeitos podem intensificar-se quando os resultados da avaliação são vinculados a financiamento.The extent and quality of research output have become key factors for university performance evaluation. Several countries introduced research evaluation systems that link funding to performance indicators as a way to enhance accountability. In general, journal rankings are an integral part of these systems. This thesis approaches the development and evaluation of a framework for monitoring scientific production behavior in settings where journal-ranking lists are at the center of research assessment. The main goal of the framework is to enable the identification of desirable and adverse patterns in academic production. Considering that Brazil has been using a specific journal ranking system (QUALIS) for more than two decades, the framework was applied in the ten-year analysis of Brazilian scientific production in eight distinct subject fields and taking the Scopus database as a reference. Results showed a decline in the proportion of Scopus-indexed articles in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). A few journals that remained in the system during the whole evaluation period concentrated a larger number of published articles. Overall, these journals had their QUALIS classification unchanged or improved in the ranking over the periodic evaluations. However, in general, there was a significant decrease in their citation impact. Moreover, lower-impact journals moved to the highest QUALIS categories over the years, what happened simultaneously with an increase in the number of articles in low-impact journals in all fields. These results have shown that the use of journal ranking lists may lead faculty and students to submit their papers to highly ranked journals, even though may have a low citation impact. When low-impact journals reach a high rank, they may also concentrate a high amount of published articles. In a certain way, these patterns are similar to other results found in literature, in which a significant increase in publication productivity has been followed by an impact decline. The potential effect of these evaluation models is that they may incite people to select publication venues that make them score higher according to the established criteria, regardless of their publications’ visibility. Besides, this effect can be intensified once the evaluation results are linked to funds

    The role of handbooks in knowledge creation and diffusion: A case of science and technology studies

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    Genre is considered to be an important element in scholarly communication and in the practice of scientific disciplines. However, scientometric studies have typically focused on a single genre, the journal article. The goal of this study is to understand the role that handbooks play in knowledge creation and diffusion and their relationship with the genre of journal articles, particularly in highly interdisciplinary and emergent social science and humanities disciplines. To shed light on these questions we focused on handbooks and journal articles published over the last four decades belonging to the research area of Science and Technology Studies (STS), broadly defined. To get a detailed picture we used the full-text of five handbooks (500,000 words) and a well-defined set of 11,700 STS articles. We confirmed the methodological split of STS into qualitative and quantitative (scientometric) approaches. Even when the two traditions explore similar topics (e.g., science and gender) they approach them from different starting points. The change in cognitive foci in both handbooks and articles partially reflects the changing trends in STS research, often driven by technology. Using text similarity measures we found that, in the case of STS, handbooks play no special role in either focusing the research efforts or marking their decline. In general, they do not represent the summaries of research directions that have emerged since the previous edition of the handbook.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Informetric

    Internationality of Spanish scholarly journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

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    The present paper studies the internationality of Spanish scholarly journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus on the basis of four key elements identified in the bibliographic review: articles in English, articles by foreign authors, international collaborations and foreign members in editorial teams. Research shows that subject area and access type are determinants in terms of the degree of internationality of the journals, as well as, to a lesser extent, publisher type. The Impact Factor (IF), flagship of bibliometric impact, does not correlate with any element of internationality, while the values of SJR and SNIP moderately correlate with the percentage of international collaborations. Foreign authors' participation is related with English language presence, revealing the orientation of the indexed Spanish journals towards the 'core' scientific countries. The presence of foreign members in committees is accompanied by that of foreign authors, even though a cause-effect relation cannot be proved. The study concludes providing some insights on future research lines

    A bibliometric view on the internationalization of European educational research

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    Is there a trend towards internationalization of educational research in Europe? Educational research is said to follow a tradition of nationally oriented studies and interventions supported by a national publication culture. Publications are a suitable source of empirical analysis of research output, as they reflect results, emergence and impact of research. This study focuses on publication based bibliometric indicators, which represent measurable characteristics of international orientation of research publications and which can be surveyed in time course. Being aware that the Web of Science (WoS) databases cover a crucial but rather limited proportion of the worldwide educational research output, this study provides bibliometric insights into the development of national publication outputs in educational research in the WoS and what idiosyncrasies are revealed for European countries, into the role of English as a publication language, into the trend towards transnational co-authorship as an indicator of international cooperation, and into citation frequencies as a measurement of research communication or research impact. (DIPF/Orig.