289 research outputs found

    Towards an Inclusive Virtual Dressing Room for Wheelchair-Bound Customers

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    Instagram of Rivers: Facilitating Distributed Collaboration in Hyperlocal Citizen Science

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    Citizen science project leaders collecting field data in a hyperlocal community often face common socio-technical challenges, which can potentially be addressed by sharing innovations across different groups through peer-to-peer collaboration. However, most citizen science groups practice in isolation, and end up re-inventing the wheel when it comes to addressing these common challenges. This study seeks to investigate distributed collaboration between different water monitoring citizen science groups. We discovered a unique social network application called Water Reporter that mediated distributed collaboration by creating more visibility and transparency between groups using the app. We interviewed 8 citizen science project leaders who were users of this app, and 6 other citizen science project leaders to understand how distributed collaboration mediated by this app differed from collaborative practices of Non Water Reporter users. We found that distributed collaboration was an important goal for both user groups, however, the tasks that support these collaboration activities differed for the two user groups

    Aligning Concerns in Telecare:Three Concepts to Guide the Design of Patient-Centred E-Health

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    The design of patient-centred e-health services embodies an inherent tension between the concerns of clinicians and those of patients. Clinicians’ concerns are related to professional issues to do with diagnosing and curing disease in accordance with accepted medical standards. In contrast, patients’ concerns typically relate to personal experience and quality of life issues. It is about their identity, their hopes, their fears and their need to maintain a meaningful life. This divergence of concerns presents a fundamental challenge for designers of patient-centred e-health services. We explore this challenge in the context of chronic illness and telecare. Based on insights from medical phenomenology as well as our own experience with designing an e-health service for patients with chronic heart disease, we emphasise the importance – and difficulty – of aligning the concerns of patients and clinicians. To deal with this, we propose a set of concepts for analysing concerns related to the design of e-health services: A concern is (1) meaningful if it is relevant and makes sense to both patients and clinicians, (2) actionable if clinicians or patients – at least in principle – are able to take appropriate action to deal with it, and (3) feasible if it is easy and convenient to do so within the organisational and social context. We conclude with a call for a more participatory and iterative approach to the design of patient-centred e-health services

    Practices of place-making through locative media artworks

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    Peer-reviewedIn recent years, the vast increase in information flows has made it possible to instantly connect location-dependent information with physical spaces. These technologies have provided new forms of the representation of space as much as new forms of perception through tools and techniques used in land surveying, remote sensing, etc. From a critical point of view, pervasive computing, location-based applications, or, in other words, "locative media" provide an interesting framework to understand how these technologies relate to our understanding of space and place. Concretely, we want to examine how the uses of locative media in social-oriented artworks interact with people's sense of place. This article therefore discusses contemporary theories on space related to media and technology with a specific focus on the conceptualization of the notion of place. It also relates these theories to the study of different locative media artworks: Canal Accessible (2006), Bio Mapping (2004), Disappearing Places (2007), and Coffee Deposits (2010). We contend that locative media artworks act upon distinctive ways to understand the mediation of technology in current placemaking practices.En los últimos años, el aumento de los flujos de información ha hecho posible conectar instantáneamente la información dependiente de ubicación con los espacios físicos. Estas tecnologías han facilitado tanto nuevas formas de representación del espacio como nuevas formas de percepción a través de herramientas y técnicas usadas en topografía, teledetección, etc. Desde un punto de vista crítico, la computación ubicua, las aplicaciones de localización, o en otras palabras, los "medios locativos" proporcionan un marco interesante para entender cómo estas tecnologías se relacionan con nuestra comprensión del espacio y el lugar. Concretamente, queremos examinar cómo los usos de los medios locativos en la vida social orientados a obras de arte interactuan con el sentimiento de lugar. En este artículo se analizan tanto las teorías contemporáneas sobre el espacio en relación con los medios de comunicación y la tecnología con un enfoque específico en la conceptualización de la noción de lugar. Estas teorías se refieren también al estudio de diferentes obras de arte de medios locativos: Canal Accesible (2006), Bio Mapping (2004), Lugares Disappearing (2007), y los restos de café (2010). Sostenemos que las obras de arte de medios locativos actuan de maneras distintas para entender la mediación de la tecnología en las prácticas de Placemaking actuales.En els últims anys, l'augment dels fluxos d'informació ha fet possible connectar instantàniament la informació dependent d'ubicació amb els espais físics. Aquestes tecnologies han facilitat tant noves formes de representació de l'espai com noves formes de percepció a través d'eines i tècniques utilitzades en topografia, teledetecció, etc. Des d'un punt de vista crític, la computació ubiqua, les aplicacions de localització o, en altres paraules, els "mitjans locatius" proporcionen un marc interessant per entendre com aquestes tecnologies es relacionen amb la nostra comprensió de l'espai i el lloc. Concretament, volem examinar com els usos dels mitjans locatius en la vida social orientats a obres d'art interactuen amb el sentiment de lloc. En aquest article s'analitzen tant les teories contemporànies sobre l'espai en relació amb els mitjans de comunicació i la tecnologia amb un enfocament específic en la conceptualització de la noció de lloc. Aquestes teories es refereixen també a l'estudi de diferents obres d'art de mitjans locatius: Canal Accessible (2006), Bio Mapping (2004), Llocs Disappearing (2007), i les restes de cafè (2010). Sostenim que les obres d'art de mitjans locatius actuen de maneres diferents per entendre la mediació de la tecnologia en les pràctiques de Placemaking actuals

    Measurements, Algorithms, and Presentations of Reality: Framing Interactions with AI-Enabled Decision Support

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    Bringing AI technology into clinical practice has proved challenging for system designers and medical professionals alike. The academic literature has, for example, highlighted the dangers of black-box decision-making and biased datasets. Furthermore, end-users’ ability to validate a system’s performance often disappears following the introduction of AI decision-making. We present the MAP model to understand and describe the three stages through which medical observations are interpreted and handled by AI systems. These stages are Measurement, in which information is gathered and converted into data points that can be stored and processed; Algorithm, in which computational processes transform the collected data; and Presentation, where information is returned to the user for interpretation. For each stage, we highlight possible challenges that need to be overcome to develop Human-Centred AI systems. We illuminate our MAP model through complementary case studies on colonoscopy practice and dementia diagnosis, providing examples of the challenges encountered in real-world settings. By defining Human-AI interaction across these three stages, we untangle some of the inherent complexities in designing AI technology for clinical decision-making, and aim to overcome misalignment between medical end-users and AI researchers and developers

    Machine Learning practices and infrastructures

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    Machine Learning (ML) systems, particularly when deployed in high-stakes domains, are deeply consequential. They can exacerbate existing inequities, create new modes of discrimination, and reify outdated social constructs. Accordingly, the social context (i.e. organisations, teams, cultures) in which ML systems are developed is a site of active research for the field of AI ethics, and intervention for policymakers. This paper focuses on one aspect of social context that is often overlooked: interactions between practitioners and the tools they rely on, and the role these interactions play in shaping ML practices and the development of ML systems. In particular, through an empirical study of questions asked on the Stack Exchange forums, the use of interactive computing platforms (e.g. Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab) in ML practices is explored. I find that interactive computing platforms are used in a host of learning and coordination practices, which constitutes an infrastructural relationship between interactive computing platforms and ML practitioners. I describe how ML practices are co-evolving alongside the development of interactive computing platforms, and highlight how this risks making invisible aspects of the ML life cycle that AI ethics researchers' have demonstrated to be particularly salient for the societal impact of deployed ML systems
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