281 research outputs found

    Cloud migration of legacy applications

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    Cloud migration patterns: a multi-cloud service architecture perspective

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    Many organizations migrate their on-premise software systems to the cloud. However, current coarse-grained cloud migration solutions have made a transparent migration of on-premise applications to the cloud a difficult, sometimes trial-and-error based endeavor. This paper suggests a catalogue of fine-grained service-based cloud architecture migration patterns that target multi-cloud settings and are specified with architectural notations. The proposed migration patterns are based on empirical evi-dence from a number of migration projects, best practices for cloud architectures and a systematic literature review of existing research. The pattern catalogue allows an or-ganization to (1) select appropriate architecture migration patterns based on their ob-jectives, (2) compose them to define a migration plan, and (3) extend them based on the identification of new patterns in new contexts

    Appendix To Software Migration: A Theoretical Framework A Grounded Theory approach on Systematic Literature Review

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    Software migration has been a research subject for a long time. Major research and industrial implementations have been conducted, shaping not only the techniques available nowadays, but also a good part of Software evolution jargon. To understand systematically the literature and grasp the major concepts is challenging and time consuming. Even more, research evolves, and it does based on the assumption that there is a single meaning that we all share redounding in the pollution of words with multiple and many times opposite meanings. In our quest to understand, share and contribute scientifically in this domain, we recognise this situation as a problem. To tackle down this problem we propose a taxonomy on the subject as a theoretical framework grounded on a systematic literature review. In this study we contribute a bottom-up taxonomy that links from the object of a migration t

    MILAS : ModernIzing Legtacy Applications towards Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Software as a Service (SaaS)

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    MILAS er om modernisering av gamle applikasjoner, og løfte dem opp til et SOA, SaaS nivå. MILAS beskriver en metodikk for hvordan dette kan best gjøres. Metodikken baserer seg på standarder og modelleringsmuligheter. MILAS dekker spesielt modellering av tjenester og hvordan en kan modellere tjeneser ut fra gamle komponeter

    Käytettävyyden ja kehityksen modernisointi mikropalveluilla

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    Vanhat ohjelmistojärjestelmät, joilla tarkoitetaan vanhoja ja vanhentuneita ohjelmistoja joita on tehty vanhentuneilla työskentelytavoilla, ovat todellisuus jonka kanssa suurin osa ohjelmistokehitysyrityksistä joutuvat kamppailemaan. Vanhat työskentelytavat ja teknologiat aiheuttavat usein ohjelmiston kehityksen ja julkaisun hidastumista, sillä niiden jatkuvassa käytössä voi piillä yhteensopivuus, turvallisuus, skaalautuvuus sekä ekonomisia ongelmia, muiden ongelmien muassa. Ohjelmistojärjestelmien modernisointi, uudelleensuunnittelu ja refaktorointi voivat lievittää vanhoista järjestelmistä nousevia ongelmia, oli se sitten työskentelytapojen muutoksella, teknologioiden päivityksellä tai ohjelmistoalustojen vaihdolla. On olemassa monia teknologioita ja metodeja jotka voivat helpottaa ohjelmistojärjestelmien modernisointia, mukaanlukien siirto käyttämään erilaista arkkitehtuuria, uusien teknologioiden käyttöönotto ja ohjelmistokehityksen tapojen vaihto. Näillä teknologioilla ja metodeilla, ja modernisaatiolla yleensäkkin, on omat riskinsä ja haasteensa, jotka tulee ottaa huomioon onnistuneen modernisaation aikaansaamiseksi; Nämä strategiset huomiot ovat avaintekijöitä modernisaatiossa. Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii ohjelmistojen modernisaatiota yleisellä tasolla kirjallisuusarvostelun kautta, ja käyttää tietyn yrityksen tapaustutkimuksen dataa, joka on kerätty kyselyjen ja yhtiön lokien kautta, katsoen mitä teknologioita, konsepteja ja strategioita tarvitaan onnistuneeseen modernisaatioon, ja mitä vaikutuksia modernisaatiolla on modernisoitavaan ohjelmistojärjestelmään loppukäyttäjien sekä ohjelmistokehittäjien näkökulmasta. Tämän tutkimuksen lopputulos paljastaa miksi modernisaatio on monimutkainen aihe jossa on monia haasteita, mutta joka samaan aikaan tarjoaa monia hyötyjä modernisoitavalle ohjelmistojärjestelmälle. Näitä tuloksia on parasta käyttää ohjeina siihen, mihin ongelmiin kannattaa keskittyä modernisoinnin aikana, pitäen mielessä tapaustutkimuksen rajoitetun soveltamisalan.Legacy software systems, which refers to old and likely outdated software applications and practices, are a reality that most software development companies have to contend with. Old practices and technologies are often at fault for slowing down development and deployment of software, as they can have compatibility, security, scalability and economic issues with their continued use, among other issues. Software modernization, reengineering and refactoring can alleviate the issues stemming from legacy systems, whether it be in the form of altering practices, updating technologies or changing platforms. There are many technologies and methods that can facilitate the modernization of a software system, including a move to using different architectures, specific newer technologies and changing the methods of working and developing the software system. These technologies and methods, and modernization in general, come with their own risks and challenges that must be considered for a successful modernization to take place; These strategic considerations are a key factor in modernization. This thesis will explore software modernization in general through literature reviews and as a case study for a specific company using data from surveys and the case company’s logs, with a look into the technologies, concepts and strategies required for a successful modernization, and what kinds of effects modernization can have on the software system being modernized, both from a user perspective as well as from a developer perspective. The end-result of this exploration reveals that modernization is a complex subject with many challenges, but that also offers benefits to the software system being modernized. These results are best used as a guideline on what issues should be concentrated on during modernization, with a mindful consideration for the limited scope of the case study represented within

    Mobile identification as a service

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringThe benefits of using mobile identification applications as substitutes for physical documents are obvious, whether these are university student cards, company employee identification cards, the citizen card or driving license. However, as these applications grow in popularity and complexity, new requirements and needs arise that need to be addressed without disturbing the normal behavior of the application. Often the data needed to provide an authentication service is spread across multiple servers, which need to be integrated. This becomes more complicated and complex when an application provides more than one form of authentication (a driving license and a student card require data provided by different services). In this dissertation we are going to look for solutions that allow to develop an architecture that is prepared to integrate new services at runtime and allows the management of the system, maintaining its dynamic and independence from third parties, regardless of the technology and form of communication used by them. So, this dissertation presents the state of the art regarding the integration of multiple service providers and the design and implementation a proposed solution, using the WSO2 products to do so. This process is performed in the context of the mobile ID, that is a implementation of a mobile driving license based on the ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.São cada vez mais evidentes os benefícios do uso de aplicações de identificação móvel como substitutos aos documentos físicos, sejam estes cartões de estudantes universitários, cartões de identificação de funcionários de empresas, o cartão de cidadão ou a carta de condução. No entanto, à medida que estas aplicações se tornam mais populares e mais complexas, surgem novas ex igências e necessidades que precisam de ser colmatadas sem perturbar o normal funcionamento da aplicação. Muitas vezes os atributos necessários para fornecer um serviço de identificação encontram-se distribuídos por múltiplos servidores, que necessitam de ser integrados. Isto torna-se mais complicado e complexo quando uma aplicação disponibiliza mais de uma forma de identificação (uma carta de condução e um cartão de estudante requerem dados fornecidos por multiplos e diferentes serviços). Nesta dissertação vamos procurar soluções que permitam desenvolver uma arquitetura que esteja preparada para integrar novos serviços em runtime e permitir toda a gestão do sistema, mantendo a aplicação dinâmica e independente de entidades terceiras, independentemente da tecnologia e forma de comunicação usada pelo serviço. Assim, nesta dissertação é apresentado o estado da arte relativamente à integração de múltiplos fornece dores de serviço e o design e implementação da solução proposta, utilizando os produtos do WSO2 para fazê lo. Todo este processo é realizado no contexto do mobile ID, que é uma implementação da carta de condução digital baseada na ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021