570 research outputs found

    A multiscale modelling approach to understand atherosclerosis formation: A patient-specific case study in the aortic bifurcation

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    Atherogenesis, the formation of plaques in the wall of blood vessels, starts as a result of lipid accumulation (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) in the vessel wall. Such accumulation is related to the site of endothelial mechanotransduction, the endothelial response to mechanical stimuli and haemodynamics, which determines biochemical processes regulating the vessel wall permeability. This interaction between biomechanical and biochemical phenomena is complex, spanning different biological scales and is patient-specific, requiring tools able to capture such mathematical and biological complexity in a unified framework. Mathematical models offer an elegant and efficient way of doing this, by taking into account multifactorial and multiscale processes and mechanisms, in order to capture the fundamentals of plaque formation in individual patients. In this study, a mathematical model to understand plaque and calcification locations is presented: this model provides a strong interpretability and physical meaning through a multiscale, complex index or metric (the penetration site of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, expressed as volumetric flux). Computed tomography scans of the aortic bifurcation and iliac arteries are analysed and compared with the results of the multifactorial model. The results indicate that the model shows potential to predict the majority of the plaque locations, also not predicting regions where plaques are absent. The promising results from this case study provide a proof of concept that can be applied to a larger patient population

    From PK/PD to QSP: Understanding the Dynamic Effect of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs on Atherosclerosis Progression and Stratified Medicine

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    Current computational and mathematical tools are demonstrating the high value of using systems modeling approaches (e.g. Quantitative Systems Pharmacology) to understand the effect of a given compound on the biological and physiological mechanisms related to a specific disease. This review provides a short survey of the evolution of the mathematical approaches used to understand the effect of particular cholesterol-lowering drugs, from pharmaco-kinetic (PK) / pharmaco-dynamic (PD) models, through physiologically base pharmacokinetic models (PBPK) to QSP. These mathematical models introduce more mechanistic information related to the effect of these drugs on atherosclerosis progression and demonstrate how QSP could open new ways for stratified medicine in this field

    Multiscale, patient-specific computational fluid dynamics models predict formation of neointimal hyperplasia in saphenous vein grafts

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    Stenosis due to neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) is among the major causes of peripheral graft failure. Its link to abnormal hemodynamics in the graft is complex, and isolated use of hemodynamic markers is insufficient to fully capture its progression. Here, a computational model of NIH growth is presented, establishing a link between computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow in the lumen and a biochemical model representing NIH growth mechanisms inside the vessel wall. For all three patients analyzed, NIH at proximal and distal anastomoses was simulated by the model, with values of stenosis comparable to the computed tomography scans

    A fully coupled computational fluid dynamics – agent-based model of atherosclerotic plaque development: Multiscale modeling framework and parameter sensitivity analysis

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    Background: Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is an atherosclerotic disorder that leads to impaired lumen patency through intimal hyperplasia and the build-up of plaques, mainly localized in areas of disturbed flow. Computational models can provide valuable insights in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and act as a predictive tool to optimize current interventional techniques. Our hypothesis is that a reliable predictive model must include the atherosclerosis development history. Accordingly, we developed a multiscale modeling framework of atherosclerosis that replicates the hemodynamic-driven arterial wall remodeling and plaque formation. Methods: The framework was based on the coupling of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations with an Agent-Based Model (ABM). The CFD simulation computed the hemodynamics in a 3D artery model, while 2D ABMs simulated cell, Extracellular Matrix (ECM) and lipid dynamics in multiple vessel cross-sections. A sensitivity analysis was also performed to evaluate the oscillation of the ABM output to variations in the inputs and to identify the most influencing ABM parameters. Results: Our multiscale model qualitatively replicated both the physiologic and pathologic arterial configuration, capturing histological-like features. The ABM outputs were mostly driven by cell and ECM dynamics, largely affecting the lumen area. A subset of parameters was found to affect the final lipid core size, without influencing cell/ECM or lumen area trends. Conclusion: The fully coupled CFD-ABM framework described atherosclerotic morphological and compositional changes triggered by a disturbed hemodynamics

    Relationship between hemodynamics and in-stent restenosis in femoral arteries

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    Although percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with stenting is one of the preferred treatments of lower extremity peripheral artery disease, this procedure suffers from a 66% 1-year primary patency rate. The unfavorable outcome is mostly attributable to in-stent restenosis, an inflammatory-driven arterial response, characterized by excessive smooth muscle cell proliferative and synthetic activity ultimately leading to lumen re-narrowing. The etiology of in-stent restenosis is multifactorial, involving different systemic, biological and biomechanical drivers. Among the biomechanical factors, a key role has been recognized to the stent-induced hemodynamic alteration, influencing smooth muscle cell activity both directly and through endothelium-dependent mechanisms. In this scenario, computational fluid dynamics simulations of stented femoral arteries allowed quantifying the local hemodynamics and identifying wall shear stress-based hemodynamic predictors of in-stent restenosis. This contributed to enhance the current knowledge of the fluid dynamic-related mechanisms of post-stenting lumen remodeling. However, given the multiscale and multifactorial nature of in-stent restenosis, multiscale mechanobiological modeling relating the intervention-induced mechanical stimuli to the complex network of biological events has recently emerged as a fundamental approach to decipher the underlying pathological pathways. This involves the analysis of interactions, cause-effect relationships, feedback mechanisms and cascade signaling pathways across different spatial and temporal scales, thus allowing tracking the effect of the interventioninduced perturbation to the molecular, cellular and finally tissue response. The present chapter examines the state-of-the-art of computational fluid dynamics studies of in-stent restenosis in femoral arteries and provides an overview on the emerging field of multiscale mechanobiological modeling of arterial adaptation following endovascular procedures

    Computational fluid dynamics indicators to improve cardiovascular pathologies

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    In recent years, the study of computational hemodynamics within anatomically complex vascular regions has generated great interest among clinicians. The progress in computational fluid dynamics, image processing and high-performance computing haveallowed us to identify the candidate vascular regions for the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and to predict how this disease may evolve. Medicine currently uses a paradigm called diagnosis. In this thesis we attempt to introduce into medicine the predictive paradigm that has been used in engineering for many years. The objective of this thesis is therefore to develop predictive models based on diagnostic indicators for cardiovascular pathologies. We try to predict the evolution of aortic abdominal aneurysm, aortic coarctation and coronary artery disease in a personalized way for each patient. To understand how the cardiovascular pathology will evolve and when it will become a health risk, it is necessary to develop new technologies by merging medical imaging and computational science. We propose diagnostic indicators that can improve the diagnosis and predict the evolution of the disease more efficiently than the methods used until now. In particular, a new methodology for computing diagnostic indicators based on computational hemodynamics and medical imaging is proposed. We have worked with data of anonymous patients to create real predictive technology that will allow us to continue advancing in personalized medicine and generate more sustainable health systems. However, our final aim is to achieve an impact at a clinical level. Several groups have tried to create predictive models for cardiovascular pathologies, but they have not yet begun to use them in clinical practice. Our objective is to go further and obtain predictive variables to be used practically in the clinical field. It is to be hoped that in the future extremely precise databases of all of our anatomy and physiology will be available to doctors. These data can be used for predictive models to improve diagnosis or to improve therapies or personalized treatments.En els últims anys, l'estudi de l'hemodinàmica computacional en regions vasculars anatòmicament complexes ha generat un gran interès entre els clínics. El progrés obtingut en la dinàmica de fluids computacional, en el processament d'imatges i en la computació d'alt rendiment ha permès identificar regions vasculars on poden aparèixer malalties cardiovasculars, així com predir-ne l'evolució. Actualment, la medicina utilitza un paradigma anomenat diagnòstic. En aquesta tesi s'intenta introduir en la medicina el paradigma predictiu utilitzat des de fa molts anys en l'enginyeria. Per tant, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu desenvolupar models predictius basats en indicadors de diagnòstic de patologies cardiovasculars. Tractem de predir l'evolució de l'aneurisma d'aorta abdominal, la coartació aòrtica i la malaltia coronària de forma personalitzada per a cada pacient. Per entendre com la patologia cardiovascular evolucionarà i quan suposarà un risc per a la salut, cal desenvolupar noves tecnologies mitjançant la combinació de les imatges mèdiques i la ciència computacional. Proposem uns indicadors que poden millorar el diagnòstic i predir l'evolució de la malaltia de manera més eficient que els mètodes utilitzats fins ara. En particular, es proposa una nova metodologia per al càlcul dels indicadors de diagnòstic basada en l'hemodinàmica computacional i les imatges mèdiques. Hem treballat amb dades de pacients anònims per crear una tecnologia predictiva real que ens permetrà seguir avançant en la medicina personalitzada i generar sistemes de salut més sostenibles. Però el nostre objectiu final és aconseguir un impacte en l¿àmbit clínic. Diversos grups han tractat de crear models predictius per a les patologies cardiovasculars, però encara no han començat a utilitzar-les en la pràctica clínica. El nostre objectiu és anar més enllà i obtenir variables predictives que es puguin utilitzar de forma pràctica en el camp clínic. Es pot preveure que en el futur tots els metges disposaran de bases de dades molt precises de tota la nostra anatomia i fisiologia. Aquestes dades es poden utilitzar en els models predictius per millorar el diagnòstic o per millorar teràpies o tractaments personalitzats.Postprint (published version

    An in silico study of the influence of vessel wall deformation on neointimal hyperplasia progression in peripheral bypass grafts

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    Neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) is a major obstacle to graft patency in the peripheral arteries. A complex interaction of biomechanical factors contribute to NIH development and progression, and although haemodynamic markers such as wall shear stress have been linked to the disease, these have so far been insufficient to fully capture its behaviour. Using a computational model linking computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of blood flow with a biochemical model representing NIH growth mechanisms, we analyse the effect of compliance mismatch, due to the presence of surgical stitches and/or to the change in distensibility between artery and vein graft, on the haemodynamics in the lumen and, subsequently, on NIH progression. The model enabled to simulate NIH at proximal and distal anastomoses of three patient-specific end-to-side saphenous vein grafts under two compliance-mismatch configurations, and a rigid wall case for comparison, obtaining values of stenosis similar to those observed in the computed tomography (CT) scans. The maximum difference in time-averaged wall shear stress between the rigid and compliant models was 3.4 Pa, and differences in estimation of NIH progression were only observed in one patient. The impact of compliance on the haemodynamic-driven development of NIH was small in the patient-specific cases considered

    Physiology and coronary artery disease: emerging insights from computed tomography imaging based computational modeling

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    Improvements in spatial and temporal resolution now permit robust high quality characterization of presence, morphology and composition of coronary atherosclerosis in computed tomography (CT). These characteristics include high risk features such as large plaque volume, low CT attenuation, napkin-ring sign, spotty calcification and positive remodeling. Because of the high image quality, principles of patient-specific computational fluid dynamics modeling of blood flow through the coronary arteries can now be applied to CT and allow the calculation of local lesion-specific hemodynamics such as endothelial shear stress, fractional flow reserve and axial plaque stress. This review examines recent advances in coronary CT image-based computational modeling and discusses the opportunity to identify lesions at risk for rupture much earlier than today through the combination of anatomic and hemodynamic information

    Multiscale Fluid-Structure Interaction Models Development and Applications to the 3D Elements of a Human Cardiovascular System

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the number one cause of death of humans in the United States and worldwide. Accurate, non-invasive, and cheaper diagnosis methods have always been on demand as cardiovascular monitoring increase in prevalence. The primary causes of the various forms of these CVDs are atherosclerosis and aneurysms in the blood vessels. Current noninvasive methods (i.e., statistical/medical) permit fairly accurate detection of the disease once clinical symptoms are suggestive of the existence of hemodynamic disorders. Therefore, the recent surge of hemodynamics models facilitated the prediction of cardiovascular conditions. The hemodynamic modeling of a human circulatory system involves varying levels of complexity which must be accounted for and resolved. Pulse-wave propagation effects and high aspect-ratio segments of the vasculature are represented using a quasi-one-dimensional (1D), non-steady, averaged over the cross-section models. However, these reduced 1D models do not account for the blood flow patterns (recirculation zones), vessel wall shear stresses and quantification of repetitive mechanical stresses which helps to predict a vessel life. Even a whole three-dimensional (3D) modeling of the vasculature is computationally intensive and do not fit the timeline of practical use. Thus the intertwining of a quasi 1D global vasculature model with a specific/risk-prone 3D local vessel ones is imperative. This research forms part of a multiphysics project that aims to improve the detailed understanding of the hemodynamics by investigating a computational model of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) of in vivo blood flow. First idealized computational a 3D FSI artery model is configured and executed in ANSYS Workbench, forming an implicit coupling of the blood flow and vessel walls. Then the thesis focuses on an approach developed to employ commercial tools rather than in-house mathematical models in achieving multiscale simulations. A robust algorithm is constructed to combine stabilization techniques to simultaneously overcome the added-mass effect in 3D FSI simulation and mathematical difficulties such as the assignment of boundary conditions at the interface between the 3D-1D coupling. Applications can be of numerical examples evaluating the change of hemodynamic parameters and diagnosis of an abdominal aneurysm, deep vein thrombosis, and bifurcation areas
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