4 research outputs found

    OpenPTrack: Open Source Multi-Camera Calibration and People Tracking for RGB-D Camera Networks

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    OpenPTrack is an open source software for multi-camera calibration and people tracking in RGB-D camera networks. It allows to track people in big volumes at sensor frame rate and currently supports a heterogeneous set of 3D sensors. In this work, we describe its user-friendly calibration procedure, which consists of simple steps with real-time feedback that allow to obtain accurate results in estimating the camera poses that are then used for tracking people. On top of a calibration based on moving a checkerboard within the tracking space and on a global optimization of cameras and checkerboards poses, a novel procedure which aligns people detections coming from all sensors in a x-y-time space is used for refining camera poses. While people detection is executed locally, in the machines connected to each sensor, tracking is performed by a single node which takes into account detections from all over the network. Here we detail how a cascade of algorithms working on depth point clouds and color, infrared and disparity images is used to perform people detection from different types of sensors and in any indoor light condition. We present experiments showing that a considerable improvement can be obtained with the proposed calibration refinement procedure that exploits people detections and we compare Kinect v1, Kinect v2 and Mesa SR4500 performance for people tracking applications. OpenPTrack is based on the Robot Operating System and the Point Cloud Library and has already been adopted in networks composed of up to ten imagers for interactive arts, education, culture and human\u2013robot interaction applications

    Real-time RGB-Depth preception of humans for robots and camera networks

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    This thesis deals with robot and camera network perception using RGB-Depth data. The goal is to provide efficient and robust algorithms for interacting with humans. For this reason, a special care has been devoted to design algorithms which can run in real-time on consumer computers and embedded cards. The main contribution of this thesis is the 3D body pose estimation of the human body. We propose two novel algorithms which take advantage of the data stream of a RGB-D camera network outperforming the state-of-the-art performance in both single-view and multi-view tests. While the first algorithm works on point cloud data which is feasible also with no external light, the second one performs better, since it deals with multiple persons with negligible overhead and does not rely on the synchronization between the different cameras in the network. The second contribution regards long-term people re-identification in camera networks. This is particularly challenging since we cannot rely on appearance cues, in order to be able to re-identify people also in different days. We address this problem by proposing a face-recognition framework based on a Convolutional Neural Network and a Bayes inference system to re-assign the correct ID and person name to each new track. The third contribution is about Ambient Assisted Living. We propose a prototype of an assistive robot which periodically patrols a known environment, reporting unusual events as people fallen on the ground. To this end, we developed a fast and robust approach which can work also in dimmer scenes and is validated using a new publicly-available RGB-D dataset recorded on-board of our open-source robot prototype. As a further contribution of this work, in order to boost the research on this topics and to provide the best benefit to the robotics and computer vision community, we released under open-source licenses most of the software implementations of the novel algorithms described in this work

    Reconocimiento y conteo de cubos para automatización de evaluación de destreza manual

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    El ejercicio “Box and Blocks Test” para la evaluación de la destreza manual gruesa es una prueba que se ha intentado automatizar en múltiples ocasiones. Aunque resulta sencillo realizar la propuesta con varios sensores, la utilización de una cámara de captación de vídeo para controlar del ejercicio es una opción más económica, aunque no tan exacta. Es por ello que comprobando y combinando los distintos algoritmos de la visión artificial la aplicación puede acercarse a una solución mucho más óptima. Este proyecto se centrará en las ventajas y desventajas que proporciona el método conocido como filtro de partículas al implementarse, junto con otros algoritmos, en el procesamiento de las imágenes durante la realización de las pruebas.The Box and Blocks Test for the evaluation of gross manual dexterity is an exercise that has been tried to be automatized multiple times. Although it is simple to achieve the proposal with some sensors, the use of a video camera for controlling the test is a more economical choice, but it is not as accurate. Because of this, checking and combining the different algorithms of artificial vision, the aplication can be approached to a more better solution. This project will focus in the advanteges and disadvanteges of the method known as particle filter when it is implemented, with another algorithms, in the images’ processing during the realization of the test.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Pathnodes integration of standalone Particle Filters for people tracking on distributed surveillance systems

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    In this paper, we present a new approach to object tracking based on batteries of particle filter working in multicamera systems with non overlapped fields of view. In each view the moving objects are tracked with independent particle filters; each filter exploits a likelihood function based on both color and motion information. The consistent labeling of people exiting from a camera field of view and entering in a neighbor one is obtained sharing particles information for the initialization of new filtering trackers. The information exchange algorithm is based on path-nodes, which are a graph-based scene representation usually adopted in computer graphics. The approach has been tested even in case of simultaneous transitions, occlusions, and groups of people. Promising results have been obtained and here presented using a real setup of non overlapped cameras