181 research outputs found

    Development of a Multi-Class Bicyclist Route Choice Model Using Revealed Preference Data

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    Existing regional travel forecasting systems are not typically set up to forecast usage of bicycle infrastructure and are insensitive to bicyclists\u27 route preferences in general. We collected revealed preference, GPS data on 162 bicyclists over the course of several days and coded the resulting trips to a highly detailed bicycle network model. We then use these data to estimate bicyclist route choice models. As part of this research, we developed a sophisticated choice set generation algorithm based on multiple permutations of labeled path attributes, which seems to out-perform comparable implementations of other route choice set generation algorithms. The model was formulated as a Path-Size Logit model to account for overlapping route alternatives. The estimation results show compelling intuitive elasticities for route choice attributes, including the effects of distance and delay; avoiding high-volumes of vehicular traffic, stops and turns, and elevation gain; and preferences for certain bike infrastructure types, particularly at bridge crossings and off-street paths. Estimation results also support segmentation by commute versus non-commute trip types, but are less clear when it comes to gender. The final model will be implemented as part of the regional travel forecasting system for Portland, Oregon, U.S.A

    Promoting Bicycle Commuter Safety, Research Report 11-08

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    We present an overview of the risks associated with cycling to emphasize the need for safety. We focus on the application of frameworks from social psychology to education, one of the 5 Es—engineering, education, enforcement, encouragement, and evaluation. We use the structure of the 5 Es to organize information with particular attention to engineering and education in the literature review. Engineering is essential because the infrastructure is vital to protecting cyclists. Education is emphasized since the central focus of the report is safety

    Improved Methods for Network Screening and Countermeasure Selection for Highway Improvements

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    Network screening and countermeasure selection are two crucial steps in the highway improvement process. In network screening, potential improvement locations are ranked and prioritized based on a specific method with a set of criteria. The most common practice by transportation agencies has been to use a simple scoring method, which, in general, weighs and scores each criterion and then ranks the locations based on their relative overall scoring. The method does not deal well with criteria that are qualitative in nature, nor does it account for the impacts of correlation among the criteria. The introduction of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) provides agencies with a method to include both quantitative and qualitative criteria. However, it does not address the issue on correlation. This dissertation explores the use of both Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) for their potential capabilities to address both issues. Using urban four-lane divided highways in Florida for bicycle safety improvements, both ANP and FANP were shown to provide more reasonable rankings than AHP, with FANP providing the best results among the methods. After the locations are ranked and prioritized for improvements, the next step is to evaluate the potential countermeasures for improvements at the selected top-ranked locations. In this step, the standard practice has been to use Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) to quantify the potential impacts from implementing specific countermeasures. In this research, CMFs for bicycle crashes on urban facilities in Florida were developed using the Generalized Linear Model approach with a Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) distribution. The CMFs were tested for their spatial and temporal transferability and the results show only limited transferability both spatially and temporally. The CMFs show that, in general, wider lanes, lower speed limits, and presence of vegetation in the median reduce bicycle crashes, while presence of sidewalk and sidewalk barrier increase bicycle crashes. The research further considered bicycle exposure using the bicycle activity data from the Strava smartphone application. It was found that increased bicycle activity reduces bicycle crash probabilities on segments but increases bicycle crash probabilities at signalized intersections. Also, presence of bus stops and use of permissive signal phasing at intersections were found to increase bicycle crash probabilities

    Spatiotemporal modelling of personal exposure to traffic related particulate matter using noise as a proxy

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    Comprehensive Safety Analysis of Vulnerable Road User Involved Motor Vehicle Crashes

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    This dissertation explores, identifies, and evaluates a multitude of factors significantly affecting motor vehicle crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists, commonly defined as vulnerable road users (VRUs). The methodologies are guided by the concept of safe behavior of different parties that are primary responsible for a crash, either a pedestrian, a bicyclist or a driver, pertaining to roadway design, traffic conditions, land use and built environment variables; and the findings are beneficial for recommending targeted and effective safety interventions. The topic is motivated by the fact that human factors contribute to over ninety percent of the crashes, especially the ones involving VRUs. Studying the effect of road users’ behavior, their responses to the dynamics of traveling environment, and compliance rate to traffic rules is instrumental to precisely measure and evaluate how each of the investigated variables changes the crash risk. To achieve this goal, an extensive database is established based on data collected from sources such as the linework from topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing, Google maps, motor vehicle accident reports, Wisconsin Information System for Local Roads, and Smart Location Dataset from Environmental Protection Agency. The crosscutting datasets represent various aspects of motorist and non-motorists travel decisions and behaviors, as well as their safety status. With this comprehensive database, intrinsic relationships between pedestrian-vehicle crashes and a broad range of socioeconomic and demographic factors, land use and built environment, crime rate and traffic violations, road design, traffic control, and pedestrian-oriented design features are identified, analyzed, and evaluated. The comprehensive safety analysis begins with the structural equation model (SEM) that is employed to discover possible underlying factor structure connecting exogenous variables and crashes involving pedestrians. Informed by the SEM output, the analysis continues with the development of crash count models and responsible party choice models to respectively address factors relating to roles in a crash by pedestrians and drivers. As a result, factors contributing to crashes where a pedestrian is responsible, a driver is responsible, or both parties are responsible can be specified, categorized, and quantified. Moreover, targeted and appropriate safety countermeasures can be designed, recommended, and prioritized by engineers, planners, or enforcement agencies to jointly create a pedestrian-friendly environment. The second aspect of the analysis is to specify the crash party at-fault, which provides evidence about whether pedestrians, bicyclists or drivers are more likely to be involved in severe crashes and to identify the contributing factors that affect the fault of a specific road user group. An extensive investigation of the available information regarding the crash (i.e., issued citations, actions/circumstances that may have played a role in the crash occurrence, and crash scenario completed by the police officer) are considered. The goal is to recognize and measure the factors affecting a specific party at-fault. This provides information that is vital for proactive crisis management: to decrease and to prevent future crashes. As a part of the result, a guideline is proposed to assign the party at-fault through crash data fields and narratives. Statistical methods such as the extreme gradient boosting (XGboost) decision tree and the multinomial logit (MNL) model are used. Appealing conclusions have been found and suggestions are made for law enforcement, education, and roadway management to enhance the safety countermeasures. The third aspect is to evaluate the enhancements of crash report form for its effectiveness of reporting VRU involved motor vehicle crashes. One of the State of Wisconsin projects aiming to develop crash report forms was to redesign the old MV4000 crash report form into the new DT4000 crash report form. The modification was applied from January 1, 2017, statewide. The reason behind this switch is to resolve some matters with the old MV4000 crash report form, including insufficient reporting in roadway-related data fields, lack of data fields describing driver distraction, intersection type, no specification of the exact traffic barrier, insufficient information regarding safety equipment usage by motorists and non-motorists, unclear information about the crash location, and inadequate evidence concerning non-motorists actions, circumstances and condition prior to the crash. Hence, the new DT4000 crash form modified some existing data fields incorporated new crash elements and more detailed attributes. The modified and new data fields, their associated attribute values have been thoroughly studied and the effectiveness of improved data collection in terms of a better understanding of factors associated with and contributing to VRU crashes has been comprehensively evaluated. The evaluation has confirmed that the DT4000 crash form provided more specific, details, and useful about the crash circumstances
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