1,238 research outputs found

    The nurse of the Mediterranean

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    During the First World War Malta did not take an active part in the fighting. Britain was joined in an ‘entente’ a friendship agreement with France since 1904 and later with Russia in 1907. On the other hand Germany was allied to the Austrian- Hungerian Empire, hence when the Great War started in July 1914 there were France, Britain and Russia on one side and Germany and Austria-Hungary on the other. The British fleet “ruled the waves”, hence with France and Britain as allies, to be joined later by Italy, the Mediterranean was more or less an allied lake, with Malta in the centre.peer-reviewe

    Innovation in frastructure in Serbia

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    National Innovation System in Serbia (NIS) is not functional, and it should be an actuator of transition and development. NIS is shaped by past and current social, cultural, and even political factors as well as the current economic environment in Serbia. The work is a part of a wider research of the factors shaping the national innovation system. The goal of this paper is to point out who are the actuators of innovation infrastructure in Serbia, such as the activity of the participants in the organizing the infrastructure, to check whether commercial enterprises are generators and carriers of innovation activities, and to find out whether small and medium enterprises are interested in using innovation infrastructure. One of the goals of this paper is the review of innovation infrastructure concepts in Serbia and review of strategy for development of science and technology

    The role of wild canids and felids in spreading parasites to dogs and cats in Europe. Part II: Helminths and arthropods.

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    Over the last few decades, ecological factors, combined with everchanging landscapes mainly linked to human activities (e.g. encroachment and tourism) have contributed to modifications in the transmission of parasitic diseases from domestic to wildlife carnivores and vice versa. In the first of this two-part review article, we have provided an account of diseases caused by protozoan parasites characterised by a two-way transmission route between domestic and wild carnivore species. In this second and final part, we focus our attention on parasitic diseases caused by helminth and arthropod parasites shared between domestic and wild canids and felids in Europe. While a complete understanding of the biology, ecology and epidemiology of these parasites is particularly challenging to achieve, especially given the complexity of the environments in which these diseases perpetuate, advancements in current knowledge of transmission routes is crucial to provide policy-makers with clear indications on strategies to reduce the impact of these diseases on changing ecosystems.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.04.02

    The Development Gap Between the CIS and EU

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    Current report aims to identify major existing gaps in the five socio-economic dimensions (economic, human, openness, environmental, and institutional) and to reveal those gaps which could potentially hinder social and economic integration of neighbor states with the EU. To achieve this, the authors aim to assess the existing trends in the size of the gaps across countries and problem areas, taking into consideration the specific origin of the gap between EU15/EU12, on the one hand, and FSU republics, EU candidates and West Balkan countries, on the other hand. The paper is structured as follows: 1. A review of literature on the determinants of growth and development and the analysis of the catching up process between countries or groups of countries. 2. An analysis of the historic roots and origins of the development gap, and its evolvement over time. 3. A review of literature sources, draft analysis of primary statistical data, and qualitative explanations of gaps and divergences in selected development issues across the following socio-economic dimensions: level of economic development and convergence rates based on Real GDP (application of methodology testing ß and ? convergence to the set of countries analyzed); ‱ quality of life and its components (poverty, inequality, health status and health care, access to fresh water and sanitation facilities, subjective perceptions of well-being); ‱ human capital and labor market development, including level of education and public spending on education, its accessibility and quality, main differences in labor market development (employment participation rates and levels of unemployment, new jobs creation and labor protection legislation); ‱ innovation potential, including R&D, information and communication technologies, and institutional environment; ‱ openness and trade potential, including trade in goods and services, FDI stocks, trade regime and performance in logistics and infrastructure; THE DEVELOPMENT GAP BETWEEN THE CIS AND EU 15 CASE Network Reports No. 81 ‱ environmental performance in terms of environmental stresses, efforts aimed at their reduction, and institutional capacity; ‱ business climate, political institutions, and other institutional indicators (econometric analysis). 4. A test econometric analysis of development gaps across selected dimensions by using a Principal Components Method (PCM). The results are further presented in the form of ranks of countries analyzed reflecting their distances from EU15 in respective aggregate averages. Special attention is paid to gender-related development issues. Respective issues in human capital and labor market study, as well as variables included into PCM analysis were supplemented with relative gender data. Several conclusions finalize the report.EU, CIS, development gap, GDP, convergence, quality of life, human capital, innovation, environment, institutions, Principal Components Method

    Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth and Policy in Emerging Economies

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    Entrepreneurship has emerged as an important element in the organization of economies. This emergence did not occur simultaneously in all developed countries. Differences in growth rates are often attributed to differences in the speed with which countries embrace entrepreneurial energy. This led to the political mandate to promote entrepreneurship. Hence, a clear and organized view is needed of what the determinants and consequences of entrepreneurship are. The present contribution tries to provide this view with a particular view on emerging economies. Entrepreneurship, its drivers and its consequences can be best understood using the model of the entrepreneurial economy which explains the functioning of the modern economy. This model differs from that of the earlier managed economy. Policies in emerging economies should aim at combining the two models.entrepreneurship, small firms, economic growth, economic development, policy

    Holy path of the Ovcar. Kablar Gorge: transmitting one landscapeÂŽs spirit of place

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    O Caminho Sagrado do desfiladeiro Ovcar - Kablar: transmitindo espĂ­rito do lugar de uma paisagem Situada na encruzilhada de estudos do patrimĂłnio e da paisagem, esta tese investiga o conceito do espĂ­rito do lugar no desfiladeiro de Ovcar – Kablar, uma ĂĄrea de patrimĂłnio religioso e natural no sudoeste da SĂ©rvia. Popularmente conhecido como Montanha Sagrada, o desfiladeiro estĂĄ classificado e protegido como uma paisagem de beleza e caracterĂ­sticas notĂĄveis, com elementos significativos do patrimĂłnio geolĂłgico e de biodiversidade. É tambĂ©m um local histĂłrico e cultural Ășnico, com dez mosteiros ortodoxos medievais e duas igrejas construidas dentro de cavernas que preservam cerca de cinco sĂ©culos de vida e prĂĄtica religiosas. A pesquisa visa analisar os elementos que contribuem para o espĂ­rito desta paisagem sagrada, bem como os meios para a sua transmissĂŁo e os seus instrumentos de representação. Aplicando o conceito de um itinerĂĄrio que liga os lugares sagrados da regiĂŁo, o estudo investiga a interrelação existente entre as pessoas e a paisagem. Fundamentada na abordagem fenomenolĂłgica, a metodologia utilizada aliou a anĂĄlise histĂłrica com a pesquisa narrativa, usando o diĂĄlogo estabelecido com residentes da comunidade local, para documentar uma narrativa de paisagem viva que Ă© ao mesmo tempo um lugar da adoração e um indicador de poder. Ecoando a compreensĂŁo da "experiĂȘncia vivida" entre "interioridade" e "exterioridade", a pesquisa tem a sua base na prĂĄtica, introduzindo o desenho como forma de examinar como o espĂ­rito do lugar surge a partir do encontro Ă­ntimo de si proprio com a paisagem. Seguindo a orientação da narrativa e do sentido de lugar, a pesquisa teceu uma histĂłria da paisagem do desfiladeiro de Ovcar - Kablar como um local cujo espĂ­rito se revela como uma emoção insondĂĄvel sentida por todo o ambiente que o rodeia, uma metamorfose entre o passado e o presente e entre o material e o imaterial; RÉSUMÉ: SituĂ© au carrefour des Ă©tudes du patrimoine et du paysage, ce mĂ©moire Ă©tudie le concept de l'esprit du lieu dans la gorge Ovcar - Kablar, territoire oĂč se mĂȘlent patrimoine religieux et naturel, dans le sud-ouest de la Serbie. SurnommĂ©e "Montagne SacrĂ©e", la gorge est protĂ©gĂ©e parce qu'elle est un paysage Ă  la beautĂ© et aux caractĂ©ristiques remarquables, avec des Ă©lĂ©ments significatifs du patrimoine gĂ©ologique et de la biodiversitĂ©. Elle est Ă©galement un site culturel et historique unique avec dix monastĂšres mĂ©diĂ©vaux orthodoxes et deux Ă©glises troglodytes qui tĂ©moignent d'environ cinq siĂšcles de vie quotidienne religieuse. La recherche vise Ă  examiner les Ă©lĂ©ments qui contribuent Ă  l'esprit de ce paysage sacrĂ©, ainsi que les moyens de sa transmission et les instruments de reprĂ©sentation. En proposant un itinĂ©raire reliant les lieux sacrĂ©s de la rĂ©gion, l'Ă©tude se penche sur la relation entrelacĂ©e qui existe entre l'homme et le paysage. AncrĂ©e dans l'approche phĂ©nomĂ©nologique, la mĂ©thodologie a Ă©pousĂ© une analyse historique par la recherche narrative. Un dialogue avec les rĂ©sidents de la communautĂ© locale a documentĂ© un rĂ©cit du paysage vivant qui est en mĂȘme temps un lieu de culte et un tĂ©moin des pouvoirs. Compte tenu de la comprĂ©hension de «l'expĂ©rience vĂ©cue» entre «intĂ©riorité» et «extĂ©riorité», la recherche basĂ©e sur la pratique a pour but d'examiner comment l'esprit du lieu se construit dans la rencontre intime de soi avec le paysage. ConformĂ©ment aux orientations du rĂ©cit et au sens du lieu, la recherche a tissĂ© une histoire du paysage de la gorge Ovcar–Kablar. Son esprit s'y rĂ©vĂšle ĂȘtre une Ă©motion insaisissable ressentie dans tous les environs, entre passĂ© et prĂ©sent, matĂ©riel et immatĂ©riel; ABSTRACT: Set at the crossroads of heritage and landscape studies, this thesis investigates the concept of the spirit of place in the Ovcar – Kablar Gorge, an area of religious and natural heritage in southwestern Serbia. Popularly known as “Holy Mountain’’, the gorge is protected as a landscape of outstanding beauty and features, with significant elements of geological heritage and biodiversity. It is also a unique cultural and historic site with ten medieval Orthodox monasteries and two church caves that preserve around five centuries of living religious practice. The research seeks to examine the elements that contribute to the spirit of this sacred landscape, as well as the means of its transmission and the instruments of representation. Applying a concept of an itinerary that connects the sacred places in the area, the study delves into the intertwined relationship that exists between people and the landscape. Grounded in phenomenological approach, the methodology married historical analysis with narrative research, using a dialogue with residents of the local community, to document a narrative of living landscape that is at the same time a place of worship and a telltale of power. Echoing understanding of the “lived experience” between “insideness” and “outsideness”, practice based research introduced drawing to examine how a spirit of place arises in the intimate encounter of self and the landscape. Following the guidance of the narrative and sense of place, the research wove a story of the landscape of the Ovcar – Kablar Gorge as the one in which its spirit reveals itself as an unfathomable emotion felt throughout the environs, shapeshifting between the past and the present, and between tangible and intangible

    A Memory of Justice: The Unexpected Place of Lviv in International Law - A Personal History

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    Klatsky Lectur
