358 research outputs found

    Student Performance Prediction Using A Cascaded Bi-level Feature Selection Approach

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    Features in educational data are ambiguous which leads to noisy features and curse of dimensionality problems. These problems are solved via feature selection. There are existing models for features selection. These models were created using either a single-level embedded, wrapperbased or filter-based methods. However single-level filter-based methods ignore feature dependencies and ignore the interaction with the classifier. The embedded and wrapper based feature selection methods interact with the classifier, but they can only select the optimal subset for a particular classifier. So their selected features may be worse for other classifiers. Hence this research proposes a robust Cascade Bi-Level (CBL) feature selection technique for student performance prediction that will minimize the limitations of using a single-level technique. The proposed CBL feature selection technique consists of the Relief technique at first-level and the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) at the second-level. The proposed technique was evaluated using the UCI student performance dataset. In comparison with the performance of the single-level feature selection technique the proposed technique achieved an accuracy of 94.94% which was better than the values achieved by the single-level PSO with an accuracy of 93.67% for the binary classification task. These results show that CBL can effectively predict student performance

    Feature Selection Inspired Classifier Ensemble Reduction

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    Classifier ensembles constitute one of the main research directions in machine learning and data mining. The use of multiple classifiers generally allows better predictive performance than that achievable with a single model. Several approaches exist in the literature that provide means to construct and aggregate such ensembles. However, these ensemble systems contain redundant members that, if removed, may further increase group diversity and produce better results. Smaller ensembles also relax the memory and storage requirements, reducing system's run-time overhead while improving overall efficiency. This paper extends the ideas developed for feature selection problems to support classifier ensemble reduction, by transforming ensemble predictions into training samples, and treating classifiers as features. Also, the global heuristic harmony search is used to select a reduced subset of such artificial features, while attempting to maximize the feature subset evaluation. The resulting technique is systematically evaluated using high dimensional and large sized benchmark datasets, showing a superior classification performance against both original, unreduced ensembles, and randomly formed subsets. ? 2013 IEEE

    Auto-Sklearn 2.0: Hands-free AutoML via Meta-Learning

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    Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) supports practitioners and researchers with the tedious task of designing machine learning pipelines and has recently achieved substantial success. In this paper, we introduce new AutoML approaches motivated by our winning submission to the second ChaLearn AutoML challenge. We develop PoSH Auto-sklearn, which enables AutoML systems to work well on large datasets under rigid time limits by using a new, simple and meta-feature-free meta-learning technique and by employing a successful bandit strategy for budget allocation. However, PoSH Auto-sklearn introduces even more ways of running AutoML and might make it harder for users to set it up correctly. Therefore, we also go one step further and study the design space of AutoML itself, proposing a solution towards truly hands-free AutoML. Together, these changes give rise to the next generation of our AutoML system, Auto-sklearn 2.0. We verify the improvements by these additions in an extensive experimental study on 39 AutoML benchmark datasets. We conclude the paper by comparing to other popular AutoML frameworks and Auto-sklearn 1.0, reducing the relative error by up to a factor of 4.5, and yielding a performance in 10 minutes that is substantially better than what Auto-sklearn 1.0 achieves within an hour

    Filter � GA Based Approach to Feature Selection for Classification

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    This paper presents a new approach to select reduced number of features in databases. Every database has a given number of features but it is observed that some of these features can be redundant and can be harmful as well as and can confuse the process of classification. The proposed method applies filter attribute measure and binary coded Genetic Algorithm to select a small subset of features. The importance of these features is judged by applying K-nearest neighbor (KNN) method of classification. The best reduced subset of features which has high classification accuracy on given databases is adopted. The classification accuracy obtained by proposed method is compared with that reported recently in publications on twenty eight databases. It is noted that proposed method performs satisfactory on these databases and achieves higher classification accuracy but with smaller number of features

    Hybrid ACO and SVM algorithm for pattern classification

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic algorithm that can be used to solve a variety of combinatorial optimization problems. A new direction for ACO is to optimize continuous and mixed (discrete and continuous) variables. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a pattern classification approach originated from statistical approaches. However, SVM suffers two main problems which include feature subset selection and parameter tuning. Most approaches related to tuning SVM parameters discretize the continuous value of the parameters which will give a negative effect on the classification performance. This study presents four algorithms for tuning the SVM parameters and selecting feature subset which improved SVM classification accuracy with smaller size of feature subset. This is achieved by performing the SVM parameters’ tuning and feature subset selection processes simultaneously. Hybridization algorithms between ACO and SVM techniques were proposed. The first two algorithms, ACOR-SVM and IACOR-SVM, tune the SVM parameters while the second two algorithms, ACOMV-R-SVM and IACOMV-R-SVM, tune the SVM parameters and select the feature subset simultaneously. Ten benchmark datasets from University of California, Irvine, were used in the experiments to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Experimental results obtained from the proposed algorithms are better when compared with other approaches in terms of classification accuracy and size of the feature subset. The average classification accuracies for the ACOR-SVM, IACOR-SVM, ACOMV-R and IACOMV-R algorithms are 94.73%, 95.86%, 97.37% and 98.1% respectively. The average size of feature subset is eight for the ACOR-SVM and IACOR-SVM algorithms and four for the ACOMV-R and IACOMV-R algorithms. This study contributes to a new direction for ACO that can deal with continuous and mixed-variable ACO

    Predicting breast cancer risk, recurrence and survivability

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    This thesis focuses on predicting breast cancer at early stages by using machine learning algorithms based on biological datasets. The accuracy of those algorithms has been improved to enable the physicians to enhance the success of treatment, thus saving lives and avoiding several further medical tests

    Cancer prediction using graph-based gene selection and explainable classifier

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    Several Artificial Intelligence-based models have been developed for cancer prediction. In spite of the promise of artificial intelligence, there are very few models which bridge the gap between traditional human-centered prediction and the potential future of machine-centered cancer prediction. In this study, an efficient and effective model is developed for gene selection and cancer prediction. Moreover, this study proposes an artificial intelligence decision system to provide physicians with a simple and human-interpretable set of rules for cancer prediction. In contrast to previous deep learning-based cancer prediction models, which are difficult to explain to physicians due to their black-box nature, the proposed prediction model is based on a transparent and explainable decision forest model. The performance of the developed approach is compared to three state-of-the-art cancer prediction including TAGA, HPSO and LL. The reported results on five cancer datasets indicate that the developed model can improve the accuracy of cancer prediction and reduce the execution time

    Feature Grouping-based Feature Selection

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