2,060 research outputs found

    Participatory design of teacher dashboards: navigating the tension between teacher input and theories on teacher professional vision

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    In the field of AI in education, there is a movement toward human-centered design in which the primary stakeholders are collaborators in establishing the design and functionality of the AI system (participatory design). Several authors have noted that there is a potential tension in participatory design between involving stakeholders and, thus, increasing uptake of the system on the one hand, and the use of educational theory on the other hand. The goal of the present perspective article is to unpack this tension in more detail, focusing on the example of teacher dashboards. Our contribution to theory is to show that insights from the research field of teacher professional vision can help explain why stakeholder involvement may lead to tension. In particular, we discuss that the sources of information that teachers use in their professional vision, and which data sources could be included on dashboards, might differ with respect to whether they actually relate to student learning or not. Using this difference as a starting point for participatory design could help navigate the aforementioned tension. Subsequently, we describe several implications for practice and research that could help move the field of human centered design further

    Human-Centred Learning Analytics

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    The design of effective learning analytics (LA) extends beyond sound technical and pedagogical principles. If analytics are to be adopted and used successfully to support learning and teaching, their design process needs to take into account a range of human factors, including why and how they will be used. In this editorial, we introduce principles of human-centred design developed in other, related fields that can be adopted and adapted to support the development of human-centred learning analytics (HCLA). We draw on the papers in this special section, together with the wider literature, to define human-centred design in the field of LA and to identify the benefits and challenges that this approach offers. We conclude by suggesting that HCLA will enable the community to achieve more impact, more quickly, with tools that are fit for the purpose and a pleasure to use

    Software como um Serviço: uma plataforma eficaz para oferta de sistemas holísticos de gestão da performance

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    This study main objective was to assess the viability of development of a Performance Management (PM) system, delivered in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS), specific for the hospitality industry and to evaluate the benefits of its use. Software deployed in the cloud, delivered and licensed as a service, is becoming increasingly common and accepted in a business context. Although, Business Intelligence (BI) solutions are not usually distributed in the SaaS model, there are some examples that this is changing. To achieve the study objective, design science research methodology was employed in the development of a prototype. This prototype was deployed in four hotels and its results evaluated. Evaluation of the prototype was focused both on the system technical characteristics and business benefits. Results shown that hotels were very satisfied with the system and that building a prototype and making it available in the form of SaaS is a good solution to assess BI systems contribution to improve management performance.O objetivo principal deste estudo é avaliar a viabilidade de desenvolvimento de um sistema de Gestão da Performance, entregue sob a forma de “Software como Serviço” (SaaS), específico para o setor hoteleiro, e também avaliar os benefícios de seu uso. O software implantado na cloud, entregue e licenciado como um serviço, é cada vez mais aceite num contexto de negócios. Todavia, não é comum que soluções de Business Intelligence (BI) sejam distribuídas neste modelo SaaS. No entanto, existem alguns exemplos de que isso se está a alterar. Para atingir o objetivo do estudo, foi utilizada Design Science Research como metodologia de pesquisa científica para desenvolvimento de um protótipo. Este protótipo foi implementado em quatro hotéis para que os seus resultados pudessem ser avaliados. A avaliação foi focada tanto nas características técnicas do sistema como nos benefícios para o negócio. Os resultados mostraram que os hotéis estavam muito satisfeitos com o sistema e que construir um protótipo e disponibilizá-lo sob a forma de SaaS é uma boa solução para avaliar a contribuição dos sistemas de BI para melhorar o desempenho da gestão.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ‘A double-edged sword. This is powerful but it could be used destructively’: Perspectives of early career education researchers on learning analytics

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    Learning analytics has been increasingly outlined as a powerful tool for measuring, analysing, and predicting learning experiences and behaviours. The rising use of learning analytics means that many educational researchers now require new ranges of technical analytical skills to contribute to an increasingly data-heavy field. However, it has been argued that educational data scientists are a ‘scarce breed’ (Buckingham Shum et al., 2013) and that more resources are needed to support the next generation of early career researchers in the education field. At the same time, little is known about how early career education researchers feel towards learning analytics and whether it is important to their current and future research practices. Using a thematic analysis of a participatory learning analytics workshop discussions with 25 early career education researchers, we outline in this article their ambitions, challenges and anxieties towards learning analytics. In doing so, we have provided a roadmap for how the learning analytics field might evolve and practical implications for supporting early career researchers’ development

    Design Analytics Dashboards to Support Students and Instructors

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    Design coursework is iterative and continuously-evolving. Separation of digital tools used in design courses disaffects instructors’ and students’ iterative process experiences. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into design education, new opportunities arise for supporting the iterative, living process of design. These opportunities include providing on-demand, automatically computed insights to instructors, and facilitating instructor and student communication of feedback. I present a system that integrates support for design ideation with a learning analytics dashboard. The system enables instructors gain insights into a student's work across multiple dimensions. Instructors can view design work in the same environment in which students create it, which allows them to provide assessment and feedback in-context. I conducted semi-structured interviews, and recorded interaction logs over the course of an academic year to understand users' experiences. My research contributes to our understanding of how to present interactive, on-demand insights to instructors, as well as how to facilitate communication in an iterative process between instructors and students. Findings indicate benefits when systems enable instructors to contextualize creative work with assessment by integrating support for ideation with a learning analytics dashboard. Instructors are better able to track students and their work. Students are supported in reflecting on the relationship between assignments, and contextualizing instructor feedback with their work. We derive implications for contextualizing design with feedback to support creativity, learning, and teaching

    The Question-driven Dashboard: How Can We Design Analytics Interfaces Aligned to Teachers’ Inquiry?

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    One of the ultimate goals of several learning analytics (LA) initiatives is to close the loop and support students’ and teachers’ reflective practices. Although there has been a proliferation of end-user interfaces (often in the form of dashboards), various limitations have already been identified in the literature such as key stakeholders not being involved in their design, little or no account for sense-making needs, and unclear effects on teaching and learning. There has been a recent call for human-centred design practices to create LA interfaces in close collaboration with educational stakeholders to consider the learning design, and their authentic needs and pedagogical intentions. This paper addresses the call by proposing a question-driven LA design approach to ensure that end-user LA interfaces explicitly address teachers’ questions. We illustrate the approach in the context of synchronous online activities, orchestrated by pairs of teachers using audio-visual and text-based tools (namely Zoom and Google Docs). This study led to the design and deployment of an open-source monitoring tool to be used in real-time by teachers when students work collaboratively in breakout rooms, and across learning spaces

    Contextualising Learning Analytics with Classroom Observations: a Case Study

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    Educational processes take place in physical and digital places. To analyse educational processes, Learning Analytics (LA) enable data collection from the digital learning context. At the same time, to gain more insights, the LA data can be complemented with the data coming from physical spaces enabling Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA). To interpret this data, theoretical grounding or contextual information is needed. Learning designs (LDs) can be used for contextualisation, however, in authentic scenarios the availability of machine-readable LD is scarce. We argue that Classroom Observations (COs), traditionally used to understand educational processes taking place in physical space, can provide the missing context and complement the data from the colocated classrooms. This paper reports on a co-design case study from an authentic scenario that used CO to make sense of the digital traces. In this paper we posit that the development of MMLA approaches can benefit from codesign methodologies; through the involvement of the end-users (project managers) in the loop, we illustrate how these data sources can be systematically integrated and analysed to better understand the use of digital resources. Results indicate that CO can drive sense-making of LA data where predefined LD is not available. Furthermore, CO can support layered contextualisation depending on research design, rigour and systematic documentation/data collection efforts. Also, co-designing the MMLA solution with the end-users proved to be a useful approach

    Õpianalüütika võimalused õppimise ja õpetamise toetamisel õpetajahariduses

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    Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia rakendamine ning õpihaldussüsteemide ja õpikeskkondade kasutamine õppeprotsessis on muutnud õpetajaks õppijate õpikogemusi ning õpetajahariduse õppejõudude õpetamisviise. Sellega kaasnevad erinevad digitaalsed andmed, mis annavad õppijale, õpetajale ning õppekava eestvedajale tagasisidet õppimise ja õpetamise tõhustamiseks. Haridusvaldkonnas aina enam rakendust leidev õpianalüütika võimaldab suurendada õppijate teadlikkust ja tõhusust õppeprotsessis, individualiseerida õppeprotsessi ning saada pidevat ja jooksvat tagasisidet õppimise edenemise kohta. Artikli eesmärk on analüüsida õpetajahariduse üliõpilaste ja õppejõudude ootusi õpianalüütika võimaluste suhtes, et toetada õpikeskkonnas õppimist ja õpetamist. Uurimuse teoreetilise raamistiku loob ennastjuhtiva õppija kontseptsioon. Uurimistulemused baseeruvad disainipõhisel uurimusel, kus osalusdisaini sessioonide käigus selgitati välja õpikeskkonna kasutajate (üliõpilaste, õppejõudude, õppekavade juhtide) ootused õpikeskkonna õpianalüütikarakenduste suhtes.  Summar