8 research outputs found

    Taking part: a study of adolescent sexual health promotion in Peru

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    This study introduces a theoretical and empirical exploration of the issue of participation within the field of adolescent sexual health promotion. It contributes to, and engages in, two kinds of debates: policy and practice discussions on how to involve adolescents in promoting their sexual health, and academic debates on the relevant theory that informs policy and practice. The thesis critically reviews literature on participatory adolescent sexual health promotion arguing that the field is located at the intersection of three central conceptual vectors: adolescence, which is constructed as inevitably transiting towards adulthood from the moment childhood ends; adolescent sexual health, which is primarily dictated by the languages of biomedicine and psychology; and adolescent participation, which appears understood as a process of adult transmission of knowledge onto the participating adolescent. Challenging these coordinates, and by drawing on the works of Jürgen Habermas and Paulo Freire, a framework for understanding participatory processes is elaborated. Participation here is conceptualised as a social process of creation via which those taking part in it concurrently shape and maintain knowledge, mould and stabilise social relations, and care for themselves. A participatory adolescent sexual health promotion initiative implemented in rural and urban-marginal communities of the Andean, Coastal and Jungle regions of Peru, acts as the observational field for the empirical investigation of the conceptualisation of participation advanced in the thesis. Documentaries and dramas produced in video format by the adolescents taking part in the initiative, together with audio-visual recordings of group discussions in which the adolescents presented and problematised these videos constitute the qualitative data gathered in this study. The data was analysed to explore adolescents’ collective elaborations of sexuality in general and of sexual health in particular, and to reconstruct, from these instances of collective creation, the workings of the participation processes that underpin them

    A Rhetoric and Philosophy of Gifts

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    This project synthesizes a selected scope of rhetorical and philosophical perspectives of the gift. The research question is what the relationship between gifts and rhetoric might be. In order to approach this question, this project offers a review of related literature on the topic of gifts. It then provides analysis and discussion that contextualize the question. The project finally concludes by offering implications. The implications address why the question concerning the relationship between gifts and rhetoric matters for the larger landscape of international relations

    Tartu Ülikooli toimetised. Tööd semiootika alalt. 1964-1992. 0259-4668

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    Les sciences cognitives et la tradition pragmatiste

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    In this dissertation, I examine a growing trend in contemporary cognitive science known as cognitive pragmatism. This subject merits examination for a number of reasons, but primarily it is needed because the trend of cognitive pragmatism is so entrenched in cognitive science, while at the same time remaining a lightning rod of controversy. The lack of a consensus regarding the nature of American pragmatismthe purported progenitor of cognitive pragmatism has in particular attracted skepticism of pragmatism’s methodology. Therefore, it is necessary to ask why American pragmatism became involved in the discipline of cognitive science and how it subsequently came to be interpreted in such different ways. Given that pragmatism is a relatively well established school, it is worth addressing its significance for the burgeoning field of cognitive science. In their pragmatist inspired views of cognition, both Mark Johnson and Jerry Fodor overlook the figure whom I consider to be pragmatism’s most important: Charles Sanders Peirce. This is likely due to the fact that Peirce’s ideas differ from pragmatism as it is popularly conceived, due in no small part to the influence of William James and John Dewey. Further, it is difficult for either Johnson’s embodied theory of mind (ETM) or Fodor’s representational theory of mind (RTM) to employ Peirceian pragmatism in their respective definitions of cognition; they perhaps have erred by filing to take into account Peirce’s thought. Therefore, I shall tackle this challenge by clarifying the ‘Johnson Fodor debate’ using the tools of Peirceian pragmatism, or ‘pragmaticism.’ Taking into consideration the current trends of both the ‘pragmatist turn’ and ‘pragmatic turn,’ I propose a third way: namely, a ‘pragmaticist turn’ firmly rooted in Peirce’s philosophy. I will thus supplement the concept of ‘action’ with that of ‘habit’ in order to reinterpret the relation between the embodied and cognitive minds.Dans cette thèse sera principalement présenté et examiné l’apport du courant pragmatiste à la philosophie des sciences cognitives. Ainsi, lors du processus de recherche, les questions spécifiques de cette thèse ont été fixées afin d’évaluer une tendance au pragmatisme dans les sciences cognitives, connue sous le nom de « pragmatisme cognitif ».Il sera donc principalement examiné le pragmatisme cognitif, qui tend à croître dans le domaine des sciences cognitives et qui mérite un examen approfondi, non seulement à cause de son développement, mais aussi parce qu’il est source de débat. On constatera alors que le pragmatisme cognitif indique en définitive une nouvelle façon de caractériser la nature mentale. Ainsi, « l’esprit cognitif » serait remplacé par « l’esprit incarné », d’autant que ce thème spécifique concerne une évolution de la théorie représentationnelle de l’esprit « TRE » vers la théorie de l’esprit incarné « TEI ». Lors de ce processus d’expansion, l’aspect philosophique est essentiel. Il est toutefois important ici de préciser que cette recherche ne concerne pas directement et uniquement les sciences cognitives, mais plus la philosophie des sciences cognitives.Le pragmatisme est alors considéré comme une méthode de pensée visant à critiquer et à améliorer les expériences scientifiques. Bien que le pragmatisme soit devenu très populaire dans le domaine des sciences cognitives, cette évidence nécessite toutefois encore de nombreuses vérifications et démonstrations. On a pu constater qu’il existe un concept très important pour tous les pragmatistes en sciences cognitives, « l’action ». Par conséquent, le pragmatisme cognitif est particulièrement important pour expliquer la transition d’une cognition de « la représentation » à « l’action ». Par ailleurs, ce tournant est connecté à un autre plus grand champ d’application du « 4E cognition», qui est lié avec la phénoménologie et l’existentialisme. Il semble probable que ce soit une tendance qui ne cesse de croître parmi les pragmatistes et qu’elle puisse en effet générer un tournant important dans les sciences cognitives grâce à une façon plus adaptée et développée. Cependant, le fait est que les idées de Peirce, qui est lui-même le fondateur de l’idée de pragmatisme, sont négligées par les défenseurs du « pragmatisme cognitif » et aussi par ceux du « cognitivisme anti-pragmatisme». Il pourrait y avoir une troisième possibilité qui sera ici mise en évidence lors d’une rétrospection de la philosophie de Peirce pour les sciences cognitives, ayant rencontré un tournant significatif.Tandis que certains philosophes, comme Jean-Michel Roy en 2014, suggèrent une distinction entre un « tournant pragmatiste » et un « tournant pragmatique », cette thèse tentera une troisième hypothèse, qui sera proposée, à savoir un « tournant pragmaticiste» prenant racine dans la théorie de Peirce. Un tournant significatif doit offrir une meilleure compréhension de la cognition. Et ce tournant pourra avoir ainsi plusieurs implications pour les sciences cognitives. Le pragmatiste de Peirce peut jouer ce rôle et permettre de mieux concevoir la nature de l’esprit actif et de l’esprit cognitif. Si le concept de « l’action » est l’idée centrale du pragmatisme en général, alors le concept de « l’habitude » est l’idée la plus importante chez Peirce. De même, si la représentation et l’action sont des concepts opposés sur la définition de la cognition, la notion d’habitude a la possibilité de dissoudre les tensions entre ces deux points de vue opposés. Pour Peirce, l’habitude joue un double rôle de croyance [la croyance-habitude] et d’action [l’habitude de l’action].Pour finir, on peut concevoir que la position de cette thèse repose sur une perceptive du « pragmatisme-néo-classique ». Cette position est à différencier de celle du pragmatisme cognitif d’un côté, et celle du néo-pragmatisme d’un autre côté

    Filosofía del gesto:fenomenología del acto fotográfico, 1930-1950

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    La estructura metodológica de esta labor se desarrolla en un sentido que va de lo general a lo particular, de lo ideal a lo concreto, para llegar al final a la coincidencia entre la forma del trabajo de estudio y su contenido, pues la fotografía se analizará justamente como determinación de lo general y vago en lo particular. Así, tomando como punto de partida un cuadro más general y abstracto, en el análisis han confluido tanto elementos históricos y culturales, que definen el ámbito de la investigación, como, más en detalle, elementos propios de la especulación filosófica sobre el tema del gesto. Una estructura de esta naturaleza sienta sus bases sobre múltiples planos de investigación –como por ejemplo el arte y la historia contemporánea, sin descuidar cuestiones de sociología y antropología– que se entrelazan continuamente sugiriendo ideas y trazando líneas de análisis. A partir de un estudio histórico y filosófico, de este modo, se ha desarrollado una visión teórica y práctica de la fotografía entendida como gesto, alejándose de tal manera de los enfoques más frecuentes, a menudo basados únicamente en el examen de la imagen. El período considerado va de 1930 a 1950. En dicho período, en efecto, la historia de la fotografía se convierte en un reflejo consciente de los diversos cambios que se estaban produciendo en el ámbito cultural europeo y extraeuropeo. Ese intervalo temporal se estima de importancia fundamental tanto por la construcción de la autonomía de la fotografía con respecto al arte como por la contribución en el avance hacia la modernidad que dicho medio ha ofrecido. El proceso de maduración no ha sido lineal, pero las relaciones con la cultura tout court no pueden por menos que ponerse de relieve. La tesis se ha redactado conformada en seis capítulos de los que el primero, el tercero, el quinto y el sexto terminan con ejemplos prácticos de fotógrafos que completan y atestiguan con su experiencia el enfoque del tema tratado en el capítulo. Los capítulos segundo y tercero, aun incluyendo especificidades históricas y artísticas, son relevantes para descifrar elementos de teoría filosófica (pragmatico-semiotica) que prestan apoyo al conjunto de la investigación. En general se puede observar la existencia de un hilo conductor transversal a toda la tesis que se despliega en conceptos como relación y continuidad, cambio y proceso, teniendo siempre al ser humano y su conexión con el ambiente en una posición axial en torno a la cual hacer rotar la propia investigación.This research is based on the semiotic-pragmatic analysis of the photographic gesture. Following this logic, the gestural process takes on central importance, criticizing the assumption that the image must have a dominant function in the photographic action. In this way, properties and categories that would otherwise be considered almost marginal are now seen as pivotal. For this reason, a grammar of the photographic gesture is constructed throughout the investigation in an attempt to formulate a common reading space to decipher it as a continuous and procedural action. The philosophical path is inspired by the theory of George H. Mead centered on gesture as a key social element in the construction of the Self and the Other: this relationship is fundamental for the collective realization which also finds its original principle in the relationship with the environment. The gesture, serving as a medium, becomes the starting point to focus on the emergency and relevance of the act as two founding properties for the establishment of a possible collective memory. The purely procedural determination of gesture theory, however, becomes evident through the semiotic and phenomenological analysis of the philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce. In particular, it is highlighted that the resumption of his semiotic investigation - in the intuitions on photography at the end of the seventies of the twentieth century, where the analysis of indexicality was central - was partial with respect to the complexity and generality of Peirce's theoretical direction. This category, within the original theorical background, is located between the icon and the symbol and has a non-static, but dynamic and continuous relationship with both of them. Accentuating this statute gives birth to a new reading of the entire Peircian logic and not only of a singular categorical aspect. Thus, a new centrality of the human side and of the relationship with the environment are the backdrop to semiotic-pragmaticist meanings such as habitat, experience, consideration of time and space, the relationship with the public. A particular study, which completes the previous assumptions, is dedicated to the theme of the meaning of the gesture. The latter experiential perspective is clarified through John Dewey's theory. Through the analysis of Dewey's theory, the aspect of instrumental experience is highlighted for an approach to photography that respects the pragmatic and phenomenological characteristics already found in Peirce. Another central aspect, within an analysis of photography in the period of the transition to modernity, is certainly represented by the approach to the technique and reproducibility of the image. For this section of investigation, some cultural parameters were first highlighted by focusing on adjacent themes between photography and painting and, subsequently, also divergent aspects between them. Following this speculative direction, once again, the semiotic and phenomenological approach helps in the belief that strengthening a strong relational continuity with the environment

    Diásporas, migrações, tecnologias da comunicação e identidades transnacionais

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    Tras reunir a 32 especialistas que han contribuido con 27 capítulos, este libro presenta una fascinante perspectiva interdisciplinar sobre algunas de las dinámicas sociales y mediatizadas más actuales que informan sobre procesos identitarios en tiempos de una radical transición sociocultural y político-económica. Mientras el énfasis empírico de este libro recae en los grupos diaspóricos y en sus experiencias, principalmente con las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación, el tema se integra en un conjunto superior de cuestiones que las ciencias sociales abordan en la actualidad. El libro trata y analiza la convergencia de culturas, la construcción de comunidades, las conexiones trasnacionales y los procedimientos de formación de identidades en medio de esos procesos y relaciones

    Participant Observation And Experiences In The Design For Affectibility

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    This paper reports on our experience as Participant Observers in a Project introducing the XO laptop at an elementary school in Brazil. Working together with all members of the school community, we experienced their daily activities with and without technology. Our objective was to build a better understanding of the affective and emotional relationships developed among the community. Moreover, we wanted to understand how users made use and sense of technology. In this article we investigate the presence of affect in our study scenario using the method of Participant Observation. This study was one of the initial steps towards the design of an educational system to be used at elementary schools. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.434 PART I3641Atkinson, P., Hammersley, M., Ethnography and participant observation (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research, , Sage, Thousand Oakshttp://www.atlasti.com, ATLAS/ti, (last accessed: October 2012)Baranauskas, M.C.C., Socially aware computing (2009) ICECE 2009 VI International Conference On Engineering and Computer Education, pp. 1-5Baranauskas, M.C.C., Martins, M.C., Assis, R., (2012) XO Na Escola: Construção Compartilhada De Conhecimento - Lições AprendidasDenzin, N.K., Lincoln, Y.S., Introduction: Entering the field of qualitative research (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research, pp. 1-18. , Sage Publications, Thousand OaksFriedman, B., Value-Sensitive Design (1996) Interactions, 3 (6), pp. 16-23Hayashi, E.C.S., Baranauskas, M.C.C., The affectibility concept in systems for learning contexts (2011) International Journal For E-Learning Security, 1 (1-2)Hayashi, E.C.S., Baranauskas, M.C.C., (2013) Design Principles For Affectibility, , Technical Report IC-13-17La Taille, Y., de Oliveira, M.K., Dantas, H., (1992) Piaget, Vygotsky, Wallon: Teorias Psicogenéticas Em Discussão, , Summus editorialMacaulay, C., Benyon, D., Crerar, A., Ethnography, theory and systems design: From intuition to insight (2000) Intern. Journal of Human-Computer Studies, pp. 35-60Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M., (1984) Qualitative Data Analysis: A Source Book of New Methods, , Sage, Beverly HillsOrtony, A., Norman, D.A., Revelle, W., Effective functioning: A three level model of affect, motivation, cognition, and behavior (2005) Who Needs Emotions, pp. 173-202Smith, L.M., An Evolving Logic of Participant Observation, Educational Ethnography, and Other Case (1978) Review of Research In Education, 6, pp. 316-377Tedlock, B., From Participant Observation to the Observation of Participation: The Emergence of Narrative Ethnography (1991) Journal of Anthropological Research, 47 (1), pp. 69-94Wadsworth, B.J., (1996) Piaget's Theory of Cognitive and Affective Development: Foundations of Constructivism, , Longman Publishin