46 research outputs found

    Analyzing and Applying Cryptographic Mechanisms to Protect Privacy in Applications

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    Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) emerged as a technology-based response to the increased collection and storage of data as well as the associated threats to individuals' privacy in modern applications. They rely on a variety of cryptographic mechanisms that allow to perform some computation without directly obtaining knowledge of plaintext information. However, many challenges have so far prevented effective real-world usage in many existing applications. For one, some mechanisms leak some information or have been proposed outside of security models established within the cryptographic community, leaving open how effective they are at protecting privacy in various applications. Additionally, a major challenge causing PETs to remain largely academic is their practicality-in both efficiency and usability. Cryptographic mechanisms introduce a lot of overhead, which is mostly prohibitive, and due to a lack of high-level tools are very hard to integrate for outsiders. In this thesis, we move towards making PETs more effective and practical in protecting privacy in numerous applications. We take a two-sided approach of first analyzing the effective security (cryptanalysis) of candidate mechanisms and then building constructions and tools (cryptographic engineering) for practical use in specified emerging applications in the domain of machine learning crucial to modern use cases. In the process, we incorporate an interdisciplinary perspective for analyzing mechanisms and by collaboratively building privacy-preserving architectures with requirements from the application domains' experts. Cryptanalysis. While mechanisms like Homomorphic Encryption (HE) or Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) provably leak no additional information, Encrypted Search Algorithms (ESAs) and Randomization-only Two-Party Computation (RoTPC) possess additional properties that require cryptanalysis to determine effective privacy protection. ESAs allow for search on encrypted data, an important functionality in many applications. Most efficient ESAs possess some form of well-defined information leakage, which is cryptanalyzed via a breadth of so-called leakage attacks proposed in the literature. However, it is difficult to assess their practical effectiveness given that previous evaluations were closed-source, used restricted data, and made assumptions about (among others) the query distribution because real-world query data is very hard to find. For these reasons, we re-implement known leakage attacks in an open-source framework and perform a systematic empirical re-evaluation of them using a variety of new data sources that, for the first time, contain real-world query data. We obtain many more complete and novel results where attacks work much better or much worse than what was expected based on previous evaluations. RoTPC mechanisms require cryptanalysis as they do not rely on established techniques and security models, instead obfuscating messages using only randomizations. A prominent protocol is a privacy-preserving scalar product protocol by Lu et al. (IEEE TPDS'13). We show that this protocol is formally insecure and that this translates to practical insecurity by presenting attacks that even allow to test for certain inputs, making the case for more scrutiny of RoTPC protocols used as PETs. This part of the thesis is based on the following two publications: [KKM+22] S. KAMARA, A. KATI, T. MOATAZ, T. SCHNEIDER, A. TREIBER, M. YONLI. “SoK: Cryptanalysis of Encrypted Search with LEAKER - A framework for LEakage AttacK Evaluation on Real-world data”. In: 7th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P’22). Full version: https://ia.cr/2021/1035. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/LEAKER. IEEE, 2022, pp. 90–108. Appendix A. [ST20] T. SCHNEIDER , A. TREIBER. “A Comment on Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocols as proposed in “SPOC””. In: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) 31.3 (2020). Full version: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.04862. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/SPOCattack, pp. 543–546. CORE Rank A*. Appendix B. Cryptographic Engineering. Given the above results about cryptanalysis, we investigate using the leakage-free and provably-secure cryptographic mechanisms of HE and SMPC to protect privacy in machine learning applications. As much of the cryptographic community has focused on PETs for neural network applications, we focus on two other important applications and models: Speaker recognition and sum product networks. We particularly show the efficiency of our solutions in possible real-world scenarios and provide tools usable for non-domain experts. In speaker recognition, a user's voice data is matched with reference data stored at the service provider. Using HE and SMPC, we build the first privacy-preserving speaker recognition system that includes the state-of-the-art technique of cohort score normalization using cohort pruning via SMPC. Then, we build a privacy-preserving speaker recognition system relying solely on SMPC, which we show outperforms previous solutions based on HE by a factor of up to 4000x. We show that both our solutions comply with specific standards for biometric information protection and, thus, are effective and practical PETs for speaker recognition. Sum Product Networks (SPNs) are noteworthy probabilistic graphical models that-like neural networks-also need efficient methods for privacy-preserving inference as a PET. We present CryptoSPN, which uses SMPC for privacy-preserving inference of SPNs that (due to a combination of machine learning and cryptographic techniques and contrary to most works on neural networks) even hides the network structure. Our implementation is integrated into the prominent SPN framework SPFlow and evaluates medium-sized SPNs within seconds. This part of the thesis is based on the following three publications: [NPT+19] A. NAUTSCH, J. PATINO, A. TREIBER, T. STAFYLAKIS, P. MIZERA, M. TODISCO, T. SCHNEIDER, N. EVANS. Privacy-Preserving Speaker Recognition with Cohort Score Normalisation”. In: 20th Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH’19). Online: https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.03454. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2019, pp. 2868–2872. CORE Rank A. Appendix C. [TNK+19] A. TREIBER, A. NAUTSCH , J. KOLBERG , T. SCHNEIDER , C. BUSCH. “Privacy-Preserving PLDA Speaker Verification using Outsourced Secure Computation”. In: Speech Communication 114 (2019). Online: https://encrypto.de/papers/TNKSB19.pdf. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/PrivateASV, pp. 60–71. CORE Rank B. Appendix D. [TMW+20] A. TREIBER , A. MOLINA , C. WEINERT , T. SCHNEIDER , K. KERSTING. “CryptoSPN: Privacy-preserving Sum-Product Network Inference”. In: 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’20). Full version: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.00801. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/CryptoSPN. IOS Press, 2020, pp. 1946–1953. CORE Rank A. Appendix E. Overall, this thesis contributes to a broader security analysis of cryptographic mechanisms and new systems and tools to effectively protect privacy in various sought-after applications

    Privacy-aware Security Applications in the Era of Internet of Things

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    In this dissertation, we introduce several novel privacy-aware security applications. We split these contributions into three main categories: First, to strengthen the current authentication mechanisms, we designed two novel privacy-aware alternative complementary authentication mechanisms, Continuous Authentication (CA) and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). Our first system is Wearable-assisted Continuous Authentication (WACA), where we used the sensor data collected from a wrist-worn device to authenticate users continuously. Then, we improved WACA by integrating a noise-tolerant template matching technique called NTT-Sec to make it privacy-aware as the collected data can be sensitive. We also designed a novel, lightweight, Privacy-aware Continuous Authentication (PACA) protocol. PACA is easily applicable to other biometric authentication mechanisms when feature vectors are represented as fixed-length real-valued vectors. In addition to CA, we also introduced a privacy-aware multi-factor authentication method, called PINTA. In PINTA, we used fuzzy hashing and homomorphic encryption mechanisms to protect the users\u27 sensitive profiles while providing privacy-preserving authentication. For the second privacy-aware contribution, we designed a multi-stage privacy attack to smart home users using the wireless network traffic generated during the communication of the devices. The attack works even on the encrypted data as it is only using the metadata of the network traffic. Moreover, we also designed a novel solution based on the generation of spoofed traffic. Finally, we introduced two privacy-aware secure data exchange mechanisms, which allow sharing the data between multiple parties (e.g., companies, hospitals) while preserving the privacy of the individual in the dataset. These mechanisms were realized with the combination of Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) and Differential Privacy (DP) techniques. In addition, we designed a policy language, called Curie Policy Language (CPL), to handle the conflicting relationships among parties. The novel methods, attacks, and countermeasures in this dissertation were verified with theoretical analysis and extensive experiments with real devices and users. We believe that the research in this dissertation has far-reaching implications on privacy-aware alternative complementary authentication methods, smart home user privacy research, as well as the privacy-aware and secure data exchange methods

    Joint Linear and Nonlinear Computation with Data Encryption for Efficient Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning

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    Deep Learning (DL) has shown unrivalled performance in many applications such as image classification, speech recognition, anomalous detection, and business analytics. While end users and enterprises own enormous data, DL talents and computing power are mostly gathered in technology giants having cloud servers. Thus, data owners, i.e., the clients, are motivated to outsource their data, along with computationally-intensive tasks, to the server in order to leverage the server’s abundant computation resources and DL talents for developing cost-effective DL solutions. However, trust is required between the server and the client to finish the computation tasks (e.g., conducting inference for the newly-input data from the client, based on a well-trained model at the server) otherwise there could be the data breach (e.g., leaking data from the client or the proprietary model parameters from the server). Privacy-preserving DL takes data privacy into account where various data-encryption based techniques are adopted. However, the efficiency of linear and nonlinear computation for each DL layer remains a fundamental challenge in practice due to the intrinsic intractability and complexity of privacy-preserving primitives (e.g., Homomorphic Encryption (HE) and Garbled Circuits (GC)). As such, this dissertation targets deeply optimizing state-of-the-art frameworks as well as newly designing efficient modules by joint linear and nonlinear computation, with data encryption, to further boost the overall performance of privacy-preserving DL. Four contributions are made

    Tracking and data system support for Lunar Orbiter

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    Lunar Orbiter missions 1 through

    Desing and evaluation of novel authentication, authorization and border protection mechanisms for modern information security architectures

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    En los últimos años, las vidas real y digital de las personas están más entrelazadas que nunca, lo que ha dado lugar a que la información de los usuarios haya adquirido un valor incalculable tanto para las empresas como para los atacantes. Mientras tanto, las consecuencias derivadas del uso inadecuado de dicha información son cada vez más preocupantes. El número de brechas de seguridad sigue aumentando cada día y las arquitecturas de seguridad de la información, si se diseñan correctamente, son la apuesta más segura para romper esta tendencia ascendente.Esta tesis contribuye en tres de los pilares fundamentales de cualquier arquitectura de seguridad de la información—autenticación, autorización y seguridad de los datos en tránsito—mejorando la seguridad y privacidad provista a la información involucrada. En primer lugar, la autenticación tiene como objetivo verificar que el usuario es quien dice ser. Del mismo modo que otras tareas que requieren de interacción por parte del usuario, en la autenticación es fundamental mantener el balance entre seguridad y usabilidad. Por ello, hemos diseñado una metodología de autenticación basada en el fotopletismograma (PPG). En la metodología propuesta, el modelo de cada usuario contiene un conjunto de ciclos aislados de su señal PPG, mientras que la distancia de Manhattan se utiliza para calcular la distancia entre modelos. Dicha metodología se ha evaluado prestando especial atención a los resultados a largo plazo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los impresionantes valores de error que se pueden obtener a corto plazo (valores de EER por debajo del 1%) crecen rápidamente cuando el tiempo entre la creación del modelo y la evaluación aumenta (el EER aumenta hasta el 20% durante las primeras 24 horas, valor que permanece estable desde ese momento). Aunque los valores de error encontrados en el largo plazo pueden ser demasiado altos para permitir que el PPG sea utilizado como una alternativa de autenticación confiable por si mismo, este puede ser utilizado de forma complementaria (e.g. como segundo factor de autenticación) junto a otras alternativas de autenticación, mejorándolas con interesantes propiedades, como la prueba de vida.Tras una correcta autenticación, el proceso de autorización determina si la acción solicitada al sistema debería permitirse o no. Como indican las nuevas leyes de protección de datos, los usuarios son los dueños reales de su información, y por ello deberían contar con los métodos necesarios para gestionar su información digital de forma efectiva. El framework OAuth, que permite a los usuarios autorizar a una aplicación de terceros a acceder a sus recursos protegidos, puede considerarse la primera solución en esta línea. En este framework, la autorización del usuario se encarna en un token de acceso que la tercera parte debe presentar cada vez que desee acceder a un recurso del usuario. Para desatar todo su potencial, hemos extendido dicho framework desde tres perspectivas diferentes. En primer lugar, hemos propuesto un protocolo que permite al servidor de autorización verificar que el usuario se encuentra presente cada vez que la aplicación de terceros solicita acceso a uno de sus recursos. Esta comprobación se realiza mediante una autenticación transparente basada en las señales biométricas adquiridas por los relojes inteligentes y/o las pulseras de actividad y puede mitigar las graves consecuencias de la exfiltración de tokens de acceso en muchas situaciones. En segundo lugar, hemos desarrollado un nuevo protocolo para autorizar a aplicaciones de terceros a acceder a los datos del usuario cuando estas aplicaciones no son aplicaciones web, sino que se sirven a través de plataformas de mensajería. El protocolo propuesto no lidia únicamente con los aspectos relacionados con la usabilidad (permitiendo realizar el proceso de autorización mediante el mismo interfaz que el usuario estaba utilizando para consumir el servicio, i.e. la plataforma de mensajería) sino que también aborda los problemas de seguridad que surgen derivados de este nuevo escenario. Finalmente, hemos mostrado un protocolo donde el usuario que requiere de acceso a los recursos protegidos no es el dueño de estos. Este nuevo mecanismo se basa en un nuevo tipo de concesión OAuth (grant type) para la interacción entre el servidor de autorización y ambos usuarios, y un perfil de OPA para la definición y evaluación de políticas de acceso. En un intento de acceso a los recursos, el dueño de estos podría ser consultado interactivamente para aprobar el acceso, habilitando de esta forma la delegación usuario a usuario. Después de unas autenticación y autorización exitosas, el usuario consigue acceso al recurso protegido. La seguridad de los datos en tránsito se encarga de proteger la información mientras es transmitida del dispositivo del usuario al servidor de recursos y viceversa. El cifrado, al tiempo que mantiene la información a salvo de los curiosos, también evita que los dispositivos de seguridad puedan cumplir su función—por ejemplo, los firewalls son incapaces de inspeccionar la información cifrada en busca de amenazas. Sin embargo, mostrar la información de los usuarios a dichos dispositivos podría suponer un problema de privacidad en ciertos escenarios. Por ello, hemos propuesto un método basado en Computación Segura Multiparte (SMC) que permite realizar las funciones de red sin comprometer la privacidad del tráfico. Esta aproximación aprovecha el paralelismo intrínseco a los escenarios de red, así como el uso adaptativo de diferentes representaciones de la función de red para adecuar la ejecución al estado de la red en cada momento. En nuestras pruebas hemos analizado el desencriptado seguro del tráfico utilizando el algoritmo Chacha20, mostrando que somos capaces de evaluar el tráfico introduciendo latencias realmente bajas (menores de 3ms) cuando la carga de la red permanece suficientemente baja, mientras que podemos procesar hasta 1.89 Gbps incrementando la latencia introducida. Teniendo en cuenta todo esto, a pesar de la penalización de rendimiento que se ha asociado tradicionalmente a las aplicaciones de Computación Segura, hemos presentado un método eficiente y flexible que podría lanzar la evaluación segura de las funciones de red a escenarios reales.<br /

    Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Protocols

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    Protecting users' privacy in digital systems becomes more complex and challenging over time, as the amount of stored and exchanged data grows steadily and systems become increasingly involved and connected. Two techniques that try to approach this issue are Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Private Information Retrieval (PIR), which aim to enable practical computation while simultaneously keeping sensitive data private. In this thesis we present results showing how real-world applications can be executed in a privacy-preserving way. This is not only desired by users of such applications, but since 2018 also based on a strong legal foundation with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, that forces companies to protect the privacy of user data by design. This thesis' contributions are split into three parts and can be summarized as follows: MPC Tools Generic MPC requires in-depth background knowledge about a complex research field. To approach this, we provide tools that are efficient and usable at the same time, and serve as a foundation for follow-up work as they allow cryptographers, researchers and developers to implement, test and deploy MPC applications. We provide an implementation framework that abstracts from the underlying protocols, optimized building blocks generated from hardware synthesis tools, and allow the direct processing of Hardware Definition Languages (HDLs). Finally, we present an automated compiler for efficient hybrid protocols from ANSI C. MPC Applications MPC was for a long time deemed too expensive to be used in practice. We show several use cases of real-world applications that can operate in a privacy-preserving, yet practical way when engineered properly and built on top of suitable MPC protocols. Use cases presented in this thesis are from the domain of route computation using BGP on the Internet or at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). In both cases our protocols protect sensitive business information that is used to determine routing decisions. Another use case focuses on genomics, which is particularly critical as the human genome is connected to everyone during their entire lifespan and cannot be altered. Our system enables federated genomic databases, where several institutions can privately outsource their genome data and where research institutes can query this data in a privacy-preserving manner. PIR and Applications Privately retrieving data from a database is a crucial requirement for user privacy and metadata protection, and is enabled amongst others by a technique called Private Information Retrieval (PIR). We present improvements and a generalization of a well-known multi-server PIR scheme of Chor et al., and an implementation and evaluation thereof. We also design and implement an efficient anonymous messaging system built on top of PIR. Furthermore we provide a scalable solution for private contact discovery that utilizes ideas from efficient two-server PIR built from Distributed Point Functions (DPFs) in combination with Private Set Intersection (PSI)

    Decrypting legal dilemmas

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    It has become a truism that the speed of technological progress leaves law and policy scrambling to keep up. But in addition to creating new challenges, technological advances also enable new improvements to issues at the intersection of law and technology. In this thesis, I develop new cryptographic tools for informing and improving our law and policy, including specific technical innovations and analysis of the limits of possible interventions. First, I present a cryptographic analysis of a legal question concerning the limits of the Fifth Amendment: can courts legally compel people to decrypt their devices? Our cryptographic analysis is useful not only for answering this specific question about encrypted devices, but also for analyzing questions about the wider legal doctrine. The second part of this thesis turns to algorithmic fairness. With the rise of automated decision-making, greater attention has been paid to statistical notions of fairness and equity. In this part of the work, I demonstrate technical limits of those notions and examine a relaxation of those notions; these analyses should inform legal or policy interventions. Finally, the third section of this thesis describes several methods for improving zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge, which allow a prover to convince a verifier of some property without revealing anything beyond the fact of the prover's knowledge. The methods in this work yield a concrete proof size reduction of two plausibly post-quantum styles of proof with transparent setup that can be made non-interactive via the Fiat-Shamir transform: "MPC-in-the-head," which is a linear-size proof that is fast, low-memory, and has few assumptions, and "Ligero," a sublinear-size proof achieving a balance between proof size and prover runtime. We will describe areas where zero-knowledge proofs in general can provide new, currently-untapped functionalities for resolving legal disputes, proving adherence to a policy, executing contracts, and enabling the sale of information without giving it away