605 research outputs found

    A Low-Dimensional Representation for Robust Partial Isometric Correspondences Computation

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    Intrinsic isometric shape matching has become the standard approach for pose invariant correspondence estimation among deformable shapes. Most existing approaches assume global consistency, i.e., the metric structure of the whole manifold must not change significantly. While global isometric matching is well understood, only a few heuristic solutions are known for partial matching. Partial matching is particularly important for robustness to topological noise (incomplete data and contacts), which is a common problem in real-world 3D scanner data. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to partial, intrinsic isometric matching. Our method is based on the observation that isometries are fully determined by purely local information: a map of a single point and its tangent space fixes an isometry for both global and the partial maps. From this idea, we develop a new representation for partial isometric maps based on equivalence classes of correspondences between pairs of points and their tangent spaces. From this, we derive a local propagation algorithm that find such mappings efficiently. In contrast to previous heuristics based on RANSAC or expectation maximization, our method is based on a simple and sound theoretical model and fully deterministic. We apply our approach to register partial point clouds and compare it to the state-of-the-art methods, where we obtain significant improvements over global methods for real-world data and stronger guarantees than previous heuristic partial matching algorithms.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Courbure discrète : théorie et applications

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    International audienceThe present volume contains the proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on discrete curvature, held at CIRM, Luminy, France. The aim of this meeting was to bring together researchers from various backgrounds, ranging from mathematics to computer science, with a focus on both theory and applications. With 27 invited talks and 8 posters, the conference attracted 70 researchers from all over the world. The challenge of finding a common ground on the topic of discrete curvature was met with success, and these proceedings are a testimony of this wor

    Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing

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    Within the last decade image and geometry processing have become increasingly rigorous with solid foundations in mathematics. Both areas are research fields at the intersection of different mathematical disciplines, ranging from geometry and calculus of variations to PDE analysis and numerical analysis. The workshop brought together scientists from all these areas and a fruitful interplay took place. There was a lively exchange of ideas between geometry and image processing applications areas, characterized in a number of ways in this workshop. For example, optimal transport, first applied in computer vision is now used to define a distance measure between 3d shapes, spectral analysis as a tool in image processing can be applied in surface classification and matching, and so on. We have also seen the use of Riemannian geometry as a powerful tool to improve the analysis of multivalued images. This volume collects the abstracts for all the presentations covering this wide spectrum of tools and application domains

    A Survey of 2D and 3D Shape Descriptors

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    Indexing and Retrieval of 3D Articulated Geometry Models

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    In this PhD research study, we focus on building a content-based search engine for 3D articulated geometry models. 3D models are essential components in nowadays graphic applications, and are widely used in the game, animation and movies production industry. With the increasing number of these models, a search engine not only provides an entrance to explore such a huge dataset, it also facilitates sharing and reusing among different users. In general, it reduces production costs and time to develop these 3D models. Though a lot of retrieval systems have been proposed in recent years, search engines for 3D articulated geometry models are still in their infancies. Among all the works that we have surveyed, reliability and efficiency are the two main issues that hinder the popularity of such systems. In this research, we have focused our attention mainly to address these two issues. We have discovered that most existing works design features and matching algorithms in order to reflect the intrinsic properties of these 3D models. For instance, to handle 3D articulated geometry models, it is common to extract skeletons and use graph matching algorithms to compute the similarity. However, since this kind of feature representation is complex, it leads to high complexity of the matching algorithms. As an example, sub-graph isomorphism can be NP-hard for model graph matching. Our solution is based on the understanding that skeletal matching seeks correspondences between the two comparing models. If we can define descriptive features, the correspondence problem can be solved by bag-based matching where fast algorithms are available. In the first part of the research, we propose a feature extraction algorithm to extract such descriptive features. We then convert the skeletal matching problems into bag-based matching. We further define metric similarity measure so as to support fast search. We demonstrate the advantages of this idea in our experiments. The improvement on precision is 12\% better at high recall. The indexing search of 3D model is 24 times faster than the state of the art if only the first relevant result is returned. However, improving the quality of descriptive features pays the price of high dimensionality. Curse of dimensionality is a notorious problem on large multimedia databases. The computation time scales exponentially as the dimension increases, and indexing techniques may not be useful in such situation. In the second part of the research, we focus ourselves on developing an embedding retrieval framework to solve the high dimensionality problem. We first argue that our proposed matching method projects 3D models on manifolds. We then use manifold learning technique to reduce dimensionality and maximize intra-class distances. We further propose a numerical method to sub-sample and fast search databases. To preserve retrieval accuracy using fewer landmark objects, we propose an alignment method which is also beneficial to existing works for fast search. The advantages of the retrieval framework are demonstrated in our experiments that it alleviates the problem of curse of dimensionality. It also improves the efficiency (3.4 times faster) and accuracy (30\% more accurate) of our matching algorithm proposed above. In the third part of the research, we also study a closely related area, 3D motions. 3D motions are captured by sticking sensor on human beings. These captured data are real human motions that are used to animate 3D articulated geometry models. Creating realistic 3D motions is an expensive and tedious task. Although 3D motions are very different from 3D articulated geometry models, we observe that existing works also suffer from the problem of temporal structure matching. This also leads to low efficiency in the matching algorithms. We apply the same idea of bag-based matching into the work of 3D motions. From our experiments, the proposed method has a 13\% improvement on precision at high recall and is 12 times faster than existing works. As a summary, we have developed algorithms for 3D articulated geometry models and 3D motions, covering feature extraction, feature matching, indexing and fast search methods. Through various experiments, our idea of converting restricted matching to bag-based matching improves matching efficiency and reliability. These have been shown in both 3D articulated geometry models and 3D motions. We have also connected 3D matching to the area of manifold learning. The embedding retrieval framework not only improves efficiency and accuracy, but has also opened a new area of research

    Shape analysis in shape space

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    This study aims to classify different deformations based on the shape space concept. A shape space is a quotient space in which each point corresponds to a class of shapes. The shapes of each class are transformed to each other by a transformation group preserving a geometrical property in which we are interested. Therefore, each deformation is a curve on the high dimensional shape space manifold, and one can classify the deformations by comparison of their corresponding deformation curves in shape space. Towards this end, two classification methods are proposed. In the first method, a quasi conformal shape space is constructed based on a novel quasi-conformal metric, which preserves the curvature changes at each vertex during the deformation. Besides, a classification framework is introduced for deformation classification. The results on synthetic and real datasets show the effectiveness of the metric to estimate the intrinsic geometry of the shape space manifold, and its ability to classify and interpolate different deformations. In the second method, we introduce the medial surface shape space which classifies the deformations based on the medial surface and thickness of the shape. This shape space is based on the log map and uses two novel measures, average of the normal vectors and mean of the positions, to determine the distance between each pair of shapes on shape space. We applied these methods to classify the left ventricle deformations. The experimental results shows that the first method can remarkably classify the normal and abnormal subjects but this method cannot spot the location of the abnormality. In contrast, the second method can discriminate healthy subjects from patients with cardiomyopathy, and also can spot the abnormality on the left ventricle, which makes it a valuable assistant tool for diagnostic purposes

    Shape analysis and description based on the isometric invariances of topological skeletonization

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    ilustracionesIn this dissertation, we explore the problem of how to describe the shape of an object in 2D and 3D with a set of features that are invariant to isometric transformations. We focus to based our approach on the well-known Medial Axis Transform and its topological properties. We aim to study two problems. The first is how to find a shape representation of a segmented object that exhibits rotation, translation, and reflection invariance. The second problem is how to build a machine learning pipeline that uses the isometric invariance of the shape representation to do both classification and retrieval. Our proposed solution demonstrates competitive results compared to state-of-the-art approaches. We based our shape representation on the medial axis transform (MAT), sometimes called the topological skeleton. Accepted and well-studied properties of the medial axis include: homotopy preservation, rotation invariance, mediality, one pixel thickness, and the ability to fully reconstruct the object. These properties make the MAT a suitable input to create shape features; however, several problems arise because not all skeletonization methods satisfy all the above-mentioned properties at the same time. In general, skeletons based on thinning approaches preserve topology but are noise sensitive and do not allow a proper reconstruction. They are also not invariant to rotations. Voronoi skeletons also preserve topology and are rotation invariant, but do not have information about the thickness of the object, making reconstruction impossible. The Voronoi skeleton is an approximation of the real skeleton. The denser the sampling of the boundary, the better the approximation; however, a denser sampling makes the Voronoi diagram more computationally expensive. In contrast, distance transform methods allow the reconstruction of the original object by providing the distance from every pixel in the skeleton to the boundary. Moreover, they exhibit an acceptable degree of the properties listed above, but noise sensitivity remains an issue. Therefore, we selected distance transform medial axis methods as our skeletonization strategy, and focused on creating a new noise-free approach to solve the contour noise problem. To effectively classify an object, or perform any other task with features based on its shape, the descriptor needs to be a normalized, compact form: Φ\Phi should map every shape Ω\Omega to the same vector space Rn\mathrm{R}^{n}. This is not possible with skeletonization methods because the skeletons of different objects have different numbers of branches and different numbers of points, even when they belong to the same category. Consequently, we developed a strategy to extract features from the skeleton through the map Φ\Phi, which we used as an input to a machine learning approach. After developing our method for robust skeletonization, the next step is to use such skeleton into the machine learning pipeline to classify object into previously defined categories. We developed a set of skeletal features that were used as input data to the machine learning architectures. We ran experiments on MPEG7 and ModelNet40 dataset to test our approach in both 2D and 3D. Our experiments show results comparable with the state-of-the-art in shape classification and retrieval. Our experiments also show that our pipeline and our skeletal features exhibit some degree of invariance to isometric transformations. In this study, we sought to design an isometric invariant shape descriptor through robust skeletonization enforced by a feature extraction pipeline that exploits such invariance through a machine learning methodology. We conducted a set of classification and retrieval experiments over well-known benchmarks to validate our proposed method. (Tomado de la fuente)En esta disertación se explora el problema de cómo describir la forma de un objeto en 2D y 3D con un conjunto de características que sean invariantes a transformaciones isométricas. La metodología propuesta en este documento se enfoca en la Transformada del Eje Medio (Medial Axis Transform) y sus propiedades topológicas. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar dos problemas. El primero es encontrar una representación matemática de la forma de un objeto que exhiba invarianza a las operaciones de rotación, translación y reflexión. El segundo problema es como construir un modelo de machine learning que use esas invarianzas para las tareas de clasificación y consulta de objetos a través de su forma. El método propuesto en esta tesis muestra resultados competitivos en comparación con otros métodos del estado del arte. En este trabajo basamos nuestra representación de forma en la transformada del eje medio, a veces llamada esqueleto topológico. Algunas propiedades conocidas y bien estudiadas de la transformada del eje medio son: conservación de la homotopía, invarianza a la rotación, su grosor consiste en un solo pixel (1D), y la habilidad para reconstruir el objeto original a través de ella. Estas propiedades hacen de la transformada del eje medio un punto de partida adecuado para crear características de forma. Sin embargo, en este punto surgen varios problemas dado que no todos los métodos de esqueletización satisfacen, al mismo tiempo, todas las propiedades mencionadas anteriormente. En general, los esqueletos basados en enfoques de erosión morfológica conservan la topología del objeto, pero son sensibles al ruido y no permiten una reconstrucción adecuada. Además, no son invariantes a las rotaciones. Otro método de esqueletización son los esqueletos de Voronoi. Los esqueletos de Voronoi también conservan la topología y son invariantes a la rotación, pero no tienen información sobre el grosor del objeto, lo que hace imposible su reconstrucción. Cuanto más denso sea el muestreo del contorno del objeto, mejor será la aproximación. Sin embargo, un muestreo más denso hace que el diagrama de Voronoi sea más costoso computacionalmente. Por el contrario, los métodos basados en la transformada de la distancia permiten la reconstrucción del objeto original, ya que proporcionan la distancia desde cada píxel del esqueleto hasta su punto más cercano en el contorno. Además, exhiben un grado aceptable de las propiedades enumeradas anteriormente, aunque la sensibilidad al ruido sigue siendo un problema. Por lo tanto, en este documento seleccionamos los métodos basados en la transformada de la distancia como nuestra estrategia de esqueletización, y nos enfocamos en crear un nuevo enfoque que resuelva el problema del ruido en el contorno. Para clasificar eficazmente un objeto o realizar cualquier otra tarea con características basadas en su forma, el descriptor debe ser compacto y estar normalizado: Φ\Phi debe relacionar cada forma Ω\Omega al mismo espacio vectorial Rn\mathrm{R}^{n}. Esto no es posible con los métodos de esqueletización en el estado del arte, porque los esqueletos de diferentes objetos tienen diferentes números de ramas y diferentes números de puntos incluso cuando pertenecen a la misma categoría. Consecuentemente, en nuestra propuesta desarrollamos una estrategia para extraer características del esqueleto a través de la función Φ\Phi, que usamos como entrada para un enfoque de aprendizaje automático. % TODO completar con resultados. Después de desarrollar nuestro método de esqueletización robusta, el siguiente paso es usar dicho esqueleto en un modelo de aprendizaje de máquina para clasificar el objeto en categorías previamente definidas. Para ello se desarrolló un conjunto de características basadas en el eje medio que se utilizaron como datos de entrada para la arquitectura de aprendizaje automático. Realizamos experimentos en los conjuntos de datos: MPEG7 y ModelNet40 para probar nuestro enfoque tanto en 2D como en 3D. Nuestros experimentos muestran resultados comparables con el estado del arte en clasificación y consulta de formas (retrieval). Nuestros experimentos también muestran que el modelo desarrollado junto con nuestras características basadas en el eje medio son invariantes a las transformaciones isométricas. (Tomado de la fuente)Beca para Doctorados Nacionales de Colciencias, convocatoria 725 de 2015DoctoradoDoctor en IngenieríaVisión por computadora y aprendizaje automátic

    Methods for 3D Geometry Processing in the Cultural Heritage Domain

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    This thesis presents methods for 3D geometry processing under the aspects of cultural heritage applications. After a short overview over the relevant basics in 3D geometry processing, the present thesis investigates the digital acquisition of 3D models. A particular challenge in this context are on the one hand difficult surface or material properties of the model to be captured. On the other hand, the fully automatic reconstruction of models even with suitable surface properties that can be captured with Laser range scanners is not yet completely solved. This thesis presents two approaches to tackle these challenges. One exploits a thorough capture of the object’s appearance and a coarse reconstruction for a concise and realistic object representation even for objects with problematic surface properties like reflectivity and transparency. The other method concentrates on digitisation via Laser-range scanners and exploits 2D colour images that are typically recorded with the range images for a fully automatic registration technique. After reconstruction, the captured models are often still incomplete, exhibit holes and/or regions of insufficient sampling. In addition to that, holes are often deliberately introduced into a registered model to remove some undesired or defective surface part. In order to produce a visually appealing model, for instance for visualisation purposes, for prototype or replica production, these holes have to be detected and filled. Although completion is a well-established research field in 2D image processing and many approaches do exist for image completion, surface completion in 3D is a fairly new field of research. This thesis presents a hierarchical completion approach that employs and extends successful exemplar-based 2D image processing approaches to 3D and fills in detail-equipped surface patches into missing surface regions. In order to identify and construct suitable surface patches, selfsimilarity and coherence properties of the surface context of the hole are exploited. In addition to the reconstruction and repair, the present thesis also investigates methods for a modification of captured models via interactive modelling. In this context, modelling is regarded as a creative process, for instance for animation purposes. On the other hand, it is also demonstrated how this creative process can be used to introduce human expertise into the otherwise automatic completion process. This way, reconstructions are feasible even of objects where already the data source, the object itself, is incomplete due to corrosion, demolition, or decay.Methoden zur 3D-Geometrieverarbeitung im Kulturerbesektor In dieser Arbeit werden Methoden zur Bearbeitung von digitaler 3D-Geometrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Anwendungsbereichs im Kulturerbesektor vorgestellt. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über die relevanten Grundlagen der dreidimensionalen Geometriebehandlung wird zunächst die digitale Akquise von dreidimensionalen Objekten untersucht. Eine besondere Herausforderung stellen bei der Erfassung einerseits ungünstige Oberflächen- oder Materialeigenschaften der Objekte dar (wie z.B. Reflexivität oder Transparenz), andererseits ist auch die vollautomatische Rekonstruktion von solchen Modellen, die sich verhältnismäßig problemlos mit Laser-Range Scannern erfassen lassen, immer noch nicht vollständig gelöst. Daher bilden zwei neuartige Verfahren, die diesen Herausforderungen begegnen, den Anfang. Auch nach der Registrierung sind die erfassten Datensätze in vielen Fällen unvollständig, weisen Löcher oder nicht ausreichend abgetastete Regionen auf. Darüber hinaus werden in vielen Anwendungen auch, z.B. durch Entfernen unerwünschter Oberflächenregionen, Löcher gewollt hinzugefügt. Für eine optisch ansprechende Rekonstruktion, vor allem zu Visualisierungszwecken, im Bildungs- oder Unterhaltungssektor oder zur Prototyp- und Replik-Erzeugung müssen diese Löcher zunächst automatisch detektiert und anschließend geschlossen werden. Obwohl dies im zweidimensionalen Fall der Bildbearbeitung bereits ein gut untersuchtes Forschungsfeld darstellt und vielfältige Ansätze zur automatischen Bildvervollständigung existieren, ist die Lage im dreidimensionalen Fall anders, und die Übertragung von zweidimensionalen Ansätzen in den 3D stellt vielfach eine große Herausforderung dar, die bislang keine zufriedenstellenden Lösungen erlaubt hat. Nichtsdestoweniger wird in dieser Arbeit ein hierarchisches Verfahren vorgestellt, das beispielbasierte Konzepte aus dem 2D aufgreift und Löcher in Oberflächen im 3D unter Ausnutzung von Selbstähnlichkeiten und Kohärenzeigenschaften des Oberflächenkontextes schließt. Um plausible Oberflächen zu erzeugen werden die Löcher dabei nicht nur glatt gefüllt, sondern auch feinere Details aus dem Kontext rekonstruiert. Abschließend untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit noch die Modifikation der vervollständigten Objekte durch Freiformmodellierung. Dies wird dabei zum einen als kreativer Prozess z.B. zu Animationszwecken betrachtet. Zum anderen wird aber auch untersucht, wie dieser kreative Prozess benutzt werden kann, um etwaig vorhandenes Expertenwissen in die ansonsten automatische Vervollständigung mit einfließen zu lassen. Auf diese Weise werden auch Rekonstruktionen ermöglicht von Objekten, bei denen schon die Datenquelle, also das Objekt selbst z.B. durch Korrosion oder mutwillige Zerstörung unvollständig ist