17,355 research outputs found

    Part of speech N-grams for information retrieval

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    The increasing availability of information on the World Wide Web (Web), and the need to access relevant specs of this information provide an important impetus for the development of automatic intelligent Information Retrieval (IR) technology. IR systems convert human authored language into representations that can be processed by computers, with the aim to provide humans with access to knowledge. Specifically, IR applications locate and quantify informative content in data, and make statistical decisions on the topical similarity, or relevance, between different items of data. The wide popularity of IR applications in the last decades has driven intensive research and development into theoretical models of information and relevance, and their implementation into usable applications, such as commercial search engines. The majority of IR systems today typically rely on statistical manipulations of individual lexical frequencies (i.e., single word counts) to estimate the relevance of a document to a user request, on the assumption that such lexical statistics can be sufficiently representative of informative content. Such estimations implicitly assume that words occur independently of each other, and as such ignore the compositional semantics of language. This assumption however is not entirely true, and can cause several problems, such as ambiguity in understanding textual information, misinterpreting or falsifying the original informative intent, and limiting the semantic scope of text. These problems can hinder the accurate estimation of relevance between texts, and hence harm the performance of an IR application. This thesis investigates the use of non-lexical statistics by IR models, with the goal to enhance the estimation of relevance between a document and a user request. These non-lexical statistics consist of part of speech information. The parts of speech are the grammatical classes of words (e.g., noun, verb). Part of speech statistics are modelled in the form of part of speech (POS) n-grams, which are contiguous sequences of parts of speech, extracted from text. The distribution of POS n-grams in language is statistically analysed. It is shown that there exists a relationship between the frequency and informative content of POS n-grams. Based on this, different applications of POS n-grams to IR technology are described and evaluated with state of the art systems. Experimental results show that POS n-grams can assist the retrieval process

    Part of Speech Based Term Weighting for Information Retrieval

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    Automatic language processing tools typically assign to terms so-called weights corresponding to the contribution of terms to information content. Traditionally, term weights are computed from lexical statistics, e.g., term frequencies. We propose a new type of term weight that is computed from part of speech (POS) n-gram statistics. The proposed POS-based term weight represents how informative a term is in general, based on the POS contexts in which it generally occurs in language. We suggest five different computations of POS-based term weights by extending existing statistical approximations of term information measures. We apply these POS-based term weights to information retrieval, by integrating them into the model that matches documents to queries. Experiments with two TREC collections and 300 queries, using TF-IDF & BM25 as baselines, show that integrating our POS-based term weights to retrieval always leads to gains (up to +33.7% from the baseline). Additional experiments with a different retrieval model as baseline (Language Model with Dirichlet priors smoothing) and our best performing POS-based term weight, show retrieval gains always and consistently across the whole smoothing range of the baseline

    Extending weighting models with a term quality measure

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    Weighting models use lexical statistics, such as term frequencies, to derive term weights, which are used to estimate the relevance of a document to a query. Apart from the removal of stopwords, there is no other consideration of the quality of words that are being ‘weighted’. It is often assumed that term frequency is a good indicator for a decision to be made as to how relevant a document is to a query. Our intuition is that raw term frequency could be enhanced to better discriminate between terms. To do so, we propose using non-lexical features to predict the ‘quality’ of words, before they are weighted for retrieval. Specifically, we show how parts of speech (e.g. nouns, verbs) can help estimate how informative a word generally is, regardless of its relevance to a query/document. Experimental results with two standard TREC collections show that integrating the proposed term quality to two established weighting models enhances retrieval performance, over a baseline that uses the original weighting models, at all times

    Sub-word indexing and blind relevance feedback for English, Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi IR

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    The Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE) provides document collections, topics, and relevance assessments for information retrieval (IR) experiments on Indian languages. Several research questions are explored in this paper: 1. how to create create a simple, languageindependent corpus-based stemmer, 2. how to identify sub-words and which types of sub-words are suitable as indexing units, and 3. how to apply blind relevance feedback on sub-words and how feedback term selection is affected by the type of the indexing unit. More than 140 IR experiments are conducted using the BM25 retrieval model on the topic titles and descriptions (TD) for the FIRE 2008 English, Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi document collections. The major findings are: The corpus-based stemming approach is effective as a knowledge-light term conation step and useful in case of few language-specific resources. For English, the corpusbased stemmer performs nearly as well as the Porter stemmer and significantly better than the baseline of indexing words when combined with query expansion. In combination with blind relevance feedback, it also performs significantly better than the baseline for Bengali and Marathi IR. Sub-words such as consonant-vowel sequences and word prefixes can yield similar or better performance in comparison to word indexing. There is no best performing method for all languages. For English, indexing using the Porter stemmer performs best, for Bengali and Marathi, overlapping 3-grams obtain the best result, and for Hindi, 4-prefixes yield the highest MAP. However, in combination with blind relevance feedback using 10 documents and 20 terms, 6-prefixes for English and 4-prefixes for Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi IR yield the highest MAP. Sub-word identification is a general case of decompounding. It results in one or more index terms for a single word form and increases the number of index terms but decreases their average length. The corresponding retrieval experiments show that relevance feedback on sub-words benefits from selecting a larger number of index terms in comparison with retrieval on word forms. Similarly, selecting the number of relevance feedback terms depending on the ratio of word vocabulary size to sub-word vocabulary size almost always slightly increases information retrieval effectiveness compared to using a fixed number of terms for different languages

    Investigating cross-language speech retrieval for a spontaneous conversational speech collection

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    Cross-language retrieval of spontaneous speech combines the challenges of working with noisy automated transcription and language translation. The CLEF 2005 Cross-Language Speech Retrieval (CL-SR) task provides a standard test collection to investigate these challenges. We show that we can improve retrieval performance: by careful selection of the term weighting scheme; by decomposing automated transcripts into phonetic substrings to help ameliorate transcription errors; and by combining automatic transcriptions with manually-assigned metadata. We further show that topic translation with online machine translation resources yields effective CL-SR

    A Study of SVM Kernel Functions for Sensitivity Classification Ensembles with POS Sequences

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    Freedom of Information (FOI) laws legislate that government documents should be opened to the public. However, many government documents contain sensitive information, such as confidential information, that is exempt from release. Therefore, government documents must be sensitivity reviewed prior to release, to identify and close any sensitive information. With the adoption of born-digital documents, such as email, there is a need for automatic sensitivity classification to assist digital sensitivity review. SVM classifiers and Part-of-Speech sequences have separately been shown to be promising for sensitivity classification. However, sequence classification methodologies, and specifically SVM kernel functions, have not been fully investigated for sensitivity classification. Therefore, in this work, we present an evaluation of five SVM kernel functions for sensitivity classification using POS sequences. Moreover, we show that an ensemble classifier that combines POS sequence classification with text classification can significantly improve sensitivity classification effectiveness (+6.09% F2) compared with a text classification baseline, according to McNemar's test of significance
