8 research outputs found

    Time Localization of Abrupt Changes in Cutting Process using Hilbert Huang Transform

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    Cutting process is extremely dynamical process influenced by different phenomena such as chip formation, dynamical responses and condition of machining system elements. Different phenomena in cutting zone have signatures in different frequency bands in signal acquired during process monitoring. The time localization of signal’s frequency content is very important. An emerging technique for simultaneous analysis of the signal in time and frequency domain that can be used for time localization of frequency is Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT). It is based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of the signal into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) as simple oscillatory modes. IMFs obtained using EMD can be processed using Hilbert Transform and instantaneous frequency of the signal can be computed. This paper gives a methodology for time localization of cutting process stop during intermittent turning. Cutting process stop leads to abrupt changes in acquired signal correlated to certain frequency band. The frequency band related to abrupt changes is localized in time using HHT. The potentials and limitations of HHT application in machining process monitoring are shown

    Estudio de factibilidad de un sistema de monitoreo en tiempo real para operación y mantenimiento del estado de rieles para Incofer, basado en tecnología Axle Box Acceleration.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Mantenimiento Industrial) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electromecánica, 2020El transporte público se proyecta como uno de los pilares en los esfuerzos gubernamentales para la descarbonización de la economía, en esta dinámica el ferrocarril administrado por el Instituto Costarricense de Ferrocarriles juega un papel preponderante. La norma en los operadores ferroviarios del mundo es ofrecer un servicio de calidad y confortabilidad a sus usuarios; bajo esta premisa los rieles son parte fundamental. En este trabajo se busca dar una alternativa para implementar un modelo de mantenimiento basado en la condición de los rieles, basándolo en la tecnología Axle Box Acceleration (ABA). Esta tecnología recuenta las vibraciones producto de la interacción riel-rueda, donde los defectos en los rieles generan alteraciones significativas y únicas para cada tipo de defecto y mediante análisis espectrales se discrimina la gravedad de cada defecto. Mediante herramientas de análisis de datos es posible determinar la evolución del estado de rieles y planificar intervenciones. Se construyó un prototipo para demostrar la replicabilidad de esta idea en las vías costarricenses Para el desarrollo de la propuesta se auditó, mediante la norma COVENIN 2500 93, al Departamento de Vías y Estructuras, con el objeto de conocer el estado de los procesos de mantenimiento y conocer a ciencia cierta la línea base sobre la que se deben presentar las nuevas ideas de mantenimiento. Seguido se realiza una estrategia de implementación de un modelo de mantenimiento basado en condición, mediante un Cuadro de Mando Integral, además de la presentación de un esquema de tratamiento de datos y una serie de etapas para la paulatina migración de modelo de mantenimiento (basado en tiempo a basado a condición). Finalmente, se hace una comparativa financiero-técnica de la migración de modelo de mantenimiento usando la tecnología propuesta contra una alternativa comercial, esto con el fin de ofrecer a INCOFER al menos dos opciones del cómo hacer el cambio que la administración eficiente de las operaciones demanda.Public transport is projected as one of the pillars in government efforts to decarbonize the economy, in this dynamic the railway administered by “Instituto Costarricense de Ferrocarriles” plays a predominant role. The standard in the world's rail operators is to offer a service of quality and comfort to its users; under this premise the rails are a fundamental part. This work seeks to provide an alternative to implementing a maintenance model based on rail condition, based on Axle Box Acceleration technology (ABA). This technology coats vibrations from rail-wheel interaction, where rail defects generate significant and unique alterations for each type of defect, which by spectral analysis differentiates the severity of each defect. Using data analysis tools, it is possible to determine the evolution of the rail state and plan interventions. A prototype was built to demonstrate the replicability of this idea on Costa Rican roads For the development of the proposal, the norm COVENIN 2500 93 was applied to audit the Department of Roads and Structures, in order to know the status of maintenance processes and to know for sure the baseline on which the new maintenance ideas should be presented. A strategy for implementing a condition-based maintenance model is followed, using a Balanced Scored Card, as well as the presentation of a data processing scheme and a series of stages for the gradual migration of maintenance model (timeto- condition-based). Finally, a financial-technical comparison of maintenance model migration is made using the proposed technology against a commercial alternative, this to offer INCOFER at least two options of how to make the change that efficient management of operations demand

    Pareto-based maintenance decisions for regional railways with uncertain weld conditions using the Hilbert spectrum of axle box acceleration

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    This paper presents a Pareto-based maintenance decision system for rail welds in a regional railway network. Weld health condition data are collected using a train in operation. A Hilbert spectrum-based approach is used for data processing to detect and assess the weld quality based on multiple registered dynamic responses in the axle box acceleration measurements. The assessment of the welds is stochastic in nature and variant over time, so a set of robust and predictive key performance indicators is defined to capture the weld degradation dynamics during a given maintenance period. Using a scenario-based approach, two objective functions are defined, performance and the number of weld replacements. Evolutionary multi-objective optimization is employed to optimize the objective functions so that the trade-offs between performance and cost support decision-making for railway network maintenance. The results of the proposed methodology show that the infrastructure manager can localize field inspections and maintenance efforts on the area with the most critical welds. To showcase the capability of the proposed methodology, measurements from a regional railway network in Transylvania, Romania are employed.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Railway Engineerin

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen

    Dictionary of World Biography

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    Jones, Barry Owen (1932– ). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972–77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977–98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry, abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the ‘post-industrial’ society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age’ and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983–90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987–90 and Customs 1988–90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991–95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992–2000, 2005–06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965), Joseph II (1968), Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty is Death (1968). Sleepers, Wake!: Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. Knowledge Courage Leadership, a collection of speeches and essays, appeared in 2016

    Dictionary of World Biography: Third edition

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    Jones, Barry Owen (1932– ). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972-77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977-98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry, abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the ‘post-industrial’ society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age’ and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983-90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987-90 and Customs 1988-90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991-95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992-2000, 2005-06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860 (1965), Joseph II(1968), Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty is Death (1968). Sleepers, Wake!: Technology and the Future of Workwas published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. He received a DSc for his services to science in 1988 and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA(1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have been elected to all four Australian learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia’s one hundred ‘living national treasures’ in 1998, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006 and The Shock of Recognition, about music and literature, in 2016. In 2014 he received an AC for services ‘as a leading intellectual in Australian public life’

    Dictionary of World Biography

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    Jones, Barry Owen (1932- ). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972-77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977-98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry, abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the ‘post-industrial’ society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age’ and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983-90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987-90 and Customs 1988-90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991-95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992-2000, 2005-06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860- (1965), Joseph II (1968), Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty is Death (1968). Sleepers, Wake!: Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. He received a DSc for his services to science in 1988 and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA (1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have been elected to all four Australian learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia’s one hundred ‘living national treasures’ in 1998, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006