1,308 research outputs found

    Guidelines for data collection and monitoring for asset management of New Zealand road bridges

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    Data Mining

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    Scientific research trends about metaheuristics in process optimization and case study using the desirability function

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    This study aimed to identify the research gaps in Metaheuristics, taking into account the publications entered in a database in 2015 and to present a case study of a company in the Sul Fluminense region using the Desirability function. To achieve this goal, applied research of exploratory nature and qualitative approach was carried out, as well as another of quantitative nature. As method and technical procedures were the bibliographical research, some literature review, and an adopted case study respectively. As a contribution of this research, the holistic view of opportunities to carry out new investigations on the theme in question is pointed out. It is noteworthy that the identified study gaps after the research were prioritized and discriminated, highlighting the importance of the viability of metaheuristic algorithms, as well as their benefits for process optimization

    E-business and circular supply chains : increased business opportunities by IT-based customer oriented return-flow management

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    This paper deals with the application of IT in circular supply chains (CSCs). We consider information on the installed base critical, and present an illustrative example. Next we discuss a framework of different kinds of value contained in a return, and IT-applications useful in supporting its recovery or neutralisation in case of negative externalities. Also we show which kind of CSC is needed for which kind of return. We illustrate our work by three real life case studies.reverse logistics;supply chain management;electronic commerce;product life cycle

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Supply Chain Management in Finnish Large Enterprises

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    The artificial intelligence (AI) provides a lot of potential to development of supply chain management (SCM). AI can operate on strategical -, tactical -, and operational decision-making levels. Operational levels as forecasting, production and warehouse actions are the most common fields where AI can operate. Aim of increasing SCM value creation via AI is to reach almost perfectly accurate forecasts and decreasing costs of production. Customer needs can be filled with sophisticated tools and companies must consider their next game plan all the time as markets become more competitive. Purpose of artificial intelligence technology is to create solutions for problems and fill missing parts of human-made gaps. Supply chain is one of the most critical function of business that must act straightforwardly and fluently. The aim of this research is to map out possible AI applications and determine maturity level of AI in SCM in large Finnish enterprises. This research is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis which illustrates the use of artificial intelligence in supply chain management. The research shows by measuring maturity - and automation level of artificial intelligence that these are lower than expected. The study cleared out what solutions large enterprises use in their supply chain management and results show that they focus on demand forecasting, optimisation, and preparation. This research found that companies are waiting to implement sophisticated artificial intelligence solutions until their maturity of big data is mature enough. As a discussion, due to companies’ uncertainty to lose competitive advantage and low maturity level led to scanty data collection. Suggestion for the future research is to examine this subject area when companies have been confident in implementing advanced AI technological acts in their SCM and AI has become more intelligence.Tekoäly (AI) tarjoaa paljon potentiaalia toimitusketjun hallinnan (SCM) kehittämiseen. Tekoäly voi toimia strategisella -, taktisella – ja operatiivisella päätöksentekotasolla. Operatiivisina tasoina ennuste-, tuotanto- ja varastotoiminta ovat yleisimpiä tekoälyä hyödyntäviä toimintoja. Toimitusketjun arvon luominen tekoälyn kautta tapahtuu lähes tarkkojen ennusteiden saavuttamisesta ja tuotantokustannusten alentamisesta. Kehittyneiden työkalujen avulla asiakkaiden kasvavat odotukset on mahdollista toteuttaa ja markkinoiden muuttuessa kilpailukykyisemmiksi, yritysten tulee jatkuvasti miettiä seuraavaa siirtoaan. Tekoälyteknologian tarkoitus on tuoda ratkaisuja muuttuviin ongelmiin ja täydentää puuttuvia osia ihmisten tekemissä virheissä. Toimitusketju on osa yrityksen kriittisimmistä toiminnoista, minkä vuoksi sen tulee toimia virheettömästi ja tuottaa lisäarvoa yritykselle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kartoittaa mahdollisia tekoälysovelluksia ja määrittää tekoälyn kypsyystaso toimitusketjun hallinnassa suomalaisissa suuryrityksissä. Tämä tutkimus perustuu kvantitatiiviseen ja kvalitatiiviseen analyysiin, jotka muodostavat kuvan tekoälyteknologian käytöstä toimitusketjun hallinnassa. Mitattaessa tekoälyn maturiteetti- ja automaatiotasoa tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että nämä olivat alemmalla tasolla kuin oli oletettu. Tutkimus selvitti, mitä ratkaisuja suuryritykset käyttävät toimitusketjun hallinnassa. Tulokset osoittivat, että ne keskittyvät kysynnän ennustamiseen, optimointiin ja valmisteluun. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että yritykset odottavat kehittyneempien tekoälytoimintojen toteuttamista, kunnes heidän big datan maturiteettitaso on tarpeeksi kypsä. Pohdintana, tutkimuksen suppea aineistonkeruu saattaa johtua yrityksien epävarmuudesta kilpailukyvyn menettämiseen ja matalasta tekoälyn maturiteettitasosta. Tulevaisuudessa tämän aihealueen tutkiminen on ajankohtaista vasta kun yritykset ovat varmuudella toteuttaneet kehittyneitä tekoälyteknologisia toimintoja toimitusketjun hallinnassaan ja tekoäly on kehittynyt älykkäämmäksi

    Fuzzy Logic

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    The capability of Fuzzy Logic in the development of emerging technologies is introduced in this book. The book consists of sixteen chapters showing various applications in the field of Bioinformatics, Health, Security, Communications, Transportations, Financial Management, Energy and Environment Systems. This book is a major reference source for all those concerned with applied intelligent systems. The intended readers are researchers, engineers, medical practitioners, and graduate students interested in fuzzy logic systems

    E-business and circular supply chains:Increased business opportunities by IT-based customer oriented return-flow management

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    This paper deals with the application of IT in circular supply chains (CSCs). We consider information on the installed base critical, and present an illustrative example. Next we discuss a framework of different kinds of value contained in a return, and IT-applications useful in supporting its recovery or neutralisation in case of negative externalities. Also we show which kind of CSC is needed for which kind of return. We illustrate our work by three real life case studies