145 research outputs found

    Identification of the nonlinear systems based on the kernel functions

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    Constructing an appropriate membership function is significant in fuzzy logic control. Based on the multi-model control theory, this article constructs a novel kernel function which can implement the fuzzification and defuzzification processes and reflect the dynamic quality of the nonlinear systems accurately. Then we focus on the identification problems of the nonlinear systems based on the kernel functions. Applying the hierarchical identification principle, we present the hierarchical stochastic gradient algorithm for the nonlinear systems. Meanwhile, the one-dimensional search methods are proposed to solve the problem of determining the optimal step sizes. In order to improve the parameter estimation accuracy, we propose the hierarchical multi-innovation forgetting factor stochastic gradient algorithm by introducing the forgetting factor and using the multi-innovation identification theory. The simulation example is provided to test the proposed algorithms from the aspects of parameter estimation accuracy and prediction performance

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    Advancements and Breakthroughs in Ultrasound Imaging

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    Ultrasonic imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool available to medical practitioners, engineers and researchers today. Due to the relative safety, and the non-invasive nature, ultrasonic imaging has become one of the most rapidly advancing technologies. These rapid advances are directly related to the parallel advancements in electronics, computing, and transducer technology together with sophisticated signal processing techniques. This book focuses on state of the art developments in ultrasonic imaging applications and underlying technologies presented by leading practitioners and researchers from many parts of the world

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Generalized rule antecedent structure for TSK type of dynamic models: Structure identification and parameter estimation

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    Scope and Method of Study: A novel rule antecedent structure is proposed to generalize TSK type of dynamic fuzzy models to deal with the problem of curse of dimensionality in conventional TSK fuzzy models. The proposed antecedent structure uses only nonlinear variables, which directly reduce the number of possible rules by reducing antecedent dimension. Additionally, one more degree of freedom is introduced to design antecedents to cover an antecedent space more efficiently, which further reduces the number of rules. The resultant GTSK model is identified in two stages. A novel recursive estimation based on spatially rearranged data is used to determine the consequent and antecedent variables. Model parameter values are obtained from partitioned antecedent space, which is the result of solving a series of splitting and regression problems.Findings and Conclusions: The proposed rule antecedent structure is able to substantially reduce the complexity in a TSK type of dynamic model. The proposed dynamic order determination and nonlinear component detection methods are tested to be able to identify model structures and shown to be less sensitive to noise than other methods. Instead of directly estimating model parameters, the proposed approach solves a series of splitting and regression problems to partition the antecedent space as well as compute the antecedent and consequent parameters. The resultant antecedent partition is meaningful. The boundaries divide an antecedent space into regions, within which a linear relation is valid. The resultant GTSK model is tested on several nonlinear dynamic processes and shown to be more interpretable and informative than other modeling methods without loss of accuracy

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis

    Design of neuro-fuzzy models by evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms

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    All systems found in nature exhibit, with different degrees, a nonlinear behavior. To emulate this behavior, classical systems identification techniques use, typically, linear models, for mathematical simplicity. Models inspired by biological principles (artificial neural networks) and linguistically motivated (fuzzy systems), due to their universal approximation property, are becoming alternatives to classical mathematical models. In systems identification, the design of this type of models is an iterative process, requiring, among other steps, the need to identify the model structure, as well as the estimation of the model parameters. This thesis addresses the applicability of gradient-basis algorithms for the parameter estimation phase, and the use of evolutionary algorithms for model structure selection, for the design of neuro-fuzzy systems, i.e., models that offer the transparency property found in fuzzy systems, but use, for their design, algorithms introduced in the context of neural networks. A new methodology, based on the minimization of the integral of the error, and exploiting the parameter separability property typically found in neuro-fuzzy systems, is proposed for parameter estimation. A recent evolutionary technique (bacterial algorithms), based on the natural phenomenon of microbial evolution, is combined with genetic programming, and the resulting algorithm, bacterial programming, advocated for structure determination. Different versions of this evolutionary technique are combined with gradient-based algorithms, solving problems found in fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy design, namely incorporation of a-priori knowledge, gradient algorithms initialization and model complexity reduction.Todos os sistemas encontrados na natureza exibem, com maior ou menor grau, um comportamento linear. De modo a emular esse comportamento, as técnicas de identificação clássicas usam, tipicamente e por simplicidade matemática, modelos lineares. Devido à sua propriedade de aproximação universal, modelos inspirados por princípios biológicos (redes neuronais artificiais) e motivados linguisticamente (sistemas difusos) tem sido cada vez mais usados como alternativos aos modelos matemáticos clássicos. Num contexto de identificação de sistemas, o projeto de modelos como os acima descritos é um processo iterativo, constituído por vários passos. Dentro destes, encontra-se a necessidade de identificar a estrutura do modelo a usar, e a estimação dos seus parâmetros. Esta Tese discutirá a aplicação de algoritmos baseados em derivadas para a fase de estimação de parâmetros, e o uso de algoritmos baseados na teoria da evolução de espécies, algoritmos evolutivos, para a seleção de estrutura do modelo. Isto será realizado no contexto do projeto de modelos neuro-difusos, isto é, modelos que simultaneamente exibem a propriedade de transparência normalmente associada a sistemas difusos mas que utilizam, para o seu projeto algoritmos introduzidos no contexto de redes neuronais. Os modelos utilizados neste trabalho são redes B-Spline, de Função de Base Radial, e sistemas difusos dos tipos Mamdani e Takagi-Sugeno. Neste trabalho começa-se por explorar, para desenho de redes B-Spline, a introdução de conhecimento à-priori existente sobre um processo. Neste sentido, aplica-se uma nova abordagem na qual a técnica para a estimação dos parâmetros é alterada a fim de assegurar restrições de igualdade da função e das suas derivadas. Mostra-se ainda que estratégias de determinação de estrutura do modelo, baseadas em computação evolutiva ou em heurísticas determinísticas podem ser facilmente adaptadas a este tipo de modelos restringidos. É proposta uma nova técnica evolutiva, resultante da combinação de algoritmos recentemente introduzidos (algoritmos bacterianos, baseados no fenómeno natural de evolução microbiana) e programação genética. Nesta nova abordagem, designada por programação bacteriana, os operadores genéticos são substituídos pelos operadores bacterianos. Deste modo, enquanto a mutação bacteriana trabalha num indivíduo, e tenta otimizar a bactéria que o codifica, a transferência de gene é aplicada a toda a população de bactérias, evitando-se soluções de mínimos locais. Esta heurística foi aplicada para o desenho de redes B-Spline. O desempenho desta abordagem é ilustrada e comparada com alternativas existentes. Para a determinação dos parâmetros de um modelo são normalmente usadas técnicas de otimização locais, baseadas em derivadas. Como o modelo em questão é não-linear, o desempenho deste género de técnicas é influenciado pelos pontos de partida. Para resolver este problema, é proposto um novo método no qual é usado o algoritmo evolutivo referido anteriormente para determinar pontos de partida mais apropriados para o algoritmo baseado em derivadas. Deste modo, é aumentada a possibilidade de se encontrar um mínimo global. A complexidade dos modelos neuro-difusos (e difusos) aumenta exponencialmente com a dimensão do problema. De modo a minorar este problema, é proposta uma nova abordagem de particionamento do espaço de entrada, que é uma extensão das estratégias de decomposição de entrada normalmente usadas para este tipo de modelos. Simulações mostram que, usando esta abordagem, se pode manter a capacidade de generalização com modelos de menor complexidade. Os modelos B-Spline são funcionalmente equivalentes a modelos difusos, desde que certas condições sejam satisfeitas. Para os casos em que tal não acontece (modelos difusos Mamdani genéricos), procedeu-se à adaptação das técnicas anteriormente empregues para as redes B-Spline. Por um lado, o algoritmo Levenberg-Marquardt é adaptado e a fim de poder ser aplicado ao particionamento do espaço de entrada de sistema difuso. Por outro lado, os algoritmos evolutivos de base bacteriana são adaptados para sistemas difusos, e combinados com o algoritmo de Levenberg-Marquardt, onde se explora a fusão das características de cada metodologia. Esta hibridização dos dois algoritmos, denominada de algoritmo bacteriano memético, demonstrou, em vários problemas de teste, apresentar melhores resultados que alternativas conhecidas. Os parâmetros dos modelos neuronais utilizados e dos difusos acima descritos (satisfazendo no entanto alguns critérios) podem ser separados, de acordo com a sua influência na saída, em parâmetros lineares e não-lineares. Utilizando as consequências desta propriedade nos algoritmos de estimação de parâmetros, esta Tese propõe também uma nova metodologia para estimação de parâmetros, baseada na minimização do integral do erro, em alternativa à normalmente utilizada minimização da soma do quadrado dos erros. Esta técnica, além de possibilitar (em certos casos) um projeto totalmente analítico, obtém melhores resultados de generalização, dado usar uma superfície de desempenho mais similar aquela que se obteria se se utilizasse a função geradora dos dados

    Spatio-Temporal Approaches to Denoising and Feature Extraction in Rapid Image Triage

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    Functional Neuroanatomy of Dynamic Visuo-Spatial Imagery

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    The aim of this thesis was the examination of the neural bases of dynamic visuo-spatial imagery. In addition to the assessment of brain activity during dy-namic visuo-spatial imagery using single-trial functional magnetic resonance im-aging (fMRI) and slow cortical potentials (SCPs), several methodological issues have been investigated. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of a selective overview of fMRI and SCPs, and of the advantages of their combination for functional neuroimaging (chapter 2). The methodological and empirical chapters include: Ø the presentation of a new, highly accurate and practicable method for the co-registration of MRI- and EEG-data (chapter 3), Ø the description of the increase in the accuracy of SCP mapping resulting from the use of individual electrode coordinates and realistic head models (chapter 4), Ø the description of regional differences in the consistency of brain activity across several executions of the same task type, as assessed by a new analysis con-cept based on single-trial fMRI data (chapter 5), Ø the demonstration of the involvement of premotor regions in dynamic visuo-spatial imagery, as assessed via a combination of single-trial fMRI and SCPs (chapter 6), Ø the description of a combined fMRI-SCP investigation in which earlier findings concerning individual differences in neural efficiency during dynamic imagery could not be replicated (chapter 7)