74 research outputs found

    Scientific Application Acceleration Utilizing Heterogeneous Architectures

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    Within the past decade, there have been substantial leaps in computer architectures to exploit the parallelism that is inherently present in many applications. The scientific community has benefited from the emergence of not only multi-core processors, but also other, less traditional architectures including general purpose graphical processing units (GPGPUs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and Intel\u27s many integrated cores (MICs) architecture (i.e. Xeon Phi). The popularity of the GPGPU has increased rapidly because of their ability to perform massive amounts of parallel computation quickly and at low cost with an ease of programmability. Also, with the addition of high-level programming interfaces for these devices, technical and non-technical individuals can interface with the device and rapidly obtain improved performance for many algorithms. Many applications can take advantage of the parallelism present in distributed computing and multithreading to achieve higher levels of performance for the computationally intensive parts of the application. The work presented in this thesis implements three applications for use in a performance study of the GPGPU architecture and multi-GPGPU systems. The first application study in this research is a K-Means clustering algorithm that categorizes each data point into the closest cluster. The second algorithm implemented is a spiking neural network algorithm that is used as a computational model for machine learning. The third, and final, study is the longest common subsequences problem, which attempts to enumerate comparisons between sequences (namely, DNA sequences). The results for the aforementioned applications with varying problem sizes and architectural configurations are presented and discussed in this thesis. The K-Means clustering algorithm achieved approximately 97x speedup when utilizing an architecture consisting of 32 CPU/GPGPU pairs. To achieve this substantial speedup, up to 750,000 data points were used with up 30,000 centroids (means). The spiking neural network algorithm resulted in speedups of about 33x for the entire algorithm and 160x for each iteration with a two-level network with 1000 total neurons (800 excitatory and 200 inhibitory neurons). The longest common subsequences problem achieved speedup of greater than 10x with 100 random sequences up to 500 characters in length. The maximum speedup values for each application were achieved by utilizing the GPGPU as well as multi-core devices simultaneously. The computations were scattered over multiple CPU/GPGPU pairs with the computationally intensive pieces of the algorithms offloaded onto the GPGPU device. The research in this thesis illustrates the ability to scale a heterogeneous cluster (i.e. CPUs and GPUs working collaboratively) for large-scale scientific application performance improvements. Each algorithm demonstrates slightly different types of computations and communications, which can be compared to other algorithms to predict how they would perform on an accelerator. The results show that substantial speedups can be achieved for scientific applications when utilizing the GPGPU and multi-core architectures

    A performance focused, development friendly and model aided parallelization strategy for scientific applications

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    The amelioration of high performance computing platforms has provided unprecedented computing power with the evolution of multi-core CPUs, massively parallel architectures such as General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) and Many Integrated Core (MIC) architectures such as Intel\u27s Xeon phi coprocessor. However, it is a great challenge to leverage capabilities of such advanced supercomputing hardware, as it requires efficient and effective parallelization of scientific applications. This task is difficult mainly due to complexity of scientific algorithms coupled with the variety of available hardware and disparate programming models. To address the aforementioned challenges, this thesis presents a parallelization strategy to accelerate scientific applications that maximizes the opportunities of achieving speedup while minimizing the development efforts. Parallelization is a three step process (1) choose a compatible combination of architecture and parallel programming language, (2) translate base code/algorithm to a parallel language and (3) optimize and tune the application. In this research, a quantitative comparison of run time for various implementations of k-means algorithm, is used to establish that native languages (OpenMP, MPI, CUDA) perform better on respective architectures as opposed to vendor-neutral languages such as OpenCL. A qualitative model is used to select an optimal architecture for a given application by aligning the capabilities of accelerators with characteristics of the application. Once the optimal architecture is chosen, the corresponding native language is employed. This approach provides the best performance with reasonable accuracy (78%) of predicting a fitting combination, while eliminating the need for exploring different architectures individually. It reduces the required development efforts considerably as the application need not be re-written in multiple languages. The focus can be solely on optimization and tuning to achieve the best performance on available architectures with minimized investment in terms of cost and efforts. To verify the prediction accuracy of the qualitative model, the OpenDwarfs benchmark suite, which implements the Berkeley\u27s dwarfs in OpenCL, is used. A dwarf is an algorithmic method that captures a pattern of computation and communication. For the purpose of this research, the focus is on 9 application from various algorithmic domains that cover the seven dwarfs of symbolic computation, which were identified by Phillip Colella, as omnipresent in scientific and engineering applications. To validate the parallelization strategy collectively, a case study is undertaken. This case study involves parallelization of the Lower Upper Decomposition for the Gaussian Elimination algorithm from the linear algebra domain, using conventional trial and error methods as well as the proposed \u27Architecture First, Language Later\u27\u27 strategy. The development efforts incurred are contrasted for both methods. The aforesaid proposed strategy is observed to reduce the development efforts by an average of 50%

    Fast algorithm for real-time rings reconstruction

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    The GAP project is dedicated to study the application of GPU in several contexts in which real-time response is important to take decisions. The definition of real-time depends on the application under study, ranging from answer time of μs up to several hours in case of very computing intensive task. During this conference we presented our work in low level triggers [1] [2] and high level triggers [3] in high energy physics experiments, and specific application for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [4] [5] and cone-beam CT [6]. Apart from the study of dedicated solution to decrease the latency due to data transport and preparation, the computing algorithms play an essential role in any GPU application. In this contribution, we show an original algorithm developed for triggers application, to accelerate the ring reconstruction in RICH detector when it is not possible to have seeds for reconstruction from external trackers


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    Soft Computing Techiniques for the Protein Folding Problem on High Performance Computing Architectures

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    The protein-folding problem has been extensively studied during the last fifty years. The understanding of the dynamics of global shape of a protein and the influence on its biological function can help us to discover new and more effective drugs to deal with diseases of pharmacological relevance. Different computational approaches have been developed by different researchers in order to foresee the threedimensional arrangement of atoms of proteins from their sequences. However, the computational complexity of this problem makes mandatory the search for new models, novel algorithmic strategies and hardware platforms that provide solutions in a reasonable time frame. We present in this revision work the past and last tendencies regarding protein folding simulations from both perspectives; hardware and software. Of particular interest to us are both the use of inexact solutions to this computationally hard problem as well as which hardware platforms have been used for running this kind of Soft Computing techniques.This work is jointly supported by the FundaciónSéneca (Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Región de Murcia) under grants 15290/PI/2010 and 18946/JLI/13, by the Spanish MEC and European Commission FEDER under grant with reference TEC2012-37945-C02-02 and TIN2012-31345, by the Nils Coordinated Mobility under grant 012-ABEL-CM-2014A, in part financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We also thank NVIDIA for hardware donation within UCAM GPU educational and research centers.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    An FPGA implementation of an investigative many-core processor, Fynbos : in support of a Fortran autoparallelising software pipeline

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    Includes bibliographical references.In light of the power, memory, ILP, and utilisation walls facing the computing industry, this work examines the hypothetical many-core approach to finding greater compute performance and efficiency. In order to achieve greater efficiency in an environment in which Moore’s law continues but TDP has been capped, a means of deriving performance from dark and dim silicon is needed. The many-core hypothesis is one approach to exploiting these available transistors efficiently. As understood in this work, it involves trading in hardware control complexity for hundreds to thousands of parallel simple processing elements, and operating at a clock speed sufficiently low as to allow the efficiency gains of near threshold voltage operation. Performance is there- fore dependant on exploiting a new degree of fine-grained parallelism such as is currently only found in GPGPUs, but in a manner that is not as restrictive in application domain range. While removing the complex control hardware of traditional CPUs provides space for more arithmetic hardware, a basic level of control is still required. For a number of reasons this work chooses to replace this control largely with static scheduling. This pushes the burden of control primarily to the software and specifically the compiler, rather not to the programmer or to an application specific means of control simplification. An existing legacy tool chain capable of autoparallelising sequential Fortran code to the degree of parallelism necessary for many-core exists. This work implements a many-core architecture to match it. Prototyping the design on an FPGA, it is possible to examine the real world performance of the compiler-architecture system to a greater degree than simulation only would allow. Comparing theoretical peak performance and real performance in a case study application, the system is found to be more efficient than any other reviewed, but to also significantly under perform relative to current competing architectures. This failing is apportioned to taking the need for simple hardware too far, and an inability to implement static scheduling mitigating tactics due to lack of support for such in the compiler

    The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Newsletter

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    Summer 2017 News and notes for University of Dayton\u27s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/ece_newsletter/1010/thumbnail.jp

    An Analysis of Variation Between Cores For Intel Xeon Phi Knights Corner And Xeon Phi Knights Landing

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    As we move towards exascale computing, the efficiency of application performance and energy utilization, must be optimized by redefining architectural features and application performance analysis. This research analyzes the performance per core of 8 applications on Intel Xeon Phi Knights Corner (KNC) and Knights Landing (KNL) to determine if performance variation within cores can lead to performance and energy improvements. Our results showed that KNC architecture\u27s core vary in performance, leading to faster inner core performance as a result of memory characteristics and core utilization. It also shows that cores 17, 34, and 51 on the KNL architectures performs consistently slower than other cores, with core 0 performing either faster, slower or within the average performance time all the cores. A power performance study was then done utilizing different core configurations on the KNC. The results show that by targeting inner cores for applications that exhibit better inner core performance, a maximum energy reduction of 16.4% compared to a con- figuration using all cores was possible with its optimal thread configuration. Energy reduction was achieved with along with a 2% reduction in the fastest execution time of the same application. Our results also show how application characteristics lead to different core variation performances on KNC and KNL Xeon Phi architectures

    Compilation techniques for automatic extraction of parallelism and locality in heterogeneous architectures

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    [Abstract] High performance computing has become a key enabler for innovation in science and industry. This fact has unleashed a continuous demand of more computing power that the silicon industry has satisfied with parallel and heterogeneous architectures, and complex memory hierarchies. As a consequence, software developers have been challenged to write new codes and rewrite the old ones to be efficient in these new systems. Unfortunately, success cases are scarce and require huge investments in human workforce. Current compilers generate peak-peformance binary code in monocore architectures. Following this victory, this thesis explores new ideas in compiler design to overcome this challenge with the automatic extraction of parallelism and locality. First, we present a new compiler intermediate representation based on diKernels named KIR, which is insensitive to syntactic variations in the source code and exposes multiple levels of parallelism. On top of the KIR, we build a source-to-source approach that generates parallel code annotated with compiler directives: OpenMP for multicores and OpenHMPP for GPUs. Finally, we model program behavior from the point of view of the memory accesses through the reconstruction of affine loops for sequential and parallel codes. The experimental evaluations throughout the thesis corroborate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed solutions.[Resumen]La computación de altas prestaciones se ha convertido en un habilitador clave para la innovación en la ciencia y la industria. Este hecho ha propiciado una demanda continua de más poder computacional que la industria del silicio ha satisfecho con arquitecturas paralelas y heterogéneas, y jerarquías de memoria complejas. Como consecuencia, los desarrolladores de software han sido desafiados a escribir códigos nuevos y reescribir los antiguos para que sean eficientes en estos nuevos sistemas. Desafortunadamente, los casos de éxito son escasos y requieren inversiones enormes en fuerza de trabajo. Los compiladores actuales generan código binario con rendimiento máximo en las arquitecturas mononúcleo. Siguiendo esta victoria, esta tesis explora nuevas ideas en el diseño de compiladores para superar este reto con la extracción automática de paralelismo y localidad. En primer lugar, presentamos una nueva representación intermedia de compilador basada en diKernels denominada KIR, la cual es insensible a variaciones sintácticas en el código de fuente y expone múltiples niveles de paralelismo. Sobre la KIR, construimos una aproximación fuente-a-fuente que genera código paralelo anotado con directivas: OpenMP para multinúcleos y OpenHMPP para GPUs. Finalmente, modelamos el comportamiento del programa desde el punto de vista de los accesos de memoria a través de la reconstrucción de bucles afines para códigos secuenciales y paralelos. Las evaluaciones experimentales a lo largo de la tesis corroboran la efectividad y eficacia de las soluciones propuestas.[Resumo]A computación de altas prestacións converteuse nun habilitador clave para a innovación na ciencia e na industria. Este feito propiciou unha demanda continua de máis poder computacional que a industria do silicio satisfixo con arquitecturas paralelas e heteroxéneas, e xerarquías de memoria complexas. Como consecuencia, os desenvolvedores de software foron desafiados a escribir códigos novos e reescribir os antigos para que sexan eficientes nestes novos sistemas. Desafortunadamente, os casos de éxito son escasos e requiren investimentos enormes en forza de traballo. Os compiladores actuais xeran código binario con rendemento máximo nas arquitecturas mononúcleo. Seguindo esta vitoria, esta tese explora novas ideas no deseño de compiladores para superar este reto coa extracción automática de paralelismo e localidade. En primeiro lugar, presentamos unha nova representación intermedia de compilador baseada en diKernels denominada KIR, a cal é insensible a variacións sintácticas no código fonte e expón múltiples niveis de paralelismo. Sobre a KIR, construímos unha aproximación fonte-a-fonte que xera código paralelo anotado con directivas: OpenMP para multinúcleos e OpenHMPP para GPUs. Finalmente, modelamos o comportamento do programa desde o punto de vista dos accesos de memoria a través da reconstrución de bucles afíns para códigos secuenciais e paralelos. As avaliacións experimentais ao longo da tese corroboran a efectividade e eficacia das solucións propostas

    Efficient Machine Learning Approach for Optimizing Scientific Computing Applications on Emerging HPC Architectures

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    Efficient parallel implementations of scientific applications on multi-core CPUs with accelerators such as GPUs and Xeon Phis is challenging. This requires - exploiting the data parallel architecture of the accelerator along with the vector pipelines of modern x86 CPU architectures, load balancing, and efficient memory transfer between different devices. It is relatively easy to meet these requirements for highly-structured scientific applications. In contrast, a number of scientific and engineering applications are unstructured. Getting performance on accelerators for these applications is extremely challenging because many of these applications employ irregular algorithms which exhibit data-dependent control-flow and irregular memory accesses. Furthermore, these applications are often iterative with dependency between steps, and thus making it hard to parallelize across steps. As a result, parallelism in these applications is often limited to a single step. Numerical simulation of charged particles beam dynamics is one such application where the distribution of work and memory access pattern at each time step is irregular. Applications with these properties tend to present significant branch and memory divergence, load imbalance between different processor cores, and poor compute and memory utilization. Prior research on parallelizing such irregular applications have been focused around optimizing the irregular, data-dependent memory accesses and control-flow during a single step of the application independent of the other steps, with the assumption that these patterns are completely unpredictable. We observed that the structure of computation leading to control-flow divergence and irregular memory accesses in one step is similar to that in the next step. It is possible to predict this structure in the current step by observing the computation structure of previous steps. In this dissertation, we present novel machine learning based optimization techniques to address the parallel implementation challenges of such irregular applications on different HPC architectures. In particular, we use supervised learning to predict the computation structure and use it to address the control-flow and memory access irregularities in the parallel implementation of such applications on GPUs, Xeon Phis, and heterogeneous architectures composed of multi-core CPUs with GPUs or Xeon Phis. We use numerical simulation of charged particles beam dynamics simulation as a motivating example throughout the dissertation to present our new approach, though they should be equally applicable to a wide range of irregular applications. The machine learning approach presented here use predictive analytics and forecasting techniques to adaptively model and track the irregular memory access pattern at each time step of the simulation to anticipate the future memory access pattern. Access pattern forecasts can then be used to formulate optimization decisions during application execution which improves the performance of the application at a future time step based on the observations from earlier time steps. In heterogeneous architectures, forecasts can also be used to improve the memory performance and resource utilization of all the processing units to deliver a good aggregate performance. We used these optimization techniques and anticipation strategy to design a cache-aware, memory efficient parallel algorithm to address the irregularities in the parallel implementation of charged particles beam dynamics simulation on different HPC architectures. Experimental result using a diverse mix of HPC architectures shows that our approach in using anticipation strategy is effective in maximizing data reuse, ensuring workload balance, minimizing branch and memory divergence, and in improving resource utilization