34,152 research outputs found

    Lattice score based data cleaning for phrase-based statistical machine translation

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    Statistical machine translation relies heavily on parallel corpora to train its models for translation tasks. While more and more bilingual corpora are readily available, the quality of the sentence pairs should be taken into consideration. This paper presents a novel lattice score-based data cleaning method to select proper sentence pairs from the ones extracted from a bilingual corpus by the sentence alignment methods. The proposed method is carried out as follows: firstly, an initial phrasebased model is trained on the full sentencealigned corpus; then for each of the sentence pairs in the corpus, word alignments are used to create anchor pairs and sourceside lattices; thirdly, based on the translation model, target-side phrase networks are expanded on the lattices and Viterbi searching is used to find approximated decoding results; finally, BLEU score thresholds are used to filter out the low-score sentence pairs for the data cleaning purpose. Our experiments on the FBIS corpus showed improvements of BLEU score from 23.78 to 24.02 in Chinese-English

    Faster tuple lattice sieving using spherical locality-sensitive filters

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    To overcome the large memory requirement of classical lattice sieving algorithms for solving hard lattice problems, Bai-Laarhoven-Stehl\'{e} [ANTS 2016] studied tuple lattice sieving, where tuples instead of pairs of lattice vectors are combined to form shorter vectors. Herold-Kirshanova [PKC 2017] recently improved upon their results for arbitrary tuple sizes, for example showing that a triple sieve can solve the shortest vector problem (SVP) in dimension dd in time 20.3717d+o(d)2^{0.3717d + o(d)}, using a technique similar to locality-sensitive hashing for finding nearest neighbors. In this work, we generalize the spherical locality-sensitive filters of Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven [SODA 2016] to obtain space-time tradeoffs for near neighbor searching on dense data sets, and we apply these techniques to tuple lattice sieving to obtain even better time complexities. For instance, our triple sieve heuristically solves SVP in time 20.3588d+o(d)2^{0.3588d + o(d)}. For practical sieves based on Micciancio-Voulgaris' GaussSieve [SODA 2010], this shows that a triple sieve uses less space and less time than the current best near-linear space double sieve.Comment: 12 pages + references, 2 figures. Subsumed/merged into Cryptology ePrint Archive 2017/228, available at https://ia.cr/2017/122

    Scaling law in target-hunting processes

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    We study the hunting process for a target, in which the hunter tracks the goal by smelling odors it emits. The odor intensity is supposed to decrease with the distance it diffuses. The Monte Carlo experiment is carried out on a 2-dimensional square lattice. Having no idea of the location of the target, the hunter determines its moves only by random attempts in each direction. By sorting the searching time in each simulation and introducing a variable xx to reflect the sequence of searching time, we obtain a curve with a wide plateau, indicating a most probable time of successfully finding out the target. The simulations reveal a scaling law for the searching time versus the distance to the position of the target. The scaling exponent depends on the sensitivity of the hunter. Our model may be a prototype in studying such the searching processes as various foods-foraging behavior of the wild animals.Comment: 7 figure

    Target-searching on the percolation

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    We study target-searching processes on a percolation, on which a hunter tracks a target by smelling odors it emits. The odor intensity is supposed to be inversely proportional to the distance it propagates. The Monte Carlo simulation is performed on a 2-dimensional bond-percolation above the threshold. Having no idea of the location of the target, the hunter determines its moves only by random attempts in each direction. For lager percolation connectivity p0.90p\gtrsim 0.90, it reveals a scaling law for the searching time versus the distance to the position of the target. The scaling exponent is dependent on the sensitivity of the hunter. For smaller pp, the scaling law is broken and the probability of finding out the target significantly reduces. The hunter seems trapped in the cluster of the percolation and can hardly reach the goal.Comment: 5 figure

    Parallelization of the Wolff Single-Cluster Algorithm

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    A parallel [open multiprocessing (OpenMP)] implementation of the Wolff single-cluster algorithm has been developed and tested for the three-dimensional (3D) Ising model. The developed procedure is generalizable to other lattice spin models and its effectiveness depends on the specific application at hand. The applicability of the developed methodology is discussed in the context of the applications, where a sophisticated shuffling scheme is used to generate pseudorandom numbers of high quality, and an iterative method is applied to find the critical temperature of the 3D Ising model with a great accuracy. For the lattice with linear size L=1024, we have reached the speedup about 1.79 times on two processors and about 2.67 times on four processors, as compared to the serial code. According to our estimation, the speedup about three times on four processors is reachable for the O(n) models with n ≥ 2. Furthermore, the application of the developed OpenMP code allows us to simulate larger lattices due to greater operative (shared) memory available

    Solving the Shortest Vector Problem in Lattices Faster Using Quantum Search

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    By applying Grover's quantum search algorithm to the lattice algorithms of Micciancio and Voulgaris, Nguyen and Vidick, Wang et al., and Pujol and Stehl\'{e}, we obtain improved asymptotic quantum results for solving the shortest vector problem. With quantum computers we can provably find a shortest vector in time 21.799n+o(n)2^{1.799n + o(n)}, improving upon the classical time complexity of 22.465n+o(n)2^{2.465n + o(n)} of Pujol and Stehl\'{e} and the 22n+o(n)2^{2n + o(n)} of Micciancio and Voulgaris, while heuristically we expect to find a shortest vector in time 20.312n+o(n)2^{0.312n + o(n)}, improving upon the classical time complexity of 20.384n+o(n)2^{0.384n + o(n)} of Wang et al. These quantum complexities will be an important guide for the selection of parameters for post-quantum cryptosystems based on the hardness of the shortest vector problem.Comment: 19 page