60 research outputs found

    On Distributed Verification and Verified Distribution

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    Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor]Pol, J.C. van de [Copromotor

    Modal Abstraction and Replication of Processes with Data

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    Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor]Pol, J.C. van de [Copromotor

    Data Spaces

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    This open access book aims to educate data space designers to understand what is required to create a successful data space. It explores cutting-edge theory, technologies, methodologies, and best practices for data spaces for both industrial and personal data and provides the reader with a basis for understanding the design, deployment, and future directions of data spaces. The book captures the early lessons and experience in creating data spaces. It arranges these contributions into three parts covering design, deployment, and future directions respectively. The first part explores the design space of data spaces. The single chapters detail the organisational design for data spaces, data platforms, data governance federated learning, personal data sharing, data marketplaces, and hybrid artificial intelligence for data spaces. The second part describes the use of data spaces within real-world deployments. Its chapters are co-authored with industry experts and include case studies of data spaces in sectors including industry 4.0, food safety, FinTech, health care, and energy. The third and final part details future directions for data spaces, including challenges and opportunities for common European data spaces and privacy-preserving techniques for trustworthy data sharing. The book is of interest to two primary audiences: first, researchers interested in data management and data sharing, and second, practitioners and industry experts engaged in data-driven systems where the sharing and exchange of data within an ecosystem are critical

    Strategies of development and maintenance in supervision, control, synchronization, data acquisition and processing in light sources

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] Os aceleradores de partículas e fontes de luz sincrotrón, evolucionan constantemente para estar na vangarda da tecnoloxía, levando os límites cada vez mais lonxe para explorar novos dominios e universos. Os sistemas de control son unha parte crucial desas instalacións científicas e buscan logra-la flexibilidade de manobra para poder facer experimentos moi variados, con configuracións diferentes que engloban moitos tipos de detectores, procedementos, mostras a estudar e contornas. As propostas de experimento son cada vez máis ambiciosas e van sempre un paso por diante do establecido. Precísanse detectores cada volta máis rápidos e eficientes, con máis ancho de banda e con máis resolución. Tamén é importante a operación simultánea de varios detectores tanto escalares como mono ou bidimensionáis, con mecanismos de sincronización de precisión que integren as singularidades de cada un. Este traballo estuda as solucións existentes no campo dos sistemas de control e adquisición de datos nos aceleradores de partículas e fontes de luz e raios X, ó tempo que explora novos requisitos e retos no que respecta á sincronización e velocidade de adquisición de datos para novos experimentos, a optimización do deseño, soporte, xestión de servizos e custos de operación. Tamén se estudan diferentes solucións adaptadas a cada contorna.[Resumen] Los aceleradores de partículas y fuentes de luz sincrotrón, evolucionan constantemente para estar en la vanguardia de la tecnología, y poder explorar nuevos dominios. Los sistemas de control son una parte fundamental de esas instalaciones científicas y buscan lograr la máxima flexibilidad para poder llevar a cabo experimentos más variados, con configuraciones diferentes que engloban varios tipos de detectores, procedimientos, muestras a estudiar y entornos. Los experimentos se proponen cada vez más ambiciosos y en ocasiones más allá de los límites establecidos. Se necesitan detectores cada vez más rápidos y eficientes, con más resolución y ancho de banda, que puedan sincronizarse simultáneamente con otros detectores tanto escalares como mono y bidimensionales, integrando las singularidades de cada uno y homogeneizando la adquisición de datos. Este trabajo estudia los sistemas de control y adquisición de datos de aceleradores de partículas y fuentes de luz y rayos X, y explora nuevos requisitos y retos en lo que respecta a la sincronización y velocidad de adquisición de datos, optimización y costo-eficiencia en el diseño, operación soporte, mantenimiento y gestión de servicios. También se estudian diferentes soluciones adaptadas a cada entorno.[Abstract] Particle accelerators and photon sources are constantly evolving, attaining the cutting-edge technologies to push the limits forward and explore new domains. The control systems are a crucial part of these installations and are required to provide flexible solutions to the new challenging experiments, with different kinds of detectors, setups, sample environments and procedures. Experiment proposals are more and more ambitious at each call and go often a step beyond the capabilities of the instrumentation. Detectors shall be faster, with higher efficiency, more resolution, more bandwidth and able to synchronize with other detectors of all kinds; scalars, one or two-dimensional, taking into account their singularities and homogenizing the data acquisition. This work examines the control and data acquisition systems for particle accelerators and X- ray / light sources and explores new requirements and challenges regarding synchronization and data acquisition bandwidth, optimization and cost-efficiency in the design / operation / support. It also studies different solutions depending on the environment

    Cogitator : a parallel, fuzzy, database-driven expert system

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    The quest to build anthropomorphic machines has led researchers to focus on knowledge and the manipulation thereof. Recently, the expert system was proposed as a solution, working well in small, well understood domains. However these initial attempts highlighted the tedious process associated with building systems to display intelligence, the most notable being the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck. Attempts to circumvent this problem have led researchers to propose the use of machine learning databases as a source of knowledge. Attempts to utilise databases as sources of knowledge has led to the development Database-Driven Expert Systems. Furthermore, it has been ascertained that a requisite for intelligent systems is powerful computation. In response to these problems and proposals, a new type of database-driven expert system, Cogitator is proposed. It is shown to circumvent the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck and posess many other advantages over both traditional expert systems and connectionist systems, whilst having non-serious disadvantages.KMBT_22