6 research outputs found

    Semantic-Based Storage QoS Management Methodology -- Case Study for Distributed Environments

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    The distributed computing environments, e.g. clouds, often deal with huge amounts of data, which constantly increase. The global growth of data is caused by ubiquitous personal devices, enterprise and scientific applications, etc. As the size of data grows new challenges are emerging in the context of storage management. Modern data and storage resource management systems need to face wide range of problems -- minimizing energy consumption (green data centers), optimizing resource usage, throughput and capacity, data availability, security and legal issues, scalability. In addition users or their applications can have QoS (Quality of Service) requirements concerning the storage access, which further complicates the management. To cope with this problem a common mass storage system model taking into account the performance aspects of a storage system becomes a necessity. The model described with semantic technologies brings a semantic interoperability between the system components. In this paper we describe our approach at data management with QoS based on the developed models as a case study for distributed environments

    Policy-based SLA storage management model for distributed data storage services

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    There is  high demand for storage related services supporting scientists in their research activities. Those services are expected to provide not only capacity but also features allowing for more flexible and cost efficient usage. Such features include easy multiplatform data access, long term data retention, support for performance and cost differentiating of SLA restricted data access. The paper presents a policy-based SLA storage management model for distributed data storage services. The model allows for automated management of distributed data aimed at QoS provisioning with no strict resource reservation. The problem of providing  users with the required QoS requirements is complex, and therefore the model implements heuristic approach  for solving it. The corresponding system architecture, metrics and methods for SLA focused storage management are developed and tested in a real, nationwide environment

    Adapting a HEP Application for Running on the Grid

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    The goal of the EU IST int.eu.grid project is to build middleware facilities which enable the execution of real-time and interactive applications on the Grid. Within this research, relevant support for the HEP application is provided by Virtual Organization, monitoring system, and real-time dispatcher (RTD). These facilities realize the pilot jobs idea that allows to allocate grid resources in advance and to analyze events in real time. In the paper we present HEP Virtual Organization, the details of monitoring, and RTD. We present the way of running the HEP application using the above facilities to fit into the real-time application requirements

    Parallel and External High Quality Graph Partitioning

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    Partitioning graphs into k blocks of roughly equal size such that few edges run between the blocks is a key tool for processing and analyzing large complex real-world networks. The graph partitioning problem has multiple practical applications in parallel and distributed computations, data storage, image processing, VLSI physical design and many more. Furthermore, recently, size, variety, and structural complexity of real-world networks has grown dramatically. Therefore, there is a demand for efficient graph partitioning algorithms that fully utilize computational power and memory capacity of modern machines. A popular and successful heuristic to compute a high-quality partitions of large networks in reasonable time is multi-level graph partitioning\textit{multi-level graph partitioning} approach which contracts the graph preserving its structure and then partitions it using a complex graph partitioning algorithm. Specifically, the multi-level graph partitioning approach consists of three main phases: coarsening, initial partitioning, and uncoarsening. During the coarsening phase, the graph is recursively contracted preserving its structure and properties until it is small enough to compute its initial partition during the initial partitioning phase. Afterwards, during the uncoarsening phase the partition of the contracted graph is projected onto the original graph and refined using, for example, local search. Most of the research on heuristical graph partitioning focuses on sequential algorithms or parallel algorithms in the distributed memory model. Unfortunately, previous approaches to graph partitioning are not able to process large networks and rarely take in into account several aspects of modern computational machines. Specifically, the amount of cores per chip grows each year as well as the price of RAM reduces slower than the real-world graphs grow. Since HDDs and SSDs are 50 – 400 times cheaper than RAM, external memory makes it possible to process large real-world graphs for a reasonable price. Therefore, in order to better utilize contemporary computational machines, we develop efficient multi-level graph partitioning\textit{multi-level graph partitioning} algorithms for the shared-memory and the external memory models. First, we present an approach to shared-memory parallel multi-level graph partitioning that guarantees balanced solutions, shows high speed-ups for a variety of large graphs and yields very good quality independently of the number of cores used. Important ingredients include parallel label propagation for both coarsening and uncoarsening, parallel initial partitioning, a simple yet effective approach to parallel localized local search, and fast locality preserving hash tables that effectively utilizes caches. The main idea of the parallel localized local search is that each processors refines only a small area around a random vertex reducing interactions between processors. For example, on 79 cores, our algorithms partitions a graph with more than 3 billions of edges into 16 blocks cutting 4.5% less edges than the closest competitor and being more than two times faster. Furthermore, another competitors is not able to partition this graph. We then present an approach to external memory graph partitioning that is able to partition large graphs that do not fit into RAM. Specifically, we consider the semi-external and the external memory model. In both models a data structure of size proportional to the number of edges does not fit into the RAM. The difference is that the former model assumes that a data structure of size proportional to the number of vertices fits into the RAM whereas the latter assumes the opposite. We address the graph partitioning problem in both models by adapting the size-constrained label propagation technique for the semi-external model and by developing a size-constrained clustering algorithm based on graph coloring in the external memory. Our semi-external size-constrained label propagation algorithm (or external memory clustering algorithm) can be used to compute graph clusterings and is a prerequisite for the (semi-)external graph partitioning algorithm. The algorithms are then used for both the coarsening and the uncoarsening phase of a multi-level algorithm to compute graph partitions. Our (semi-)external algorithm is able to partition and cluster huge complex networks with billions of edges on cheap commodity machines. Experiments demonstrate that the semi-external graph partitioning algorithm is scalable and can compute high quality partitions in time that is comparable to the running time of an efficient internal memory implementation. A parallelization of the algorithm in the semi-external model further reduces running times. Additionally, we develop a speed-up technique for the hypergraph partitioning algorithms. Hypergraphs are an extension of graphs that allow a single edge to connect more than two vertices. Therefore, they describe models and processes more accurately additionally allowing more possibilities for improvement. Most multi-level hypergraph partitioning algorithms perform some computations on vertices and their set of neighbors. Since these computations can be super-linear, they have a significant impact on the overall running time on large hypergraphs. Therefore, to further reduce the size of hyperedges, we develop a pin-sparsifier based on the min-hash technique that clusters vertices with similar neighborhood. Further, vertices that belong to the same cluster are substituted by one vertex, which is connected to their neighbors, therefore, reducing the size of the hypergraph. Our algorithm sparsifies a hypergraph such that the resulting graph can be partitioned significantly faster without loss in quality (or with insignificant loss). On average, KaHyPar with sparsifier performs partitioning about 1.5 times faster while preserving solution quality if hyperedges are large. All aforementioned frameworks are publicly available

    Scalable Algorithms for the Analysis of Massive Networks

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    Die Netzwerkanalyse zielt darauf ab, nicht-triviale Erkenntnisse aus vernetzten Daten zu gewinnen. Beispiele für diese Erkenntnisse sind die Wichtigkeit einer Entität im Verhältnis zu anderen nach bestimmten Kriterien oder das Finden des am besten geeigneten Partners für jeden Teilnehmer eines Netzwerks - bekannt als Maximum Weighted Matching (MWM). Da der Begriff der Wichtigkeit an die zu betrachtende Anwendung gebunden ist, wurden zahlreiche Zentralitätsmaße eingeführt. Diese Maße stammen hierbei aus Jahrzehnten, in denen die Rechenleistung sehr begrenzt war und die Netzwerke im Vergleich zu heute viel kleiner waren. Heute sind massive Netzwerke mit Millionen von Kanten allgegenwärtig und eine triviale Berechnung von Zentralitätsmaßen ist oft zu zeitaufwändig. Darüber hinaus ist die Suche nach der Gruppe von k Knoten mit hoher Zentralität eine noch kostspieligere Aufgabe. Skalierbare Algorithmen zur Identifizierung hochzentraler (Gruppen von) Knoten in großen Graphen sind von großer Bedeutung für eine umfassende Netzwerkanalyse. Heutigen Netzwerke verändern sich zusätzlich im zeitlichen Verlauf und die effiziente Aktualisierung der Ergebnisse nach einer Änderung ist eine Herausforderung. Effiziente dynamische Algorithmen sind daher ein weiterer wesentlicher Bestandteil moderner Analyse-Pipelines. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist es, skalierbare algorithmische Lösungen für die zwei oben genannten Probleme zu finden. Die meisten unserer Algorithmen benötigen Sekunden bis einige Minuten, um diese Aufgaben in realen Netzwerken mit bis zu Hunderten Millionen von Kanten zu lösen, was eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber dem Stand der Technik darstellt. Außerdem erweitern wir einen modernen Algorithmus für MWM auf dynamische Graphen. Experimente zeigen, dass unser dynamischer MWM-Algorithmus Aktualisierungen in Graphen mit Milliarden von Kanten in Millisekunden bewältigt.Network analysis aims to unveil non-trivial insights from networked data by studying relationship patterns between the entities of a network. Among these insights, a popular one is to quantify the importance of an entity with respect to the others according to some criteria. Another one is to find the most suitable matching partner for each participant of a network knowing the pairwise preferences of the participants to be matched with each other - known as Maximum Weighted Matching (MWM). Since the notion of importance is tied to the application under consideration, numerous centrality measures have been introduced. Many of these measures, however, were conceived in a time when computing power was very limited and networks were much smaller compared to today's, and thus scalability to large datasets was not considered. Today, massive networks with millions of edges are ubiquitous, and a complete exact computation for traditional centrality measures are often too time-consuming. This issue is amplified if our objective is to find the group of k vertices that is the most central as a group. Scalable algorithms to identify highly central (groups of) vertices on massive graphs are thus of pivotal importance for large-scale network analysis. In addition to their size, today's networks often evolve over time, which poses the challenge of efficiently updating results after a change occurs. Hence, efficient dynamic algorithms are essential for modern network analysis pipelines. In this work, we propose scalable algorithms for identifying important vertices in a network, and for efficiently updating them in evolving networks. In real-world graphs with hundreds of millions of edges, most of our algorithms require seconds to a few minutes to perform these tasks. Further, we extend a state-of-the-art algorithm for MWM to dynamic graphs. Experiments show that our dynamic MWM algorithm handles updates in graphs with billion edges in milliseconds