138 research outputs found

    Parallelization of Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) in K-Medoids Clustering on GPU

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    K-medoids clustering is categorized as partitional clustering. K-medoids offers better result when dealing with outliers and arbitrary distance metric also in the situation when the mean or median does not exist within data. However, k-medoids suffers a high computational complexity. Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) has been developed to improve k-medoids clustering, consists of build and swap steps and uses the entire dataset to find the best potential medoids. Thus, PAM produces better medoids than other algorithms. This research proposes the parallelization of PAM in k-medoids clustering on GPU to reduce computational time at the swap step of PAM. The parallelization scheme utilizes shared memory, reduction algorithm, and optimization of the thread block configuration to maximize the occupancy. Based on the experiment result, the proposed parallelized PAM k-medoids is faster than CPU and Matlab implementation and efficient for large dataset

    Suitability of the Spark framework for data classification

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    Selle lõputöö eesmärk on näidata Spark raamistiku sobivust erinevate klassifitseerimis algoritmite rakendamisel ja näidata kuidas täpselt algoritmid MapReduce-ist Spark-i üle viia. Eesmärgi täitmiseks said implementeertud kolm algoritmi: paralleelne k-nearest neighbor’s algoritm, paralleelne naïve Bayesian algoritm ja Clara algoritm. Et näidata erinevaid lähenemisviise otsustati rakendada need algoritmid kasutades kahte raamistiku: Hadoop ja Spark. Et tulemusi kätte saada, jooksutati mõlema raamistiku puhul testid samade sisend-andmete ja parameetritega. Testid käivitati erinevate parameetritega et näidata realiseerimise korrektsust. Tulemustele vastavad graafikud ja tabelid genereeriti et näidata kui hästi on algoritmide käivitamisel töö hajutatud paralleelsete protsesside vahel. Tulemused näitavad et Spark saab hakkama lihtsamate algoritmidega, nagu näiteks k-nearest neighbor’s, edukalt aga vahe Hadoop tulemustega ei ole väga suur. Naïve Bayesian algoritm osutus lihtsate algoritmide erijuhtumiks. Selle tulemused näitavad et väga kiire algoritmide korral kulutab Spark raamistik rohkem aega andmete jaotamiseks ning konfigureerimiseks kui andmete töötlemiseks. Clara algoritmi tulemused näitavad et Spark raamistik saab suurema keerukusega algoritmidega hakkama märgatavalt paremini kui Hadoop.The goal of this thesis is to show the suitability of the Spark framework when dealing with different types of classification algorithms and to show how exactly to adapt algorithms from MapReduce to Spark. To fulfill the goal three algorithms were chosen: k-nearest neighbor’s algorithm, naïve Bayesian algorithm and Clara algorithm. To show the various approaches it was decided to implement those algorithms using two frameworks, Hadoop and Spark. To get the results, tests were run using the same input data and input parameters for both frameworks. During the tests varied parameters were used to show the correctness of the implementations. As a result charts and tables were generated for each algorithm separately. In addition parallel speedup charts were generated to show how well algorithm implementations can be distributed between the worker nodes. Results show that Spark handles easy algorithms, like k-nearest neighbor’s algorithm, well, but the difference with Hadoop results is not very large. Naïve Bayesian algorithm revealed the special case with easy algorithms. The results show that with very fast algorithms Spark framework use more time for data distribution and configuration than for data processing itself. Clara algorithm results have shown that Spark framework handles more difficult algorithms noticeably better

    A common framework of partition-based clustering for large scale dataset using sampling and its MapReduce implementation

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    Grupiranje (clustering) je jedan od važnih zadataka u rudarenu podataka (data mining), a algoritmi grupiranja utemeljenog na raspodjeli kao što su k-način jedno su od popularnih rješenja. Ipak, sve većim razvojem računarstva u oblaku i ogromne količine podataka, prijenos velikog broja podataka postao je veliki izazov za grupiranje. Na primjer, izvođenje algoritma grupiranja oduzima previše vremena, optimizacija parametara je teška, a kvaliteta grupa (klastera) nije dobra. U tu smo svrhu u ovom radu predložili uobičajeni okvir za algoritme grupiranja utemeljenog na raspodjeli kao što su k-način i dizajnirali njegovu MapReduce implementaciju. Posebice smo, u svrhu predstavljanja prijenosa velikog broja podataka, predložili primjenu tehnike uzorkovanja. Zatim, koristeći k-način algoritam, predlažemo uobičajeni postupak grupiranja i opisujemo primjenu na temelju k-način algoritma. Nadalje, implementiramo predloženi okvir primjenom MapReduce modela programiranja. Eksperimenti pokazuju da je naša metoda učinkovita za prijenos velikog broja podataka.Clustering is one of the significant tasks in data mining, and partition-based clustering algorithms such as k-means are one of the popular solutions. However, with the increasing development of cloud computing and big data, large scale dataset has been a big challenge for clustering. For example, the execution of clustering algorithm is too time-consuming, the optimization of parameters is difficult, and the quality of clusters is not good. To this end, in this paper, we proposed a common framework of partition-based clustering algorithms such as k-means, and designed its MapReduce implementation. Specifically, in order to deal with the representation of large scale dataset, we propose to employ sampling technique. Then, inspired by k-means algorithm, we propose a common procedure of clustering, and provide a k-means based implementation. Furthermore, we implement proposed framework using MapReduce programming model. Experiments show that our method is efficient for large scale dataset

    Big Data Clustering Algorithm and Strategies

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    In current digital era extensive volume ofdata is being generated at an enormous rate. The data are large, complex and information rich. In order to obtain valuable insights from the massive volume and variety of data, efficient and effective tools are needed. Clustering algorithms have emerged as a machine learning tool to accurately analyze such massive volume of data. Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique which groups data objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar as much as possible and data objects in different groups are dissimilar. But, traditional algorithm cannot cope up with huge amount of data. Therefore efficient clustering algorithms are needed to analyze such a big data within a reasonable time. In this paper we have discussed some theoretical overview and comparison of various clustering techniques used for analyzing big data

    Parallelization of Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) in K-Medoids Clustering on GPU

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    K-medoids clustering is categorized as partitional clustering. K-medoids offers better result when dealing with outliers and arbitrary distance metric also in the situation when the mean or median does not exist within data. However, k-medoids suffers a high computational complexity. Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) has been developed to improve k-medoids clustering, consists of build and swap steps and uses the entire dataset to find the best potential medoids. Thus, PAM produces better medoids than other algorithms. This research proposes the parallelization of PAM in k-medoids clustering on GPU to reduce computational time at the swap step of PAM. The parallelization scheme utilizes shared memory, reduction algorithm, and optimization of the thread block configuration to maximize the occupancy. Based on the experiment result, the proposed parallelized PAM k-medoids is faster than CPU and Matlab implementation and efficient for large dataset

    Faster k-Medoids Clustering: Improving the PAM, CLARA, and CLARANS Algorithms

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    Clustering non-Euclidean data is difficult, and one of the most used algorithms besides hierarchical clustering is the popular algorithm Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM), also simply referred to as k-medoids. In Euclidean geometry the mean-as used in k-means-is a good estimator for the cluster center, but this does not hold for arbitrary dissimilarities. PAM uses the medoid instead, the object with the smallest dissimilarity to all others in the cluster. This notion of centrality can be used with any (dis-)similarity, and thus is of high relevance to many domains such as biology that require the use of Jaccard, Gower, or more complex distances. A key issue with PAM is its high run time cost. We propose modifications to the PAM algorithm to achieve an O(k)-fold speedup in the second SWAP phase of the algorithm, but will still find the same results as the original PAM algorithm. If we slightly relax the choice of swaps performed (at comparable quality), we can further accelerate the algorithm by performing up to k swaps in each iteration. With the substantially faster SWAP, we can now also explore alternative strategies for choosing the initial medoids. We also show how the CLARA and CLARANS algorithms benefit from these modifications. It can easily be combined with earlier approaches to use PAM and CLARA on big data (some of which use PAM as a subroutine, hence can immediately benefit from these improvements), where the performance with high k becomes increasingly important. In experiments on real data with k=100, we observed a 200-fold speedup compared to the original PAM SWAP algorithm, making PAM applicable to larger data sets as long as we can afford to compute a distance matrix, and in particular to higher k (at k=2, the new SWAP was only 1.5 times faster, as the speedup is expected to increase with k)