33 research outputs found

    Definition of a Method for the Formulation of Problems to be Solved with High Performance Computing

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    Computational power made available by current technology has been continuously increasing, however today’s problems are larger and more complex and demand even more computational power. Interest in computational problems has also been increasing and is an important research area in computer science. These complex problems are solved with computational models that use an underlying mathematical model and are solved using computer resources, simulation, and are run with High Performance Computing. For such computations, parallel computing has been employed to achieve high performance. This thesis identifies families of problems that can best be solved using modelling and implementation techniques of parallel computing such as message passing and shared memory. Few case studies are considered to show when the shared memory model is suitable and when the message passing model would be suitable. The models of parallel computing are implemented and evaluated using some algorithms and simulations. This thesis mainly focuses on showing the more suitable model of computing for the various scenarios in attaining High Performance Computing

    Methods for Multilevel Parallelism on GPU Clusters: Application to a Multigrid Accelerated Navier-Stokes Solver

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    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an important field in high performance computing with numerous applications. Solving problems in thermal and fluid sciences demands enormous computing resources and has been one of the primary applications used on supercomputers and large clusters. Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) with many-core architectures have emerged as general-purpose parallel computing platforms that can accelerate simulation science applications substantially. While significant speedups have been obtained with single and multiple GPUs on a single workstation, large problems require more resources. Conventional clusters of central processing units (CPUs) are now being augmented with GPUs in each compute-node to tackle large problems. The present research investigates methods of taking advantage of the multilevel parallelism in multi-node, multi-GPU systems to develop scalable simulation science software. The primary application the research develops is a cluster-ready GPU-accelerated Navier-Stokes incompressible flow solver that includes advanced numerical methods, including a geometric multigrid pressure Poisson solver. The research investigates multiple implementations to explore computation / communication overlapping methods. The research explores methods for coarse-grain parallelism, including POSIX threads, MPI, and a hybrid OpenMP-MPI model. The application includes a number of usability features, including periodic VTK (Visualization Toolkit) output, a run-time configuration file, and flexible setup of obstacles to represent urban areas and complex terrain. Numerical features include a variety of time-stepping methods, buoyancy-drivenflow, adaptive time-stepping, various iterative pressure solvers, and a new parallel 3D geometric multigrid solver. At each step, the project examines performance and scalability measures using the Lincoln Tesla cluster at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the Longhorn cluster at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). The results demonstrate that multi-GPU clusters can substantially accelerate computational fluid dynamics simulations

    Developing and evaluating clopencl applications for heterogeneous clusters

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    In the last few years, the computing systems processing capabilities have increased significantly, changing from single-core to multi-core and even many-core systems. Accompanying this evolution, local networks have also become faster, with multi-gigabit technologies like Infiniband, Myrinet and 10G Ethernet. Parallel/distributed programming tools and standards, like POSIX Threads, OpenMP and MPI, have helped to explore these technologies and have been frequently combined, giving rise to Hybrid Programming Models. Recently, co-processors like GPUs and FPGAs, started to be used as accelerators, requiring specialized frameworks (like CUDA for NVIDIA GPUs). Presented with so much heterogeneity, the industry formulated the OpenCL specification, as a standard to explore heterogeneous systems. However, in the context of cluster computing, one problem surfaces: OpenCL only enables a developer to use the devices that are present in the local machine. With many processor devices scattered across cluster nodes (CPUs, GPUs and other co-processors), it then became important to enable software developers to take full advantage of the full cluster device set. This dissertation demonstrates and evaluates an OpenCL extension, named clOpenCL, which supports the simple deployment and efficient running of OpenCL-based parallel applications that may span several cluster nodes, thus expanding the original single-node OpenCL model. The main contributions are that clOpenCL i) offers a transparent approach to the porting of traditional OpenCL applications to cluster environments and ii) provides significant performance increases over classical (non-)hybrid parallel approaches. Nos últimos anos, a capacidade de processamento dos sistemas de computação aumentou significativamente, passando de CPUs com um núcleo para CPUs multi-núcleo. Acompanhando esta evolução, as redes locais também se tornaram mais rápidas, com tecnologias multi-gigabit como a Infiniband, Myrinet e 10G Ethernet. Ferramentas e standards paralelos/distribuídos, como POSIX Threads, OpenMP e MPI, ajudaram a explorar esses sistemas, e têm sido frequentemente combinados dando origem a Modelos de Programação Híbrida. Mais recentemente, co-processadores como GPUs e FPGAs, começaram a ser utilizados como aceleradores, exigindo frameworks especializadas (como o CUDA para GPUs NVIDIA). Deparada com tanta heterogeneidade, a indústria formulou a especificação OpenCL, como sendo um standard para exploração de sistemas heterogéneos. No entanto, no contexto da computação em cluster, um problema surge: o OpenCL só permite ao desenvolvedor utilizar dispositivos presentes na máquina local. Com tantos dispositivos de processamento espalhados pelos nós de um cluster (CPUs, GPUs e outros co-processadores), tornou-se assim importante habilitar os desenvolvedores de software, a tirarem o máximo proveito do conjunto total de dispositivos do cluster. Esta dissertação demonstra e avalia uma extensão OpenCL, chamada clOpenCL, que suporta a implementação simples e execução eficiente de aplicações paralelas baseadas em OpenCL que podem estender-se por vários nós do cluster, expandindo assim o modelo original de um único nó do OpenCL. As principais contribuições referem-se a que o clOpenCL i) oferece uma abordagem transparente à portabilidade de aplicações OpenCL tradicionais para ambientes cluster e ii) proporciona aumentos significativos de desempenho sobre abordagens paralelas clássicas (não) híbridas


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    The introduction of clusters of multi-core and many-core processors has played a major role in recent advances in tackling a wide range of new challenging applications and in enabling new frontiers in BigData. However, as the computing power increases, the programming complexity to take optimal advantage of the machine's resources has significantly increased. High-performance computing (HPC) techniques are crucial in realizing the full potential of parallel computing. This research is an interdisciplinary effort focusing on two major directions. The first involves the introduction of HPC techniques to substantially improve the performance of complex biological agent-based models (ABM) simulations, more specifically simulations that are related to the inflammatory and healing responses of vocal folds at the physiological scale in mammals. The second direction involves improvements and extensions of the existing state-of-the-art vocal fold repair models. These improvements and extensions include comprehensive visualization of large data sets generated by the model and a significant increase in user-simulation interactivity. We developed a highly-interactive remote simulation and visualization framework for vocal fold (VF) agent-based modeling (ABM). The 3D VF ABM was verified through comparisons with empirical vocal fold data. Representative trends of biomarker predictions in surgically injured vocal folds were observed. The physiologically representative human VF ABM consisted of more than 15 million mobile biological cells. The model maintained and generated 1.7 billion signaling and extracellular matrix (ECM) protein data points in each iteration. The VF ABM employed HPC techniques to optimize its performance by concurrently utilizing the power of multi-core CPU and multiple GPUs. The optimization techniques included the minimization of data transfer between the CPU host and the rendering GPU. These transfer minimization techniques also reduced transfers between peer GPUs in multi-GPU setups. The data transfer minimization techniques were executed with a scheduling scheme that aims to achieve load balancing, maximum overlap of computation and communication, and a high degree of interactivity. This scheduling scheme achieved optimal interactivity by hyper-tasking the available GPUs (GHT). In comparison to the original serial implementation on a popular ABM framework, NetLogo, these schemes have shown substantial performance improvements of 400x and 800x for the 2D and 3D model, respectively. Furthermore, the combination of data footprint and data transfer reduction techniques with GHT achieved high-interactivity visualization with an average framerate of 42.8 fps. This performance enabled the users to perform real-time data exploration on large simulated outputs and steer the course of their simulation as needed

    Hybrid algorithms for efficient Cholesky decomposition and matrix inverse using multicore CPUs with GPU accelerators

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    The use of linear algebra routines is fundamental to many areas of computational science, yet their implementation in software still forms the main computational bottleneck in many widely used algorithms. In machine learning and computational statistics, for example, the use of Gaussian distributions is ubiquitous, and routines for calculating the Cholesky decomposition, matrix inverse and matrix determinant must often be called many thousands of times for common algorithms, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo. These linear algebra routines consume most of the total computational time of a wide range of statistical methods, and any improvements in this area will therefore greatly increase the overall efficiency of algorithms used in many scientific application areas. The importance of linear algebra algorithms is clear from the substantial effort that has been invested over the last 25 years in producing low-level software libraries such as LAPACK, which generally optimise these linear algebra routines by breaking up a large problem into smaller problems that may be computed independently. The performance of such libraries is however strongly dependent on the specific hardware available. LAPACK was originally developed for single core processors with a memory hierarchy, whereas modern day computers often consist of mixed architectures, with large numbers of parallel cores and graphics processing units (GPU) being used alongside traditional CPUs. The challenge lies in making optimal use of these different types of computing units, which generally have very different processor speeds and types of memory. In this thesis we develop novel low-level algorithms that may be generally employed in blocked linear algebra routines, which automatically optimise themselves to take full advantage of the variety of heterogeneous architectures that may be available. We present a comparison of our methods with MAGMA, the state of the art open source implementation of LAPACK designed specifically for hybrid architectures, and demonstrate up to 400% increase in speed that may be obtained using our novel algorithms, specifically when running commonly used Cholesky matrix decomposition, matrix inverse and matrix determinant routines


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    Parallel programming introduces new types of bugs that are notoriously difficult to find. As a result researchers have put a significant amount of effort into creating tools and techniques to discover parallel bugs. One of these bugs is the violation of the assumption of atomicity-- the assumption that a region of code, called a critical section, executes without interruption from an outside operation. In this thesis, we introduce a new heuristic to infer critical sections using the temporal and spatial locality of critical sections and provide empirical results showing that the heuristic can infer critical sections in shared memory programs. Real critical sections in benchmark programs are completely covered by inferred critical sections up to 75% to 80% of the time. A programmer can use the reported critical sections to inform his addition of locks into the program

    Efficient implementation of resource-constrained cyber-physical systems using multi-core parallelism

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    The quest for more performance of applications and systems became more challenging in the recent years. Especially in the cyber-physical and mobile domain, the performance requirements increased significantly. Applications, previously found in the high-performance domain, emerge in the area of resource-constrained domain. Modern heterogeneous high-performance MPSoCs provide a solid foundation to satisfy the high demand. Such systems combine general processors with specialized accelerators ranging from GPUs to machine learning chips. On the other side of the performance spectrum, the demand for small energy efficient systems exposed by modern IoT applications increased vastly. Developing efficient software for such resource-constrained multi-core systems is an error-prone, time-consuming and challenging task. This thesis provides with PA4RES a holistic semiautomatic approach to parallelize and implement applications for such platforms efficiently. Our solution supports the developer to find good trade-offs to tackle the requirements exposed by modern applications and systems. With PICO, we propose a comprehensive approach to express parallelism in sequential applications. PICO detects data dependencies and implements required synchronization automatically. Using a genetic algorithm, PICO optimizes the data synchronization. The evolutionary algorithm considers channel capacity, memory mapping, channel merging and flexibility offered by the channel implementation with respect to execution time, energy consumption and memory footprint. PICO's communication optimization phase was able to generate a speedup almost 2 or an energy improvement of 30% for certain benchmarks. The PAMONO sensor approach enables a fast detection of biological viruses using optical methods. With a sophisticated virus detection software, a real-time virus detection running on stationary computers was achieved. Within this thesis, we were able to derive a soft real-time capable virus detection running on a high-performance embedded system, commonly found in today's smart phones. This was accomplished with smart DSE algorithm which optimizes for execution time, energy consumption and detection quality. Compared to a baseline implementation, our solution achieved a speedup of 4.1 and 87\% energy savings and satisfied the soft real-time requirements. Accepting a degradation of the detection quality, which still is usable in medical context, led to a speedup of 11.1. This work provides the fundamentals for a truly mobile real-time virus detection solution. The growing demand for processing power can no longer satisfied following well-known approaches like higher frequencies. These so-called performance walls expose a serious challenge for the growing performance demand. Approximate computing is a promising approach to overcome or at least shift the performance walls by accepting a degradation in the output quality to gain improvements in other objectives. Especially for a safe integration of approximation into existing application or during the development of new approximation techniques, a method to assess the impact on the output quality is essential. With QCAPES, we provide a multi-metric assessment framework to analyze the impact of approximation. Furthermore, QCAPES provides useful insights on the impact of approximation on execution time and energy consumption. With ApproxPICO we propose an extension to PICO to consider approximate computing during the parallelization of sequential applications

    A Distributed Stream Library for Java 8

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    An increasingly popular application of parallel computing is Big Data, which concerns the storage and analysis of very large datasets. Many of the prominent Big Data frameworks are written in Java or JVM-based languages. However, as a base language for Big Data systems, Java still lacks a number of important capabilities such as processing very large datasets and distributing the computation over multiple machines. The introduction of Streams in Java 8 has provided a useful programming model for data-parallel computing, but it is limited to a single JVM and still does not address Big Data issues. This thesis contends that though the Java 8 Stream framework is inadequate to support the development of Big Data applications, it is possible to extend the framework to achieve performance comparable to or exceeding those of popular Big Data frameworks. It first reviews a number of Big Data programming models and gives an overview of the Java 8 Stream API. It then proposes a set of extensions to allow Java 8 Streams to be used in Big Data systems. It also shows how the extended API can be used to implement a range of standard Big Data paradigms. Finally, it compares the performance of such programs with that of Hadoop and Spark. Despite being a proof-of-concept implementation, experimental results indicate that it is a lightweight and efficient framework, comparable in performance to Hadoop and Spark

    The readying of applications for heterogeneous computing

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    High performance computing is approaching a potentially significant change in architectural design. With pressures on the cost and sheer amount of power, additional architectural features are emerging which require a re-think to the programming models deployed over the last two decades. Today's emerging high performance computing (HPC) systems are maximising performance per unit of power consumed resulting in the constituent parts of the system to be made up of a range of different specialised building blocks, each with their own purpose. This heterogeneity is not just limited to the hardware components but also in the mechanisms that exploit the hardware components. These multiple levels of parallelism, instruction sets and memory hierarchies, result in truly heterogeneous computing in all aspects of the global system. These emerging architectural solutions will require the software to exploit tremendous amounts of on-node parallelism and indeed programming models to address this are emerging. In theory, the application developer can design new software using these models to exploit emerging low power architectures. However, in practice, real industrial scale applications last the lifetimes of many architectural generations and therefore require a migration path to these next generation supercomputing platforms. Identifying that migration path is non-trivial: With applications spanning many decades, consisting of many millions of lines of code and multiple scientific algorithms, any changes to the programming model will be extensive and invasive and may turn out to be the incorrect model for the application in question. This makes exploration of these emerging architectures and programming models using the applications themselves problematic. Additionally, the source code of many industrial applications is not available either due to commercial or security sensitivity constraints. This thesis highlights this problem by assessing current and emerging hard- ware with an industrial strength code, and demonstrating those issues described. In turn it looks at the methodology of using proxy applications in place of real industry applications, to assess their suitability on the next generation of low power HPC offerings. It shows there are significant benefits to be realised in using proxy applications, in that fundamental issues inhibiting exploration of a particular architecture are easier to identify and hence address. Evaluations of the maturity and performance portability are explored for a number of alternative programming methodologies, on a number of architectures and highlighting the broader adoption of these proxy applications, both within the authors own organisation, and across the industry as a whole

    Analyse des synchronisations dans un programme parallèle ordonnancé par vol de travail. Applications à la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires.

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    We present two contributions to the field of parallel programming.The first contribution is theoretical: we introduce SIPS analysis, a novel approach to estimate the number of synchronizations performed during the execution of a parallel algorithm.Based on the concept of logical clocks, it allows us: on one hand, to deliver new bounds for the number of synchronizations, in expectation; on the other hand, to design more efficient parallel programs by dynamic adaptation of the granularity.The second contribution is pragmatic: we present an efficient parallelization strategy for pseudorandom number generation, independent of the number of concurrent processes participating in a computation.As an alternative to the use of one sequential generator per process, we introduce a generic API called Par-R, which is designed and analyzed using SIPS.Its main characteristic is the use of a sequential generator that can perform a ``jump-ahead'' directly from one number to another on an arbitrary distance within the pseudorandom sequence.Thanks to SIPS, we show that, in expectation, within an execution scheduled by work stealing of a "very parallel" program (whose depth or critical path is subtle when compared to the work or number of operations), these operations are rare.Par-R is compared with the parallel pseudorandom number generator DotMix, written for the Cilk Plus dynamic multithreading platform.The theoretical overhead of Par-R compares favorably to DotMix's overhead, what is confirmed experimentally, while not requiring a fixed generator underneath.Nous présentons deux contributions dans le domaine de la programmation parallèle.La première est théorique : nous introduisons l'analyse SIPS, une approche nouvelle pour dénombrer le nombre d'opérations de synchronisation durant l'exécution d'un algorithme parallèle ordonnancé par vol de travail.Basée sur le concept d'horloges logiques, elle nous permet,: d'une part de donner de nouvelles majorations de coût en moyenne; d'autre part de concevoir des programmes parallèles plus efficaces par adaptation dynamique de la granularité.La seconde contribution est pragmatique: nous présentons une parallélisation générique d'algorithmes pour la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires, indépendamment du nombre de processus concurrents lors de l'exécution.Alternative à l'utilisation d'un générateur pseudo-aléatoire séquentiel par processus, nous introduisons une API générique, appelée Par-R qui est conçue et analysée grâce à SIPS.Sa caractéristique principale est d'exploiter un générateur séquentiel qui peut "sauter" directement d'un nombre à un autre situé à une distance arbitraire dans la séquence pseudo-aléatoire.Grâce à l'analyse SIPS, nous montrons qu'en moyenne, lors d'une exécution par vol de travail d'un programme très parallèle (dont la profondeur ou chemin critique est très petite devant le travail ou nombre d'opérations), ces opérations de saut sont rares.Par-R est comparé au générateur pseudo-aléatoire DotMix, écrit pour Cilk Plus, une extension de C/C++ pour la programmation parallèle par vol de travail.Le surcout théorique de Par-R se compare favorablement au surcoput de DotMix, ce qui apparait aussi expériemntalement.De plus, étant générique, Par-R est indépendant du générateur séquentiel sous-jacent