156 research outputs found

    Deep Transfer Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition: Towards Better Generalization

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) has recently become an important challenge when using deep learning (DL). It requires large-scale training datasets and high computational and storage resources. Moreover, DL techniques and machine learning (ML) approaches in general, hypothesize that training and testing data come from the same domain, with the same input feature space and data distribution characteristics. This assumption, however, is not applicable in some real-world artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Moreover, there are situations where gathering real data is challenging, expensive, or rarely occurring, which can not meet the data requirements of DL models. deep transfer learning (DTL) has been introduced to overcome these issues, which helps develop high-performing models using real datasets that are small or slightly different but related to the training data. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of DTL-based ASR frameworks to shed light on the latest developments and helps academics and professionals understand current challenges. Specifically, after presenting the DTL background, a well-designed taxonomy is adopted to inform the state-of-the-art. A critical analysis is then conducted to identify the limitations and advantages of each framework. Moving on, a comparative study is introduced to highlight the current challenges before deriving opportunities for future research

    Developing Sparse Representations for Anchor-Based Voice Conversion

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    Voice conversion is the task of transforming speech from one speaker to sound as if it was produced by another speaker, changing the identity while retaining the linguistic content. There are many methods for performing voice conversion, but oftentimes these methods have onerous training requirements or fail in instances where one speaker has a nonnative accent. To address these issues, this dissertation presents and evaluates a novel “anchor-based” representation of speech that separates speaker content from speaker identity by modeling how speakers form English phonemes. We call the proposed method Sparse, Anchor-Based Representation of Speech (SABR), and explore methods for optimizing the parameters of this model in native-to-native and native-to-nonnative voice conversion contexts. We begin the dissertation by demonstrating how sparse coding in combination with a compact, phoneme-based dictionary can be used to separate speaker identity from content in objective and subjective tests. The formulation of the representation then presents several research questions. First, we propose a method for improving the synthesis quality by using the sparse coding residual in combination with a frequency warping algorithm to convert the residual from the source to target speaker’s space, and add it to the target speaker’s estimated spectrum. Experimentally, we find that synthesis quality is significantly improved via this transform. Second, we propose and evaluate two methods for selecting and optimizing SABR anchors in native-to-native and native-to-nonnative voice conversion. We find that synthesis quality is significantly improved by the proposed methods, especially in native-to- nonnative voice conversion over baseline algorithms. In a detailed analysis of the algorithms, we find they focus on phonemes that are difficult for nonnative speakers of English or naturally have multiple acoustic states. Following this, we examine methods for adding in temporal constraints to SABR via the Fused Lasso. The proposed method significantly reduces the inter-frame variance in the sparse codes over other methods that incorporate temporal features into sparse coding representations. Finally, in a case study, we examine the use of the SABR methods and optimizations in the context of a computer aided pronunciation training system for building “Golden Speakers”, or ideal models for nonnative speakers of a second language to learn correct pronunciation. Under the hypothesis that the optimal “Golden Speaker” was the learner’s voice, synthesized with a native accent, we used SABR to build voice models for nonnative speakers and evaluated the resulting synthesis in terms of quality, identity, and accentedness. We found that even when deployed in the field, the SABR method generated synthesis with low accentedness and similar acoustic identity to the target speaker, validating the use of the method for building “golden speakers”

    Anonymizing Speech: Evaluating and Designing Speaker Anonymization Techniques

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    The growing use of voice user interfaces has led to a surge in the collection and storage of speech data. While data collection allows for the development of efficient tools powering most speech services, it also poses serious privacy issues for users as centralized storage makes private personal speech data vulnerable to cyber threats. With the increasing use of voice-based digital assistants like Amazon's Alexa, Google's Home, and Apple's Siri, and with the increasing ease with which personal speech data can be collected, the risk of malicious use of voice-cloning and speaker/gender/pathological/etc. recognition has increased. This thesis proposes solutions for anonymizing speech and evaluating the degree of the anonymization. In this work, anonymization refers to making personal speech data unlinkable to an identity while maintaining the usefulness (utility) of the speech signal (e.g., access to linguistic content). We start by identifying several challenges that evaluation protocols need to consider to evaluate the degree of privacy protection properly. We clarify how anonymization systems must be configured for evaluation purposes and highlight that many practical deployment configurations do not permit privacy evaluation. Furthermore, we study and examine the most common voice conversion-based anonymization system and identify its weak points before suggesting new methods to overcome some limitations. We isolate all components of the anonymization system to evaluate the degree of speaker PPI associated with each of them. Then, we propose several transformation methods for each component to reduce as much as possible speaker PPI while maintaining utility. We promote anonymization algorithms based on quantization-based transformation as an alternative to the most-used and well-known noise-based approach. Finally, we endeavor a new attack method to invert anonymization.Comment: PhD Thesis Pierre Champion | Universit\'e de Lorraine - INRIA Nancy | for associated source code, see https://github.com/deep-privacy/SA-toolki

    Modeling High-Dimensional Audio Sequences with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Cette thèse étudie des modèles de séquences de haute dimension basés sur des réseaux de neurones récurrents (RNN) et leur application à la musique et à la parole. Bien qu'en principe les RNN puissent représenter les dépendances à long terme et la dynamique temporelle complexe propres aux séquences d'intérêt comme la vidéo, l'audio et la langue naturelle, ceux-ci n'ont pas été utilisés à leur plein potentiel depuis leur introduction par Rumelhart et al. (1986a) en raison de la difficulté de les entraîner efficacement par descente de gradient. Récemment, l'application fructueuse de l'optimisation Hessian-free et d'autres techniques d'entraînement avancées ont entraîné la recrudescence de leur utilisation dans plusieurs systèmes de l'état de l'art. Le travail de cette thèse prend part à ce développement. L'idée centrale consiste à exploiter la flexibilité des RNN pour apprendre une description probabiliste de séquences de symboles, c'est-à-dire une information de haut niveau associée aux signaux observés, qui en retour pourra servir d'à priori pour améliorer la précision de la recherche d'information. Par exemple, en modélisant l'évolution de groupes de notes dans la musique polyphonique, d'accords dans une progression harmonique, de phonèmes dans un énoncé oral ou encore de sources individuelles dans un mélange audio, nous pouvons améliorer significativement les méthodes de transcription polyphonique, de reconnaissance d'accords, de reconnaissance de la parole et de séparation de sources audio respectivement. L'application pratique de nos modèles à ces tâches est détaillée dans les quatre derniers articles présentés dans cette thèse. Dans le premier article, nous remplaçons la couche de sortie d'un RNN par des machines de Boltzmann restreintes conditionnelles pour décrire des distributions de sortie multimodales beaucoup plus riches. Dans le deuxième article, nous évaluons et proposons des méthodes avancées pour entraîner les RNN. Dans les quatre derniers articles, nous examinons différentes façons de combiner nos modèles symboliques à des réseaux profonds et à la factorisation matricielle non-négative, notamment par des produits d'experts, des architectures entrée/sortie et des cadres génératifs généralisant les modèles de Markov cachés. Nous proposons et analysons également des méthodes d'inférence efficaces pour ces modèles, telles la recherche vorace chronologique, la recherche en faisceau à haute dimension, la recherche en faisceau élagué et la descente de gradient. Finalement, nous abordons les questions de l'étiquette biaisée, du maître imposant, du lissage temporel, de la régularisation et du pré-entraînement.This thesis studies models of high-dimensional sequences based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and their application to music and speech. While in principle RNNs can represent the long-term dependencies and complex temporal dynamics present in real-world sequences such as video, audio and natural language, they have not been used to their full potential since their introduction by Rumelhart et al. (1986a) due to the difficulty to train them efficiently by gradient-based optimization. In recent years, the successful application of Hessian-free optimization and other advanced training techniques motivated an increase of their use in many state-of-the-art systems. The work of this thesis is part of this development. The main idea is to exploit the power of RNNs to learn a probabilistic description of sequences of symbols, i.e. high-level information associated with observed signals, that in turn can be used as a prior to improve the accuracy of information retrieval. For example, by modeling the evolution of note patterns in polyphonic music, chords in a harmonic progression, phones in a spoken utterance, or individual sources in an audio mixture, we can improve significantly the accuracy of polyphonic transcription, chord recognition, speech recognition and audio source separation respectively. The practical application of our models to these tasks is detailed in the last four articles presented in this thesis. In the first article, we replace the output layer of an RNN with conditional restricted Boltzmann machines to describe much richer multimodal output distributions. In the second article, we review and develop advanced techniques to train RNNs. In the last four articles, we explore various ways to combine our symbolic models with deep networks and non-negative matrix factorization algorithms, namely using products of experts, input/output architectures, and generative frameworks that generalize hidden Markov models. We also propose and analyze efficient inference procedures for those models, such as greedy chronological search, high-dimensional beam search, dynamic programming-like pruned beam search and gradient descent. Finally, we explore issues such as label bias, teacher forcing, temporal smoothing, regularization and pre-training

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Foundations and Recent Trends in Multimodal Machine Learning: Principles, Challenges, and Open Questions

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    Multimodal machine learning is a vibrant multi-disciplinary research field that aims to design computer agents with intelligent capabilities such as understanding, reasoning, and learning through integrating multiple communicative modalities, including linguistic, acoustic, visual, tactile, and physiological messages. With the recent interest in video understanding, embodied autonomous agents, text-to-image generation, and multisensor fusion in application domains such as healthcare and robotics, multimodal machine learning has brought unique computational and theoretical challenges to the machine learning community given the heterogeneity of data sources and the interconnections often found between modalities. However, the breadth of progress in multimodal research has made it difficult to identify the common themes and open questions in the field. By synthesizing a broad range of application domains and theoretical frameworks from both historical and recent perspectives, this paper is designed to provide an overview of the computational and theoretical foundations of multimodal machine learning. We start by defining two key principles of modality heterogeneity and interconnections that have driven subsequent innovations, and propose a taxonomy of 6 core technical challenges: representation, alignment, reasoning, generation, transference, and quantification covering historical and recent trends. Recent technical achievements will be presented through the lens of this taxonomy, allowing researchers to understand the similarities and differences across new approaches. We end by motivating several open problems for future research as identified by our taxonomy