754 research outputs found

    Crowded or Empty Spaces? The Statuary Decoration of the ‘Palaestrae’ in Pompeii and Herculaneum

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    Während die Skulpturenausstattung von Palästren und Gymnasien im östlichen Mittelmeer in der Forschung viel Aufmerksamkeit erfahren hat, ist das Thema für die westlichen Pendants bislang nicht umfassend untersucht worden. Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Skulpturenausstattung der Samnitischen Palästra und der Großen Palästra in Pompeji sowie der Palästra in Herculaneum. Existenz und Charakter der Skulpturenprogramme werden untersucht ebenso wie die umstrittene Frage, ob die Skulpturen angemessen für die Sportbauten waren und sogar die problematische Identifizierung dieser Bauten als Palästren bestätigen können. Es zeigt sich, dass die Skulpturenausstattung aller drei Bauten erheblich von der in östlichen Pendants differiert. Dies legt nahe, die Benennung dieser ‚Palästren‘ zu überdenken

    Seventh International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques"

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    The Seventh International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques (Livorno, Italy June 19-20-21, 2018) was organized by the CNR-IBIMET in collaboration with the City of Livorno, the LEM Foundation, the FCS Foundation and the Compagnia dei Portuali di Livorno, with the patronage by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Accademia dei Georgofili, The University of Florence, the Tuscany Region and the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority. The Symposium, in which scholars from all over the Mediterranean basin participated, was an opportunity to illustrate new proposals and to promote actions to protect the Mediterranean coastal marine environment. In particular, the event was characterized by the search for technical and instrumental solutions to problems related to: energy production in the coastal area, morphology and evolution of coastlines, flora and fauna of the littoral system, management and integrated coastal protection, coastline geography, human influence on coastal landscape

    A Framework for Uplink Intercell Interference Modeling with Channel-Based Scheduling

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    This paper presents a novel framework for modeling the uplink intercell interference (ICI) in a multiuser cellular network. The proposed framework assists in quantifying the impact of various fading channel models and state-of-the-art scheduling schemes on the uplink ICI. Firstly, we derive a semianalytical expression for the distribution of the location of the scheduled user in a given cell considering a wide range of scheduling schemes. Based on this, we derive the distribution and moment generating function (MGF) of the uplink ICI considering a single interfering cell. Consequently, we determine the MGF of the cumulative ICI observed from all interfering cells and derive explicit MGF expressions for three typical fading models. Finally, we utilize the obtained expressions to evaluate important network performance metrics such as the outage probability, ergodic capacity, and average fairness numerically. Monte-Carlo simulation results are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the derived analytical expressions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2013. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1206.229

    Combinando revisión bibliográfica, mapas acústicos y observaciones in situ: sinopsis de las formaciones coralígenas en Liguria (NO del mar Mediterráneo)

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    A review and update of the existing knowledge on the coralligenous assemblages of Liguria (NW Italy) was conducted as an essential step towards management measures for their conservation according to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. By combining a literature review, acoustic mapping and in situ observations on a geographic information systems platform, we were able to assess the distribution and heterogeneity of coralligenous assemblages and the main pressures affecting them. The reliability of the literature was previously estimated using a dependability index. The coralligenous assemblages cover an area of 130.9 ha and range from 10 to 113 m depth. Twelve different biological facies (five of them not included in the EUNIS list) were identified and four main geomorphotypes (plungingcliffs, paleocliffs, rockfalls and shoals) were recognized. Incident light values influenced the distribution of four facies in Portofino promontory. Pressures were found on 33% of the coralligenous assemblages investigated, mainly due to fishing activities, mass mortality events, invasive species and occasional mucilaginous events. Our results showed a high spatial, geomorphological and biological heterogeneity of coralligenous assemblages in Liguria.Una revisión y actualización del conocimiento existente sobre las formaciones coralígenas en Liguria (NO de Italia) ha sido implementado como paso esencial con vistas a las medidas de gestión para su conservación de acuerdo con la Directiva Marco sobre la Estrategia Marina. Combinando en plataforma SIG revisión bibliográfica, mapas acústicos y observaciones in situ hemos sido capaces de determinar la distribución de las formaciones coralígenas, su heterogeneidad y sus principales presiones. La fiabilidad de la bibliografía fue estimada a través del índice de confianza (DI). Las formaciones coralígenas cubren un área de 130.9 ha en un rango de profundidad que va desde los 10 m a los 113 m. 12 facies biológicas diferentes (5 de ellas no incluidas en la lista EUNIS) fueron identificadas y 4 geomorfotipos principales (acantilado actual, paleoacantilado, cúmulo de rocas y bajos) fueron reconocidos. Los valores de luz incidente influenciaron la distribución de 4 facies en el promontorio de Portofino. Fueron encontradas presiones en el 33% de las formaciones coralígenas inves-tigadas, principalmente debidas a actividades de pesca, episodios de muerte masiva, especies invasoras y proliferación de algas mucilaginosas. Nuestros resultados mostraron una elevada heterogeneidad espacial, geomorfológica y biológica de las formaciones coralígenas en Liguria

    Sustainable Pavements and Road Materials

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    The SIIV Arena is a space for discussion in which PhD students and young scholars from various universities illustrate their research on topics of specific interest for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ICAR/04 “Roads, Railways and Airports”. This volume collects the proceedings of the 7th SIIV Arena, held in Naples on 9 September 2022, and held as part of the XVIII International SIIV Summer School: "Sustainable Pavements and Road Materials". The use of construction and maintenance technologies based on principles of sustainability, resilience and circular economy, are a reference, in synergy with the use of secondary raw materials, for achieving adequate mechanical performance for the road structure, with a reduced environmental impact. and costs. The growth gradient recorded in the field of civil infrastructures has defined an incessant use of natural resources with consequent negative effects in terms of environmental sustainability. The reuse of waste in mix design processes and the use of in situ processing systems and/or "low energy" technologies (i.e., cold and/or warm asphalt mixtures) fully meet the objectives underlying the principles of the circular economy. This volume aims to collect the most innovative research in the sector presented in the context of the 7th SIIV Arena by analyzing aspects relating to the design, construction and maintenance of the pavement and road infrastructure as a whole.PublishedLa SIIV Arena è uno spazio di confronto nel quale dottorandi e giovani studiosi delle diverse sedi accademiche illustrano le loro ricerche su temi di specifico interesse per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR/04 “Strade, Ferrovie e Aeroporti”. Questo volume raccoglie gli atti della 7a SIIV Arena, tenutasi a Napoli il 9 settembre 2022, e svoltasi nell’ambito della XVIII International SIIV Summer School: “Sustainable Pavements and Road Materials”. Il ricorso a tecnologie di costruzione e manutenzione basate su principi di sostenibilità, resilienza ed economia circolare, sono di riferimento, in sinergia con l’utilizzo di materie prime seconde, per il raggiungimento di adeguate performance meccaniche per il corpo stradale, a ridotto impatto ambientale e costi. Il gradiente di crescita registrato nell’ambito delle infrastrutture civili ha definito un incessante ricorso all’utilizzo di risorse naturali con conseguenti effetti negativi in termini di sostenibilità ambientale. Il reimpiego di rifiuti nei processi di mix design e il ricorso all’uso di sistemi di lavorazione in situ e/o tecnologie a “bassa energia” (i.e. conglomerati bituminosi a freddo e/o tiepidi) accolgono in pieno gli obiettivi alla base dei principi dell’economia circolare. Tale volume si propone di raccogliere le ricerche più innovative nel settore presentate nell’ambito della 7a SIIV Arena analizzando aspetti relativi alla progettazione, costruzione e manutenzione nel suo complesso delle pavimentazioni e corpo stradale

    Sustainable Pavements and Road Materials : Proceedings of the 7th SIIV Arena, Naples, Italy 9th September 2022

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    [Italiano]: La SIIV Arena è uno spazio di confronto nel quale dottorandi e giovani studiosi delle diverse sedi accademiche illustrano le loro ricerche su temi di specifico interesse per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR/04 “Strade, Ferrovie e Aeroporti”. Questo volume raccoglie gli atti della 7a SIIV Arena, tenutasi a Napoli il 9 settembre 2022, e svoltasi nell’ambito della XVIII International SIIV Summer School: “Sustainable Pavements and Road Materials”. Il ricorso a tecnologie di costruzione e manutenzione basate su principi di sostenibilità, resilienza ed economia circolare, sono di riferimento, in sinergia con l’utilizzo di materie prime seconde, per il raggiungimento di adeguate performance meccaniche per il corpo stradale, a ridotto impatto ambientale e costi. Il gradiente di crescita registrato nell’ambito delle infrastrutture civili ha definito un incessante ricorso all’utilizzo di risorse naturali con conseguenti effetti negativi in termini di sostenibilità ambientale. Il reimpiego di rifiuti nei processi di mix design e il ricorso all’uso di sistemi di lavorazione in situ e/o tecnologie a “bassa energia” (i.e. conglomerati bituminosi a freddo e/o tiepidi) accolgono in pieno gli obiettivi alla base dei principi dell’economia circolare. Tale volume si propone di raccogliere le ricerche più innovative nel settore presentate nell’ambito della 7a SIIV Arena analizzando aspetti relativi alla progettazione, costruzione e manutenzione nel suo complesso delle pavimentazioni e corpo stradale./[English]: The SIIV Arena is a space for discussion in which PhD students and young scholars from various universities illustrate their research on topics of specific interest for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ICAR/04 “Roads, Railways and Airports”. This volume collects the proceedings of the 7th SIIV Arena, held in Naples on 9 September 2022, and held as part of the XVIII International SIIV Summer School: "Sustainable Pavements and Road Materials". The use of construction and maintenance technologies based on principles of sustainability, resilience and circular economy, are a reference, in synergy with the use of secondary raw materials, for achieving adequate mechanical performance for the road structure, with a reduced environmental impact. and costs. The growth gradient recorded in the field of civil infrastructures has defined an incessant use of natural resources with consequent negative effects in terms of environmental sustainability. The reuse of waste in mix design processes and the use of in situ processing systems and/or "low energy" technologies (i.e., cold and/or warm asphalt mixtures) fully meet the objectives underlying the principles of the circular economy. This volume aims to collect the most innovative research in the sector presented in the context of the 7th SIIV Arena by analyzing aspects relating to the design, construction and maintenance of the pavement and road infrastructure as a whole