312 research outputs found

    PV cell angle optimization for energy generation-consumption matching in a solar powered cellular network

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    An inherent problem of solar-energy-powered-smallcell base stations (SBSs) is that the energy generation of the photovoltaic (PV) cell does not match the energy consumption of the SBS in time. In this paper, we propose to optimize the PV cell orientation angle to achieve a good match between the energy generation and consumption profiles on a daily time scale. The optimization is formulated as an integer linear programming problem. We also derive an expression for the correlation between the energy generation and consumption profiles to evaluate their general interaction independent of the exact PV cell or SBS deployment setup. The numerical evaluation of the proposed angle optimization in a business area in London in summer/winter shows that the optimal PV cell orientation in summer contradicts the conventional assumption of south facing being optimal in the northern hemisphere. Instead, a southwest orientation should be chosen in summer due to its ability to shift the energy generation peak towards the energy consumption peak in the afternoon at a SBS in central London. This is in accordance with the prediction given by our derived correlation between the solar energy generation and consumption profiles

    Resource Allocation and Positioning of Power-Autonomous Portable Access Points

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    Maximising microprocessor reliability through game theory and heuristics

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    PhD ThesisEmbedded Systems are becoming ever more pervasive in our society, with most routine daily tasks now involving their use in some form and the market predicted to be worth USD 220 billion, a rise of 300%, by 2018. Consumers expect more functionality with each design iteration, but for no detriment in perceived performance. These devices can range from simple low-cost chips to expensive and complex systems and are a major cost driver in the equipment design phase. For more than 35 years, designers have kept pace with Moore's Law, but as device size approaches the atomic limit, layouts are becoming so complicated that current scheduling techniques are also reaching their limit, meaning that more resource must be reserved to manage and deliver reliable operation. With the advent of many-core systems and further sources of unpredictability such as changeable power supplies and energy harvesting, this reservation of capability may become so large that systems will not be operating at their peak efficiency. These complex systems can be controlled through many techniques, with jobs scheduled either online prior to execution beginning or online at each time or event change. Increased processing power and job types means that current online scheduling methods that employ exhaustive search techniques will not be suitable to define schedules for such enigmatic task lists and that new techniques using statistic-based methods must be investigated to preserve Quality of Service. A new paradigm of scheduling through complex heuristics is one way to administer these next levels of processor effectively and allow the use of more simple devices in complex systems; thus reducing unit cost while retaining reliability a key goal identified by the International Technology Roadmap for Semi-conductors for Embedded Systems in Critical Environments. These changes would be beneficial in terms of cost reduction and system exibility within the next generation of device. This thesis investigates the use of heuristics and statistical methods in the operation of real-time systems, with the feasibility of Game Theory and Statistical Process Control for the successful supervision of high-load and critical jobs investigated. Heuristics are identified as an effective method of controlling complex real-time issues, with two-person non-cooperative games delivering Nash-optimal solutions where these exist. The simplified algorithms for creating and solving Game Theory events allow for its use within small embedded RISC devices and an increase in reliability for systems operating at the apex of their limits. Within this Thesis, Heuristic and Game Theoretic algorithms for a variety of real-time scenarios are postulated, investigated, refined and tested against existing schedule types; initially through MATLAB simulation before testing on an ARM Cortex M3 architecture functioning as a simplified automotive Electronic Control Unit.Doctoral Teaching Account from the EPSRC

    Radio frequency energy harvesting for autonomous systems

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyRadio Frequency Energy Harvesting (RFEH) is a technology which enables wireless power delivery to multiple devices from a single energy source. The main components of this technology are the antenna and the rectifying circuitry that converts the RF signal into DC power. The devices which are using Radio Frequency (RF) power may be integrated into Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), biomedical implants, Internet of Things (IoT), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), smart meters, telemetry systems and may even be used to charge mobile phones. Aside from autonomous systems such as WSNs and RFID, the multi-billion portable electronics market – from GSM phones to MP3 players – would be an attractive application for RF energy harvesting if the power requirements are met. To investigate the potential for ambient RFEH, several RF site surveys were conducted around London. Using the results from these surveys, various harvesters were designed and tested for different frequency bands from the RF sources with the highest power density within the Medium Wave (MW), ultra- and super-high (UHF and SHF) frequency spectrum. Prototypes were fabricated and tested for each of the bands and proved that a large urban area around Brookmans park radio centre is suitable location for harvesting ambient RF energy. Although the RFEH offers very good efficiency performance, if a single antenna is considered, the maximum power delivered is generally not enough to power all the elements of an autonomous system. In this thesis we present techniques for optimising the power efficiency of the RFEH device under demanding conditions such as ultra-low power densities, arbitrary polarisation and diverse load impedances. Subsequently, an energy harvesting ferrite rod rectenna is designed to power up a wireless sensor and its transmitter, generating dedicated Medium Wave (MW) signals in an indoor environment. Harvested power management, application scenarios and practical results are also presented

    Optymalizacja procesów transferu energii i transferu elektronowego w biofotowoltaicznych nanourządzeniach zawierających fotosystem I oraz cytochrom c553 z ekstremofilnego krasnorostu Cyanidioschyzon merolae

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    One of the biggest challenges of modern-day solar technologies is to develop carbon-neutral, efficient and sustainable systems for solar energy conversion into electricity and fuel. Over the last two decades there has been a growing impact of ‘green’ solar conversion technologies based on the natural solar energy converters, such as the robust extremophilic photosystem I (PSI) and its associated protein cofactors. The main bottleneck of the currently available biophotovoltaic and solar-to-fuel technologies is the low power conversion efficiency of the available devices due to wasteful charge recombination reactions at the interfaces between the working modules, as well as instability of the organic and inorganic components. This thesis describes the development of three novel approaches to improve energy and electron transfer in PSI-based biophotoelectrodes and plasmonic nanostructures: (1) construction of all-solid-state mediatorless biophotovoltaic devices incorporating p-doped silicon substrate, extremophilic robust PSI complex and its associated light harvesting antenna (PSI-LHCI) in conjunction with its natural electron donor cytochrome c553 (cyt c553) from a red microalga Cyanidioschyzon merolae and (2), biofunctionalization of the silver nanowires (AgNWs) with a highly organised architecture of the cyt c553/PSI-LHCI assembly for the significant improvement of absorption cross-section of the C. merolae PSI-LHCI complex due to plasmonic interactions between the distinct subpool of chlorophylls (Chls) and AgNWs nanoconstructs. The third (3) approach was based on development of the photo-driven in vitro hydrogen production system following hybridisation of the robust extremophilic PSI-LHCI complex with the novel and established proton reducing catalysts (PRC). The last approach has led to generation of molecular hydrogen with TOF of 521 mol H2 (mol PSI)-1 min-1 and 729 mol H2 (mol PSI)-1 min-1 for the hybrid systems of PSI-LHCI with cobaloxime and the DuBois-type mononuclear nickel proton reduction catalysts, respectively. The TOF values for biophotocatalytic H2 production obtained in this study were 3-fold and 16.6-fold higher than those published for cyanobacterial PSI/PRC hybrid systems employing cobaloxime and a similar Ni mononuclear PRC, respectively. Construction of all-solid-state mediatorless PSI-based nanodevices was facilitated by biopassivation of the p-doped Si substrate with His6-tagged cyt c553, as evidenced by significant lowering of the inherent dark saturation current (J0), a well-known semiconductor surface recombination parameter. Five distinct variants of cyt c553 were obtained by genetically engineering the specific linker peptides of 0-19 amino acids in length between the cyt c553 holoprotein and a C-terminal His6-tag, the latter being the affinity ‘anchor’ used for specific immobilisation of this protein on the semiconductor surface. The calculated 2D Gibbs free energy maps for all the five cyt c553 variants and the protein lacking any peptide linker showed a much higher number of thermodynamically feasible conformations for the cyt c variants containing longer linker peptides upon their specific immobilisation on the Si surface. The bioinformatic calculations were verified by constructing the respective cyt c553/Si bioelectrodes and measuring their dark current-voltage (J-V) characteristics to determine the degree of p-doped Si surface passivation, measured by minimisation of the J0 recombination parameter. The combined bioinformatic and J-V analyses indicated that the cyt c553 variants with longer linker peptides, up to 19AA in length, allowed for more structural flexibility of immobilised cyt c553 in terms of both, orientation and distance of the haem group with respect to the Si surface, resulting in efficient biopassivation of this semiconductor substrate. This molecular approach has allowed for the developing of an alternative, cheap and facile route for significant reduction of the inherent minority charge recombination at the p-doped Si surface. To improve direct electron transfer within all-solid state PSI-based nanodevices, the specific His6-tagged cyt c553 variants, generated in this study, were attached to the Ni-NTA-functionalised p-doped Si surface prior to incorporation of the PSI-LHCI photoactive layer. Such nanoarchitecture resulted in an open-circuit potential increment of 333 μV for the specific PSI-LHCI/cyt c553/Si nanodevice compared to the control device devoid of cyt c553. Moreover, the all-solid state mediatorless PSI-LHCI-based devices produced photocurrents in the range of 104-234 μA/cm2 when a bias of -0.25 V was applied, demonstrating one of the highest photocurrents for this type of solid-state devices reported to date. The power conversion efficiency of the PSI-LHCI/p-doped Si devices was 20-fold higher when 19AA variant of cyt c553 was incorporated as the biological conductive interface between the PSI-LHCI photoactive module and the substrate, demonstrating the significant role of this cyt variant for improving direct electron transfer within the PSI-based all-solid-state mediatorless biophotovoltaic device. In a complementary line of research, it was demonstrated that the highly controlled assembly of C. merolae PSI-LHCI complex on plasmon-generating AgNWs substantially improved the optical functionality of such a novel biohybrid nanostructure. By comparing fluorescence intensities measured for PSI-LHCI complex randomly oriented on AgNWs and the results obtained for the PSI-LHCI/cyt c553 bioconjugate with AgNWs it was concluded that the specific binding of PSI-LHCI complex with the defined uniform orientation yields selective excitation of a pool of Chls that are otherwise almost non-absorbing. This is remarkable, as this work shows for the first time that plasmonic excitations in metallic nanostructures not only can be used to enhance native absorption of photosynthetic pigments, but also, by employing cyt c553 as the conjugation cofactor, to activate the specific Chl pools as the absorbing sites, only when the uniform and well-defined orientation of PSI-LHCI complex with respect to plasmonic nanostructures is achieved. This innovative approach paves the way for the next generation solar energy-converting technologies to outperform the reported-to-date biohybrid devices with respect to power conversion efficiency.Jednym z głównych wyzwań technologicznych jest opracowanie wydajnych i odnawialnych systemów konwersji energii słonecznej w elektryczność i paliwo, stosując zerowy bilans emisji związków węgla. W ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad nastąpił znaczący postęp w zastosowaniu “zielonych” technologii biofotowoltaicznych, opartych na naturalnych białkach absorbujących energię słoneczną, takich jak fotosystem I (PSI) wraz ze związanymi z nim kompleksami antenowymi i kofaktorami transportu elektronowego. Głównym ograniczeniem obecnych urządzeń fotowoltaicznych jest ich niska wydajność kwantowa, związana z procesami rekombinacji ładunku w interfejsach pomiędzy modułami tych urządzeń, jak również ograniczona stabilność zastosowanych jak dotąd biologicznych i syntetycznych komponentów. W ramach niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej opracowano nowatorską technologię, polegającą na zastosowaniu wysokostabilnego PSI oraz naturalnego donora elektronów dla tego kompleksu, cytochromu c553 (cyt c553), wyizolowanych z ekstremofilnego krasnorostu Cyanidioschyzon merolae, do konstrukcji trzech typów nanourządzeń biofotowoltaicznych: (1), biofotoogniw w stałej konfiguracji (ang., all-solid-state), zawierających domieszkowany pozytywnie półprzewodnikowy substrat krzemowy (ang., p-doped Si, p-Si) wraz z warstwami fotoaktywnego kompleksu PSI i cyt c553; (2), plazmonowych srebrnych bionanodrutów (AgNWs), funkcjonalizowanych wysokouporządkowaną nanoarchitekturą monowarstw PSI i cyt c553, oraz (3), systemu fotokatalitycznej produkcji wodoru cząsteczkowego in vitro z zastosowaniem kompleksów hybrydowych PSI wraz z syntetycznymi katalizatorami redukcji protonów (ang., proton reducing catalysts, PRC). W przypadku ostatniego z powyższych systemów, optymalizacja biofotokatalitycznej produkcji wodoru cząsteczkowego z zastosowaniem systemów hybrydowych z PSI i PRC, opartych na kobaloksymie i niklowym katalizatorze mononuklearnym typu DuBois, precypitowanych na powierzchni PSI w roztworze wodnym, pozwoliła na osiągnięcie aktywności wydzielania wodoru odpowiednio, 521 moli H2 (mol PSI)-1 min-1 oraz 729 moli H2 (mol PSI)-1 min-1, przewyższając tym samym 3-17-krotnie aktywność wydzielania wodoru w podobnych systemach biohybrydowych i warunkach pomiarowych. Poraz pierwszy zastosowano cyt c553 z C-terminalną metką His6 do biopasywacji półprzewodnikowego substratu p-Si, mierzonej minimalizacją parametru rekombinacji powierzchniowej J0. Poprzez inżynierię genetyczną sklonowano i wyrażono w E. coli 5 różnych wariantów cyt c553, z których 4 zawierały w swej strukturze sekwencje peptydowe o długości 5-19 aminokwasów (AA), aby zbadać ich wpływ na procesy rekombinacji ładunku w obrębie elektrody krzemowej. Peptydy te zostały wstawione pomiędzy holobiałkiem a metką His6, którą zastosowano do unieruchomienia każdego z wariantów cyt c553 na powierzchni elektrody. Obliczenie energii swobodnej Gibbsa pozwoliło na utworzenie konformacyjnych map 2D dla każdego z wariantów, w których pokazano, iż warianty z semi-helikalnym peptydem 19AA przyjmują znacząco większą liczbę termodynamicznie możliwych konformacji na powierzchni elektrody pod względem odległości i kąta nachylenia grupy hemowej w stosunku do powierzchni elektrody. Bioinformatyczna analiza została potwierdzona poprzez ciemniową charakterystykę prądowo-napięciową (J-V) utworzonych odpowiednio bioelektrod krzemowo-cytochromowych. Stwierdzono, że warianty cyt c553 z dłuższymi peptydami pomiędzy metką His6 a holobiałkiem efektywnie minimalizują prądy ciemniowe krzemowego substratu, najprawdopodobniej dzięki istnieniu większej ilości termodynamicznie zoptymalizowanych konformacji cytochromu, pozwalających na minimalizację rekombinacji ładunku powierzchniowego substratu. Funkcjonalizacja elektrody p-Si wariantem cyt c553, charakteryzującym się największym stopniem swobody orientacji grupy hemowej w stosunku powierzchni elektrody krzemowej, pozwoliła na efektywną biopasywację tego półprzewodnikowego substratu poprzez minimalizację parametru J0, co z kolei pozwoliło na zwiększenie parametru Voc o 333 μV w biofotoogniwach typu PSI/cyt c553/p-Si, w porównaniu do kontroli zawierającej jedynie PSI/p-Si. Uzyskano fotoprądy w stałych biofotoogniwach PSI/p-Si w zakresie 104-234 μA cm-2 (przy nadpotencjale -0.25 V), co należy do jednych z najwyższych wartości fotoprądów wygenerowanych przez stałe biofotoogniwa z PSI, w podobnych warunkach pomiarowych. Jednocześnie wydajność konwersji energii słonecznej w fotoogniwach typu PSI-LHCI/cyt c553/p-Si była 20-krotnie wyższa, w obecności wariantu cyt c553 19AA, zastosowanego w tych urządzeniech jako biologiczna warstwa biopasywacji substratu krzemowego oraz warstwa kondukcyjna pomiędzy substratem a PSI. Tym samym wykazano, że ów wariant może być zastosowany w urządzeniach biofotowoltaicznych do zwiększenia transferu elektronowego pomiędzy substratem a PSI. W równoległym i komplementarnym kierunku badań, zastosowanie równomiernej i specyficznie ukierunkowanej nanoarchitektury fotoaktywnej warstwy PSI na plazmonowych nanostrukturach metalicznych AgNWs, sfunkcjonalizowanych uprzednio cyt c553, pozwoliło na znaczące zwiększenie efektywnej absorpcji PSI, w zakresie spektralnym, w którym PSI jest nieaktywny in vivo, poprzez aktywację specyficznej puli tzw. czerwonych cząsteczek chlorofilu w obrębie fluoroforów PSI. Tym samym pokazano, że oddziaływania plazmonowe mogą być efektywnie zastosowane nie tylko do zwiększenia całkowitej absorpcji fotoaktywnych kompleksów białkowych, ale również do aktywacji spektralnej specyficznych pigmentów, wyłącznie w obrębie wysokouporządkowanej i zorientowanej nanoarchitektury tych fotokompleksów na nanokonstruktach plazmonowych. Powyższe nowatorskie podejście badawcze może być w przyszłości zastosowane do konstrukcji nowej generacji urządzeń biofotowoltaicznych o zwiększonej wydajności konwersji energii słonecznej

    Energy-Sustainable IoT Connectivity: Vision, Technological Enablers, Challenges, and Future Directions

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    Technology solutions must effectively balance economic growth, social equity, and environmental integrity to achieve a sustainable society. Notably, although the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm constitutes a key sustainability enabler, critical issues such as the increasing maintenance operations, energy consumption, and manufacturing/disposal of IoT devices have long-term negative economic, societal, and environmental impacts and must be efficiently addressed. This calls for self-sustainable IoT ecosystems requiring minimal external resources and intervention, effectively utilizing renewable energy sources, and recycling materials whenever possible, thus encompassing energy sustainability. In this work, we focus on energy-sustainable IoT during the operation phase, although our discussions sometimes extend to other sustainability aspects and IoT lifecycle phases. Specifically, we provide a fresh look at energy-sustainable IoT and identify energy provision, transfer, and energy efficiency as the three main energy-related processes whose harmonious coexistence pushes toward realizing self-sustainable IoT systems. Their main related technologies, recent advances, challenges, and research directions are also discussed. Moreover, we overview relevant performance metrics to assess the energy-sustainability potential of a certain technique, technology, device, or network and list some target values for the next generation of wireless systems. Overall, this paper offers insights that are valuable for advancing sustainability goals for present and future generations.Comment: 25 figures, 12 tables, submitted to IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societ

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin

    12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons"

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    Epoxy resins show a combination of thermal stability, good mechanical performance, and durability, which make these materials suitable for many applications in the Aerospace industry. Different types of curing agents can be utilized for curing epoxy systems. The use of aliphatic amines as curing agent is preferable over the toxic aromatic ones, though their incorporation increases the flammability of the resin. Recently, we have developed different hybrid strategies, where the sol-gel technique has been exploited in combination with two DOPO-based flame retardants and other synergists or the use of humic acid and ammonium polyphosphate to achieve non-dripping V-0 classification in UL 94 vertical flame spread tests, with low phosphorous loadings (e.g., 1-2 wt%). These strategies improved the flame retardancy of the epoxy matrix, without any detrimental impact on the mechanical and thermal properties of the composites. Finally, the formation of a hybrid silica-epoxy network accounted for the establishment of tailored interphases, due to a better dispersion of more polar additives in the hydrophobic resin