343 research outputs found

    Social Aspects of New Technologies - the CCTV and Biometric (Framing Privacy and Data Protection) in the Case of Poland

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the institution responsible for the protection of personal data within the European Union and national example - Polish as a country representing the new Member States. The analysis of institutional system - providing legal security of communication and information institutions, companies and citizens against the dangers arising from the ongoing development of innovative new technologies in the European Union and Poland. This article is an attempt to analyze the possibility of using security systems and Biometry CTTV in Poland in terms of legislation. The results of the analysis indicate that, in terms of institutions Poland did not do badly in relation to the risks arising from the implementation of technology. The situation is not as good when it comes to the awareness of citizens and small businesses. This requires that facilitate greater access to free security software companies from data leakage or uncontrolled cyber-terrorist attacks. With regard to the use of security systems, CCTV and biometrics, Poland in legal terms is still early in the process of adapting to EU Directive. The continuous development of technology should force the legislature to establish clear standards and regulations for the application of CCTV technology and biometrics, as it is of great importance in ensuring the fundamental rights and freedoms of every citizen of the Polish Republic.Wyniki analizy wskazują, że pod względem instytucji Polska nie wypada źle w odniesieniu do zagrożeń wynikających z wdrożenia technologii. Sytuacja nie jest tak dobra, jeśli chodzi o świadomość obywateli i mniejszych firm. Wymaga to ułatwiania szerszego dostępu do darmowych programów zabezpieczających firmy przed wyciekiem danych lub niekontrolowanych cyber-ataków terrorystycznych. W odniesieniu do stosowania systemów zabezpieczeń CCTV oraz biometrii, Polska pod względem prawnym jest wciąż na początku procesu dostosowania do dyrektywy UE. Ciągły rozwój technologii powinien zmusić ustawodawcę do stworzenia jednoznacznych standardów i przepisów obowiązujących w zakresie stosowania technologii CCTV oraz biometrii, gdyż ma to ogromne znaczenie w zapewnieniu podstawowych praw i wolności każdego obywatela Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

    Helicopter parenting through the lens of reddit: A text mining study

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    The study aimed to understand Reddit users’ experience with helicopter parenting through first- hand accounts. Text mining and natural language processing techniques were employed to extract data from the subreddit r/helicopterparents. A total of 713 original posts were processed from unstructured texts to tidy formats. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a popular topic modeling method, was used to discover hidden themes within the corpus. The data revealed common environmental contexts of helicopter parenting (i.e., school, college, work, and home) and its implication on college decisions, privacy, and social relationships. These collectively suggested the importance of autonomy-supportive parenting and mindfulness interventions as viable solutions to the problems posed by helicopter parenting. In addition, findings lent support to past research that has identified more maternal than paternal models of helicopter parenting. Further research on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on helicopter parenting is warranted

    Studying Reddit: A Systematic Overview of Disciplines, Approaches, Methods, and Ethics

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    This article offers a systematic analysis of 727 manuscripts that used Reddit as a data source, published between 2010 and 2020. Our analysis reveals the increasing growth in use of Reddit as a data source, the range of disciplines this research is occurring in, how researchers are getting access to Reddit data, the characteristics of the datasets researchers are using, the subreddits and topics being studied, the kinds of analysis and methods researchers are engaging in, and the emerging ethical questions of research in this space. We discuss how researchers need to consider the impact of Reddit’s algorithms, affordances, and generalizability of the scientific knowledge produced using Reddit data, as well as the potential ethical dimensions of research that draws data from subreddits with potentially sensitive populations

    Networks and trust: systems for understanding and supporting internet security

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    Includes bibliographical references.2022 Fall.This dissertation takes a systems-level view of the multitude of existing trust management systems to make sense of when, where and how (or, in some cases, if) each is best utilized. Trust is a belief by one person that by transacting with another person (or organization) within a specific context, a positive outcome will result. Trust serves as a heuristic that enables us to simplify the dozens decisions we make each day about whom we will transact with. In today's hyperconnected world, in which for many people a bulk of their daily transactions related to business, entertainment, news, and even critical services like healthcare take place online, we tend to rely even more on heuristics like trust to help us simplify complex decisions. Thus, trust plays a critical role in online transactions. For this reason, over the past several decades researchers have developed a plethora of trust metrics and trust management systems for use in online systems. These systems have been most frequently applied to improve recommender systems and reputation systems. They have been designed for and applied to varied online systems including peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing networks, e-commerce platforms, online social networks, messaging and communication networks, sensor networks, distributed computing networks, and others. However, comparatively little research has examined the effects on individuals, organizations or society of the presence or absence of trust in online sociotechnical systems. Using these existing trust metrics and trust management systems, we design a set of experiments to benchmark the performance of these existing systems, which rely heavily on network analysis methods. Drawing on the experiments' results, we propose a heuristic decision-making framework for selecting a trust management system for use in online systems. In this dissertation we also investigate several related but distinct aspects of trust in online sociotechnical systems. Using network/graph analysis methods, we examine how trust (or lack of trust) affects the performance of online networks in terms of security and quality of service. We explore the structure and behavior of online networks including Twitter, GitHub, and Reddit through the lens of trust. We find that higher levels of trust within a network are associated with more spread of misinformation (a form of cybersecurity threat, according to the US CISA) on Twitter. We also find that higher levels of trust in open source developer networks on GitHub are associated with more frequent incidences of cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Using our experimental and empirical findings previously described, we apply the Systems Engineering Process to design and prototype a trust management tool for use on Reddit, which we dub Coni the Trust Moderating Bot. Coni is, to the best of our knowledge, the first trust management tool designed specifically for use on the Reddit platform. Through our work with Coni, we develop and present a blueprint for constructing a Reddit trust tool which not only measures trust levels, but can use these trust levels to take actions on Reddit to improve the quality of submissions within the community (a subreddit)

    Działalność Rady Europy w obszarze kultury

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    The article is devoted to issues related to the activities of the Council of Europe for culture. The aim of the study was to show that the Council of Europe is an important international organization. The author analyzed the literature on the subject devoted to the Council of Europe, and characterized the legal achievements of this organization and its activities in the field of culture. Initiatives and cultural projects of the Council of Europe were discussed. A thesis has been put forward that the Council of Europe is a significant international organization which protects the cultural heritage of Europe. The functions of the Council of Europe and its importance as an organization operating in the field of culture, as well as guarding the acquis communautaire and principles based on the rule of law, democracy and respect for human rights, were analyzed. The article is a synthetic presentation of the role of the Council of Europe in the international arena. It presents, i.a., the ongoing discussion about the crisis of international organizations and shows the significant importance of the Council of Europe in shaping appropriate international relations in Europe.Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniom związanym z działalnością Rady Europy na rzecz kultury. Celem opracowania było wykazanie, że Rada Europy jest ważną organizacją międzynarodową. Autorka przeprowadziła analizę literatury przedmiotu poświęconej Radzie Europy, a także scharakteryzowała dorobek prawny tej organizacji oraz działalność w zakresie kultury. Omówione zostały inicjatywy oraz projekty kulturalne Rady Europy. Postawiono tezę, że Rada Europy jest znaczącą organizacją międzynarodową, która stoi na straży dziedzictwa kulturowego Europy. Dokonano analizy funkcji Rady Europy i jej znaczenia jako organizacji działającej w obszarze kultury, jak również stojącej na straży dorobku prawnego oraz zasad opartych na praworządności, demokracji i poszanowaniu praw człowieka. Artykuł stanowi syntetyczne przedstawienie roli Rady Europy na arenie międzynarodowej. Przytoczono m.in. toczącą się dyskusję o kryzysie organizacji międzynarodowych i wykazano istotne znaczenie Rady Europy w kształtowaniu się odpowiednich relacji międzynarodowych w Europie

    Identifying Experts in Question \& Answer Portals: A Case Study on Data Science Competencies in Reddit

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    The irreplaceable key to the triumph of Question & Answer (Q&A) platforms is their users providing high-quality answers to the challenging questions posted across various topics of interest. Recently, the expert finding problem attracted much attention in information retrieval research. In this work, we inspect the feasibility of supervised learning model to identify data science experts in Reddit. Our method is based on the manual coding results where two data science experts labelled expert, non-expert and out-of-scope comments. We present a semi-supervised approach using the activity behaviour of every user, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), crowdsourced and user feature sets. We conclude that the NLP and user feature sets contribute the most to the better identification of these three classes It means that this method can generalise well within the domain. Moreover, we present different types of users, which can be helpful to detect various types of users in the future