181,895 research outputs found

    The PLoS Community Journals

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    2005 will see the launch of three new open access journals from the Public Library of Science - PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Genetics, and PLoS Pathogen

    Nou avenç en l'estudi de l'Alzheimer

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    Investigadors de la UAB i de la Universitat d'Estocolm han modelat, per computador, la pèrdua d'estructura funcional de la proteïna apoE4 quan entra en contacte amb la molècula beta amiloide, principal causant de la malaltia d'Alzheimer. L'estudi, publicat a PLoS Computational Biology, dóna suport a evidències experimentals que vinculen l'apoE4 amb aquesta patologia i obre nous camps a explorar per entendre-la i combatre-la.Investigadores de la UAB y de la Universidad de Estocolmo han modelado por computador la pérdida de estructura funcional de la proteína apoE4 cuando entra en contacto con la molécula beta amiloide, principal causante de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. El estudio, publicado en PLoS Computational Biology, reafirma evidencias experimentales que vinculan la apoE4 con esta patología y abre nuevos campos a explorar para entenderla y combatirla.Researchers at UAB and University of Stockholm have created a computer modelling of the structural malfunctioning of the ApoE4 protein when it enters into contact with the Amyloid beta molecule, the main cause of Alzheimer's disease. The research, published in PLoS Computational Biology, supports experimental evidence that links ApoE4 with this pathology and opens up new exploration possibilities in understanding and fighting against the disease

    Insight from Biology Program Learning Outcomes: Implications for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

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    Learning goals and objectives are a key part of instruction, informing curricular design, assessment, and learning. These goals and objectives are also applied at the programmatic level, with program learning outcomes (PLOs) providing insight into the skills that undergraduate biology programs intend for their students to master. PLOs are mandated by all major higher education accreditation agencies and play integral roles in programmatic assessment. Despite their importance, however, there have not been any prior attempts to characterize PLOs across undergraduate biology programs in the United States. Our study reveals that many programs may not be using PLOs to communicate learning goals with students. We also identify key themes across these PLOs and differences in skills listed between institution types. For example, some Vision & Change core competencies (e.g., interdisciplinary nature of science; connecting science to society; quantitative reasoning) are highlighted by a low percentage of programs, while others are shared more frequently between programs. Similarly, we find that biology programs at 4-year institutions likely emphasize PLOs relating to computational skills and research more than at 2-year institutions. We conclude by discussing implications for how to best use PLOs to support student learning, assessment, and curricular improvements
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