6 research outputs found

    Condizionamento in palestra e resistance training: effetti nella performance del nuoto

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    A partire dalle prime competizioni di nuoto, soprattutto dalle edizioni delle olimpiadi, ci si è interrogati su come fosse possibile raggiungere il massimo livello della performance in questo sport. Questo elaborato a seguito degli sviluppi in tema di scienza dello sport, tramite un'attenta analisi delle metodologie di allenamento e condizionamento con i pesi e con l'aiuto di recenti studi, porta alla conclusione che tali metodologie siano estremamente efficaci e impattanti a parità di performance dell'atleta in acqua

    Tests de salto vertical (I): Aspectos funcionales

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    14 p.En este trabajo se lleva a cabo una revisión de los principales test que evalúan la potencia anaeróbica mediante la utilización del salto vertical. También se describen sus metodologías, comentando los principales inconvenientes de las mismas, y en especial, de los saltos verticales repetidos del test de Bosco. Finalmente, se presenta un sistema que permite realizar un protocolo abierto de saltos verticales (SportJump-v1.0), caracterizándose por ser el único validado científicamente, habiéndose aplicado con éxito en la valoración funcional de diferentes grupos de poblacionesS

    Conservative treatment of shoulder instability: literature review and a proposal of an aquatic exercise program

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    openBackground: la riabilitazione in acqua sfrutta le leggi fisiche proprie di questo elemento per fornire alcuni vantaggi e facilitazioni che possono rendere più efficaci le proposte di trattamento nei pazienti. Obiettivo: l’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare la letteratura per ricavare gli elementi fondamentali che stanno alla base della riabilitazione conservativa dell’instabilità di spalla in ambiente acquatico, suddividendoli nelle varie tipologie della patologia. In seguito, partendo dai risultati che sono emersi dall’analisi della letteratura, si proporranno alcuni esercizi da svolgere in ambiente acquatico per la riabilitazione di questa patologia. Materiali e metodi: è stata eseguita una ricerca bibliografia sulle principali banche dati (PubMed, Scopus, PEDro) con limite di 10 anni e nelle lingue inglese, italiano e francese, andando a verificare la presenza in letteratura di revisioni riguardanti il trattamento conservativo dell’instabilità di spalla in ambiente acquatico. Non avendo ottenuto risultati, è stata effettuata una seconda ricerca sul trattamento a secco per individuare le caratteristiche alla base della riabilitazione su cui basare la proposta degli esercizi in acqua. Risultati e discussione: dai dati emersi dai 11 articoli esaminati emerge che la riabilitazione dell’instabilità di spalla si basa su un rinforzo della muscolatura periscapolare e della cuffia dei rotatori, con esercizi di controllo motorio e di propriocezione, incrementando gradualmente il range di movimento da controllare e la resistenza applicata. Sono state analizzate separatamente le indicazioni alla riabilitazione delle varie tipologie di instabilità (anteriore, posteriore, multidirezionale e acquisita). L’ambiente acquatico risulta adeguato alla riabilitazione di questa patologia e quindi alla proposta degli esercizi terapeutici e per questo sono stati proposti alcuni esercizi per la riabilitazione dell’instabilità di spalla in acqua. Conclusioni: si è riscontrata una mancanza di letteratura sulla riabilitazione in acqua della patologia, per questo basandosi sui punti cardine della riabilitazione in palestra è stato proposto un programma di esercizi adattati all’ambiente acquatico. Da questa proposta, sarebbe interessante valutare l’effettiva efficacia della riabilitazione in acqua.Background: Aquatic rehabilitation harnesses the unique physical properties of water to provide certain advantages and facilitations that can enhance treatment options for patients without contraindications. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to analyze the literature to extract the fundamental elements underlying conservative shoulder instability rehabilitation in an aquatic environment, categorizing them based on the different types of the condition. Subsequently, building upon the results obtained from the literature analysis, some aquatic exercises will be proposed for the rehabilitation of this condition. Materials and Methods: A bibliographic search was conducted on major databases (PubMed, Scopus, PEDro) with a 10-year limit, in English, Italian, and French languages, to identify any literature reviews regarding the conservative treatment of shoulder instability in an aquatic environment. As no results were obtained, a second search was conducted on dry-land treatment to identify the rehabilitation characteristics upon which to base the proposed water exercises. Results and Discussion: Data from the examination of 11 articles reveal that shoulder instability rehabilitation is centered on strengthening the periscapular musculature and rotator cuff, incorporating exercises for motor control and proprioception while gradually increasing the range of motion to be controlled and the applied resistance. The indications for rehabilitating various types of instability (anterior, posterior, multidirectional, and acquired) were analyzed separately. The aquatic environment proves suitable for the rehabilitation of this condition, thus supporting the proposal of therapeutic exercises in water. Conclusions: A lack of literature on aquatic rehabilitation for this condition was observed. Therefore, based on the core principles of gym-based rehabilitation, a program of exercises adapted for the aquatic environment was suggested. It would be interesting to assess the actual effectiveness of aquatic rehabilitation based on this proposal

    Efecto del entrenamiento de fuerza, potencia y velocidad sobre las variables físicas y técnicas determinantes del rendimiento en jugadores de fútbol prepuberales y adolescentes

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    Programa de Doctorado en Alto Rendimiento DeportivoEsta tesis doctoral describe patrones y mecanismos de impacto viario sobre poblaciones animales, acerca de los temas principales de la Ecología de carreteras: atropello, efecto barrera, medidas de mitigación, impacto sobre comportamiento y reproducción, invasiones biológicas. En el primer capítulo vimos que los ectotermos comunes y abundantes son los vertebrados mediterráneos con más probabilidad de ser atropellados en Doñana (España), los anfibios durante las lluvias y los reptiles (serpientes y lagartijas) coincidiendo con altas temperaturas. Las lagartijas (y también los micromamíferos) son atropelladas sobre todo en grandes vías muy transitadas. En el segundo capítulo observamos que la red viaria heterogénea (i.e. con variación de tráfico y superficie viaria) de Doñana afecta la probabilidad de presencia de ciervos y jabalíes, y especialmente la distancia al camino más cercano, aunque no tenga tráfico ni pavimentación. La consecuencia a nivel de paisaje es una reducción de probabilidad de presencia del 32% y del 45%, con una grande reducción de calidad de hábitat en un enclave protegido. En el tercer capítulo demostramos que los muestreos genéricos de eficacia de pasos de fauna para micromamíferos están sesgados hacía especies generalistas de hábitat en detrimento de las especialistas, pero ambas parecen preferir los ecoductos a los pasos subterráneos. En el cuarto capítulo vimos que los abejarucos que crían en las áreas laterales de los caminos perciben el tráfico como un elemento de estrés que estimula alarmas y estampidas. Sin embargo, las tasas de ceba son mayores en nidos situados en carreteras de tránsito elevado, aumentando durante los días laborales y con picos en las horas punta. En el quinto capítulo observamos que las aves sinantrópicas invasoras en Nueva Zelanda usan las carreteras intermunicipales para la búsqueda de comida, los que podría favorecer que estas actuaran como corredores de invasión. Todos los resultados de esta tesis nos ayudan a comprender mejor el impacto de carreteras y tráfico sobre la biodiversidad y como mitigarlo.Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Deporte e Informátic

    The effect of a plyometric training programme on selected physical capacities of rugby players

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    Thesis (MSportwet)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a six-week plyometric training programme on the explosive power, speed and agility as well as certain physiological characteristics and the physical fitness of rugby players. Thirty subjects, that include the first and second rugby teams of the Paul Roos Gymnasium participated in the study. After a thorough evaluation of their medical history, their health status was confirmed as being “apparently healthy” and fit for participation in the project. The subjects were divided into two groups. The experimental group followed a specially designed plyometric training programme in addition to their conventional rugby training, while the control group persisted with the conventional rugby training for the season. Body fat percentage was measured and specific girth measurements were taken to assess physiological changes. Cardiovascular fitness was evaluated by means of the threeminute step test and muscle endurance by means of the push-up and sit-up tests in order to assess the physical fitness of the subjects. The explosive power, speed and agility of the subjects were assessed by means of the agility test [T-drill], ten-meter speed test, Sargent vertical jump test, depth jump test, standing triple jump and the medicine ball chest pass. All measurements and tests were taken before and after the six-week intervention programme of plyometric training. With regards to physiological changes the results showed that the plyometric training programme had a positive effect on the experimental group. The body fat percentage of the experimental group showed a significant decrease and the circumference of their thighs, calves, arms and waist increased. Their chest circumferences did, however, not increase, which might be due to the fact that the plyometric exercises were more specifically aimed at the lower body muscle groups. The results pertaining to physical fitness were mixed. There was a significant improvement (p<0,01) in the cardiovascular fitness of the experimental group while that of the control group stayed relatively constant (p=1,0). With regards to muscle endurance, the control group fared significantly better in the push-up test than the experimental group, while the experimental group fared significantly better in the sit-up test than the control group. The six-week plyometric intervention programme had a statistically significant effect on the performance of the experimental group as compared to the control group, when biomotor skills were assessed. It was concluded that the addition of the specific plyometric exercises to a conventional rugby-training programme would improve the speed, explosive power and agility of rugby players significantly. Beneficial anthropometric changes as well as improved cardiovascular fitness would be additional benefits of a plyometric training programme. The findings of this research suggest that the value of plyometric exercises to motor skills, specific physiological characteristics and physical fitness should not be underestimated and that the trainers and coaches should be informed in this regard. To establish the positive effects of plyometrics as a functional cross training regime for rugby players, more comprehensive research is, however, recommended.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die navorsing was om die effek van ‘n ses-weeklange pliometriese oefenprogram op die eksplosiewe krag, spoed, ratsheid asook sekere fisiologiese karaktereienskappe en die fisieke fiksheid van rugbyspelers te ondersoek. Dertig spelers, wat lede van die eerste en tweede rugbyspan van Paul Roos Gimnasium hoërskool ingesluit het, het aan die studie deelgeneem. Na deeglike evaluering van hulle mediese geskiedenis, is hulle gesondheidsvlakke goedgekeur vir deelname in die studie. Die spelers is in twee groepe verdeel. Die eksperimentele groep het ‘n spesiale pliometriese oefenprogram gevolg, saam met die konvensionele rugby-oefensessies. Die kontrole groep het slegs aan die konvensionele rugby-oefensessies vir die seisoen deelgeneem. Persentasie liggaamsvet en spesifieke omtrekmates is genoteer om die fisiologiese veranderinge te evalueer. Kardiovaskulêre fiksheid is deur middel van ‘n drie-minute opstaptoets geëvalueer en spieruithouvermoë deur middel van opstoot-en opsittoetse om sodoende die speler se fisieke fiksheid te evalueer. Die ratsheid, spoed en eksplosiewe krag van die spelers is deur die ratsheidstoets (T-drill), tien-meter spoedtoets, Sargent vertikale sprongtoets, diepte sprongtoets, staande driesprong en die medisynebal-gooitoets bepaal. Al die bogenoemde toetse en assessering is voor en na die ses-weke intervensie program van pliometriese oefening gedoen. Met betrekking tot die fisiologiese veranderinge, dui die resultate aan dat die pliometriese oefenprogram ‘n positiewe effek op die eksperimentele groep gehad het. Die eksperimentele groep se persentasie liggaamsvet het beduidend verlaag en daar was ‘n neiging tot toename in omtrekmates van die bobeen, kuite, arms en middel. Die borsomtrekmate het egter nie vergroot nie, en kan toegeskryf word aan die feit dat die pliometriese oefenprogram op die ontwikkeling van die spiere in die onderlyf gefokus het. Die resultate ten opsigte van die fisieke fiksheid was eenders vir die twee groepe. Daar was ‘n neiging tot verbetering in die kardiovaskulêre fiksheid van die eksperimentele groep, terwyl die kontrole groep konstant gebly het. Met betrekking tot spieruithouvermoë het die kontrole groep in die opstoottoets verbeter in vergelyking met die eksperimentele groep. Die eksperimentele groep het egter weer verbeter (p<0,01) in die opsittoets, terwyl die kontrole groep konstant (p=1,0) gebly het. Die eksperimentele groep het statisties betekenisvol in die biomotoriese vaardigheidtoetse verbeter na die ses-weeklange pliometriese oefenprogram. Die kontrole groep het geen verbetering getoon nie. Die gevolgtrekking is dat ‘n kombinasie van ‘n pliometriese oefenprogram en konvensionele rugby-oefening kan lei tot die verbetering van spoed, eksplosiewe krag en ratsheid van spelers. Positiewe antropometriese veranderinge sal addisionele voordele van die pliometriese oefenprogram wees. Die bevinding van die navorsing is dat die waarde van pliometriese oefening vir biomotoriese vaardighede, spesifieke fisiologiese eienskappe en fisieke fiksheid nie onderskat moet word nie en dat afrigters in hierdie opsig ingelig word. Om die positiewe effek van pliometrie as ‘n funksionele alternatiewe oefenmetode vir rugbyspelers te bewys, word meer intense navorsing oor die effek van die spesifieke oefenmetode aanbeveel