1,114 research outputs found

    GA tuning of pitch controller for small scale MAVs

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    The paper presents the application of intelligent tuning methods for the control of a prototype MAV in order to address problems associated with bandwidth limited actuators and gust alleviation. Specifically, as a proof of concept, the investigation is focused on the pitch control of a MAV. The work is supported by experimental results from wind tunnel testing that shows the merits of the use of Genetic Algorithm (GA) tuning techniques compared to classical, empirical tuning methodologies. To provide a measure of relative merit, the controller responses are evaluated using the ITAE performance index. In this way, the proposed method is shown to induce far superior dynamic performance compared to traditional approaches

    A survey on fractional order control techniques for unmanned aerial and ground vehicles

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    In recent years, numerous applications of science and engineering for modeling and control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) systems based on fractional calculus have been realized. The extra fractional order derivative terms allow to optimizing the performance of the systems. The review presented in this paper focuses on the control problems of the UAVs and UGVs that have been addressed by the fractional order techniques over the last decade

    Robustness analysis of evolutionary controller tuning using real systems

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    A genetic algorithm (GA) presents an excellent method for controller parameter tuning. In our work, we evolved the heading as well as the altitude controller for a small lightweight helicopter. We use the real flying robot to evaluate the GA's individuals rather than an artificially consistent simulator. By doing so we avoid the ldquoreality gaprdquo, taking the controller from the simulator to the real world. In this paper we analyze the evolutionary aspects of this technique and discuss the issues that need to be considered for it to perform well and result in robust controllers

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach

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    [ES] Aquesta tesi presenta els resultats de la feina de recerca dut a terme sobre el modelatge i el disseny de controladors per a micro-aeronaus no tripulades mitjançant tècniques d'optimització multi-objectiu. Dos principals camps d'estudi estan presents al llarg d'ella. D'una banda, l'estudi de com modelar i controlar plataformes aèries de petita envergadura. I, de l'altra, l'estudi sobre l'ús de tècniques heurístiques d'optimització multi-objectiu per aplicar en el procés de parametrització de models i controladors en micro-aeronaus no tripulades. S'obtenen com a resultat principal una sèrie d'eines que permeten prescindir d'experiments en túnels de vent o de sensòrica d'alt cost, passant directament a la utilització de dades de vol experimental a la identificació paramètrica de models dinàmics. A més, es demostra com la utilització d'eines d'optimització multi-objectiu en diferents fases de desenvolupament de controladors ajuda a augmentar el coneixement sobre la plataforma a controlar i augmenta la fiabilitat i robustesa dels controladors desenvolupats, disminuint el risc de passar de les fases prèvies de el disseny a la validació en vol real.[CA] Esta tesis presenta los resultados del trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo sobre el modelado y el diseño de controladores para micro-aeronaves no tripuladas mediante técnicas de optimización multi-objetivo. Dos principales campos de estudio están presentes a lo largo de ella. Por un lado, el estudio de cómo modelar y controlar plataformas aéreas de pequeña envergadura. Y, por otro, el estudio sobre el empleo de técnicas heurísticas de optimización multi-objetivo para aplicar en el proceso de parametrización de modelos y controladores en micro-aeronaves no tripuladas. Se obtienen como resultado principal una serie de herramientas que permiten prescindir de experimentos en túneles de viento o de sensórica de alto coste, pasando directamente a la utilización de datos de vuelo experimental en la identificación paramétrica de modelos dinámicos. Además, se demuestra como la utilización de herramientas de optimización multi-objetivo en diferentes fases del desarrollo de controladores ayuda a aumentar el conocimiento sobre la plataforma a controlar y aumenta la fiabilidad y robustez de los controladores desarrollados, disminuyendo el riesgo de pasar de las fases previas del diseño a la validación en vuelo real.[EN] This thesis presents the results of the research work carried out on the modelling and design of controllers for micro-unmanned aerial vehicles by means of multi-objective optimization techniques. Two main fields of study are present throughout it. On one hand, the study of how to model and control small aerial platforms. And, on the other, the study on the use of heuristic multi-objective optimization techniques to apply in the process of models and controllers parameterization in micro-unmanned aerial vehicles. The main result is a series of tools that make it possible manage without wind tunnel experiments or high-cost air-data sensors, going directly to the use of experimental flight data in the parametric identification of dynamic models. In addition, a demonstration is given on how the use of multi-objective optimization tools in different phases of controller development helps to increase knowledge about the platform to be controlled and increases the reliability and robustness of the controllers developed, reducing the risk of hoping from the initial design phases to validation in real flight.Velasco Carrau, J. (2020). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/156034TESI

    Low-cost quadrotor hardware design with PID control system as flight controller

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    In designing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), such as quadrotor, sometimes an engineer should consider the required cost that is relatively expensive. As we know, quadrotor is one of robots that very usefull and has several advantages for human needs such as disaster area monitoring, air quality monitoring, area mapping, aerial photography, and surveillance. Thus, designing a rapid quadrotor with low-cost components and simple control system needs to be considered here. This paper presents design and implementation of a quadrotor using relatively low-cost components with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control system as its controller. The components used consist of microcontroller, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor, Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor, Electronic Speed Control (ESC), remote control unit, battery, and frame. These components can be easily found in the electronic markets, especially in Indonesia. As an addition, this paper also describes PID control system as flight controller. A simple economic analysis is presented to clarify the cost in designing this quadrotor. Based on experimental testing result, the quadrotor able to fly stably with PID controller although there still overshoot at the attitude responses