6 research outputs found


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    Today the rapid development of information technology has a major impact on the global economy, which contributes to the development of the e-commerce sector. The benefits of using internet are attracting more and more participants who want to take advantage of the new opportunities for business promotion, to improve the quality and sustainable development of trade services. In today's competitive environment, developing and implementing a quality system in the work process becomes one of the competitive advantages of companies, as the modern consumer has become more demanding and selective. Therefore, in order to ensure effective control and organization of the work process in the company, it is necessary to develop a system that accurately describes the processes in the company and promotes the employees' full action in the accomplishment of the assigned tasks and achievement of the goals. This study examines e-commerce quality issues such as website content and design, technology infrastructure and security. The introduction of a standard ISO / IEC 9126 quality assessment model for e-commerce service analysis is also discussed. Based on the available literature, the aim of the study is to provide a theoretical insight into quality management in the context of e-commerce and to explain why quality management principles are important for the development of the e-commerce industry

    Website quality: An analysis of scientific production

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    A range of different methods and tools have been proposed by both academics and professionals in recent years for evaluating the quality of websites. Some are of general application and can be used to assess any type of website, while others have been adapted to the specialized characteristics of the websites employed in a given sector. This paper undertakes an analysis of existing scientific production in this field, with the aim of identifying its most relevant publications, its principal authors and the specific sectors served by the sites under evaluation. By triangulating review methods, 716 texts, published between 2000 and 2018, were identified in Scopus, Web of Science and other databases and examined. In addition to basic bibliographic information, the number of citations received by each text was recorded using Google Scholar. The area of knowledge in which each author works was also categorized based on his or her specific affiliations. The results point to a growing interest in website quality in a scientific community that has a presence in more than 70 countries. Its authors are drawn from various disciplines, although the highest number of publications is recorded in computer science, business and medical informatics. The most frequently cited texts are in fact seminal books in the associated disciplines of usability, information architecture and user experience. However, as of 2007, the number of texts describing evaluation tools for the websites of specific sectors – most notably, education (33%), health (27%) and commerce (21%) – increased their share. In conclusion, it is evident that website quality is a field of study undergoing constant growth and increasing specialization and one that offers ample opportunities for research

    Elaboración y validación de métricas para la evaluación de usabilidad de sitios Web de Comercio Electrónico

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    El continuo crecimiento de la internet ha permitido el desarrollo de diversos servicios digitalizados, entre ellos el de E-commerce, el cual proporciona a las empresas nuevas oportunidades para fidelizar y captar clientes, personalizando sus servicios, lo cual hace que el mercado tecnológico del comercio electrónico sea muy competitivo y variado por lo que las organizaciones buscan la manera de evaluar constantemente sus sitios web, con el fin de mejorarlos y ofrecer una mejor experiencia a sus clientes a través de ellos. No obstante, uno de los aspectos más importantes a considerar al momento de evaluar o construir un sitio web en el ámbito de comercio electrónico es la usabilidad. Una empresa que cuenta con un sitio web de E-commerce con un gran nivel de usabilidad obtiene una gran ventaja frente a los competidores, mientras que la falta de esta puede ocasionar que los clientes dejen de usar sus páginas, lo que se traduce como un fracaso tecnológico en este importante mercado. Existen normas estandarizadas como las ISO, siendo la ISO 9126 e ISO 25022-2503, las que permiten evaluar la calidad de estos a través de métricas. La presente tesis analiza la literatura referente a las métricas y aspectos de usabilidad existentes actualmente para sitios web de E-commerce para encontrar aspectos de usabilidad, métricas y métodos de evaluación para elaborar y evaluar la nueva propuesta de métricas de usabilidad para sitios web de E-commerce. Se desarrolló la nueva propuesta, con un total de 49 métricas nuevas y 25 métricas existentes en los documentos analizados, las cuales fueron validadas por expertos en el tema de usabilidad y a través de la comparación de los resultados con el método de evaluación propuesto del Dr. Toni Granollers, se pudo obtener resultados coherentes. Todo esto da como resultado una propuesta de métricas de usabilidad refinada y un proceso de evaluación que brinda resultados confiables, que pueden ser usados para que las empresas ofrezcan servicios transaccionales de calidad a sus clientes obteniendo una ventaja competitiva dentro del mercado de E-commerce

    New Metropolitan Perspectives

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    ​This open access book presents the outcomes of the symposium “NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES,” held at Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, Italy on May 26–28, 2020. Addressing the challenge of Knowledge Dynamics and Innovation-driven Policies Towards Urban and Regional Transition, the book presents a multi-disciplinary debate on the new frontiers of strategic and spatial planning, economic programs and decision support tools in connection with urban–rural area networks and metropolitan centers. The respective papers focus on six major tracks: Innovation dynamics, smart cities and ICT; Urban regeneration, community-led practices and PPP; Local development, inland and urban areas in territorial cohesion strategies; Mobility, accessibility and infrastructures; Heritage, landscape and identity;and Risk management,environment and energy. The book also includes a Special Section on Rhegion United Nations 2020-2030. Given its scope, the book will benefit all researchers, practitioners and policymakers interested in issues concerning metropolitan and marginal areas

    New Metropolitan Perspectives

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    ​This open access book presents the outcomes of the symposium “NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES,” held at Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, Italy on May 26–28, 2020. Addressing the challenge of Knowledge Dynamics and Innovation-driven Policies Towards Urban and Regional Transition, the book presents a multi-disciplinary debate on the new frontiers of strategic and spatial planning, economic programs and decision support tools in connection with urban–rural area networks and metropolitan centers. The respective papers focus on six major tracks: Innovation dynamics, smart cities and ICT; Urban regeneration, community-led practices and PPP; Local development, inland and urban areas in territorial cohesion strategies; Mobility, accessibility and infrastructures; Heritage, landscape and identity;and Risk management,environment and energy. The book also includes a Special Section on Rhegion United Nations 2020-2030. Given its scope, the book will benefit all researchers, practitioners and policymakers interested in issues concerning metropolitan and marginal areas