7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Bawang Mekah (Eleutherine Americana Merr.) Terhadap Kadar Malondialdehyde (Mda) Tikus (Rattus Norvegicus) Wistar Jantan Pasca Paparan Asap Rokok

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    Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a biomarker of lipid peroxidation that is closelycorrelated with level of oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to know ethanolextract activities from E.americana leaves against blood plasma MDA in male Wistar ratsexposed by cigarette smoke using tiobarbituric acid test. The simplicia extracted bymaseration using 70% ethanol. Twenty four rats were divided into six groups, i.e. : anormal group, an exposed cigarette smoke (negative) control group, a positive controlgroup and three treatment groups. One normal group received carboxyl methyl celluloseand another groups exposed cigarette smoke during 14 days. Positive control groupreceived vitamin E (18mg/kg BW), and another groups received ethanol extract ofE.americana leaves doses 180; 90; 45mg/kg BW, respectively. The MDA level wasanalysed by spectrophotometer UV-Visible in 532,2 nm. The MDA level staticallyanalysis by Kruskal-Wallis test and following by Mann-Whitney test. The mean MDAlevels of normal group, negative control group, positive control group and groupsreceived ethanol extract of E.americana leaves doses 180; 90; 45mg/kg BW were0,11±0,09; 13,74±2,84; 0,06±0,03; 10,88±2,19; 0,13±0,03; 0,03±0,02 ppm. The meanMDA levels of groups received ethanol extract of E.americana leaves doses at 180; 1 90mg/kg BW significantly (p<0,05) lower than negative control group. These resultsshow the beneficial effect of ethanol extract of E.americana leaves in the MDA levelreducing on the rats that exposed by cigarette

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Bawang Mekah (Eleutherine Americana Merr.) Terhadap Kadar Malondialdehyde Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Jantan Pasca Paparan Asap Rokok

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    Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a biomarker of lipid peroxidation that is closely correlated with level of oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to know ethanol extract activities from E. americana leaves against blood plasma MDA in male Wistar rats exposed by cigarette smoke using tiobarbituric acid test. The simplicia extracted by maseration using 70% ethanol. Twenty four rats were divided into six groups, i.e. : a normal group, an exposed cigarette smoke (negative) control group, a positive control group and three treatment groups. One normal group received carboxyl methyl cellulose and another groups exposed cigarette smoke during 14 days. Positive control group received vitamin E (18mg/kg BW), and another groups received ethanol extract of E. americana leaves doses 180; 90; 45mg/kg BW, respectively. The MDA level was analysed by spectrophotometer UV-Visible in 532,2 nm. The MDA level statically analysis by Kruskal-Wallis test and following by Mann-Whitney test. The mean MDA levels of normal group, negative control group, positive control group and groups received ethanol extract of E. americana leaves doses 180; 90; 45mg/kg BW were 0,11±0,09; 13,74±2,84; 0,06±0,03; 10,88±2,19; 0,13±0,03; 0,03±0,02 ppm. The mean MDA levels of groups received ethanol extract of E. americana leaves doses at 180; 90mg/kg BW significantly (p<0,05) lower than negative control group. These results show the beneficial effect of ethanol extract of E. americana leaves in the MDA level reducing on the rats that exposed by cigarette


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    Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a biomarker of lipid peroxidation that is closely correlated with level of oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to know ethanol extract activities from E. americana leaves against blood plasma MDA in male Wistar rats exposed by cigarette smoke using tiobarbituric acid test. The simplicia extracted by maseration using 70% ethanol. Twenty four rats were divided into six groups, i.e. : a normal group, an exposed cigarette smoke (negative) control group, a positive control group and three treatment groups. One normal group received carboxyl methyl cellulose and another groups exposed cigarette smoke during 14 days. Positive control group received vitamin E (18mg/kg BW), and another groups received ethanol extract of E. americana leaves doses 180; 90; 45mg/kg BW, respectively. The MDA level was analysed by spectrophotometer UV-Visible in 532,2 nm. The MDA level statically analysis by Kruskal-Wallis test and following by Mann-Whitney test. The mean MDA levels of normal group, negative control group, positive control group and groups received ethanol extract of E. americana leaves doses 180; 90; 45mg/kg BW were 0,11±0,09; 13,74±2,84; 0,06±0,03; 10,88±2,19; 0,13±0,03; 0,03±0,02 ppm. The mean MDA levels of groups received ethanol extract of E. americana leaves doses at 180; 90mg/kg BW significantly (p<0,05) lower than negative control group. These results show the beneficial effect of ethanol extract of E. americana leaves in the MDA level reducing on the rats that exposed by cigarette

    Pengaruh Pemberian VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) Terhadap Kadar MDA (Malondialdehid) Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar Yang Terpapar Asap Rokok

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    Latar belakang : Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) memiliki kandungan yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh, antara lain asam lemak jenuh dan asam lemak tidak jenuh, serta kandungan antioksidan yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian VCO dapat mencegah peningkatan MDA tikus putih jantan galur wistar yang diberi paparan asap rokok, dan mengetahui dosis VCO yang efektif dalam mencegah peningkatan MDA. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan desain posttest only with control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 24 ekor tikus putih jantan galur wistar yang dibagi dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, perlakuan 1 (dipaparkan asap rokok dan diberi VCO 0,45ml) dan perlakuan 2 (dipapar asap rokok dan diberi VCO 0,9ml). VCO diberikan secara peroral setiap hari selama 14 hari dan pada hari ke 15 dilakukan pengambilan darah tikus yang selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian kadar MDA tikus. Hasil : Berdasarkan persentase mean rank setiap kelompok, menunjukkan pada kelompok dengan pemberian VCO memiliki kadar MDA yang lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan kelompok hanya dengan papran asap rokok, dan dosis VCO yang efektif pada penelitian ini adalah 0,9ml. Kesimpulan : VCO dapat mencegah peningkatan kadar MDA akibat paparan asap rokok

    Pengaruh Pemberian Katekin Gambir Terpurifikasi (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) dan Vitamin C terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid (MDA) Mencit Putih Jantan yang diberi Aktivitas Lelah Fisik

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    Aktivitas lelah fisik memicu meningkatnya produksi radikal bebas penyebab stres oksidatif yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar malondialdehid (MDA). Katekin gambir terpurifikasi, dan vitamin C berperan sebagai antioksidan yang dapat menurunkan kadar MDA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh katekin gambir terpurifikasi dan vitamin C terhadap kadar MDA mencit putih jantan yang diberi aktivitas lelah fisik. Mencit sebanyak 25 ekor dibagi menjadi lima kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok 1 (kontrol negatif) tidak diberi sediaan uji dan tidak adanya perlakuan aktivitas lelah fisik, kelompok 2 (kontrol positif) adanya perlakuan aktivitas lelah fisik, kelompok 3 diberi katekin gambir terpurifikasi 200 mg/kgbb, kelompok 4 diberi vitamin C 65 mg/kgbb, dan kelompok 5 diberi kombinasi katekin gambir terpurifikasi 100 mg/kgbb dan vitamin C 32,5 mg/kgbb. Sediaan uji diberikan selama tujuh hari dan pada hari kedelapan dilakukan aktivitas lelah fisik berupa perenangan sampai lelah. Setelah itu, serum darah mencit diambil untuk uji kadar MDA dengan metode Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substance (TBARS). Analisis data dengan uji Kruskal Wallis dan dilanjutkan uji Mann Whitney. Nilai rata-rata kadar MDA serum kelompok 1 (1,63 nmol/ml), kelompok 2 (2,47 nmol/ml), kelompok 3 (1,75 nmol/ml), kelompok 4 (1,93 nmol/ml), dan kelompok 5 (1,65 nmol/ml). Hasil uji statistik antara kelompok kontrol positif dengan kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang nyata dengan nilai p<0,05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian katekin gambir dan vitamin C berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kadar MDA mencit putih jantan yang diberi aktivitas lelah fisik