153 research outputs found

    Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) Architecture

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    This document describes a general architecture for flow admission and termination based on pre-congestion information in order to protect the quality of service of established, inelastic flows within a single Diffserv domain.\u

    Joint in-network video rate adaptation and measurement-based admission control: algorithm design and evaluation

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    The important new revenue opportunities that multimedia services offer to network and service providers come with important management challenges. For providers, it is important to control the video quality that is offered and perceived by the user, typically known as the quality of experience (QoE). Both admission control and scalable video coding techniques can control the QoE by blocking connections or adapting the video rate but influence each other's performance. In this article, we propose an in-network video rate adaptation mechanism that enables a provider to define a policy on how the video rate adaptation should be performed to maximize the provider's objective (e.g., a maximization of revenue or QoE). We discuss the need for a close interaction of the video rate adaptation algorithm with a measurement based admission control system, allowing to effectively orchestrate both algorithms and timely switch from video rate adaptation to the blocking of connections. We propose two different rate adaptation decision algorithms that calculate which videos need to be adapted: an optimal one in terms of the provider's policy and a heuristic based on the utility of each connection. Through an extensive performance evaluation, we show the impact of both algorithms on the rate adaptation, network utilisation and the stability of the video rate adaptation. We show that both algorithms outperform other configurations with at least 10 %. Moreover, we show that the proposed heuristic is about 500 times faster than the optimal algorithm and experiences only a performance drop of approximately 2 %, given the investigated video delivery scenario

    A Survey of PCN-Based Admission Control and Flow Termination

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    Pre-congestion notification (PCN) provides feedback\ud about load conditions in a network to its boundary nodes. The PCN working group of the IETF discusses the use of PCN to implement admission control (AC) and flow termination (FT) for prioritized realtime traffic in a DiffServ domain. Admission control (AC) is a well-known flow control function that blocks admission requests of new flows when they need to be carried over a link whose admitted PCN rate already exceeds an admissible rate. Flow termination (FT) is a new flow control function that terminates some already admitted flows when they are carried over a link whose admitted PCN rate exceeds a supportable rate. The latter condition can occur in spite of AC, e.g., when traffic is rerouted due to network failures.\ud This survey gives an introduction to PCN and is a primer for\ud this new technology. It presents and discusses the multitude of architectural design options in an early stage of the standardization process in a comprehensive and streamlined way before only a subset of them is standardized by the IETF. It brings PCN from the IETF to the research community and serves as historical record

    Re-feedback: freedom with accountability for causing congestion in a connectionless internetwork

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    This dissertation concerns adding resource accountability to a simplex internetwork such as the Internet, with only necessary but sufficient constraint on freedom. That is, both freedom for applications to evolve new innovative behaviours while still responding responsibly to congestion; and freedom for network providers to structure their pricing in any way, including flat pricing. The big idea on which the research is built is a novel feedback arrangement termed ‘re-feedback’. A general form is defined, as well as a specific proposal (re-ECN) to alter the Internet protocol so that self-contained datagrams carry a metric of expected downstream congestion. Congestion is chosen because of its central economic role as the marginal cost of network usage. The aim is to ensure Internet resource allocation can be controlled either by local policies or by market selection (or indeed local lack of any control). The current Internet architecture is designed to only reveal path congestion to end-points, not networks. The collective actions of self-interested consumers and providers should drive Internet resource allocations towards maximisation of total social welfare. But without visibility of a cost-metric, network operators are violating the architecture to improve their customer’s experience. The resulting fight against the architecture is destroying the Internet’s simplicity and ability to evolve. Although accountability with freedom is the goal, the focus is the congestion metric, and whether an incentive system is possible that assures its integrity as it is passed between parties around the system, despite proposed attacks motivated by self-interest and malice. This dissertation defines the protocol and canonical examples of accountability mechanisms. Designs are all derived from carefully motivated principles. The resulting system is evaluated by analysis and simulation against the constraints and principles originally set. The mechanisms are proven to be agnostic to specific transport behaviours, but they could not be made flow-ID-oblivious

    Dual-Mode Congestion Control Mechanism for Video Services

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    Recent studies have shown that video services represent over half of Internet traffic, with a growing trend. Therefore, video traffic plays a major role in network congestion. Currently on the Internet, congestion control is mainly implemented through overprovisioning and TCP congestion control. Although some video services use TCP to implement their transport services in a manner that actually works, TCP is not an ideal protocol for use by all video applications. For example, UDP is often considered to be more suitable for use by real-time video applications. Unfortunately, UDP does not implement congestion control. Therefore, these UDP-based video services operate without any kind of congestion control support unless congestion control is implemented on the application layer. There are also arguments against massive overprovisioning. Due to these factors, there is still a need to equip video services with proper congestion control.Most of the congestion control mechanisms developed for the use of video services can only offer either low priority or TCP-friendly real-time services. There is no single congestion control mechanism currently that is suitable and can be widely used for all kinds of video services. This thesis provides a study in which a new dual-mode congestion control mechanism is proposed. This mechanism can offer congestion control services for both service types. The mechanism includes two modes, a backward-loading mode and a real-time mode. The backward-loading mode works like a low-priority service where the bandwidth is given away to other connections once the load level of a network is high enough. In contrast, the real-time mode always demands its fair share of the bandwidth.The behavior of the new mechanism and its friendliness toward itself, and the TCP protocol, have been investigated by means of simulations and real network tests. It was found that this kind of congestion control approach could be suitable for video services. The new mechanism worked acceptably. In particular, the mechanism behaved toward itself in a very friendly way in most cases. The averaged TCP fairness was at a good level. In the worst cases, the faster connections received about 1.6 times as much bandwidth as the slower connections

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    Categorization And Visualization Of Parallel Programming Systems

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005Yükesek kazanımlı programlama olarak da bilinen paralel programlama, bir problemi daha hızlı çözmek için aynı anda birden çok işlemci kullanılmasına denir. Günümüzde, ağır işlemler içeren birçok problem paralel olarak uygulanmaya çalışılmaktadır, buna örnek olarak nehir sularının simüle edilmesi, fizik veya kimya problemleri, astrolojik simülasyonlar verilebilir. Bu tezin amacı, bilimsel hesaplama veya mühendislik amaçlı kullanılan yüksek kazanımlı yazılımları tartışmaktır. Paralel programlama sistemleri ile kastedilen kütüphaneler, diller, derleyiciler, derleyici yönlendiricileri veya bunun dışında kalan, programcının paralel algoritmasını ifade edebileceği yapılardır. Yükesek kazanımlı program tasarımı için programcının dikkat etmesi gereken iki önemli nokta vardır: problemi iyi kavrayıp uygun bir çözüm önermek, doğru sisteme karar verebilmek. Doğru karar verebilmek için kullanıcının sistemler hakkında oldukça iyi bilgiye sahip olması gerekir. Bazen, birden çok yazılım ve donanımı bir arada kullanmak da gerekebilir. Bu tezde var olan paralel programlama sistemleri tanımlanır ve sınıflandırılır, bunun için güncel bildiriler esas alınmıştır. Özellikle algoritmik taslaklar ve fonsiyonel paralel programlama üzerinde durulmuştur.Ayrica güncel bilgileri depolamak ve bir kaynak yaratmak için wiki temelli bir web kaynağı oluşturulmuştur. Sistemlerin grafik gösterimini sağlayıp daha anlaşılır bir sınıflandırma yapabilmek için yeni bir sözdizimi tasarlanıp dinamik ağ çizebilecek webdot aracı ile bir araya getirilerek sistemleri temsil edecek ağı çizecek araç geliştirilmiştir. Bu sözdiziminin öğrenilmesi ve kullanılması son derece kolaydır. Son olarak iki temel paralel programlama tipi, paylaşılan bellek ve mesajlaşma, iki farklı tipte algoritma kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Programlar OpenMP ve MPI ile gerçeklenmiştir, farklı paralel makinelerde koşturulup sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Paralel makineler için Almanya nın Aachen Üniversitesi nin SMP ağı ve Ulakbim in dağıtık bellekli paralel makineleri kullanılmıştır.Parallel computing, also called high-performance computing, refers to solving problems faster by using multiple processors simultaneously. Nowadays, almost every computationally-intensive problem that one could imagine is tried to be implemented in parallel. This thesis is aimed at discussing high-performance software for scientific or engineering applications. The term parallel programming systems here means libraries, languages, compiler directives or other means through which a programmer can express a parallel algorithm. To design high performance programs, there are two keys for the programmer: to understand the problem and find a solution for parallelization, and to decide on the right system for the implementation, which requires a good knowledge about existing parallel programming systems. The programmer, after having understood the problem, has to choose between many systems, some of which are closely related, whereas others have big differences. This thesis describes and classifies existing parallel programming systems, thus bringing existing surveys up to date. It describes a wiki-based web portal for collecting information about most recent systems, which has been developed as part of the thesis. A special syntax and a visualization tool has been developed. This syntax and tool allow users to have their own categorization scheme. Fourth, it compares two major programming styles message passing and shared memory with two different algorithms in order show performance differences of these styles. Algorithms are implemented in OpenMP and MPI, performance of both programs are measured on the SMP Cluster of Aachen University, Germany and on the Beowulf Cluster of Ulakbim, Ankara.Yüksek LisansM.Sc