31 research outputs found

    A Novel PAPR Reduction in Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC) with Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (OQAM) Based VLC Systems

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    The peak to average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the major problem with multicarrier-based systems. Due to its improved spectral efficiency and decreased PAPR, Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) has recently become an effective alternative to the orthogonal multiplexing division (OFDM). For filter bank multicarrier communication/offset quadrature amplitude modulation-Visible light communication (FBMC/OQAM-VLC) systems is proposed a PAPR reduction technique. The suggested approach overlaps the proposed FBMC/OQAM-based VLC data signal with the existing signals. Non-redundant signals and data signals do not overlap in the frequency domain because data signals are scattered on odd subcarriers whereas built signals use even subcarriers. To reduce the effects of large-amplitude signal reduction, the suggested technique converts negative signals into positive signals rather than clipping them off as in conventional FBMC-based VLC systems. The PAPR reduction and bit error rate (BER) are realized using a scaling factor in the transformed signals. Complementary cumulative distribution function(CCDF) and BER are used to calculate the performance of the proposed approach. The presented study found that FBMC/OQAM-VLC systems to achieve a good trade-off between PAPR reduction and BER

    PAPR reduction in FBMC using an ACE-based linear programming optimization

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    This paper presents four novel techniques for peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction in filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) modulation systems. The approach extends on current PAPR reduction active constellation extension (ACE) methods, as used in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), to an FBMC implementation as the main contribution. The four techniques introduced can be split up into two: linear programming optimization ACE-based techniques and smart gradient-project (SGP) ACE techniques. The linear programming (LP)-based techniques compensate for the symbol overlaps by utilizing a frame-based approach and provide a theoretical upper bound on achievable performance for the overlapping ACE techniques. The overlapping ACE techniques on the other hand can handle symbol by symbol processing. Furthermore, as a result of FBMC properties, the proposed techniques do not require side information transmission. The PAPR performance of the techniques is shown to match, or in some cases improve, on current PAPR techniques for FBMC. Initial analysis of the computational complexity of the SGP techniques indicates that the complexity issues with PAPR reduction in FBMC implementations can be addressed. The out-of-band interference introduced by the techniques is investigated. As a result, it is shown that the interference can be compensated for, whilst still maintaining decent PAPR performance. Additional results are also provided by means of a study of the PAPR reduction of the proposed techniques at a fixed clipping probability. The bit error rate (BER) degradation is investigated to ensure that the trade-off in terms of BER degradation is not too severe. As illustrated by exhaustive simulations, the SGP ACE-based technique proposed are ideal candidates for practical implementation in systems employing the low-complexity polyphase implementation of FBMC modulators. The methods are shown to offer significant PAPR reduction and increase the feasibility of FBMC as a replacement modulation system for OFDM.http://asp.eurasipjournals.com/hb201

    Analysis of PAPR Reduction in 5G communication

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    The goal of this thesis is to analyze PAPR reduction performance in 5G communication. 5G communication technology is beyond 4G and LTE technology and expected to be employed around 2020. Research is going on for standardization of 5G technology. One of the key objective of 5G technology is to achieve high data rate (10Gbps). For this a large bandwidth is needed. Since limited frequency resources are available, the frequency spectrum should be efficiently utilized to obtain high data rate. Also to utilize white space, cognitive radio networks are needed. In cognitive radio network very low out of band radiation is desired. OFDM is used in 4G communication but it has the drawback of low spectral efficiency and high out of band radiation, which makes it a poor choice for 5G communication. So for 5G communication new waveform is required. FBMC, UFMC, GFDM are some of the waveform candidates for 5G communication. FBMC is a potential candidate for 5G communication and it is used in many 5G projects around the world. In this thesis FBMC is used as a waveform candidate for 5G communication. High PAPR is always a problem in multicarrier communication system. FBMC is also a multicarrier communication system, so it also suffers from high PAPR problem. To reduce the PAPR several PAPR reduction techniques have been proposed over the last few decades. Tone injection and companding are two promising techniques, which are used in PAPR reduction of multicarrier communication system. In this thesis a combined scheme of tone injection and companding is used, which gives significant performance improvement compared to the tone injection and companding techniques taken separately. Simulation is performed to analyses the PAPR and BER performance of FBMC-FMT and FBMC-SMT system. Also a new clipping based PAPR reduction scheme is proposed in this thesis. For this scheme simulation is performed to analyze the PAPR performance of FBMC-FMT, FBMC-SMT and FBMC-CMT system. All the simulations are performed in MATLAB

    D13.2 Techniques and performance analysis on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.2 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the status of the research work of the various Joint Research Activities (JRA) in WP1.3 and the results that were developed up to the second year of the project. For each activity there is a description, an illustration of the adherence to and relevance with the identified fundamental open issues, a short presentation of the main results, and a roadmap for the future joint research. In the Annex, for each JRA, the main technical details on specific scientific activities are described in detail.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Interleaving Technique Implementation to Reduce PAPR of OFDM Signal in Presence of Nonlinear Amplification with Memory Effects, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2018, nr 3

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    In OFDM systems, peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction of the signal is one of the main challenges that need to be overcome in order to use the transmitter in an efficient manner. As one of attractive techniques, interleaving can be used in PAPR reduction for multicarrier signals without spectrum distortion. In this paper, the authors propose to extend the possibilities of interleaving to improve PAPR reduction, to use a new coding of interleaver keys at the transmitter and a robust decoding procedure at the receiver. In order not to degrade the data rate, the use of null subcarriers to transmit side information to the receiver is proposed and evaluated. Simulation results in the context of the WLAN 802.11a standard in the presence of a nonlinear power amplifier model with memory, show a reduction of PAPR of approximately 5.2 dB, and an improvement of bit error rate and error vector magnitude of about 2 decades and 4% respectively, while respecting the spectral mask specification

    Enhanced Next Generation Millimeter-Wave Multicarrier System with Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular multicarrier technique used to attain high spectral efficiencies. It also has other advantages such as multipath tolerance and ease of implementation. However, OFDM based systems suffer from high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) problem. Because of the nonlinearity of the power amplifiers, the high PAPR causes significant distortion in the transmitted signal for millimeter-wave (mmWave) systems. To alleviate the high PAPR problem, this paper utilizes Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) which can achieve high spectral efficiency as well as low PAPR. In this paper, we show the performance of GFDM using the IEEE 802.11ad multicarrier frame structures. IEEE 802.11ad is considered one of the most successful industry standards utilizing unlicensed mmWave frequency band. In addition, this paper indicates the feasibility of using GFDM for the future standards such as IEEE 802.11ay. This paper studies the performance improvements in terms of PAPR reduction for GFDM. Based on the performance results, the optimal numbers of subcarriers and subsymbols are calculated for PAPR reduction while minimizing the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance degradation. Moreover, transmitter side ICI (Intercarrier Interference) reduction is introduced to reduce the receiver load

    Broadband wireless communication systems for high mobility scenarios

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicación en Redes Móbiles. 553V01[Resumen] A lo largo de los últimos años el uso de servicios multimedia y, en general, basados en el acceso a información “en la nube”, experimentó un auge sin precedentes. A diferencia respecto del pasado, los usuarios no solamente acceden a los servicios desde una ubicación estática; por contra, navegan libremente entre distintos lugares al tiempo que acceden, desde sus dispositivos móviles, a servicios en la nube. Debido al ritmo de vida actual, el tránsito entre zonas rurales y ciudades también se incrementó de modo notable, al ubicarse la mayor parte de los lugares de trabajo en ciudades o en sus respectivos entornos. Durante los períodos de transporte, cada vez más, los pasajeros emplean sus dispositivos móviles para trabajar, acceder a redes sociales o como dispositivos de entretenimiento. En la actualidad, GSM for Railways (GSM-R) es el sistema de comunicaciones más empleado entre los trenes y el resto de elementos involucrados en la infraestructura ferroviaria. Sin embargo, GSM-R no es adecuado para proporcionar servicios avanzados, tales como el control de piloto automático, así como para sustentar transmisiones de banda ancha a los operadores ferroviarios o proporcionar servicios de valor añadido a los pasajeros. Centrándonos en el mercado de dispositivos de comunicaciones de ámbito general, la explosión de usuarios y servicios multimedia de los últimos años motivó la migración, primero a las redes de tercera generación y, seguidamente, a las de cuarta, con Long Term Evolution (LTE) a la cabeza. Así, parece natural plantear a LTE como la tecnología candidata para la sustitución de GSM-R. En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un completo estudio de las prestaciones de sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas de banda ancha en vehículos de alta velocidad basado en campañas de medidas llevadas a cabo en entornos reales. Se estudió especialmente el caso de comunicaciones LTE en trenes de alta velocidad. Se proponen técnicas de reducción del coste y complejidad en relación a las evaluaciones en entornos de alta velocidad y se prueba su funcionamiento de modo analítico, mediante simulación y empíricamente. De cara a validar los desarrollos presentados en esta tesis en relación a los últimos avances en materia comunicaciones, se consideraron también las más novedosas propuestas para sistemas de quinta generación, actualmente aún en fase de definición. Es más, se evaluaron, tanto mediante simulación como vía medidas en entornos de alta velocidad, las prestaciones brindadas por las propuestas para sistemas de comunicaciones de quinta generación. El código fuente del GTEC Testbed y del GTEC 5G Simulator está disponible públicamente bajo la licencia GPLv3 en https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git.[Resumo] Ao longo dos últimos anos o uso de servizos multimedia e, en xeral, baseados no acceso a información contida “na nube”, experimentou un auxe sen precedentes. A diferencia respecto do pasado, os usuarios non soamente acceden aos servizos dende unha ubicación estática; pola contra, navegan libremente entre distintos lugares ao tempo que acceden, dende os seus dispositivos móbiles, a servizos na nube. Debido ao ritmo de vida actual, o tránsito entre zonas rurais e cidades tamén se incrementou de modo notable, ao ubicarse a maior parte dos lugares de traballo nas cidades ou nas súas respectivas contornas. Durante os períodos de transporte, cada vez máis, os pasaxeiros empregan os seus dispositivos móbiles para traballar, acceder a redes sociais ou como ferramenta de entretemento. O factor común da maior parte dos servizos típicamente empregados é a súa dependencia respecto do acceso á rede. Na actualidade, GSM for Railways (GSM-R), baseado no xa vetusto GSM, é o sistema de comunicacións máis empregado entre os trens e o resto dos elementos involucrados na infraestrutura ferroviaria. Sen embargo, GSM-R non é axeitado para proporcionar servizos avanzados, tales como o control de piloto automático, así como para sustentar transmisións de banda ancha aos operadores ferroviarios ou proporcionar servizos de valor engadido aos pasaxeiros. Botando unha ollada ao mercado de dispositivos de comunicacións de ámbito xeral, a explosión de usuarios e servizos multimedia dos últimos anos motivou a migración, primeiro ás redes de terceira xeración e, seguidamente, ás de cuarta, con Long Term Evolution (LTE) á cabeza. Así, parece natural plantexar LTE como o candidato para a substitución de GSM-R. No presente traballo lévase a cabo un completo estudo das prestacións de sistemas de comunicacións sen fíos de banda ancha en vehículos de alta velocidade baseado en campañas de medidas levadas a cabo en contornas reais de alta velocidade. Estudouse especialmente o caso de comunicacións LTE en trens de alta velocidade. Propóñense técnicas de redución de custo e complexidade en relación ás avaliacións en contornas de alta velocidade e valídase o seu funcionamento de xeito analítico, mediante simulación e empíricamente. Os desenvolvementos presentados nesta tese foron validados para os sistemas de quinta xeración, aínda en fase de definición. Avaliáronse, mediante simulación e experimentalmente en contornas de alta velocidade, as prestacións brindadas polas propostas para sistemas de comunicacións de quinta xeración. O código fonte do GTEC Testbed e do GTEC 5G Simulator está dispoñible públicamente baixo a licenza GPLv3 en https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git.[Abstract] Over the last few years multimedia and data-based services experienced a non-stopping growth. Unlike before, people do not use the services only from a static location, but they are continuously on the move between different scenarios, using their mobile devices to access data-based services. In parallel, commuter traffic from rural areas is also rising, since most of work places are in and around cities. During transportation, people intensively employ mobile devices to work, access to social networks, or as an entertainment means. Internet access is required for most of these services. Currently, GSM for Railways (GSM-R), which is based on the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), is the most widely used communication system between trains and the elements involved in operation, control, and intercommunication within the railway infrastructure. However, GSM-R is not well suited for supporting advanced services such as automatic pilot applications or provisioning broadband services to the train staff and passengers. Besides trains, the increasing number of broadband services available for mobile devices motivated the migration from third-generation mobile networks to fourth generation ones, mainly Long Term Evolution (LTE). Therefore, LTE seems to be a good candidate to substitute the GSM as the fundamental technology for railway communications. In this work a complete study on the performance of high capacity broadband wireless communication systems for high speed vehicles is presented, based on measurement campaigns in actual high speed environments. Special attention is devoted to the case of LTE in high speed trains. Techniques to greatly reduce the cost and complexity of measurement-based evaluations in high speed scenarios are proposed and proven to work analytically, by means of simulations and by measurements in actual high speed environments. With the aim of checking the validity of the findings of this work for the latest advances in wireless communication systems, proposals for fifth generation (5G) communication systems, currently still under definition, were also considered. Moreover, the performance of the proposals for 5G communication systems was also evaluated by means of simulations as well as by measuring in high speed environments. The source code of both the GTEC Testbed and the GTEC 5G Simulator is publicly available under the GPLv3 license at https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git

    Spectrum Adaptation in Cognitive Radio Systems with Operating Constraints

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    The explosion of high-data-rate-demanding wireless applications such as smart-phones and wireless Internet access devices, together with growth of existing wireless services, are creating a shortage of the scarce Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum. However, several spectrum measurement campaigns revealed that current spectrum usage across time and frequency is inefficient, creating the artificial shortage of the spectrum because of the traditional exclusive command-and-control model of using the spectrum. Therefore, a new concept of Cognitive Radio (CR) has been emerging recently in which unlicensed users temporarily borrow spectrum from the licensed Primary Users (PU) based on the Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technique that is also known as the spectrum sharing concept. A CR is an intelligent radio system based on the Software Defined Radio platform with artificial intelligence capability which can learn, adapt, and reconfigure through interaction with the operating environment. A CR system will revolutionize the way people share the RF spectrum, lowering harmful interference to the licensed PU of the spectrum, fostering innovative DSA technology and giving people more choices when it comes to using the wireless-communication-dependent applications without having any spectrum congestion problems. A key technical challenge for enabling secondary access to the licensed spectrum adaptation is to ensure that the CR does not interfere with the licensed incumbent users. However, incumbent user behavior is dynamic and requires CR systems to adapt this behavior in order to maintain smooth information transmission. In this context, the objective of this dissertation is to explore design issues for CR systems focusing on adaptation of physical layer parameters related to spectrum sensing, spectrum shaping, and rate/power control. Specifically, this dissertation discusses dynamic threshold adaptation for energy detector spectrum sensing, spectrum allocation and power control in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing-(OFDM-)based CR with operating constraints, and adjacent band interference suppression techniques in turbo-coded OFDM-based CR systems

    Resource Management in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems

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    The ever-increasing growth of the wireless application and services affirms the importance of the effective usage of the limited radio spectrum. Existing spectrum management policies have led to significant spectrum under-utilization. Recent measurements showed that large range of the spectrum is sparsely used in both temporal and spatial manner. This conflict between the inefficient usage of the spectrum and the continuous evolution in the wireless communication calls upon the development of more flexible management policies. Cognitive radio (CR) with the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is considered to be a key technology in making the best solution of this conflict by allowing a group of secondary users (SUs) to share the radio spectrum originally allocated to the primary user (PUs). The operation of CR should not negatively alter the performance of the PUs. Therefore, the interference control along with the highly dynamic nature of PUs activities open up new resource allocation problems in CR systems. The resource allocation algorithms should ensure an effective share of the temporarily available frequency bands and deliver the solutions in timely fashion to cope with quick changes in the network. In this dissertation, the resource management problem in multicarrier based CR systems is considered. The dissertation focuses on three main issues: 1) design of efficient resource allocation algorithms to allocate subcarriers and powers between SUs such that no harmful interference is introduced to PUs, 2) compare the spectral efficiency of using different multicarrier schemes in the CR physical layer, specifically, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) schemes, 3) investigate the impact of the different constraints values on the overall performance of the CR system. Three different scenarios are considered in this dissertation, namely downlink transmission, uplink transmission, and relayed transmission. For every scenario, the optimal solution is examined and efficient sub-optimal algorithms are proposed to reduce the computational burden of obtaining the optimal solution. The suboptimal algorithms are developed by separate the subcarrier and power allocation into two steps in downlink and uplink scenarios. In the relayed scenario, dual decomposition technique is used to obtain an asymptotically optimal solution, and a joint heuristic algorithm is proposed to find the suboptimal solution. Numerical simulations show that the proposed suboptimal algorithms achieve a near optimal performance and perform better than the existing algorithms designed for cognitive and non-cognitive systems. Eventually, the ability of FBMC to overcome the OFDM drawbacks and achieve more spectral efficiency is verified which recommends the consideration of FBMC in the future CR systems.El crecimiento continuo de las aplicaciones y servicios en sistemas inal´ambricos, indica la importancia y necesidad de una utilizaci´on eficaz del espectro radio. Las pol´ıticas actuales de gesti´on del espectro han conducido a una infrautilizaci´on del propio espectro radioel´ectrico. Recientes mediciones en diferentes entornos han mostrado que gran parte del espectro queda poco utilizado en sus ambas vertientes, la temporal, y la espacial. El permanente conflicto entre el uso ineficiente del espectro y la evoluci´on continua de los sistemas de comunicaci´on inal´ambrica, hace que sea urgente y necesario el desarrollo de esquemas de gesti´on del espectro m´as flexibles. Se considera el acceso din´amico (DSA) al espectro en los sistemas cognitivos como una tecnolog´ıa clave para resolver este conflicto al permitir que un grupo de usuarios secundarios (SUs) puedan compartir y acceder al espectro asignado inicialmente a uno o varios usuarios primarios (PUs). Las operaciones de comunicaci´on llevadas a cabo por los sistemas radio cognitivos no deben en ning´un caso alterar (interferir) los sistemas primarios. Por tanto, el control de la interferencia junto al gran dinamismo de los sistemas primarios implica nuevos retos en el control y asignaci´on de los recursos radio en los sistemas de comunicaci´on CR. Los algoritmos de gesti´on y asignaci´on de recursos (Radio Resource Management-RRM) deben garantizar una participaci´on efectiva de las bandas con frecuencias disponibles temporalmente, y ofrecer en cada momento oportunas soluciones para hacer frente a los distintos cambios r´apidos que influyen en la misma red. En esta tesis doctoral, se analiza el problema de la gesti´on de los recursos radio en sistemas multiportadoras CR, proponiendo varias soluciones para su uso eficaz y coexistencia con los PUs. La tesis en s´ı, se centra en tres l´ıneas principales: 1) el dise˜no de algoritmos eficientes de gesti´on de recursos para la asignaci´on de sub-portadoras y distribuci´on de la potencia en sistemas segundarios, evitando asi cualquier interferencia que pueda ser perjudicial para el funcionamiento normal de los usuarios de la red primaria, 2) analizar y comparar la eficiencia espectral alcanzada a la hora de utilizar diferentes esquema de transmisi´on multiportadora en la capa f´ısica del sistema CR, espec´ıficamente en sistemas basados en OFDM y los basados en banco de filtros multiportadoras (Filter bank Multicarrier-FBMC), 3) investigar el impacto de las diferentes limitaciones en el rendimiento total del sistema de CR. Los escenarios considerados en esta tesis son tres, es decir; modo de transmisi´on descendente (downlink), modo de transmisi´on ascendente (uplink), y el modo de transmisi´on ”Relay”. En cada escenario, la soluci´on ´optima es examinada y comparada con algoritmos sub- ´optimos que tienen como objetivo principal reducir la carga computacional. Los algoritmos sub-´optimos son llevados a cabo en dos fases mediante la separaci´on del propio proceso de distribuci´on de subportadoras y la asignaci´on de la potencia en los modos de comunicaci´on descendente (downlink), y ascendente (uplink). Para los entornos de tipo ”Relay”, se ha utilizado la t´ecnica de doble descomposici´on (dual decomposition) para obtener una soluci´on asint´oticamente ´optima. Adem´as, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo heur´ıstico para poder obtener la soluci´on ´optima con un reducido coste computacional. Los resultados obtenidos mediante simulaciones num´ericas muestran que los algoritmos sub-´optimos desarrollados logran acercarse a la soluci´on ´optima en cada uno de los entornos analizados, logrando as´ı un mayor rendimiento que los ya existentes y utilizados tanto en entornos cognitivos como no-cognitivos. Se puede comprobar en varios resultados obtenidos en la tesis la superioridad del esquema multiportadora FBMC sobre los sistemas basados en OFDM para los entornos cognitivos, causando una menor interferencia que el OFDM en los sistemas primarios, y logrando una mayor eficiencia espectral. Finalmente, en base a lo analizado en esta tesis, podemos recomendar al esquema multiportadora FBMC como una id´onea y potente forma de comunicaci´on para las futuras redes cognitivas