177 research outputs found

    Integration of a Proximity Detection Prototype into a VO Developed with PANGEA

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    This article presents a proximity detection prototype that uses ZigBee technology developed using the agent’s platform PANGEA (Platform for Automatic coNstruction of orGanizations of intElligent Agents). PANGEA is an agent platform to develop open multiagent systems, specifically those including organizational aspects such as virtual agent organizations. The platform allows the complete management of organizations and offers tools to the end user. Due to the specific characteristics of this prototype, PANGEA is the perfect candidate to develop the prototype that will be included in the future in an integral system primarily oriented to facilitate the integration of people with disabilities into the workplace

    Platform for building large-scale agent-based systems

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    This paper presents an agent platform called PANGEA (Platform for Automatic construction of orGanizations of intElligent Agents). This platform allows to developed multiagent systems modeled as Virtual Organizations. The concepts of roles, organizations and norms are fully supported by the platform assuring flexibility and scalability. Moreover, a communication protocol based on IRC gives high performance and reliability to this kind of distributed systems

    PANGEA – Platform for Automatic coNstruction of orGanizations of intElligent Agents

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    This article presents PANGEA, an agent platform to develop open multiagent systems, specifically those including organizational aspects such as virtual agent organizations. The platform allows the integral management of organizations and offers tools to the end user. Additionally, it includes a communication protocol based on the IRC standard, which facilitates implementation and remains robust even with a large number of connections. The introduction of a CommunicationAgent and a Sniffer make it possible to offer web services for the distributed control of interaction

    Personalization of the Workplace through a Proximity Detection System Using User’s Profiles

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    This article presents a proximity detection prototype that will be included in the future in an integral system primarily oriented to facilitate the labor integration of people with disabilities. The main goal of the prototype is to detect the proximity of a person to a computer using ZigBee technology and then, to personalize its workplace according to his user’s profile. The system has been developed as an open MultiAgent System architecture using the agent’s platform PANGEA, a Platform for Automatic coNstruction of orGanizations of intElligent Agents

    New platform for intelligent context-based distributed information fusion

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[ES]Durante las últimas décadas, las redes de sensores se han vuelto cada vez más importantes y hoy en día están presentes en prácticamente todos los sectores de nuestra sociedad. Su gran capacidad para adquirir datos y actuar sobre el entorno, puede facilitar la construcción de sistemas sensibles al contexto, que permitan un análisis detallado y flexible de los procesos que ocurren y los servicios que se pueden proporcionar a los usuarios. Esta tesis doctoral se presenta en el formato de “Compendio de Artículos”, de tal forma que las principales características de la arquitectura multi-agente distribuida propuesta para facilitar la interconexión de redes de sensores se presentan en tres artículos bien diferenciados. Se ha planteado una arquitectura modular y ligera para dispositivos limitados computacionalmente, diseñando un mecanismo de comunicación flexible que permite la interacción entre diferentes agentes embebidos, desplegados en dispositivos de tamaño reducido. Se propone un nuevo modelo de agente embebido, como mecanismo de extensión para la plataforma PANGEA. Además, se diseña un nuevo modelo de organización virtual de agentes especializada en la fusión de información. De esta forma, los agentes inteligentes tienen en cuenta las características de las organizaciones existentes en el entorno a la hora de proporcionar servicios. El modelo de fusión de información presenta una arquitectura claramente diferenciada en 4 niveles, siendo capaz de obtener la información proporcionada por las redes de sensores (capas inferiores) para ser integrada con organizaciones virtuales de agentes (capas superiores). El filtrado de señales, minería de datos, sistemas de razonamiento basados en casos y otras técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial han sido aplicadas para la consecución exitosa de esta investigación. Una de las principales innovaciones que pretendo con mi estudio, es investigar acerca de nuevos mecanismos que permitan la adición dinámica de redes de sensores combinando diferentes tecnologías con el propósito final de exponer un conjunto de servicios de usuario de forma distribuida. En este sentido, se propondrá una arquitectura multiagente basada en organizaciones virtuales que gestione de forma autónoma la infraestructura subyacente constituida por el hardware y los diferentes sensores

    Embedded agents to monitor sounds

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    Ambient intelligent has advanced in the last years. The inclusion of Artificial Intelligent techniques, as pattern recognition, has allowed these systems to have a better adaptation to the environments. In this work, a multiagent system based on PANGEA and embedded agents to manage and monitor alarms is shown. The system incorporates embedded agents in Arduino hardware devices with modules to detect sounds and luminosity bands

    Virtual Organizations of Agents for Monitoring Elderly and Disabled People in Geriatric Residences

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    This paper presents the use of PANGEA platform applied to improve healthcare and assistance to elderly and dependent people in geriatric residences. PANGEA is based on Virtual Organizations of agents (VO) and integrates a set of autonomous deliberative agents designed to support the carers' activities and to guarantee that the patients are given the right care. The system makes use of Wireless Sensor Networks and a Real-Time Locating System for providing autonomous responses according to the environment status. Agents are a suitable alternative to manage the enormous quantity of data provided of sensors because they can represent autonomous entities by modelling their capabilities, expertise and intentions. This approach facilitates the inclusion of context-aware capabilities when developing intelligent and adaptable systems, where functionalities can communicate in a distributed and collaborative way. Several tests have been performed to evaluate this framework and preliminary results and conclusions are presented

    Model for WCET prediction, scheduling and task allocation for emergent agent-behaviours in real-time scenarios

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    [ES]Hasta el momento no se conocen modelos de tiempo real específicamente desarrollados para su uso en sistemas abiertos, como las Organizaciones Virtuales de Agentes (OVs). Convencionalmente, los modelos de tiempo real se aplican a sistemas cerrados donde todas las variables se conocen a priori. Esta tesis presenta nuevas contribuciones y la novedosa integración de agentes en tiempo real dentro de OVs. Hasta donde alcanza nuestro conocimiento, éste es el primer modelo específicamente diseñado para su aplicación en OVs con restricciones temporales estrictas. Esta tesis proporciona una nueva perspectiva que combina la apertura y dinamicidad necesarias en una OV con las restricciones de tiempo real. Ésto es una aspecto complicado ya que el primer paradigma no es estricto, como el propio término de sistema abierto indica, sin embargo, el segundo paradigma debe cumplir estrictas restricciones. En resumen, el modelo que se presenta permite definir las acciones que una OV debe llevar a cabo con un plazo concreto, considerando los cambios que pueden ocurrir durante la ejecución de un plan particular. Es una planificación de tiempo real en una OV. Otra de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis es un modelo para el cálculo del tiempo de ejecución en el peor caso (WCET). La propuesta es un modelo efectivo para calcular el peor escenario cuando un agente desea formar parte de una OV y para ello, debe incluir sus tareas o comportamientos dentro del sistema de tiempo real, es decir, se calcula el WCET de comportamientos emergentes en tiempo de ejecución. También se incluye una planificación local para cada nodo de ejecución basada en el algoritmo FPS y una distribución de tareas entre los nodos disponibles en el sistema. Para ambos modelos se usan modelos matemáticos y estadísticos avanzados para crear un mecanismo adaptable, robusto y eficiente para agentes inteligentes en OVs. El desconocimiento, pese al estudio realizado, de una plataforma para sistemas abiertos que soporte agentes con restricciones de tiempo real y los mecanismos necesarios para el control y la gestión de OVs, es la principal motivación para el desarrollo de la plataforma de agentes PANGEA+RT. PANGEA+RT es una innovadora plataforma multi-agente que proporciona soporte para la ejecución de agentes en ambientes de tiempo real. Finalmente, se presenta un caso de estudio donde robots heterogéneos colaboran para realizar tareas de vigilancia. El caso de estudio se ha desarrollado con la plataforma PANGEA+RT donde el modelo propuesto está integrado. Por tanto al final de la tesis, con este caso de estudio se obtienen los resultados y conclusiones que validan el modelo

    Dynamic Monitoring in PANGEA Platform Using Event-Tracing Mechanisms

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    The use of distributed multi-agent systems (MAS) have increased in recent years, with the growing potential to handle large volumes of data and coordinate the operations of many organizations. In these systems, each agent independently handles a set of specialized tasks and cooperates to achieve the goals of the system and a high degree of flexibility. Multi-agent systems have become the most effective and widely used form of developing this type of application in which communication among various devices must be both reliable and efficient. One of the problems related to distribute computing is message passing, which is related to the interaction and coordination among intelligent agents. Consequently, a multi-agent architecture must necessarily provide a robust communication platform and control mechanisms. This paper presents the integration of an event-tracing model in an agent platform called PANGEA. Adding this new capability, the platform allows improving the monitoring and analysis of the information that agents can send/receive in order to fulfil their goals more efficiently

    Combining Multi-Agent Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Crop Irrigation

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    [EN]Monitoring mechanisms that ensure efficient crop growth are essential on many farms, especially in certain areas of the planet where water is scarce. Most farmers must assume the high cost of the required equipment in order to be able to streamline natural resources on their farms. Considering that many farmers cannot afford to install this equipment, it is necessary to look for more effective solutions that would be cheaper to implement. The objective of this study is to build virtual organizations of agents that can communicate between each other while monitoring crops. A low cost sensor architecture allows farmers to monitor and optimize the growth of their crops by streamlining the amount of resources the crops need at every moment. Since the hardware has limited processing and communication capabilities, our approach uses the PANGEA architecture to overcome this limitation. Specifically, we will design a system that is capable of collecting heterogeneous information from its environment, using sensors for temperature, solar radiation, humidity, pH, moisture and wind. A major outcome of our approach is that our solution is able to merge heterogeneous data from sensors and produce a response adapted to the context. In order to validate the proposed system, we present a case study in which farmers are provided with a tool that allows us to monitor the condition of crops on a TV screen using a low cost device.European Commision (EC). Funding H2020/MSCARISE. Project Code: 641794European Commision (EC). Funding FP7/SPE/SME. Project Code: 283638European Commision (EC). Funding FP7/SP1/ENV. Project Code: 28294