9 research outputs found

    Prototypes of productivity tools for the jadescript programming language

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    Jadescript is an agent-oriented programming language built on top of JADE. So far, the focus of the development of the language was on design choices, on syntax refinements, and on the introduction of expressions and constructs for agent-related abstractions and tasks. In this paper, a proposal to achieve the crucial goal of making Jadescript suitable for professional use is presented. The success of Jadescript, as a solid language to build real-world agent-based software systems, is necessarily related to its effective integration with mainstream development tools. In this paper, some of the productivity tools developed to integrate Jadescript with a mainstream development environment are presented as a way to promote the successful adoption of the language towards the community of JADE users

    OntologyBeanGenerator 5.0: Extending ontology concepts with methods and exceptions

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    When modeling and implementing complex systems based on agents and artifacts, achieving semantic interoperability is not only useful, but often necessary. A commonly adopted solution to manage complex and real MASs is adopting a Model Driven methodology, which uses an ontology as the formal representation of the domain, and then exploiting some existing tool to automatically generate code for agents in the MAS, to let them interact according to the model. While this approach is satisfactorily supported when the target MAS environment is Jason, less support is provided to Jade MASs, despite Jade's large adoption for real MASs development. So, considering the great support given by the automatic code generation starting from a formal model, and the large community working on Jade MASs, in this work we present an extension of the OntologyBeanGenerator plugin for Prot\ue9g\ue9, used to generate a Java representation of an OWL ontology for Jade. We improved the OntologyBeanGenerator tool to support the modeling of exceptions, formalized at the ontology level, and of methods associated with ontology elements, to set the interface of concrete objects (artifacts) at design stage. This extension allows us to integrate in a Model Driven approach a support for the formal definition of artifacts and provide an automatic generation of Jade code/interfaces to interact with them respecting the model

    Logic-based Technologies for Multi-agent Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Precisely when the success of artificial intelligence (AI) sub-symbolic techniques makes them be identified with the whole AI by many non-computerscientists and non-technical media, symbolic approaches are getting more and more attention as those that could make AI amenable to human understanding. Given the recurring cycles in the AI history, we expect that a revamp of technologies often tagged as “classical AI” – in particular, logic-based ones will take place in the next few years. On the other hand, agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) have been at the core of the design of intelligent systems since their very beginning, and their long-term connection with logic-based technologies, which characterised their early days, might open new ways to engineer explainable intelligent systems. This is why understanding the current status of logic-based technologies for MAS is nowadays of paramount importance. Accordingly, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive view of those technologies by making them the subject of a systematic literature review (SLR). The resulting technologies are discussed and evaluated from two different perspectives: the MAS and the logic-based ones

    Agent-oriented domain-specific language for the development of intelligentdistributed non-axiomatic reasoning agents

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    У дисертацији је представљен прототип агентског, домен-оријентисаног језика ALAS. Основни мотиви развоја ALAS језика су подршка дистрибуираном не-аксиоматском резоновању као и омогућавање интероперабилности и хетерогене мобилности Siebog агената јер је приликом анализе постојећих агентских домен-оријентисаних језика утврђено да ни један језик не подржава ове захтеве. Побољшање у односу на сличне постојеће агентске, домен-оријентисане језике огледа се и у програмским конструктима које нуди ALAS језик а чија је основна сврха писање концизних агената који се извршавају у специфичним доменима.U disertaciji je predstavljen prototip agentskog, domen-orijentisanog jezika ALAS. Osnovni motivi razvoja ALAS jezika su podrška distribuiranom ne-aksiomatskom rezonovanju kao i omogućavanje interoperabilnosti i heterogene mobilnosti Siebog agenata jer je prilikom analize postojećih agentskih domen-orijentisanih jezika utvrđeno da ni jedan jezik ne podržava ove zahteve. Poboljšanje u odnosu na slične postojeće agentske, domen-orijentisane jezike ogleda se i u programskim konstruktima koje nudi ALAS jezik a čija je osnovna svrha pisanje konciznih agenata koji se izvršavaju u specifičnim domenima.The dissertation presents the prototype of an agent-oriented, domainspecific language ALAS. The basic motives for the development of the ALAS language are support for distributed non-axiomatic reasoning, as well as enabling the interoperability and heterogeneous mobility of agents, because it is concluded by analysing existing agent-oriented, domainspecific languages, that there is no language that supports these requirements. The improvement compared to similar existing agentoriented, domain-specific languages are also reflected in program constructs offered by ALAS language, whose the main purpose is to enable writing the concise agents that are executed in specific domains

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    This Special Issue ""Multi-Agent Systems"" gathers original research articles reporting results on the steadily growing area of agent-oriented computing and multi-agent systems technologies. After more than 20 years of academic research on multi-agent systems (MASs), in fact, agent-oriented models and technologies have been promoted as the most suitable candidates for the design and development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. With respect to both their quality and range, the papers in this Special Issue already represent a meaningful sample of the most recent advancements in the field of agent-oriented models and technologies. In particular, the 17 contributions cover agent-based modeling and simulation, situated multi-agent systems, socio-technical multi-agent systems, and semantic technologies applied to multi-agent systems. In fact, it is surprising to witness how such a limited portion of MAS research already highlights the most relevant usage of agent-based models and technologies, as well as their most appreciated characteristics. We are thus confident that the readers of Applied Sciences will be able to appreciate the growing role that MASs will play in the design and development of the next generation of complex intelligent systems. This Special Issue has been converted into a yearly series, for which a new call for papers is already available at the Applied Sciences journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Multi-Agent_Systems_2019

    Overview of a formal semantics for the JADEL programming language

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    This paper outlines a first proposal of a formal semantics for the JADEL programming language. JADEL is an agent-oriented programming language based on JADE that has been recently proposed to ease the adoption of JADE, and to promote its use. In previous works, JADEL was specified at the syntax level, and only an informal semantics was given. The major contribution of this paper is to outline a formalization of the semantics of JADEL to complement previous works and to allow reasoning on JADEL agents and multi-agent systems. First, the paper provides a brief recall on JADEL by describing its main abstractions and their specific syntactic constructs. Then, a discussion of the proposed operational semantics based on transition systems is described. Finally, a detailed operational semantics of only some relevant constructs is given. The validity of the proposed approach is discussed in the conclusion of the paper, together with directions of future developments

    Overview of a formal semantics for the JADEL programming language

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    This paper outlines a first proposal of a formal semantics for the JADEL programming language. JADEL is an agent-oriented programming language based on JADE that has been recently proposed to ease the adoption of JADE, and to promote its use. In previous works, JADEL was specified at the syntax level, and only an informal semantics was given. The major contribution of this paper is to outline a formalization of the semantics of JADEL to complement previous works and to allow reasoning on JADEL agents and multi-agent systems. First, the paper provides a brief recall on JADEL by describing its main abstractions and their specific syntactic constructs. Then, a discussion of the proposed operational semantics based on transition systems is described. Finally, a detailed operational semantics of only some relevant constructs is given. The validity of the proposed approach is discussed in the conclusion of the paper, together with directions of future developments