16 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of cyber-threat intelligence sources, formats and languages

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    The sharing of cyber-threat intelligence is an essential part of multi-layered tools used to protect systems and organisations from various threats. Structured standards, such as STIX, TAXII and CybOX, were introduced to provide a common means of sharing cyber-threat intelligence and have been subsequently much-heralded as the de facto industry standards. In this paper, we investigate the landscape of the available formats and languages, along with the publicly available sources of threat feeds, how these are implemented and their suitability for providing rich cyber-threat intelligence. We also analyse at a sample of cyber-threat intelligence feeds, the type of data they provide and the issues found in aggregating and sharing the data. Moreover, the type of data supported by various formats and languages is correlated with the data needs for several use cases related to typical security operations. The main conclusions drawn by our analysis suggest that many of the standards have a poor level of adoption and implementation, with providers opting for custom or traditional simple formats

    DNS in Computer Forensics

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    The Domain Name Service (DNS) is a critical core component of the global Internet and integral to the majority of corporate intranets. It provides resolution services between the human-readable name-based system addresses and the machine operable Internet Protocol (IP) based addresses required for creating network level connections. Whilst structured as a globally dispersed resilient tree data structure, from the Global and Country Code Top Level Domains (gTLD/ccTLD) down to the individual site and system leaf nodes, it is highly resilient although vulnerable to various attacks, exploits and systematic failures

    An Analysis of Rogue AV Campaigns

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    Rogue antivirus software has recently received extensive attention, justified by the diffusion and efficacy of its propagation. We present a longitudinal analysis of the rogue antivirus threat ecosystem, focusing on the structure and dynamics of this threat and its economics. To that end, we compiled and mined a large dataset of characteristics of rogue antivirus domains and of the servers that host them. The contributions of this paper are threefold. Firstly, we offer the first, to our knowledge, broad analysis of the infrastructure underpinning the distribution of rogue security software by tracking 6,500 malicious domains. Secondly, we show how to apply attack attribution methodologies to correlate campaigns likely to be associated to the same individuals or groups. By using these techniques, we identify 127 rogue security software campaigns comprising 4,549 domains. Finally, we contextualize our findings by comparing them to a different threat ecosystem, that of browser exploits. We underline the profound difference in the structure of the two threats, and we investigate the root causes of this difference by analyzing the economic balance of the rogue antivirus ecosystem. We track 372,096 victims over a period of 2 months and we take advantage of this information to retrieve monetization insights. While applied to a specific threat type, the methodology and the lessons learned from this work are of general applicability to develop a better understanding of the threat economies

    A longitudinal study of DNS traffic: understanding current DNS practice and abuse

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    This thesis examines a dataset spanning 21 months, containing 3,5 billion DNS packets. Traffic on TCP and UDP port 53, was captured on a production /24 IP block. The purpose of this thesis is twofold. The first is to create an understanding of current practice and behavior within the DNS infrastructure, the second to explore current threats faced by the DNS and the various systems that implement it. This is achieved by drawing on analysis and observations from the captured data. Aspects of the operation of DNS on the greater Internet are considered in this research with reference to the observed trends in the dataset, A thorough analysis of current DNS TTL implementation is made with respect to all response traffic, as well as sections looking at observed DNS TTL values for ,za domain replies and NX DOMAIN flagged replies. This thesis found that TTL values implemented are much lower than has been recommended in previous years, and that the TTL decrease is prevalent in most, but not all EE TTL implementation. With respect to the nature of DNS operations, this thesis also concerns itself with an analysis of the geoloeation of authoritative servers for local (,za) domains, and offers further observations towards the latency generated by the choice of authoritative server location for a given ,za domain. It was found that the majority of ,za domain authoritative servers are international, which results in latency generation that is multiple times greater than observed latencies for local authoritative servers. Further analysis is done with respect to NX DOM AIN behavior captured across the dataset. These findings outlined the cost of DNS miseonfiguration as well as highlighting instances of NXDOMAIN generation through malicious practice. With respect to DNS abuses, original research with respect to long-term scanning generated as a result of amplification attack activity on the greater Internet is presented. Many instances of amplification domain scans were captured during the packet capture, and an attempt is made to correlate that activity temporally with known amplification attack reports. The final area that this thesis deals with is the relatively new field of Bitflipping and Bitsquatting, delivering results on bitflip detection and evaluation over the course of the entire dataset. The detection methodology is outlined, and the final results are compared to findings given in recent bitflip literature

    Scalable Techniques for Anomaly Detection

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    Computer networks are constantly being attacked by malicious entities for various reasons. Network based attacks include but are not limited to, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), DNS based attacks, Cross-site Scripting (XSS) etc. Such attacks have exploited either the network protocol or the end-host software vulnerabilities for perpetration. Current network traffic analysis techniques employed for detection and/or prevention of these anomalies suffer from significant delay or have only limited scalability because of their huge resource requirements. This dissertation proposes more scalable techniques for network anomaly detection. We propose using DNS analysis for detecting a wide variety of network anomalies. The use of DNS is motivated by the fact that DNS traffic comprises only 2-3% of total network traffic reducing the burden on anomaly detection resources. Our motivation additionally follows from the observation that almost any Internet activity (legitimate or otherwise) is marked by the use of DNS. We propose several techniques for DNS traffic analysis to distinguish anomalous DNS traffic patterns which in turn identify different categories of network attacks. First, we present MiND, a system to detect misdirected DNS packets arising due to poisoned name server records or due to local infections such as caused by worms like DNSChanger. MiND validates misdirected DNS packets using an externally collected database of authoritative name servers for second or third-level domains. We deploy this tool at the edge of a university campus network for evaluation. Secondly, we focus on domain-fluxing botnet detection by exploiting the high entropy inherent in the set of domains used for locating the Command and Control (C&C) server. We apply three metrics namely the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the Jaccard Index, and the Edit distance, to different groups of domain names present in Tier-1 ISP DNS traces obtained from South Asia and South America. Our evaluation successfully detects existing domain-fluxing botnets such as Conficker and also recognizes new botnets. We extend this approach by utilizing DNS failures to improve the latency of detection. Alternatively, we propose a system which uses temporal and entropy-based correlation between successful and failed DNS queries, for fluxing botnet detection. We also present an approach which computes the reputation of domains in a bipartite graph of hosts within a network, and the domains accessed by them. The inference technique utilizes belief propagation, an approximation algorithm for marginal probability estimation. The computation of reputation scores is seeded through a small fraction of domains found in black and white lists. An application of this technique, on an HTTP-proxy dataset from a large enterprise, shows a high detection rate with low false positive rates

    Machine learning for network-based malware detection

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    Padding Ain't Enough: Assessing the Privacy Guarantees of Encrypted DNS

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    DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH) encrypt DNS to guard user privacy by hiding DNS resolutions from passive adversaries. Yet, past attacks have shown that encrypted DNS is still sensitive to traffic analysis. As a consequence, RFC 8467 proposes to pad messages prior to encryption, which heavily reduces the characteristics of encrypted traffic. In this paper, we show that padding alone is insufficient to counter DNS traffic analysis. We propose a novel traffic analysis method that combines size and timing information to infer the websites a user visits purely based on encrypted and padded DNS traces. To this end, we model DNS sequences that capture the complexity of websites that usually trigger dozens of DNS resolutions instead of just a single DNS transaction. A closed world evaluation based on the Alexa top-10k websites reveals that attackers can deanonymize at least half of the test traces in 80.2% of all websites, and even correctly label all traces for 32.0% of the websites. Our findings undermine the privacy goals of state-of-the-art message padding strategies in DoT/DoH. We conclude by showing that successful mitigations to such attacks have to remove the entropy of inter-arrival timings between query responses

    Scalable Techniques for Anomaly Detection

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    Computer networks are constantly being attacked by malicious entities for various reasons. Network based attacks include but are not limited to, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), DNS based attacks, Cross-site Scripting (XSS) etc. Such attacks have exploited either the network protocol or the end-host software vulnerabilities for perpetration. Current network traffic analysis techniques employed for detection and/or prevention of these anomalies suffer from significant delay or have only limited scalability because of their huge resource requirements. This dissertation proposes more scalable techniques for network anomaly detection. We propose using DNS analysis for detecting a wide variety of network anomalies. The use of DNS is motivated by the fact that DNS traffic comprises only 2-3% of total network traffic reducing the burden on anomaly detection resources. Our motivation additionally follows from the observation that almost any Internet activity (legitimate or otherwise) is marked by the use of DNS. We propose several techniques for DNS traffic analysis to distinguish anomalous DNS traffic patterns which in turn identify different categories of network attacks. First, we present MiND, a system to detect misdirected DNS packets arising due to poisoned name server records or due to local infections such as caused by worms like DNSChanger. MiND validates misdirected DNS packets using an externally collected database of authoritative name servers for second or third-level domains. We deploy this tool at the edge of a university campus network for evaluation. Secondly, we focus on domain-fluxing botnet detection by exploiting the high entropy inherent in the set of domains used for locating the Command and Control (C&C) server. We apply three metrics namely the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the Jaccard Index, and the Edit distance, to different groups of domain names present in Tier-1 ISP DNS traces obtained from South Asia and South America. Our evaluation successfully detects existing domain-fluxing botnets such as Conficker and also recognizes new botnets. We extend this approach by utilizing DNS failures to improve the latency of detection. Alternatively, we propose a system which uses temporal and entropy-based correlation between successful and failed DNS queries, for fluxing botnet detection. We also present an approach which computes the reputation of domains in a bipartite graph of hosts within a network, and the domains accessed by them. The inference technique utilizes belief propagation, an approximation algorithm for marginal probability estimation. The computation of reputation scores is seeded through a small fraction of domains found in black and white lists. An application of this technique, on an HTTP-proxy dataset from a large enterprise, shows a high detection rate with low false positive rates

    New approaches for content-based analysis towards online social network spam detection

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    Unsolicited email campaigns remain as one of the biggest threats affecting millions of users per day. Although spam filtering techniques are capable of detecting significant percentage of the spam messages, the problem is far from being solved, specially due to the total amount of spam traffic that flows over the Internet, and new potential attack vectors used by malicious users. The deeply entrenched use of Online Social Networks (OSNs), where millions of users share unconsciously any kind of personal data, offers a very attractive channel to attackers. Those sites provide two main interesting areas for malicious activities: exploitation of the huge amount of information stored in the profiles of the users, and the possibility of targeting user addresses and user spaces through their personal profiles, groups, pages... Consequently, new type of targeted attacks are being detected in those communication means. Being selling products, creating social alarm, creating public awareness campaigns, generating traffic with viral contents, fooling users with suspicious attachments, etc. the main purpose of spam messages, those type of communications have a specific writing style that spam filtering can take advantage of. The main objectives of this thesis are: (i) to demonstrate that it is possible to develop new targeted attacks exploiting personalized spam campaigns using OSN information, and (ii) to design and validate novel spam detection methods that help detecting the intentionality of the messages, using natural language processing techniques, in order to classify them as spam or legitimate. Additionally, those methods must be effective also dealing with the spam that is appearing in OSNs. To achieve the first objective a system to design and send personalized spam campaigns is proposed. We extract automatically users’ public information from a well known social site. We analyze it and design different templates taking into account the preferences of the users. After that, different experiments are carried out sending typical and personalized spam. The results show that the click-through rate is considerably improved with this new strategy. In the second part of the thesis we propose three novel spam filtering methods. Those methods aim to detect non-evident illegitimate intent in order to add valid information that is used by spam classifiers. To detect the intentionality of the texts, we hypothesize that sentiment analysis and personality recognition techniques could provide new means to differentiate spam text from legitimate one. Taking into account this assumption, we present three different methods: the first one uses sentiment analysis to extract the polarity feature of each analyzed text, thus we analyze the optimistic or pessimistic attitude of spam messages compared to legitimate texts. The second one uses personality recognition techniques to add personality dimensions (Extroversion/Introversion, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/ Perceiving and Sensing/iNtuition) to the spam filtering process; and the last one is a combination of the two previously mentioned techniques. Once the methods are described, we experimentally validate the proposed approaches in three different types of spam: email spam, SMS spam and spam from a popular OSN.Hartzailearen baimenik gabe bidalitako mezuak (spam) egunean milioika erabiltzaileri eragiten dien mehatxua dira. Nahiz eta spam detekzio tresnek gero eta emaitza hobeagoak lortu, arazoa konpontzetik oso urruti dago oraindik, batez ere spam kopuruari eta erasotzaileen estrategia berriei esker. Hori gutxi ez eta azken urteetan sare sozialek izan duten erabiltzaile gorakadaren ondorioz, non milioika erabiltzailek beraien datu pribatuak publiko egiten dituzten, gune hauek oso leku erakargarriak bilakatu dira erasotzaileentzat. Batez ere bi arlo interesgarri eskaintzen dituzte webgune hauek: profiletan pilatutako informazio guztiaren ustiapena, eta erabiltzaileekin harreman zuzena izateko erraztasuna (profil bidez, talde bidez, orrialde bidez...). Ondorioz, gero eta ekintza ilegal gehiago atzematen ari dira webgune hauetan. Spam mezuen helburu nagusienak zerbait saldu, alarma soziala sortu, sentsibilizazio kanpainak martxan jarri, etab. izaki, mezu mota hauek eduki ohi duten idazketa mezua berauen detekziorako erabilia izan daiteke. Lan honen helburu nagusiak ondorengoak dira: alde batetik, sare sozialetako informazio publikoa erabiliz egungo detekzio sistemak saihestuko dituen spam pertsonalizatua garatzea posible dela erakustea; eta bestetik hizkuntza naturalaren prozesamendurako teknikak erabiliz, testuen intentzionalitatea atzeman eta spam-a detektatzeko metodologia berriak garatzea. Gainera, sistema horiek sare sozialetako spam mezuekin lan egiteko gaitasuna ere izan beharko dute. Lehen helburu hori lortzekolan honetan spam pertsonalizatua diseinatu eta bidaltzeko sistema bat aurkeztu da. Era automatikoan erabiltzaileen informazio publikoa ateratzen dugu sare sozial ospetsu batetik, ondoren informazio hori aztertu eta txantiloi ezberdinak garatzen ditugu erabiltzaileen iritziak kontuan hartuaz. Behin hori egindakoan, hainbat esperimentu burutzen ditugu spam normala eta pertsonalizatua bidaliz, bien arteko emaitzen ezberdintasuna alderatzeko. Tesiaren bigarren zatian hiru spam atzemate metodologia berri aurkezten ditugu. Berauen helburua tribialak ez den intentzio komertziala atzeman ta hori baliatuz spam mezuak sailkatzean datza. Intentzionalitate hori lortze aldera, analisi sentimentala eta pertsonalitate detekzio teknikak erabiltzen ditugu. Modu honetan, hiru sistema ezberdin aurkezten dira hemen: lehenengoa analisi sentimentala soilik erabiliz, bigarrena lan honetarako pertsonalitate detekzio teknikek eskaintzen dutena aztertzen duena, eta azkenik, bien arteko konbinazioa. Tresna hauek erabiliz, balidazio esperimentala burutzen da proposatutako sistemak eraginkorrak diren edo ez aztertzeko, hiru mota ezberdinetako spam-arekin lan eginez: email spam-a, SMS spam-a eta sare sozial ospetsu bateko spam-a