38 research outputs found

    Exploring metacognitive development in the context of peer assisted writing using on-line and off-line methods

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    DEdPsy ThesisThe exploration of metacognition in the context of Peer Assisted Writing (PAW) is an under-researched area. This study aims to address this issue in one primary school. A PAW programme that included four pairs of pupils from a composite Primary 6/7 class was timetabled over five weeks. There were three sessions of approximately 45 minutes each week during which each pair of pupils jointly planned and wrote a story. The stories followed the school writing programme. Qualitative and quantitative analysis, collected using action research and case study design, is used to investigate how a PAW programme supports pupils’ metacognitive and writing development. The complex issues of metacognition are examined. On-line and off-line assessment methods tell us about metacognitive outcomes of PAW. The results show that the different assessment methods (Video Recording of the PAW sessions, Think Aloud when Prompted and Pupil View Templates) reveal a range of metacognitive outcomes that together help to complete a fuller picture of pupils’ thinking and learning abilities and social emotional well-being. The results evidenced that PAW fosters metacognition. Qualitative results suggested that writing is a complex, metacognitive process and it was necessary to extend the range of sub-components of information management. The results confirmed the views that development of knowledge of metacognition and regulation of metacognition are mutually dependent on each other and also that development of regulation of metacognition can take place in early primary school. Additionally, there was confirmation for research that proposed writing as ‘applied metacognition’. Quantitative analysis indicated that pupils engaged in PAW made substantial progress and that PAW particularly benefited pupils with weaker writing skills

    Contribuciones al modelado semántico de las comunidades de práctica en línea.

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    102 p.Esta tesis está dirigida al estudio de un tipo especifico de redes sociales, las comunidades de practica, que se caracterizan por poseer un interés común que aglutina a los miembros. Consideramos la construcción de los grafos de relación de estas redes sociales en base a las comunicaciones que se realizan entre sus miembros mediante la publicación en los foros internos. Para mejorar la representación eliminando información espuria utilizamos herramientas de modelado semántico. La identificación de los miembros centrales en esta representación mejorada se ajusta mucho mejor a la realidad de la comunidad, usando como informacio ¿n de validación la identificación de miembros relevantes realizada por el administrador de la red. Utilizamos dos comunidades de práctica reales, de las que disponemos tanto de los datos como de la identificación de los miembros relevantes dada por los administradores de la red

    Contribuciones al modelado semántico de las comunidades de práctica en línea.

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    102 p.Esta tesis está dirigida al estudio de un tipo especifico de redes sociales, las comunidades de practica, que se caracterizan por poseer un interés común que aglutina a los miembros. Consideramos la construcción de los grafos de relación de estas redes sociales en base a las comunicaciones que se realizan entre sus miembros mediante la publicación en los foros internos. Para mejorar la representación eliminando información espuria utilizamos herramientas de modelado semántico. La identificación de los miembros centrales en esta representación mejorada se ajusta mucho mejor a la realidad de la comunidad, usando como informacio ¿n de validación la identificación de miembros relevantes realizada por el administrador de la red. Utilizamos dos comunidades de práctica reales, de las que disponemos tanto de los datos como de la identificación de los miembros relevantes dada por los administradores de la red

    Automatic identification of whole-part relations in Portuguese

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014Neste trabalho, procurou-se melhorar a extração de relações semânticas entre elementos textuais tal como é atualmente realizada pela STRING, um sistema híbrido de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN), baseado em métodos estatísticos e regras híbrido, e desenvolvido para o Português. Visaram-se as relações todo-parte (meronímia), que pode ser definida como uma relação semântica entre uma entidade que é percebido como parte integrante de outra entidade, ou a relação entre um membro e um conjunto de elementos. Neste caso, vamos-nos concentrar num tipo de meronímia envolvendo entidades humanas e nomes parte-do-corpo (Npc); e.g., O Pedro partiu uma perna: WHOLE-PART(Pedro,perna). Para extrair este tipo de relações parte-todo, foi construído um módulo de extração de relações meronímicas baseado em regras e que foi integrado na gramática do sistema de STRING. Cerca de 17.000 instâncias de Npc foram extraídas do primeiro fragmento do corpus CETEMPúblico para a avaliação deste trabalho. Foram também recolhidos 79 casos de nomes de doença (Nd), derivados a partir de um Npc subjacente (e.g., gastrite-estômago). A fim de produzir um corpus de referência (golden standard) para a avaliação, foi selecionada uma amostra aleatória estratificada de 1.000 frases, mantendo a proporção da frequência total de Npc no corpus. Esta amostra também inclui um pequeno número de Nd (6 lemas, 17 frases). Essas instâncias foram repartidas e anotadas por quatro falantes nativos de português. 100 frases foram dadas a todos os anotadores a fim de calcular o acordo inter-anotadores, que foi considerado entre “razoável” (fair) e “bom” (good). Comparando a saída do sistema com o corpus de referência, os resultados mostram, para as relações parte-todo envolvendo Npc, 0,57 de precisão, 0,38 de cobertura (recall), 0,46 de medida-F e 0,81 de acurácia. A cobertura foi relativamente pequena (0,38), o que pode ser explicada por vários fatores, tais como o facto de, em muitas frases, o todo e a parte não estarem relacionadas sintaticamente e até se encontrarem por vezes bastante distantes. A precisão é um pouco melhor (0,57). A acurácia é relativamente elevada (0,81), uma vez que existe um grande número de casos verdadeiro-negativos. Os resultados para os nomes de doença, embora o número de casos seja pequeno, mostram uma 0,50 de precisão, 0,11 de cobertura, 0,17 de medida-F e 0,76 de acurácia. A cuidadosa análise de erros realizada permitiu detetar as principais causas para este desempenho, tendo sido possível, em alguns casos, encontrar soluções para diversos problemas. Foi então realizada uma segunda avaliação do desempenho do sistema, verificando-se uma melhoria geral dos resultados: a precisão melhorou +0,13 (de 0,57 para 0,70), a cobertura +0,11 (de 0,38 para 0,49), a medida-F +0,12 (de 0,46 para 0,58) e a acurácia +0,04 (de 0,81 para 0,85). Os resultados para os Nd permaneceram idênticos. Em suma, este trabalho pode ser considerado como uma primeira tentativa de extrair relações partetodo, envolvendo entidades humanas e Npc em Português. Um módulo baseado em regras foi construído e integrado no sistema STRING, tendo sido avaliado com resultados promissores.In this work, we improve the extraction of semantic relations between textual elements as it is currently performed by STRING, a hybrid statistical and rule-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) chain for Portuguese, by targeting whole-part relations (meronymy), that is, a semantic relation between an entity that is perceived as a constituent part of another entity, or a member of a set. In this case, we focus on the type of meronymy involving human entities and body-part nouns (Nbp); e.g., O Pedro partiu uma perna ’Pedro broke a leg’: WHOLE-PART(Pedro,perna). In order to extract this type of whole-part relations, a rule-based meronymy extraction module has been built and integrated in the grammar of the STRING system. Around 17,000 Nbp instances were extracted from the first fragment of the CETEMPúblico corpus for the evaluation of this work. We also retrieved 79 instances of disease nouns (Nsick), which are derived from an underlying Nbp (e.g., gastrite-estômago ’gastritis-stomach’). In order to produce a golden standard for the evaluation, a random stratified sample of 1,000 sentences was selected, keeping the proportion of the total frequency of Nbp in the source corpus. This sample also includes a small number of Nsick (6 lemmas, 17 sentences). These instances were annotated by four native Portuguese speakers, and for 100 of them the inter-annotator agreement was calculated and was deemed from “fair” to “good”. After confronting the produced golden standard against the system’s output, the results for Nbp show 0.57 precision, 0.38 recall, 0.46 F-measure, and 0.81 accuracy. The recall is relatively small (0.38), which can be explained by many factors such as the fact that in many sentences, the whole and the part are not syntactically related. The precision is somewhat better (0.57). The accuracy is relatively high (0.81) since there is a large number of true-negative cases. The results for Nsick, though the number of instances is small, show 0.50 precision, 0.11 recall, 0.17 F-measure, and 0.76 accuracy. A detailed error analysis was performed, some improvements have been made, and a second evaluation of the system’s performance was carried out. It showed that the precision improved by 0.13 (from 0.57 to 0.70), the recall by 0.11 (from 0.38 to 0.49), the F-measure by 0.12 (from 0.46 to 0.58), and the accuracy by 0.04 (from 0.81 to 0.85). The results for Nsick remained the same. In short, this work may be considered as a first attempt to extract whole-part relations, involving human entities and Nbp in Portuguese. A rule-based module was built and integrated in the STRING system, and it was evaluated with promising results.Erasmus Mundus Action 2 2011-2574 Triple I - Integration, Interaction and Institutions scholarship

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices

    Workshop 47. The Future of consulting: Impact of changing practice on our cognitive load as experts and educators & insights into the novice perspective

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    Objectives1) To consider current & future impact of remote consulting & the covid pandemic on our cognitive load as clinical reasoning ‘experts’ 2) To consider & reflect on the insights this has provided us as clinicians & educators into the student perspective (clinical reasoning ‘novices’) & their clinical reasoning development 3) To analyse delegates’ own experiences where this & similar transformative learning experiences could be deployed to drive effective learning 4) To recognise & describe the impact on traditional curricula structures

    Workshop 21. Faculty Development - Equipping clinical tutors with the skills to assist students to develop their clinical reasoning in patient consultations

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    Workshop ObjectivesTo consider the particular challenges for clinical tutors (experts) in helping medical students (novices) develop their clinical reasoning skills.To develop awareness of innovative approaches to faculty development to help tutors develop their skills in facilitating students development of their clinical reasoning skills in patient encounters.To encourage delegates to share best practice and reflect on faculty development in their own institutions

    Vytýkací konstrukce v odborném stylu: diachronní vývoj frekvence a funkcí v přírodních a humanitních vědách

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    Tématem této diplomové práce je historický vývoj frekvence a funkcí vytýkacích konstrukcí v akademických textech z oblasti humanitních a přírodních věd v letech 1800-2019. Biber a Grayové (Biber & Gray 2016) poukázali na změny ve vývoji gramatické komplexity v odborném stylu, jmenovitě na vztah mezi gramatickou komplexitou v rámci klauze a substantivní fráze ve vztahu k explicitnosti. Na těchto poznatcích je založena hypotéza diplomové práce, že frekvence výskytu vytýkacích konstrukcí bude v průběhu 20. století klesat jak v humanitních, tak přírodních vědách, s tím, že rychlejší a znatelnější bude tento pokles v rámci věd přírodních. Teoretická část práce obsahuje obecný popis vytýkacích konstrukcí ze syntaktického a sémantického hlediska, společně s popisem aktuálního členění větného a rozdílu mezi kontextově nezapojenou a zapojenou částí výpovědi, protože dalším cílem práce je zkoumat historický vývoj funkcí vytýkacích konstrukcí. Empirická část se zabývá analýzou korpusu sestávajícího ze 170 textů, které reprezentují období mezi lety 1800-2019. Empirická část je rozdělena do sekcí podle toho, jak se data z daného období podobají, co se týká frekvence vytýkacích konstrukcí. Analýza dat potvrzuje, že očekáváný pokles frekvence vytýkacích konstrukcí je zjevný v případě přírodních věd, avšak ve...This diploma thesis maps the diachronic tendencies in the frequency and functions of it-cleft sentences in two sub-registers of academic prose, humanities and natural sciences, from 1800 to 2019. Biber and Gray (2016) showed changes in grammatical complexity in academic writing, namely the shift between phrasal and clausal grammatical complexity and explicitness, which motivated the hypothesis of this thesis, i.e. that the frequency of it-clefts is expected to decrease in the course of 20th century in both sub-registers with the development being faster and more salient in natural sciences. General description presents the syntactic and semantic properties of it-clefts together with discussion about FSP and the distinction between new and given information, as the objective of the thesis is also to study the development of the functional types of clefts. The empirical part analyses a corpus of 170 academic texts, covering the time period under study. It is divided into sections based on time periods displaying similar features concerning the frequency of it-clefts in natural sciences and humanities. The analysis confirms that the expected decrease in the frequency of it-clefts is clearly notable in the case of natural sciences, while in humanities the frequency of it-clefts in individual texts...Ústav anglického jazyka a didaktikyDepartment of the English Language and ELT MethodologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art