148 research outputs found

    Designing and developing a mobile application for indoor real-time positioning and navigation in healthcare facilities

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    Navigation portable applications have largely grown during the last years. However, the majority of them works just for outdoor positioning and routing, due to their architecture based upon Global Positioning System signals. Real-Time Positioning System intended to provide position estimation inside buildings is known as Indoor Positioning System (IPS)

    Threat vector analysis in autonomous driving

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    Σημείωση: διατίθεται συμπληρωματικό υλικό σε ξεχωριστό αρχείο

    State of the Art, Trends and Future of Bluetooth Low Energy, Near Field Communication and Visible Light Communication in the Development of Smart Cities

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    The current social impact of new technologies has produced major changes in all areas of society, creating the concept of a smart city supported by an electronic infrastructure, telecommunications and information technology. This paper presents a review of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Near Field Communication (NFC) and Visible Light Communication (VLC) and their use and influence within different areas of the development of the smart city. The document also presents a review of Big Data Solutions for the management of information and the extraction of knowledge in an environment where things are connected by an “Internet of Things” (IoT) network. Lastly, we present how these technologies can be combined together to benefit the development of the smart city

    Vehicular Networks and Outdoor Pedestrian Localization

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    This thesis focuses on vehicular networks and outdoor pedestrian localization. In particular, it targets secure positioning in vehicular networks and pedestrian localization for safety services in outdoor environments. The former research topic must cope with three major challenges, concerning users’ privacy, computational costs of security and the system trust on user correctness. This thesis addresses those issues by proposing a new lightweight privacy-preserving framework for continuous tracking of vehicles. The proposed solution is evaluated in both dense and sparse vehicular settings through simulation and experiments in real-world testbeds. In addition, this thesis explores the benefit given by the use of low frequency bands for the transmission of control messages in vehicular networks. The latter topic is motivated by a significant number of traffic accidents with pedestrians distracted by their smartphones. This thesis proposes two different localization solutions specifically for pedestrian safety: a GPS-based approach and a shoe-mounted inertial sensor method. The GPS-based solution is more suitable for rural and suburban areas while it is not applicable in dense urban environments, due to large positioning errors. Instead the inertial sensor approach overcomes the limitations of previous technique in urban environments. Indeed, by exploiting accelerometer data, this architecture is able to precisely detect the transitions from safe to potentially unsafe walking locations without the need of any absolute positioning systems

    IoT-laitteiden datayhteyden automaattinen määrittely matkapuhelinverkoissa

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    Cellular networks have existed for almost forty years. During the course of their history, they have transformed from wireless voice communication providers to wireless network providers. Nowadays mobile broadband data forms the bulk of the cellular data transfer which was a staggering 14 exabytes per month in year 2017, or 2.9 gigabytes per smartphone per month. The Internet of Things is changing this connectivity landscape by introducing devices in the millions but with scarce individual resources and data usage. However, there are some challenges related to cellular data connections in constrained IoT devices. This thesis identifies those challenges and proposes solutions to overcome them for enabling simpler cellular data connectivity. We first present the technical challenges and solutions found in today’s cellular IoT devices. We then present a proof of concept prototype that realizes automatic cellular connectivity in a very constrained IoT device. The prototype is capable of connecting to a management system and reporting sensor readings without requiring any user interaction. Besides recognizing important improvements in the next generation of cellular IoT technology, the thesis concludes with suggestions on how to improve the usability of programming interfaces for cellular connectivity.Lähes neljäkymmenvuotisen historiansa aikana atkapuhelinverkot ovat muuttuneet puheen välittäjistä langattomaksi dataverkoksi. Nykyään langaton laajakaista muodostaa suuren osan matkapuhelinverkoissa siirretystä datasta, jota oli 14 exatavua kuukaudessa vuonna 2017. Esineiden Internet tuo verkkoon miljoonia laitteita joiden yksittäinen datansiirron tarve on vähäinen. Matkapuhelinverkon datayhteyden käyttö ei kuitenkaan ole ongelmatonta rajoittuneissa Esineiden Internetin laitteissa. Tämä diplomityö tunnistaa ja luokittelee näitä teknisiä haasteita ja ehdottaa ratkaisuja niihin. Esittelemme prototyypin joka toteuttaa automaatisen matkapuhelinverkon datayhteyden luonnin rajoittuneessa laitteessa. Prototyyppi ottaa yhteyden hallintajärjestelmään ja raportoi mittausdataa ilman käyttäjältä vaadittavia toimia. Johtopäätöksenä tämä diplomityö esittää parannuksia tehtäväksi matkapuhelinverkkojen datayhteyksien ohjelmointirajapintoihin niitä käyttävissä laitteissa. Löysimme myös tärkeitä parannuksia joita on jo tehty tulevan sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon määrittelyssä

    Enhancing Geospatial Data: Collecting and Visualising User-Generated Content Through Custom Toolkits and Cloud Computing Workflows

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    Through this thesis we set the hypothesis that, via the creation of a set of custom toolkits, using cloud computing, online user-generated content, can be extracted from emerging large-scale data sets, allowing the collection, analysis and visualisation of geospatial data by social scientists. By the use of a custom-built suite of software, known as the ‘BigDataToolkit’, we examine the need and use of cloud computing and custom workflows to open up access to existing online data as well as setting up processes to enable the collection of new data. We examine the use of the toolkit to collect large amounts of data from various online sources, such as Social Media Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and data stores, to visualise the data collected in real-time. Through the execution of these workflows, this thesis presents an implementation of a smart collector framework to automate the collection process to significantly increase the amount of data that can be obtained from the standard API endpoints. By the use of these interconnected methods and distributed collection workflows, the final system is able to collect and visualise a larger amount of data in real time than single system data collection processes used within traditional social media analysis. Aimed at allowing researchers without a core understanding of the intricacies of computer science, this thesis provides a methodology to open up new data sources to not only academics but also wider participants, allowing the collection of user-generated geographic and textual content, en masse. A series of case studies are provided, covering applications from the single researcher collecting data through to collection via the use of televised media. These are examined in terms of the tools created and the opportunities opened, allowing real-time analysis of data, collected via the use of the developed toolkit

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue President\u27s Message From the ACUTA CEO Legislative/Regulatory Update Foundations of Collaboration Leveraging City infrastructure to Extend Campus Wireless Out with the Old (eMail) and in with the New (Collaboration Tools) 8 Steps to a Successful Very-High- Density Wi-Fi Serving Up Student-Centric Technology Preparing for the Unexpected with Emergency Mass Notification Systems UT San Antonio Encourages Collaboration lU Knows the Value of Partnerships Western University Community Colleges of Spokane University of Richmond Centre College University of New Mexic

    Distributed Smart City Services for Urban Ecosystems

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    A Smart City is a high-performance urban context, where citizens live independently and are more aware of the surrounding opportunities, thanks to forward-looking development of economy politics, governance, mobility and environment. ICT infrastructures play a key-role in this new research field being also a mean for society to allow new ideas to prosper and new, more efficient approaches to be developed. The aim of this work is to research and develop novel solutions, here called smart services, in order to solve several upcoming problems and known issues in urban areas and more in general in the modern society context. A specific focus is posed on smart governance and on privacy issues which have been arisen in the cellular age

    Applications across Co-located Devices

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    We live surrounded by many computing devices. However, their presence has yet to be fully explored to create a richer ubiquitous computing environment. There is an opportunity to take better advantage of those devices by combining them into a unified user experience. To realize this vision, we studied and explored the use of a framework, which provides the tools and abstractions needed to develop applications that distribute UI components across co-located devices. The framework comprises the following components: authentication and authorization services; a broker to sync information across multiple application instances; background services that gather the capabilities of the devices; and a library to integrate web applications with the broker, determine which components to show based on UI requirements and device capabilities, and that provides custom elements to manage the distribution of the UI components and the multiple application states. Collaboration between users is supported by sharing application states. An indoor positioning solution had to be developed in order to determine when devices are close to each other to trigger the automatic redistribution of UI components. The research questions that we set out to respond are presented along with the contributions that have been produced. Those contributions include a framework for crossdevice applications, an indoor positioning solution for pervasive indoor environments, prototypes, end-user studies and developer focused evaluation. To contextualize our research, we studied previous research work about cross-device applications, proxemic interactions and indoor positioning systems. We presented four application prototypes. The first three were used to perform studies to evaluate the user experience. The last one was used to study the developer experience provided by the framework. The results were largely positive with users showing preference towards using multiple devices under some circumstances. Developers were also able to grasp the concepts provided by the framework relatively well.Vivemos rodeados de dispositivos computacionais. No entanto, ainda não tiramos partido da sua presença para criar ambientes de computação ubíqua mais ricos. Existe uma oportunidade de combiná-los para criar uma experiência de utilizador unificada. Para realizar esta visão, estudámos e explorámos a utilização de uma framework que forneça ferramentas e abstrações que permitam o desenvolvimento de aplicações que distribuem os componentes da interface do utilizador por dispositivos co-localizados. A framework é composta por: serviços de autenticação e autorização; broker que sincroniza informação entre várias instâncias da aplicação; serviços que reúnem as capacidades dos dispositivos; e uma biblioteca para integrar aplicações web com o broker, determinar as componentes a mostrar com base nos requisitos da interface e nas capacidades dos dispositivos, e que disponibiliza elementos para gerir a distribuição dos componentes da interface e dos estados de aplicação. A colaboração entre utilizadores é suportada através da partilha dos estados de aplicação. Foi necessário desenvolver um sistema de posicionamento em interiores para determinar quando é que os dispositivos estão perto uns dos outros para despoletar a redistribuição automática dos componentes da interface. As questões de investigação inicialmente colocadas são apresentadas juntamente com as contribuições que foram produzidas. Essas contribuições incluem uma framework para aplicações multi-dispositivo, uma solução de posicionamento em interiores para computação ubíqua, protótipos, estudos com utilizadores finais e avaliação com programadores. Para contextualizar a nossa investigação, estudámos trabalhos anteriores sobre aplicações multi-dispositivo, interação proxémica e sistemas de posicionamento em interiores. Apresentámos quatro aplicações protótipo. As primeiras três foram utilizadas para avaliar a experiência de utilização. A última foi utilizada para estudar a experiência de desenvolvimento com a framework. Os resultados foram geralmente positivos, com os utilizadores a preferirem utilizar múltiplos dispositivos em certas circunstâncias. Os programadores também foram capazes de compreender a framework relativamente bem