293 research outputs found

    The Missouri Miner, November 21, 1952

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    Summer Session Sun, July 28, 1950

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    Summer semester student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/summersessionsun/1053/thumbnail.jp

    The Treatment of Childhood In Autobiographies Of Twentieth Century American Women

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    Ed. D. University of Kansas, Education 1984In order to investigate the perspectives autobiography--a formally shaped first person account of all or part of an individual's own life--brings to the study of female American childhood, over one hundred autobiographies written by American women (most were born after 1890) were surveyed, in addition to numerous works on the nature of autobiography, sex-role formation, women's history, and childhood development and history. Both the thesis and conclusion of this study is that identification and analysis of what autobiographers specify as having shaped themselves, as well as investigation into the factors that shape a particular view of self, provide data from which to draw valid inferences and generalizations about the experience of childhood, if that data is scrutinized with an awareness of its limitations. Chapters 2-5 deal with the four topics which emerged from study of the work of twentieth century American female autobiographers about the nature of childhood and follow a similar organizational pattern. Each chapter begins with a general introduction to the topic of the chapter, drawing upon a variety of autobiographies and other sources for examples. Then each chapter extensively analyzes from 2-4 autobiographies in which the main concern of the chapter is embodied. These analyses are followed by brief observations. Works extensively analyzed are as follows: Ch. 2, "Recreating the 'Feel' of Childhood"--Seven Houses: A Memoir of Time and Places by Josephine Johnson, How Dear To My Heart by Emily Kimbrough, A Quaker Childhood by Helen Whitall Thomas Flexner; Ch. 3, "Role Models"--I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, Blackberry Winter by Margaret Mead; Ch. 4, "The Development of Sex Roles"--The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston, Fifth Chinese Daughter by Jade Snow Wong; Ch. 5, "Success in Leaving Home"--Looking Back by Joyce Maynard, Home to the Wilderness by Sally Carrighar, Facts of Life by Maureen Howard, The Hearthstone of My Heart by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino

    Representations of Nonhuman Nature by Environmental Activists: Fostering Less Anthropocentric Planning in the More-than-human City

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    This research investigated the role of environmental activists in controversial development proposals, and whether their other-than-scientific representations of species and natures can produce less-anthropocentric, more ecologically considered planning outcomes. The research illustrates the more-than-human relations within planning practice and the agency of nonhumans, in particular charismatic ‘flagship’ species. The research found increased representation of nonhumans using local knowledge can reduce the impact of human chauvinism and develop more ecologically considered more-than-human cities

    The Rollamo 1949

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    Narrative and the self in British author-autobiography

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema der britischen Autoren-Autobiografie, wobei die Rolle des ErzĂ€hlaktes und der IdentitĂ€tsbildung im autobiografischen Prozess besondere BerĂŒcksichtigung findet. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in einen Theorie- und einen Analyseteil, die aus je drei Kapiteln bestehen. Im ersten Kapitel, das dem Thema Genre untersteht, wird auf die Entwicklung der Autobiografietheorie und die Abgrenzung der Autobiografie gegenĂŒber anderen Gattungen eingegangen. Das zweite Kapitel setzt sich mit Konzeptionen der menschlichen IdentitĂ€t und deren Einfluss auf den autobiografischen Prozess auseinander. Traditionelle Modelle des Ich stehen zeitgenössischen SubjektivitĂ€tstheorien gegenĂŒber, welche sich vor allem auf die IntersubjektivitĂ€t und den Prozess des ErzĂ€hlens konzentrierten. Das ErzĂ€hlen wird hier als integraler Bestandteil menschlicher IdentitĂ€t betrachtet. Im dritten Kapitel geht es um die Funktionen des ErzĂ€hlens in der Autobiografie, wobei der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Erinnerungsprozess, dem PhĂ€nomen Zeit, und der TĂ€tigkeit des ErzĂ€hlens beleuchtet wird. Weiters werden erzĂ€hltheoretische Konzepte von Franz Karl Stanzel, Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan und Dorrit Cohn vorgestellt, die gemeinsam mit den vorher beschriebenen autobiografietheoretischen Konzepten als Untersuchungswerkzeuge fĂŒr die darauffolgende Analyse der PrimĂ€rtexte dienen. Im Analyseteil werden drei Autobiografien untersucht: Memoirs (1991) von Kingsley Amis, Experience: A Memoir (200) von Martin Amis und Slipstream: A Memoir (2002). Die PrimĂ€rtexte bieten sich zur gemeinsamen Analyse an, da die Autoren in einem familiĂ€ren VerhĂ€ltnis zueinander stehen und alle britische Romanciers sind, die mit dem autobiografischen Genre experimentieren. Die Analyse verfolgt keinen vergleichenden Zugang. Vielmehr wird jede Autobiografie einzeln wahrgenommen und die kombinatorische Anwendung von autobiografietheoretischen und narrativen Analysewerkzeigen wird getestet.Dealing with British author-autobiography, this thesis focuses especially on the roles of narrative and identity in the autobiographical process. The paper is divided into a theory part and an analysis part, each of which comprises three chapters. The first chapter gives an outline of the development of autobiography theory and demarcates autobiography from other literary forms. The second chapter scrutinises both traditional and modern conceptions of human identity. Notably, contemporary theories of selfhood acknowledge the intersubjectivity of identity as its narrative nature. The third chapter deals with the role of narrative in the autobiographical process, and looks closely at the relationship between memory, time, and narrative. Furthermore, theoretical concepts from three narratologists, namely Franz Karl Stanzel, Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, and Dorrit Cohn are presented. Both the featured concepts from autobiographical theory and narrative theory provide the framework and the tools for the analysis of the three primary texts that are featured in this thesis. The analysis part comprises analyses of three autobiographies by British writers, i.e. Memoirs (1991) by Kingsley Amis, Experience: A Memoir (2000) by Martin Amis, and Slipstream: A Memoir (2002) by Elizabeth Jane Howard. These primary texts are seen as a group, because their authors are a family of British novelists who all experiment with the autobiographical genre. The analysis does not follow a comparative approach. Instead, each autobiography is examined individually from the double perspective of autobiography studies and narrative theory

    The history and invocation of the Arche in Austrian Radical architecture thinking

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    The architecture of the European Radical movements of the 1960s and 1970s is principally associated with the forward-looking principles of the architectural avant-garde. Scholarship on the movements emphasizes its futuristic and accompanying science fiction elements. While the importance of a visionary focus on the birth and development of the Radical movements is widely acknowledged, the same cannot be said for the connections of the visionary production to the architectural past. This article focuses on the Austrian Radicals and stresses their use of archetypal forms as a means to signify the difference between them and the preceding generation of Austrian modernists. In this sense the passing of editorial control of Bau from the Modernists to the Radicals is a crucial moment in the context of this article

    Book of Empire: The Political Bible of U.S. Literary Modernism

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    “Book of Empire” reveals that contrary to what is often suggested by scholars, modernism is not a moment of secularization and declining faith and that the Bible is actually a resource for mounting a radical critique of empire, nation-building, and racial oppression that defies conservative notions supporting those undertakings. For Willa Cather, William Faulkner, and Zora Neale Hurston, the Bible is a source of moral authority they use to challenge the imperialist, colonialist, and nativist projects of the twentieth-century U.S. In rebranding the Bible as politically radical, these writers are not denying the authority of the Bible, but are re-appropriating it for their socially dynamic purposes, suggesting that conservatives are not reading the Bible correctly. If they were, they would find critique of empire, nationalism, and racial oppression—elements of a progressive agenda in a text too often enlisted to defend the status quo

    Histories of Australian Rock Art Research

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    Australia has one of the largest inventories of rock art in the world with pictographs and petroglyphs found almost anywhere that has suitable rock surfaces – in rock shelters and caves, on boulders and rock platforms. First Nations people have been marking these places with figurative imagery, abstract designs, stencils and prints for tens of thousands of years, often engaging with earlier rock markings. The art reflects and expresses changing experiences within landscapes over time, spirituality, history, law and lore, as well as relationships between individuals and groups of people, plants, animals, land and Ancestral Beings that are said to have created the world, including some rock art. Since the late 1700s, people arriving in Australia have been fascinated with the rock art they encountered, with detailed studies commencing in the late 1800s. Through the 1900s an impressive body of research on Australian rock art was undertaken, with dedicated academic study using archaeological methods employed since the late 1940s. Since then, Australian rock art has been researched from various perspectives, including that of Traditional Owners, custodians and other community members. Through the 1900s, there was also growing interest in Australian rock art from researchers across the globe, leading many to visit or migrate to Australia to undertake rock art research. In this volume, the varied histories of Australian rock art research from different parts of the country are explored not only in terms of key researchers, developments and changes over time, but also the crucial role of First Nations people themselves in investigations of this key component of their living heritage

    Reality check : inferential confusion and cognitive confidence as core cognitive factors across the obsessive-compulsive spectrum

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    Le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC) se caractĂ©rise par la prĂ©sence d’obsessions et/ou de compulsions. À la lumiĂšre de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© du TOC et de la prĂ©sence de styles de pensĂ©es et de comportements de type TOC chez des personnes prĂ©sentant d’autres problĂšmes de santĂ© mentale, certains ont fait valoir la nĂ©cessitĂ© de crĂ©er une catĂ©gorie des troubles du spectre obsessionnel-compulsif et d’identifier les processus cognitifs communs qui sous-tendent ces troubles afin d’élaborer des thĂ©ories et des traitements plus parcimonieux. Une tendance gĂ©nĂ©rale Ă  douter de ses sens et de ses facultĂ©s cognitives semble ĂȘtre le pivot des troubles obsessionnels. Selon l’approche basĂ©e sur les infĂ©rences, le doute obsessionnel est suscitĂ© par un processus de raisonnement erronĂ©, soit la confusion infĂ©rentielle (CI). La CI implique (1) une mĂ©fiance vis-Ă -vis des sens et (2) une importance indue accordĂ©e aux possibilitĂ©s imaginaires. La faible confiance cognitive (CC), un processus cognitif similaire, renvoie Ă  une mĂ©fiance par rapport Ă  son attention, sa perception et sa mĂ©moire. Cette thĂšse a visĂ© Ă  Ă©tudier la CI et la faible CC en tant que potentiels facteurs cognitifs transdiagnostiques dans le spectre de l’obsessionnalitĂ©. Le premier article constitue une revue systĂ©matique avec mĂ©ta-analyse destinĂ©e Ă  Ă©valuer le rĂŽle de la CC pour diffĂ©rents sous-types du TOC et Ă  examiner Ă  quel degrĂ© la faible CC est associĂ©e aux symptĂŽmes du TOC. On a constatĂ© que les individus atteints d’un TOC prĂ©sentent une plus faible CC que les tĂ©moins sains, mais que celle-ci ne semble pas spĂ©cifique au TOC. L’article a aussi soulignĂ© la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’employer des tĂąches idiosyncratiques, ciblant les distorsions de la pensĂ©e propres au TOC, afin de bien mesurer la CC. Dans le cadre du deuxiĂšme article, le but a Ă©tĂ© d’approfondir cette piste de recherche en examinant le rĂŽle commun de la faible CC et de la CI pour les diffĂ©rents sous-types du TOC, en procĂ©dant Ă  des analyses de grappes avec un Ă©chantillon de 128 patients atteints d’un TOC. Alors qu’il a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ© que la faible CC correspondait davantage aux sous-types de vĂ©rification et « tout Ă  fait juste », la CI semble pertinente pour un plus large Ă©ventail de profils TOC. Le troisiĂšme article examine le rĂŽle de la CI chez les troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCAs) en provoquant la CI expĂ©rimentalement. Des participantes atteintes d’un TA (n = 18) et des femmes tĂ©moins saines (n = 18) ont Ă©tĂ© assignĂ©es Ă  l’une des deux conditions expĂ©rimentales : pour la condition CI Ă©levĂ©e, les participantes ont visionnĂ© des vidĂ©os oĂč des sĂ©quences clĂ©s Ă©taient manquantes, ce qui suscitait la CI; pour la condition CI faible, les participantes ont visionnĂ© les vidĂ©os intĂ©grales. Chez le groupe TA assignĂ© Ă  la condition CI Ă©levĂ©e, on a observĂ© une tendance Ă  prĂ©senter un Ă©tat de CI post-vidĂ©os supĂ©rieur, un recours accru au comportement de neutralisation et, enfin, davantage de symptĂŽmes TOC. En somme, les rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse soulignent la pertinence de la CI et de la faible CC en tant que facteurs cognitifs transdiagnostiques sur le spectre obsessionnel-compulsif.Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe mental health disorder that involves obsessions and/or compulsions. In light of the heterogeneity of OCD and of the presence of OCD-like thinking and behaviors in several disorders, some have argued for the necessity of a new category of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders. Considering the overlap between various disorders characterized by obsessionality, there is a need for the identification of common cognitive processes that underpin these disorders in order to formulate more parsimonious explanations and treatments for these conditions. A general tendency to doubt the senses and cognitive faculties appears as central to obsessional disorders. According to the inference-based approach, the obsessional doubt is elicited by a faulty reasoning process known as inferential confusion (IC), that implicates (1) a distrust of the senses, and (2) an investment in imaginary possibilities. A similar construct is low cognitive confidence, which is defined as a distrust of one’s attention, perception and memory. The overarching goal of this thesis was to examine IC and low cognitive confidence as potential transdiagnostic cognitive factors across the spectrum of obsessionality. The first thesis article evaluated the role of cognitive confidence across OCD subtypes and examined the extent to which poor cognitive confidence is associated with OCD symptomatology by conducting a systematic review with a meta-analysis. This article led to the conclusion that individuals with OCD have lower cognitive confidence than healthy controls, but that it is unclear if cognitive confidence is specific to OCD, such that the use of idiosyncratic tasks appears to be required in order to correctly capture cognitive confidence in OCD. The second thesis article furthered this investigation by examining the joint role of low cognitive confidence and IC across OCD subtypes by performing cluster analyses using a sample of 128 individuals with OCD. While cognitive confidence was found to more relevant to the checking and “just right” subtypes, IC appeared to be relevant to a wider range of OCD profiles. The third thesis article sought to examine the role of IC in eating disorders by inducing IC experimentally. Female participants with an eating disorder (n = 18) and healthy controls participants (n = 18) were recruited. Participants were assigned to one of two experimental conditions: in the High IC condition, participants watched videos with key sequences missing – provoking a distrust of the senses and lending more space for the imagination, thus triggering IC. In the Low IC condition, participants watched videos without sequences missing. The eating disorder group assigned to the High IC condition demonstrated a trend for higher levels of state IC, greater neutralization behavior and higher OCD symptoms than those who were assigned to the Low IC condition. Taken together, the results of the present thesis underline the relevance of IC and cognitive confidence as transdiagnostic cognitive factors across the obsessive-compulsive spectrum
