222 research outputs found

    Gamification of assembly planning in virtual environment

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of the gamification of virtual assembly planning on the user performance, user experience and engagement. / Design/methodology/approach: A multi-touch table was used to manipulate virtual parts and gamification features were integrated into the virtual assembly environment. An experiment was conducted in two conditions: a gamified and a non-gamified virtual environment. Subjects had to assemble a virtual pump. The user performance was evaluated in terms of the number of errors, the feasibility of the generated assembly sequence and the user feedback. / Findings: The gamification reduced the number of errors and increased the score representing the number of right decisions. The results of the subjective and objective analysis showed that the number of errors decreased with engagement in the gamified assembly. The increase in the overall user experience reduced the number of errors. The subjective evaluation showed a significant difference between the gamified and the non-gamified assembly in terms of the level of engagement, the learning usability and the overall experience. / Research limitations/implications: The effective learning retention after training has not been tested, and longitudinal studies are necessary. The effect of the used gamification elements has been evaluated as a whole; further work could isolate the most beneficial features and add other elements that might be more beneficial for learning. / Originality/value: The research reported in this paper provides valuable insights into the gamification of virtual assembly using a low-cost multi-touch interface. The results are promising for training operators to assemble a product at the design stage

    Narratives Crossing Boundaries: Storytelling in a Transmedial and Transdisciplinary Context

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    As the dominant narrative forms in the age of media convergence, films and games call for a transmedial perspective in narratology. Games allow a participatory reception of the story, bringing the transgression of the ontological boundary between the narrated world and the world of the recipient into focus. These diverse transgressions - medial and ontological - are the subject of this transdisciplinary compendium, which covers the subject in an interdisciplinary way from various perspectives: game studies and media studies, but also sociology and psychology, to take into account the great influence of storytelling on social discourses and human behavior

    Retrofitting Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Public Buildings in the UK: a Cost Benefit Analysis Model

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    In a changing climate with an increased risk of flooding, developing a resilient and sustainable approach to flood management is paramount. The retrofit of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) has been applied successfully to properties and has proven to be a cost-effective solution to help mitigate future flooding and to deliver other benefits to properties, such as improvements in air and water quality, economic benefits, educational benefits and improved business reputation. Despite these benefits, there has been a relatively low uptake of SuDS in new developments and even less so in the opportunities for retrofitting SuDS in existing buildings. This research presents a cost-benefit appraisal of the retrofit of SuDS in three classes of existing public buildings to understand the decision-making process of SuDS retrofit, the flood perception around these properties, and significantly, the costs and the benefits accrued within a period of 10 years. A synthesis of flood risk management and SuDS retrofit literature is used to inform the development of a conceptual cost-benefit analysis model for the retrofit of SuDS, focusing on the potential for improved flood risk mitigation in the context of individual properties. A qualitative study was carried out comprising a series of interviews/ focus group sessions with stakeholders to the properties, an analysis of documentary evidence and observations carried out on site. Presentations were made at regional Environment Agency meetings including individual visits to professionals. This informed the possibility of gaining access to the most appropriate case study sites which were able to meet up with the requirements of this research. The findings of this research demonstrate the importance of stakeholder engagement during the decision-making process in helping to overcome many of the known challenges and the inclusion of expert(s) particularly the landscape architect to facilitate the implementation of these schemes. The Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) process was used effectively to value the tangible and intangible benefits arising from these schemes. The installation at each of the case study sites would provide net value to the client of well over £100,000 over 10 years versus the installation costs and return on investment would be achieved in less than 3 years. Having a stakeholder who is speicifcally involved in modeling the funding procedure of the scheme is essential. Community engagement is also a very important output of the research. The findings highlight many of the apparent barriers that need to be overcome when installing retrofit schemes and demonstrate the importance of the intangible benefits derived. It is recommended that these are given full consideration at the decision-making stage and in supporting the uptake of the retrofit of SuDS

    Informal Logic: A 'Canadian' Approach to Argument

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    The informal logic movement began as an attempt to develop – and teach – an alternative logic which can account for the real life arguing that surrounds us in our daily lives – in newspapers and the popular media, political and social commentary, advertising, and interpersonal exchange. The movement was rooted in research and discussion in Canada and especially at the University of Windsor, and has become a branch of argumentation theory which intersects with related traditions and approaches (notably formal logic, rhetoric and dialectics in the form of pragma-dialectics). In this volume, some of the best known contributors to the movement discuss their views and the reasoning and argument which is informal logic’s subject matter. Many themes and issues are explored in a way that will fuel the continued evolution of the field. Federico Puppo adds an insightful essay which considers the origins and development of informal logic and whether informal logicians are properly described as a “school” of thought. In considering that proposition, Puppo introduces readers to a diverse range of essays, some of them previously published, others written specifically for this volume

    Publicaciones, ponencias, patentes, registros y emprendimientos 2008

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    This document presents the list of publications, presentations, patents, trademarks, software and entrepreneurship registered by the EAFIT academic community in the year 2008. The information is organized alphabetically by Research Groups of the corresponding Schools. The contributions appear in alphabetical order in the following sequence: international and national publications, international and national presentations, patents, trademarks and entrepreneurship. The publications include books, chapters of books, and articles. The presentations include conferences, congresses, and general academic events. The majority of these presentations have been published in the proceedings of the corresponding event.Este documento presenta la relación de publicaciones, ponencias, patentes, registros y emprendimientos realizados por la Universidad EAFIT en el año 2008. La información está organizada por Grupos de Investigación dentro de cada una de las Escuelas. Cada contribución aparece en orden alfabético dentro de la correspondiente categoría de la siguiente secuencia: publicaciones internacionales, publicaciones nacionales, ponencias internacionales, ponencias nacionales, patentes, registros y emprendimientos. En las publicaciones están comprendidos los libros, capítulos de libros y artículos de revista. Las ponencias relacionan las presentaciones en conferencias, congresos y eventos de divulgación. La mayoría de estas presentaciones figuran, tal como se indica en cada caso, publicadas como parte de las memorias del evento respectivo

    COOLEST STUDENT PAPERS AT FINLAND FUTURES RESEARCH CENTRE 2021–2022: Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskuksen valittuja opiskelijatöitä 2021–2022

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    Tärkeä osa maisteriopintojen oppimistavoitteita on osoittaa, että opiskelija pystyy itsenäiseen tutkimustyöhön ja tuottamaan tieteellistä tekstiä artikkeleiden ja muiden julkaisutapojen muodossa. Akateeminen kirjoittaminen on oma osaamisalueensa, ja vaikka sosiaalinen media ja tieteen popularisaatio asettavat erilaisia haasteita ja kanavia tutkimustulosten levittämiseen kuin perinteinen akateeminen julkaiseminen, tiedeyhteisössä vallinnee konsensus siitä, että tutkijoiden on osattava tuottaa akateemista tekstiä. Opintojen on tuettava tämän taidon kehittymistä. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus on julkaissut vuodesta 2016 lähtien koosteita ansiokkaista opiskelijoiden opintojensa aikana kirjoittamista esseistä, harjoitustöistä ja muista kirjallisista opintosuoritteista. Haluamme tarjota opiskelijoille oikean julkaisukanavan ja auttaa heitä saamaan vaikka sen ensimmäisen julkaisutiedon ansioluetteloon. Tämänvuotinen julkaisumme osoittaa, että pelko opiskelijoiden kirjallisten kykyjen huonontumisesta tai taantumisesta on turhaa. Samalla se todistaa myös opettajiemme onnistuneen opiskelijoiden akateemisen kirjoittamisen taitojen harjaannuttamisessa. Julkaisumme koostuu tulevaisuudentutkimuksen kansainvälisen maisteriohjelman, Turun yliopiston kestävän kehityksen opintokokonaisuuden (KEKO) ja Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen Verkostoakatemian (TVA) opiskelijoiden kirjoituksista. Koska opiskelijatyöt on tehty englanniksi maisteriohjelmassa ja suomeksi KEKO- ja TVA-opinnoissa, julkaisemme työt alkuperäisellä kielellä. Sisällöllisesti aiheet vaihtelevat suuresti, mutta niitä yhdistävä tekijä on tulevaisuussuuntautuneisuus. Samalla ne kertovat tulevaisuuksien moninaisuudesta sekä mahdollisista tavoista ja keinosta ymmärtää tulevaisuuksia. Toivotan mukavia lukuhetkiä!---- An important part of the study goals of master’s studies is that students show that they are able to make works of independent research and produce scientific texts in different forms, like articles and other publication formats. Academic writing is a skill of its own and even if social media and popularisation of science have changed the criteria of dissemination of research results compared to traditional academic publication forums, I believe that the scientific community still would agree that researchers must be able to produce scientific text. Studies have to support the development of writing skills. Finland Futures Research Centre has published since 2016 a collection of the most prominent student papers written during their studies. FFRC wants to offer a real publication forum for students and perhaps help them to get their first publication marked on their list of publications. This year’s collection of papers shows that any fear of declining or worsening academic writing skills of students is groundless. At the same time, it shows that our teachers are succeeding in training of these skills. Our publication consists of writings by students from our Masters Degree Programme in Futures Studies, Sustainable Development Studies at the University of Turku and Finland Futures Academy. These study programs are coordinated by FFRC. Because student papers are originally written in Finnish or English, we publish them in their original language. The contents and context of the papers vary a lot, but the common feature is futures orientation. All of them tell a story of multiple futures and of possible ways and means to understand futures. I hope You enjoy reading our book

    Architectures of the soul: multidisciplinary approaches to the experiences and landscapes of seclusion and solitude

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    multidisciplinary approaches to the experiences and landscapes of seclusion and solitude

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    UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020publishersversionpublishe