65 research outputs found

    Microservices-based IoT Applications Scheduling in Edge and Fog Computing: A Taxonomy and Future Directions

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    Edge and Fog computing paradigms utilise distributed, heterogeneous and resource-constrained devices at the edge of the network for efficient deployment of latency-critical and bandwidth-hungry IoT application services. Moreover, MicroService Architecture (MSA) is increasingly adopted to keep up with the rapid development and deployment needs of the fast-evolving IoT applications. Due to the fine-grained modularity of the microservices along with their independently deployable and scalable nature, MSA exhibits great potential in harnessing both Fog and Cloud resources to meet diverse QoS requirements of the IoT application services, thus giving rise to novel paradigms like Osmotic computing. However, efficient and scalable scheduling algorithms are required to utilise the said characteristics of the MSA while overcoming novel challenges introduced by the architecture. To this end, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of recent literature on microservices-based IoT applications scheduling in Edge and Fog computing environments. Furthermore, we organise multiple taxonomies to capture the main aspects of the scheduling problem, analyse and classify related works, identify research gaps within each category, and discuss future research directions.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    Managing Service-Heterogeneity using Osmotic Computing

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    Computational resource provisioning that is closer to a user is becoming increasingly important, with a rise in the number of devices making continuous service requests and with the significant recent take up of latency-sensitive applications, such as streaming and real-time data processing. Fog computing provides a solution to such types of applications by bridging the gap between the user and public/private cloud infrastructure via the inclusion of a "fog" layer. Such approach is capable of reducing the overall processing latency, but the issues of redundancy, cost-effectiveness in utilizing such computing infrastructure and handling services on the basis of a difference in their characteristics remain. This difference in characteristics of services because of variations in the requirement of computational resources and processes is termed as service heterogeneity. A potential solution to these issues is the use of Osmotic Computing -- a recently introduced paradigm that allows division of services on the basis of their resource usage, based on parameters such as energy, load, processing time on a data center vs. a network edge resource. Service provisioning can then be divided across different layers of a computational infrastructure, from edge devices, in-transit nodes, and a data center, and supported through an Osmotic software layer. In this paper, a fitness-based Osmosis algorithm is proposed to provide support for osmotic computing by making more effective use of existing Fog server resources. The proposed approach is capable of efficiently distributing and allocating services by following the principle of osmosis. The results are presented using numerical simulations demonstrating gains in terms of lower allocation time and a higher probability of services being handled with high resource utilization.Comment: 7 pages, 4 Figures, International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT 2017), At Warsaw, Poland, 3-5 April 2017, http://www.iccmit.net/ (Best Paper Award

    Monitoring in Hybrid Cloud-Edge Environments

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    The increasing number of mobile and IoT(Internet of Things) devices accessing cloud services contributes to a surge of requests towards the Cloud and consequently, higher latencies. This is aggravated by the possible congestion of the communication networks connecting the end devices and remote cloud datacenters, due to the large data volume generated at the Edge (e.g. in the domains of smart cities, smart cars, etc.). One solution for this problem is the creation of hybrid Cloud/Edge execution platforms composed of computational nodes located in the periphery of the system, near data producers and consumers, as a way to complement the cloud resources. These edge nodes offer computation and data storage resources to accommodate local services in order to ensure rapid responses to clients (enhancing the perceived quality of service) and to filter data, reducing the traffic volume towards the Cloud. Usually these nodes (e.g. ISP access points and onpremises servers) are heterogeneous, geographically distributed, and resource-restricted (including in communication networks), which increase their management’s complexity. At the application level, the microservices paradigm, represented by applications composed of small, loosely coupled services, offers an adequate and flexible solution to design applications that may explore the limited computational resources in the Edge. Nevertheless, the inherent difficult management of microservices within such complex infrastructure demands an agile and lightweight monitoring system that takes into account the Edge’s limitations, which goes behind traditional monitoring solutions at the Cloud. Monitoring in these new domains is not a simple process since it requires supporting the elasticity of the monitored system, the dynamic deployment of services and, moreover, doing so without overloading the infrastructure’s resources with its own computational requirements and generated data. Towards this goal, this dissertation presents an hybrid monitoring architecture where the heavier (resource-wise) components reside in the Cloud while the lighter (computationally less demanding) components reside in the Edge. The architecture provides relevant monitoring functionalities such as metrics’ acquisition, their analysis and mechanisms for real-time alerting. The objective is the efficient use of computational resources in the infrastructure while guaranteeing an agile delivery of monitoring data where and when it is needed.Tem-se vindo a verificar um aumento significativo de dispositivos móveis e do domínio IoT(Internet of Things) em áreas emergentes como Smart Cities, Smart Cars, etc., que fazem pedidos a serviços localizados normalmente na Cloud, muitas vezes a partir de locais remotos. Como consequência, prevê-se um aumento da latência no processamento destes pedidos, que poderá ser agravado pelo congestionamento dos canais de comunicação, da periferia até aos centros de dados. Uma forma de solucionar este problema passa pela criação de sistemas híbridos Cloud/Edge, compostos por nós computacionais que estão localizados na periferia do sistema, perto dos produtores e consumidores de dados, complementando assim os recursos computacionais da Cloud. Os nós da Edge permitem não só alojar dados e computações, garantindo uma resposta mais rápida aos clientes e uma melhor qualidade do serviço, como também permitem filtrar alguns dos dados, evitando deste modo transferências de dados desnecessárias para o núcleo do sistema. Contudo, muitos destes nós (e.g. pontos de acesso, servidores proprietários) têm uma capacidade limitada, são bastante heterogéneos e/ou encontram-se espalhados geograficamente, o que dificulta a gestão dos recursos. O paradigma de micro-serviços, representado por aplicações compostas por serviços de reduzida dimensão, desacoplados na sua funcionalidade e que comunicam por mensagens, fornece uma solução adequada para explorar os recursos computacionais na periferia. No entanto, o mapeamento adequado dos micro-serviços na infra-estrutura, além de ser complexo, é difícil de gerir e requer um sistema de monitorização ligeiro e ágil, que considere as capacidades limitadas da infra-estrutura de suporte na periferia. A monitorização não é um processo simples pois deve possibilitar a elasticidade do sistema, tendo em conta as adaptações de "deployment", e sem sobrecarregar os recursos computacionais ou de rede. Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitectura de monitorização híbrida, com componentes de maior complexidade na Cloud e componentes mais simples na Edge. A arquitectura fornece funcionalidades importantes de monitorização, como a recolha de métricas variadas, a sua análise e alertas em tempo real. O objetivo é rentabilizar os recursos computacionais garantindo a entrega dos dados mais relevantes quando necessário

    Real-Time QoS Monitoring and Anomaly Detection on Microservice-based Applications in Cloud-Edge Infrastructure

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    Ph. D. Thesis.Microservices have emerged as a new approach for developing and deploying cloud applications that require higher levels of agility, scale, and reliability. A microservicebased cloud application architecture advocates decomposition of monolithic application components into independent software components called \microservices". As the independent microservices can be developed, deployed, and updated independently of each other, it leads to complex run-time performance monitoring and management challenges. The deployment environment for microservices in multi-cloud environments is very complex as there are numerous components running in heterogeneous environments (VM/container) and communicating frequently with each other using REST-based/REST-less APIs. In some cases, multiple components can also be executed inside a VM/container making any failure or anomaly detection very complicated. It is necessary to monitor the performance variation of all the service components to detect any reason for failure. Microservice and container architecture allows to design loose-coupled services and run them in a lightweight runtime environment for more e cient scaling. Thus, containerbased microservice deployment is now the standard model for hosting cloud applications across industries. Despite the strongest scalability characteristic of this model which opens the doors for further optimizations in both application structure and performance, such characteristic adds an additional level of complexity to monitoring application performance. Performance monitoring system can lead to severe application outages if it is not able to successfully and quickly detecting failures and localizing their causes. Machine learning-based techniques have been applied to detect anomalies in microservice-based cloud-based applications. The existing research works used di erent tracking algorithms to search the root cause if anomaly observed behaviour. However, linking the observed failures of an application with their root causes by the use of these techniques is still an open research problem. Osmotic computing is a new IoT application programming paradigm that's driven by the signi cant increase in resource capacity/capability at the network edge, along with support for data transfer protocols that enable such resources to interact more seamlessly with cloud-based services. Much of the di culty in Quality of Service (QoS) and performance monitoring of IoT applications in an osmotic computing environment is due to the massive scale and heterogeneity (IoT + edge + cloud) of computing environments. To handle monitoring and anomaly detection of microservices in cloud and edge datacenters, this thesis presents multilateral research towards monitoring and anomaly detection on microservice-based applications performance in cloud-edge infrastructure. The key contributions of this thesis are as following: • It introduces a novel system, Multi-microservices Multi-virtualization Multicloud monitoring (M3 ) that provides a holistic approach to monitor the performance of microservice-based application stacks deployed across multiple cloud data centers. • A framework forMonitoring, Anomaly Detection and Localization System (MADLS) which utilizes a simpli ed approach that depends on commonly available metrics o ering a simpli ed deployment environment for the developer. • Developing a uni ed monitoring model for cloud-edge that provides an IoT application administrator with detailed QoS information related to microservices deployed across cloud and edge datacenters.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau in London, government of Saudi Arabi

    Quality of Service-aware matchmaking for adaptive microservice-based applications

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    Applications that make use of Internet of Things (IoT) can capture an enormous amount of raw data from sensors and actuators, which is frequently transmitted to cloud data centers for processing and analysis. However, due to varying and unpredictable data generation rates and network latency, this can lead to a performance bottleneck for data processing. With the emergence of fog and edge computing hosted microservices, data processing could be moved towards the network edge. We propose a new method for continuous deployment and adaptation of multi-tier applications along edge, fog, and cloud tiers by considering resource properties and non-functional requirements (e.g., operational cost, response time and latency etc.). The proposed approach supports matchmaking of application and Cloud-To-Things infrastructure based on a subgraph pattern matching (P-Match) technique. Results show that the proposed approach improves resource utilization and overall application Quality of Service. The approach can also be integrated into software engineering workbenches for the creation and deployment of cloud-native applications, enabling partitioning of an application across the multiple infrastructure tiers outlined above

    Contribución a la estimulación del uso de soluciones Cloud Computing: Diseño de un intermediador de servicios Cloud para fomentar el uso de ecosistemas distribuidos digitales confiables, interoperables y de acuerdo a la legalidad. Aplicación en entornos multi-cloud.

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    184 p.El objetivo del trabajo de investigación presentado en esta tesis es facilitar a los desarrolladores y operadores de aplicaciones desplegadas en múltiples Nubes el descubrimiento y la gestión de los diferentes servicios de Computación, soportando su reutilización y combinación, para generar una red de servicios interoperables, que cumplen con las leyes y cuyos acuerdos de nivel de servicio pueden ser evaluados de manera continua. Una de las contribuciones de esta tesis es el diseño y desarrollo de un bróker de servicios de Computación llamado ACSmI (Advanced Cloud Services meta-Intermediator). ACSmI permite evaluar el cumplimiento de los acuerdos de nivel de servicio incluyendo la legislación. ACSmI también proporciona una capa de abstracción intermedia para los servicios de Computación donde los desarrolladores pueden acceder fácilmente a un catálogo de servicios acreditados y compatibles con los requisitos no funcionales establecidos.Además, este trabajo de investigación propone la caracterización de las aplicaciones nativas multiNube y el concepto de "DevOps extendido" especialmente pensado para este tipo de aplicaciones. El concepto "DevOps extendido" pretende resolver algunos de los problemas actuales del diseño, desarrollo, implementación y adaptación de aplicaciones multiNube, proporcionando un enfoque DevOps novedoso y extendido para la adaptación de las prácticas actuales de DevOps al paradigma multiNube

    CloudOps: Towards the Operationalization of the Cloud Continuum: Concepts, Challenges and a Reference Framework

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    The current trend of developing highly distributed, context aware, heterogeneous computing intense and data-sensitive applications is changing the boundaries of cloud computing. Encouraged by the growing IoT paradigm and with flexible edge devices available, an ecosystem of a combination of resources, ranging from high density compute and storage to very lightweight embedded computers running on batteries or solar power, is available for DevOps teams from what is known as the Cloud Continuum. In this dynamic context, manageability is key, as well as controlled operations and resources monitoring for handling anomalies. Unfortunately, the operation and management of such heterogeneous computing environments (including edge, cloud and network services) is complex and operators face challenges such as the continuous optimization and autonomous (re-)deployment of context-aware stateless and stateful applications where, however, they must ensure service continuity while anticipating potential failures in the underlying infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a novel CloudOps workflow (extending the traditional DevOps pipeline), proposing techniques and methods for applications’ operators to fully embrace the possibilities of the Cloud Continuum. Our approach will support DevOps teams in the operationalization of the Cloud Continuum. Secondly, we provide an extensive explanation of the scope, possibilities and future of the CloudOps.This research was funded by the European project PIACERE (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement No. 101000162)

    CloudOps: Towards the Operationalization of the Cloud Continuum: Concepts, Challenges and a Reference Framework

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    The current trend of developing highly distributed, context aware, heterogeneous computing intense and data-sensitive applications is changing the boundaries of cloud computing. Encouraged by the growing IoT paradigm and with flexible edge devices available, an ecosystem of a combination of resources, ranging from high density compute and storage to very lightweight embedded computers running on batteries or solar power, is available for DevOps teams from what is known as the Cloud Continuum. In this dynamic context, manageability is key, as well as controlled operations and resources monitoring for handling anomalies. Unfortunately, the operation and management of such heterogeneous computing environments (including edge, cloud and network services) is complex and operators face challenges such as the continuous optimization and autonomous (re-)deployment of context-aware stateless and stateful applications where, however, they must ensure service continuity while anticipating potential failures in the underlying infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a novel CloudOps workflow (extending the traditional DevOps pipeline), proposing techniques and methods for applications’ operators to fully embrace the possibilities of the Cloud Continuum. Our approach will support DevOps teams in the operationalization of the Cloud Continuum. Secondly, we provide an extensive explanation of the scope, possibilities and future of the CloudOps.This research was funded by the European project PIACERE (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement No. 101000162)

    MicroFog: A Framework for Scalable Placement of Microservices-based IoT Applications in Federated Fog Environments

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    MicroService Architecture (MSA) is gaining rapid popularity for developing large-scale IoT applications for deployment within distributed and resource-constrained Fog computing environments. As a cloud-native application architecture, the true power of microservices comes from their loosely coupled, independently deployable and scalable nature, enabling distributed placement and dynamic composition across federated Fog and Cloud clusters. Thus, it is necessary to develop novel microservice placement algorithms that utilise these microservice characteristics to improve the performance of the applications. However, existing Fog computing frameworks lack support for integrating such placement policies due to their shortcomings in multiple areas, including MSA application placement and deployment across multi-fog multi-cloud environments, dynamic microservice composition across multiple distributed clusters, scalability of the framework, support for deploying heterogeneous microservice applications, etc. To this end, we design and implement MicroFog, a Fog computing framework providing a scalable, easy-to-configure control engine that executes placement algorithms and deploys applications across federated Fog environments. Furthermore, MicroFog provides a sufficient abstraction over container orchestration and dynamic microservice composition. The framework is evaluated using multiple use cases. The results demonstrate that MicroFog is a scalable, extensible and easy-to-configure framework that can integrate and evaluate novel placement policies for deploying microservice-based applications within multi-fog multi-cloud environments. We integrate multiple microservice placement policies to demonstrate MicroFog's ability to support horizontally scaled placement, thus reducing the application service response time up to 54%
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