398 research outputs found

    Word Embeddings for Wine Recommender Systems Using Vocabularies of Experts and Consumers

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    This vision paper proposes an approach to use the most advanced word embeddings techniques to bridge the gap between the discourses of experts and non-experts and more specifically the terminologies used by the twocommunities. Word embeddings makes it possible to find equivalent terms between experts and non-experts, byapproach the similarity between words or by revealing hidden semantic relations. Thus, these controlledvocabularies with these new semantic enrichments are exploited in a hybrid recommendation system incorporating content-based ontology and keyword-based ontology to obtain relevant wines recommendations regardless of the level of expertise of the end user. The major aim is to find a non-expert vocabulary from semantic rules to enrich the knowledge of the ontology and improve the indexing of the items (i.e. wine) and the recommendation process

    MulseOnto: a Reference Ontology to Support the Design of Mulsemedia Systems

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    Designing a mulsemedia|multiple sensorial media|system entails first and foremost comprehending what it is beyond the ordinary understanding that it engages users in digital multisensory experiences that stimulate other senses in addition to sight and hearing, such as smell, touch, and taste. A myriad of programs that comprise a software system, several output devices to deliver sensory effects, computer media, among others, dwell deep in the realm of mulsemedia systems, making it a complex task for newcomers to get acquainted with their concepts and terms. Although there have been many technological advances in this field, especially for multisensory devices, there is a shortage of work that tries to establish common ground in terms of formal and explicit representation of what mulsemedia systems encompass. This might be useful to avoid the design of feeble mulsemedia systems that can be barely reused owing to misconception. In this paper, we extend our previous work by proposing to establish a common conceptualization about mulsemedia systems through a domain reference ontology named MulseOnto to aid the design of them. We applied ontology verification and validation techniques to evaluate it, including assessment by humans and a data-driven approach whereby the outcome is three successful instantiations of MulseOnto for distinct cases, making evident its ability to accommodate heterogeneous mulsemedia scenarios

    A review of crop variety evaluation in Roots, Tubers and Bananas: geographic coverage, approaches, trait inclusion, and gender aspects

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    Participatory crop breeding and selection are a relatively new and promising field of research with a potential to improve field performance and adoption. This is particularly true in the case of root, tuber and banana (RTB) crops which despite their important contribution to energy intake in the tropics rely on small scale production and traditional varieties. This review compiles available literature in order to analyse geographic and temporal trends in research methodologies, gender inclusiveness and trait preferences across participatory research in cassava, banana, plantain, sweetpotato, yam and potato. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights for breeders and social scientists in order to improve protocols and better target participatory research in the future. We found that a significant amount of research on the topic has not yet produced scientific publications and available papers are lacking protocols for research design and sampling that are responsive to gender and socioeconomic diversity. Moreover we found that data collection strategies are not adequate for deciphering complex traits describing trade-offs and revealing reasons for varietal preferences. This limits the ability to identify quantifiable indicators that can be integrated into breeding programs. Geographic, environmental and field management data is lacking, undermining the external validity of existing research. Overall this report points to the need for uniform protocols that facilitate collection, digitalization and open sharing of data in order to allow for cumulative data analysis that can shed light on spatial and demographic patterns

    Knowledge Gathering from Social Media to Improve Marketing in Agri-food Sector

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    none5noNowadays many small and medium companies are interested in entering into foreign markets to establish a brand presence, sell their products and beat the competitors. Before making such a marketing decision, marketing experts can be guided by the traditional analysis of reports but also by the Web, through the analysis of social networks, blogs, forums, etc. These sources can provide real-time information about the perception that users have of specific brands and products. As a result, there are several tools that can extract interesting information from these unstructured data. In this paper, we propose an innovative knowledge extraction architecture realized through the integration of some existing tools. The aim is to retrieve the more frequent concepts from unstructured sources, suggest other links of articles and images, with multi-language feature so that the research is language independent. The architecture provides a knowledge base of a specific domain, which is used to suggest concepts related to the research, and to filter the results obtained from the elaboration of the unstructured sources. We present a case of study related to marketing in agri-food sector, in order to illustrate how the software works, the results obtained, their interpretation and the managerial implications.Caione, Adriana; Paiano, Roberto; Guido, Anna Lisa; Fait, Monica; Scorrano, PaolaCaione, Adriana; Paiano, Roberto; Guido, ANNA LISA; Fait, MONICA MARIA ELENA; Scorrano, Paol

    Biological Processes Highlighted in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the Sparkling Wines Elaboration

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    Sparkling wines elaboration has been studied by several research groups, but this is the first report on analysis of biological processes according to the Gene Ontology terms (GO terms) and related to proteins expressed by yeast cells during the second fermentation of sparkling wines. This work provides a comprehensive study of the most relevant biological processes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae P29, a sparkling wine strain, during the second fermentation under two conditions (without and with endogenous CO2 overpressure) in the middle and the end of second fermentation. Consequently, a proteomic analysis with the OFFGEL fractionator and protein identification with LTQ Orbitrap XL coupled to HPLC were performed. The classification of biological processes was carried out using the tools provided by the Saccharomyces Genome Database. Results indicate that a greater number of biological processes were identified under condition without CO2 overpressure and in the middle of the fermentation versus the end of the second fermentation. The biological processes highlighted under condition without CO2 overpressure in the middle of the fermentation were involved in the carbohydrate and lipid metabolic processes and catabolic and biosynthetic processes. However, under CO2 overpressure, specific protein expression in response to stress, transport, translation, and chromosome organization and specific processes were not found. At the end of fermentation, there were higher specific processes under condition without CO2 overpressure; most were related to cell division, growth, biosynthetic process, and gene transcription resulting in increased cell viability in this condition. Under CO2 overpressure condition, the most representative processes were related to translation as tRNA metabolic process, chromosome organization, mRNA processing, ribosome biogenesis, and ribonucleoprotein complex assembly, probably in response to the stress caused by the hard fermentation conditions. Therefore, a broader knowledge of the adaptation of the yeast, and its behavior under typical conditions to produce sparkling wine, might improve and favor the wine industry and the selection of yeast for obtaining a high-quality wine

    Towards the understanding of the cocoa transcriptome: Production and analysis of an exhaustive dataset of ESTs of Theobroma cacao L. generated from various tissues and under various conditions

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    Theobroma cacao L., is a tree originated from the tropical rainforest of South America. It is one of the major cash crops for many tropical countries. T. cacao is mainly produced on smallholdings, providing resources for 14 million farmers. Disease resistance and T. cacao quality improvement are two important challenges for all actors of cocoa and chocolate production. T. cacao is seriously affected by pests and fungal diseases, responsible for more than 40% yield losses and quality improvement, nutritional and organoleptic, is also important for consumers. An international collaboration was formed to develop an EST genomic resource database for cacao. Fifty-six cDNA libraries were constructed from different organs, different genotypes and different environmental conditions. A total of 149,650 valid EST sequences were generated corresponding to 48,594 unigenes, 12,692 contigs and 35,902 singletons. A total of 29,849 unigenes shared significant homology with public sequences from other species. Gene Ontology (GO) annotation was applied to distribute the ESTs among the main GO categories. A specific information system (ESTtik) was constructed to process, store and manage this EST collection allowing the user to query a database. To check the representativeness of our EST collection, we looked for the genes known to be involved in two different metabolic pathways extensively studied in other plant species and important for T. cacao qualities: the flavonoid and the terpene pathways. Most of the enzymes described in other crops for these two metabolic pathways were found in our EST collection. A large collection of new genetic markers was provided by this ESTs collection. This EST collection displays a good representation of the T. cacao transcriptome, suitable for analysis of biochemical pathways based on oligonucleotide microarrays derived from these ESTs. It will provide numerous genetic markers that will allow the construction of a high density gene map of T. cacao. This EST collection represents a unique and important molecular resource for T. cacao study and improvement, facilitating the discovery of candidate genes for important T. cacao trait variation. (Résumé d'auteur

    Metagenomic approaches to investigate the contribution of the vineyard environment to the quality of wine fermentation : potentials and difficulties

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    The winemaking is a complex process that begins in the vineyard and ends at consumption moment. Recent reports have shown the relevance of microbial populations in the definition of the regional organoleptic and sensory characteristics of a wine. Metagenomic approaches, allowing the exhaustive identification of microorganisms present in complex samples, have recently played a fundamental role in the dissection of the contribution of the vineyard environment to wine fermentation. Systematic approaches have explored the impact of agronomical techniques, vineyard topologies, and climatic changes on bacterial and fungal populations found in the vineyard and in fermentations, also trying to predict or extrapolate the effects on the sensorial characteristics of the resulting wine. This review is aimed at highlighting the major technical and experimental challenges in dissecting the contribution of the vineyard and native environments microbiota to the wine fermentation process, and how metagenomic approaches can help in understanding microbial fluxes and selections across the environments and specimens related to wine fermentation

    Determining biological value and quality indicators of beverages of the drink-breakfast type

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    Розробленi рецептури та технологiї виробництва напоїв типу «drink-breakfast» з пiдвищеним вмiстом бiлка та вираженими антиоксидантними властивостями. Компонентами композицiй напоїв стали: сир кисломолочний, молоко коровьяче знежирене, насiння канюти, ядра волоських горiхiв, мед, шпинат, банан, псилiум, гiдролiзат коллагена (глютин). Напої є джерелами легкозасвоюваного бiлка, вiтамiнiв-антиоксидантiв (С, РР, Е) i харчових волокон. За рахунок введення в композицiю глютина, одна порцiя розроблених напоїв «Шпинатний» i «Банановый» задовольняє потребу в бiлках на 7,6 % i 7,2 % вiдповiдно. Введення в склад напоїв шпинату i банану сприяє їх збагаченню фолатами. Аналiз мiнерального складу розроблених напоїв дає можливiсть стверджувати, що напої є джерелами основних макро- та мiкронутриентов i на високому рiвнi задовольняють потреби в них. Використання як активних iнгредiєнтiв псилiуму та глютину пiдвищує антиоксидантну активнiсть у 50–60 разiв, що пояснюється синергiзмом всiх компонентiв. Визначено технологiчнi умови гiдратацiї псилiуму. Встановлено, що середнiй розмiр сухих частинок псилiуму складає 1,79 мм, а гiдратованого 2,28 мм (5 хв., 20 °С). На поверхнi часточок утворюється шар слизи – розчинних харчових волокон, що сприяє стабiлiзацiї харчової системи. Використання глютину в якостi пiноутворювача в напоях забезпечує утворення стабiльної аерованої структури. Розмiри комiрок пiни в напої «Шпинатний» коливається в дiапазонi 0,05–0,15 мм, а в напої «Банановий» вiд 0,001 до 0,15 мм. Моделювання умов зберiгання за допомогою ALST тесту за оцiнкою змiни мiкробiологiчних та органолептичних показникiв дає можливiсть стверджувати, що напої будуть конкурентоспроможними на споживчому ринку України. При зберiганнi протягом 36 годин при температурi (4 ± 2) °С влажнiстю не бiльше 75 % в герметичнiй тарi вмiст санiтарно-показових мiкроорганiзмiв вiдповiдає санiтарно-гiгiєнiчним вимогам до напоїв на молочнiй основi. Розробленi напої «drink-breakfast» можуть бути рекомендованi для дитячого харчування, а також у харчування вагiтних жiнок i жiнок, що знаходяться в перiодi лактацiї