951,141 research outputs found

    Organizational Structure and Product Market Competition

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    We analyze an interaction between a firm’s choice of organizational structure and competition in the product-market. Two organizational structures are considered, namely a centralized-organization, whereby formal authority is retained by a principal, and a decentralized-organization, whereby formal authority is delegated to an agent. We show that the choice of organizational structure hinges on a trade-off between operating-profit and managerial effort. The principal may prefer to choose an organizational structure that generates lower operating-profit to motivate the agent to work hard. The choice of organizational structure may also determine whether the rival is active in the market or forced to exit the market.Formal and Real Authority, Delegation Structure, Product Market Competition

    Organizational stressors associated with job stress and burnout in correctional officers: a systematic review.

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    BackgroundIn adult correctional facilities, correctional officers (COs) are responsible for the safety and security of the facility in addition to aiding in offender rehabilitation and preventing recidivism. COs experience higher rates of job stress and burnout that stem from organizational stressors, leading to negative outcomes for not only the CO but the organization as well. Effective interventions could aim at targeting organizational stressors in order to reduce these negative outcomes as well as COs' job stress and burnout. This paper fills a gap in the organizational stress literature among COs by systematically reviewing the relationship between organizational stressors and CO stress and burnout in adult correctional facilities. In doing so, the present review identifies areas that organizational interventions can target in order to reduce CO job stress and burnout.MethodsA systematic search of the literature was conducted using Medline, PsycINFO, Criminal Justice Abstracts, and Sociological Abstracts. All retrieved articles were independently screened based on criteria developed a priori. All included articles underwent quality assessment. Organizational stressors were categorized according to Cooper and Marshall's (1976) model of job stress.ResultsThe systematic review yielded 8 studies that met all inclusion and quality assessment criteria. The five categories of organizational stressors among correctional officers are: stressors intrinsic to the job, role in the organization, rewards at work, supervisory relationships at work and the organizational structure and climate. The organizational structure and climate was demonstrated to have the most consistent relationship with CO job stress and burnout.ConclusionsThe results of this review indicate that the organizational structure and climate of correctional institutions has the most consistent relationship with COs' job stress and burnout. Limitations of the studies reviewed include the cross-sectional design and the use of varying measures for organizational stressors. The results of this review indicate that interventions should aim to improve the organizational structure and climate of the correctional facility by improving communication between management and COs

    Environmental Liability and Organizational Structure

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    This paper presents a multitask principal-agent model to examine how environmental liability rules for individual managers within a corporate hierarchy affect, on the one hand, the incentive schemes the organization provides and, on the other hand, the choice between a functional or a product-based organizational structure. If managers are risk neutral, a product-based organization dominates a functional organization and allows to obtain first-best effort level. If, moreover, there are no diseconomies of span, both organizational forms are equivalent. It is also shown that for the dominant function, effort levels are higher in a product-based organization than in a functional one. With risk averse managers, no organizational structure dominates the other in general, but we are able to identify under which conditions it does not matter who is held liable for environmental damages.contracts, liability, firm structure, principal-agent

    Market Structure, Organizational Structure, and R&D Diversity

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    We examine the effects of market structure and the internal organization of firms on equilibrium R&D projects. We compare a monopolist's choice of R&D portfolio to that of a welfare maximizer. We next show that Sah and Stiglitz's finding that the market portfolio of R&D is independent of the number of firms under Bertrand competition extends to neither Cournot oligopoly nor a cartel. We also show that the ability of firms to pre-empt R&D by rivals along particular research paths can lead to socially excessive R&D diversification. Lastly, using Sah and Stiglitz's definition of hierarchy, we establish conditions under which larger hierarchies invest in smaller portfolios.

    A Task-Based Approach to Organization: Knowledge, Communication and Structure

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    We bridge a gap between organizational economics and strategy research by developing a task-based approach to analyze organizational knowledge, process and structure, and deriving testable implications for the relation between production and organizational structure. We argue that organization emerges to integrate disperse knowledge and to coordinate talent in production and is designed to complement the limitations of human ability. The complexity of the tasks undertaken determines the optimal level of knowledge acquisition and talent. The relations between tasks, namely, complementarities or substitutabilities and synergies, determine the allocation of knowledge among members of the organization. Communication shapes the relation between individual talent, and governs the organizational process and structure that integrates disperse knowledge to perform tasks more efficiently. Organization structure can also be deliberately designed ex ante to correct bias of individual judgement, the extent to which is dependent on the attributes of tasks. Organization process and the routinized organizational structure are the core of organizational capital, which generates rent and sustains organizational growth. This task-based approach enriches the existing body of organization studies, in particular the knowledge-based theory of the firm and the dynamic capabilities theory.task-based approach, complementarities, tacit knowledge, codifiable knowledge, code,vertical communication, horizontal communication, organizational architecture, decision bias

    ANALISIS KEBIJAKAN PENYEDERHANAAN STRUKTUR ORGANISASI PADA LINGKUP PEMERINTAH DAERAH (Studi Pada Unit Politik Hukum Keamanan dan Pemerintah Daerah Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi)

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    The purpose of this research is to see how the process of simplifying the organizational structure in the Provincial Government. The background of this study is that researchers found several administrative obstacles in the process of simplifying the organizational structure within the scope of the Provincial Regional Government. In addition, the process of simplifying the organizational structure carried out by the Regional Government is adjust to the President’s direction to carry out cuts in the bureaucracy and simplify the organizational structure within the scope of the Regional Government into two levels to make it more effective and flexible. The method used in this research uses qualitative research. The process and data collection techniques in this research are carried out by going directly to the field to obtain information through informants contained in this study are Assistant Deputy for Institutional and Management of Politics, Law, Security, and Local Government of KemenPANRB, Staff of The KemenPANRB Regional Government Polhukam Unit, and Data Processing Staff of the East Java Provincial Organization Bureau. The results obtained from this study indicate that the efforts made by KemenPANRB together with Kemendagri in carrying out the process of simplifying the organizational structure in local governments have been successfully implemented up to two levels, namely cutting echelon III, echelon IV and being transferred to functional positions. However, when examined more deeply in the process of simplifying the organizational structure, they are inhibiting factors that affect the simplification process, where there are still many misunderstandings from the existing apparatus, as well as the time given in the simplification process which is considered too short. Therefore, it is hoped that all Local Governments can maximize the process contained in simplification, and can build communication and cooperation between fellow work units

    Improving Organizations by Replacing the "Mechanical" Model with the "Organic" one

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    Organizations are currently viewed as artificial structures. However, in our opinion, organizations seem to match a biological structure much better. This paper explores this new approach with some interesting conclusions and results: organizations aim at perpetual exis-tence and continuous adaptation. We advance the ideas of organizational "instincts", organizational pathology and organizational optimization using genetic algorithms. In competitive markets, organizations are in a natural selection process, which actually is part of a natural genetic algorithm. This process may be simulated in an artificial multidisciplinary optimization environment, based on minimizing a Total Costs and Risks objective function. Unlike the gradient optimization methods, the genetic algorithms may be applied to such problems with thousands of degrees of freedom. This opens the way to the organizational structure optimization through genetic algorithms.organization, genetic algorithms, multidisciplinary optimization, organizational analysis, organizational structure